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Ahmadullah Siddiqui and family

Khaja Ahmadullah Siddiqui
Ahmad is the son of Khaja Azamullah Siddiqui and Zahida Begum (may Allah have Mercy on them both). His mother was the sister of Kazi Abdur Rasheed's mother. Ahmad was born on September 25, 1950 in Hyderabad, Deccan (India). He graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (I.I.T.). After graduation, he moved to Saudi Arabia, where he joined Rajab & Silsilah Company in Riyadh as the Manager for their Mechanical Workshop.
Ahmad married Zunaira on February 1, 1980 at the Al-Hamra Hall, Karachi, Pakistan. They continued to live in Riyadh until 1981, when they obtained the USA immigration, and moved to New York. Ahmad joined Syracuse University and completed his Masters in Industrial Engineering.
After completing his education in the USA, Ahmad decided to start his own business rather than to work for someone else. The two businesses that seemed to attract him were moteling and automotive repair workshop. He moved to Daytona Beach in Florida and got involved in both of these businesses for almost a decade and a half.
In 1997, Ahmad finally gave up on all of his businesses, and moved to Orlando, where he now works as a star automobile salesman.
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Zunaira Siddiqui
Zunaira is the second daughter and the fifth child of Kazi Abdur Rasheed (r) and Muneerunnisa Begum (r). She was named Zunaira Sultana. She presently lives in Orlando, Florida, USA, and is married to Khaja Ahmadullah Siddiqui. They have three children: Zehra, Mustafa and Fatima.
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Zehra Siddiqui
Zehra is Ahmad and Zunaira's eldest child. She was born in New York city (in the Bronx) on February 6, 1982.

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Mustafa Siddiqui
Mustafa is the second child and the only son of Ahmad and Zunaira. He was born on January 29, 1983 in New York city

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Fatima Siddiqui
Fatima is the baby of the family. She was born on July 2, 1987 at Daytona Beach, Florida.

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