A site dedicated to the appreciation, promotion, and sale of original Artwork. The images displayed, unlike the paintings, are not of a professional quality since I am after all, a complete stranger to the Web and its equally strange languages. Needless to say, these are my early attempts that continue to rely on everyones good humour and patience. On the matter of patience...if like me you are by now already fed-up of waffling text and can't wait to see some of the aforementioned art....just for you, I have produced a thumbnail of my first early attempt at serious art.
Before returning to more of that boring text, this might be a good place to insert a mini index to help those in the scanning fast-track...click on the numbers please.
Page 2 Meet the Family, a landscape, and my favourite portrait.
Page 3 See my portrait of Diana. Princess of Wales and print offer.
Page 4 and 5 are a Gallery of pictures, some of which are thumbnails.
Page 6 The last page containing the most interesting of my prints .
Returning to waffling text does have advantages...it permits me to tell you that the above painting is of our sadly missed Standard Schnauzer dog... a salt & pepper Crufts Champion called König. Over the years I have been fortunate enough to have painted other Champion Dogs. However, I should point-out that I do not specialize in doing animals any more than Landscapes, or People Portraits, or Horses etc. Nevertheless, for all you dog lovers out there...here's another painting of those faithful friends.
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My Welsh home is visible almost exactly within the photograph's golden square. The hills on the right are facing South, and the Rhondda Valleys can be seen in the middle distance. Ours is a small family of two children, a Son-in-Law, a Grandson, a dog called Max and a female dog-in-law called Lilly. The so-called children, a Son and married Daughter are at this time nearer middle age, which I suppose means that I must be quite ancient... indeed I do remember a time when the photographed scene was a tropical forest well favoured by certain of the Dinasaur species. Of course this is long before the Carboniferous age laid down them coal deposits that put these valleys on the money map.
I trust that like me you want to
know something about this waffling person you may, or may not be dealing with... that
being the case... please click on...