This is the Kazi family homepage

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Our ancestors
belong to the noble and learned Kazi family of Udgir, Qandahar, Parbhani,
and other famous towns west of Hyderabad Deccan,
who descended from Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq(r) - the first khalifa,
through Hazrat Bahauddin Zakariya Multani(r).

Our noble parents were Kazi Abdur Rasheed and Muneerunnisa Begum, may Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala, the Most Merciful, shower them with His Blessings and Mercy, and Grant them a place in the Jannat-ul-Firdaus. We are seven brothers and sisters:

Family Photos:

Here are some photographs of the Kazi family.

1. Kazi Zainul Abedin(r), Kazi Abdur Rasheed(r), Razia Begum(r) and families in 1953
2. Group photograph at Habib's marriage in Karachi in April, 1998