
Our Guestbook

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Cheryl Curtis - 12/20/00 13:12:21
My Email:bcdj@ymg.urban.ne.jp
Are you a Girl Scout?: brownie leader
How did you find this page?: surfing

Hello I tried sending you an e-mail but it was returned. My mother is from carencro but she has passed away but my sister still lives there. I live there for 1 year in 1995. Now I live in japan and have been a girl scout leader for 3yrs. First daisy now brownies. Just wanted to say hello and write back if you wish. cheryl

Cheryl Curtis - 12/20/00 11:32:53
My Email:bcdj@ymg.urban.ne.jp
Are you a Girl Scout?: Leader
How did you find this page?: surfing
Did the links work?: yes

just passing by thanks for a wonderful site.

JMCNAMARA - 12/12/00 18:33:02
Are you a Girl Scout?: YES
How did you find this page?: LINKED THROUGH SWAPS
Did the links work?: YES


JMCNAMARA - 12/12/00 18:32:57
Are you a Girl Scout?: YES
How did you find this page?: LINKED THROUGH SWAPS
Did the links work?: YES


Dawn Hafer - 11/29/00 18:45:52
My Email:haferdog@apci.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find this page?: altavista
Did the links work?: some

Thanks for some great ideas!

W.V.N. Jones - 11/20/00 02:19:34
My URL:http://www.whatsnstore.com
My Email:whip@whatsnstore.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: No
How did you find this page?: Google.com
Did the links work?: Yes

I need someone to help me. My wife lost her National Center West Pin from Ten Sleep, Wyoming. I would be willing to buy one to replace her pin (as a suprise Christmas gift) Please e-mail me if you have one, she has described it as having a cowboy like drawing???? Maybe I am describing it wrong. Please Help Me. Thank Y

sharon - 11/17/00 10:15:30
My Email:twin299@netscape.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find this page?: Surfing!
Did the links work?: Yes

Ohhhh I like it. Printed a ton. Really liked the shirt.

Heidi - 11/14/00 03:59:44
My URL:http://bridgecreekgirlscouts.homestead.com
My Email:W_heidi@hotmail.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Leader
How did you find this page?: sooner site
Did the links work?: yes

Hi Pinky, Keep up the great job. I love the Turkeys, and all the swaps. Heidi-Troop #397 & #398

Lisa - 11/09/00 22:34:38
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes, a cadette
How did you find this page?: a friend
Did the links work?: yas, well


Kim Ferguson - 11/07/00 03:52:28
My Email:dferguson@tnns.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find this page?: service unit meeting
Did the links work?: yes

I'm also a brownie troop leader, Troop#1612 of Cumberland Valley. We are located in Fayetteville Tn. I found you page to be very creative and helpful with suggestions. Great Job! Thanks Kim

Koki Horner - 11/02/00 15:54:31
My Email:bioncmouth@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find this page?: links
Did the links work?: yes

I was trying to find my service unit and stumbled upon you pages. They are terrific! Thanks for the ideas, I printed several.

Michelle Gray - 10/28/00 11:35:29
My Email:shellebelle66@hotmail.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yep 8 years as a girl and now my 8th year as a leader
How did you find this page?: surfing the web for ceremony ideas
Did the links work?: no the one to sooner council did not

Loved it...I have cadettes this year. I can't wait to show them the swap ideas..They will love them

Kathleen Blackstone - 10/24/00 16:52:58
My Email:krbs35@yahoo.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: I am a GS Leader
How did you find this page?: A Link
Did the links work?: Yes

This site is really cool. Did you do this yourself or did you have help? And where did you find all the neat pictures throughout the page? Thank you for having this out there for people like me to look at.

Kathleen Blackstone - 10/24/00 16:52:46
My Email:krbs35@yahoo.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: I am a GS Leader
How did you find this page?: A Link
Did the links work?: Yes

This site is really cool. Did you do this yourself or did you have help? And where did you find all the neat pictures throughout the page? Thank you for having this out there for people like me to look at.

Nancy Stahler - 10/19/00 15:48:18
My Email:rangonancy@hotmail.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: leader for 5 yrs
How did you find this page?: scoutinglinks.com
Did the links work?: yes

I got a lot of great swap ideas. Thanks a lot. I also copied your favorite sites so i can use them later.

FRANCINE DROPINSKI - 10/19/00 03:56:14
My Email:CSF123@ctaz.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: co-leader
How did you find this page?: through locate.com
Did the links work?: yes

great site, very cute, good ideas

Justine Kody - 10/16/00 15:06:10
My Email:obsession122@hotmail.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: I'm a Leader
How did you find this page?: search
Did the links work?: yes

You have a lot of ideas and my Brownies will be flying up this year and I liked the ceremonies information you had. Thank you Justine Kody, Brownie Troop #589

brenda - 10/13/00 02:32:07
My Email:babbs@mwisp.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: leader
How did you find this page?: web ring
Did the links work?: most

im a new leader for brownies this page has been the most helpful of all the pages ive found ,, i will be coming back frequently for more help and ideas as the months go by

Elaine - 10/12/00 02:40:43
My Email:merkl.eja@erols.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: 35 yrs as girl & adult
How did you find this page?: looking for info on swaps
Did the links work?: yes

Your site is real cute and informative. I am trying to get a site for our Service Unit and then our older girls planning board called GEMS. This means Girls Enjoying Membership in GS.

