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Kazi Abdul Muktadir and family

Kazi Abdul Muktadir
Born on 19 February 1957, Kazi Abdul Muktadir is the fourth son and the sixth child of Kazi Abdur Rasheed and Muneerunnisa Begum. He presently lives in Karachi. He was married to Durdana (died 1 August 2001), and has four children from her: Maryam, Kulsoom, Abdur Rafay and Ahmed Abdullah.
Subsequently, he married Mehrunnisa, through whom he as one son Umar.
Kazi Abdul Muktadir is an Agricultural Engineer by education, having graduated from the Macdonald College of McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, in the year 1981. He returned to Karachi, Pakistan in February 1982 when his dear father (may Allah have mercy on him) met with an accident and expired. He joined the Tandojam Agricultural University as a lecturer in the Department of Agricultural Engineering. At the same time, he spent substantial time looking after the ancestral farms (Kazi Farms) in Mirpurkhas, Sind as well.

Kazi Abdul Muktadir returned to Karachi in 1985 to set up an agricultural consultancy firm. In 1988, he was offered a senior position as the Vice President in charge of Agricultural Credit by the Pakistan Banking Council, a body that regulated all banking policy in Pakistan. Later he was promoted to become the Senior Vice President in the organization.

At the beginning of 1997, with the denationalization of banks, the Pakistan Banking Council was disbanded by the government, and Abdul Muktadir was asked to join the State Bank of Pakistan as a Director. Since then, he has risen to be an Executive Director of SBP, and is currently posted as the Managing Director of NIBAF at Islamabad

Maryam Kazi
Born on October 20, 1987 at Karachi, Maryam is the eldest child of Kazi Abdul Muktadir and Durdana.
Kulsoom Kazi
Born on August 26, 1991 at Karachi, Kulsoom is the second child of Kazi Abdul Muktadir and Durdana.
Kazi Abdur Rafay
Born on January 28, 1993 at Karachi, Abdur Rafay is the third child and the eldest son of Kazi Abdul Muktadir and Durdana.
Kazi Ahmed Abdullah
Born on November 6, 1995 at Karachi, Ahmed Abdullah is the fourth child and the second son of Kazi Abdul Muktadir and Durdana.

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