Oreo Turkey


1 Oreo cookie (the ones with orange "stuff" are the cutest!)
1 malted milk ball
1 chocolate covered raisin
1 red hot
6 candy corn
chocolate frosting


Open cookie VERY carefully, so all the "stuff" stays on one side. (DON'T LICK IT!!)

This side becomes the base. Lay it down with the "stuff" facing up.

Put a little dab of frosting on the malted ball and stick it in the center of the base.

Spread frosting on the naked cookie. Arrange the candy corn around the edge with the points toward the center. The fat ends of the corn should extend past the edge of the cookie. These are the tail feathers.

Now stand that cookie on edge against the malted ball. (Make sure the tail feathers are at the top, facing the malted ball.)

Using the frosting, glue the chocolate covered raisin on in the appropriate place for a head. Glue the red hot on for a wattle.


GOBBLE it up!

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