Phoebe Engle - 10/12/00 02:34:01
Are you a Girl Scout?: Not a leader this year
How did you find this page?: links
Did the links work?: yes

I'm the Service Unit Coordinator, this is my first year without a troop (they have graduated!) in 14 years! I do alot with the troops, plus swap and scrap craft workshops. You have a great site, lots of awesome ideas! Will keep checking in!

Carolyn Winans - 10/11/00 02:54:04
My Email:cakony@optonline.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: Leader
How did you find this page?: Surfing
Did the links work?: Yes

I loved it!!!!

Marigail Watterud - 10/10/00 15:09:18
My Email:mgh20rud@yahoo.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Brownie Leader-1st year
How did you find this page?: search
Did the links work?: yes

I enjoyed your site very much. I will return many times for sure. This is my 1st year as a leader. I helped last year with my daughter's Daisy group. Now the real thing. Thank you for your ideas.

cathey carrington - 10/10/00 02:19:17
My Email:carr1228@bellsouth,=.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find this page?: scoutinglinks
Did the links work?: yes

this is a great page

Hayley Powell - 10/07/00 05:46:51
My Email:mhpowell@citlink.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: co-leader
How did you find this page?: altavista search
Did the links work?: not all

I am a brand new co-leader and Brownie mom. Thanks for the ideas.

sandra annonio - 10/05/00 14:05:26
My Email:sannonio@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: leader of brownie troop
How did you find this page?: search on about.com
Did the links work?: still have to try...

Thanks for all the great ideas....we are always looking for fun things to do with our troop. I think we will try the T-shirts...

Cheryl W. - 10/03/00 17:50:24
My Email:just_caws@juno.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Jr. Leader
How did you find this page?: SoonerCouncil Link
Did the links work?: Pretty well

Really enjoyed your page and info on SWAPS, Thank you.

Juanita Johnson - 09/28/00 20:50:15
Are you a Girl Scout?: assistant leader
How did you find this page?: browsing

I am so glad I found your site. This is my first year as a leader and with our girls bridging to Juniors, your info on bridging will be helpful. Thanks!!!!! Tiak Council Wilburton Troop 58

B. Lane - 09/25/00 02:06:27
My Email:Pikachu111222@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: no, a leader
How did you find this page?: snooping around on the web
Did the links work?: do not know yet

I am a new Brownie leader this year and i am kind of nervous about working with girls. It is all so new and I am afraid i don't know what to do. I really appreciate that you took the time for this site to help other leaders like me.

donna - 09/24/00 03:11:57
Are you a Girl Scout?: 2nd grade brownie leader
How did you find this page?: surfing
Did the links work?: yes

I LOVED all your ideas. The ceremonies were nice and simple and different. Do you have any ideas for different try-its?

Angel Miller - 09/23/00 16:55:40
My Email:surfgirl61920@yahoo.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find this page?: scoutinglinks
Did the links work?: yes

I'm a brand new leader. Your site has a lot of great ideas. Thank you.

Sue H. - 09/19/00 13:45:19
My Email:rsjhon@concentric.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: leader in training
How did you find this page?: another link
Did the links work?: yes.

Continue doing what you do! Looking for easy to do in 1-1/2 hour crafts for Thanksgiving, Christmas/Kwanza/Hanukah (got to represent everyone!)Any suggestions? Don't give out my E-mail address, no matter how much you want to!

Nellie Conway - 09/18/00 07:36:44
My Email:nelkencw@brightok.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: I am a Leader
How did you find this page?: Looking for activities for my girls
Did the links work?: yes

Enjoyed your site thanks. Hey if anyone has any suggestions for me I would welcome them I was a first time Brownie Leader last year with only 5 girls, This year I have 15 girls and it is a group of girls from Daisy's to Juniors HELP ME PLEASE

Deb Reever - 09/17/00 04:12:38
My Email:debrree@webtv.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: A Junior Leader
How did you find this page?: browsing
Did the links work?: yes

What a great uplifting site! You did a great job. I especially love the swaps section, I'm always looking for swap ideas. Thank you very much.

- 09/15/00 04:53:45


Julia Alonzo - 09/15/00 01:52:57
My Email:julzmagic626@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: New assistant leader, cadettes
How did you find this page?: browsing
Did the links work?: yes

If you have ideas, or help to offer for my cadette troop it will be greatly appreciated, thank you

Leah Salisbury - 09/13/00 02:35:28
Are you a Girl Scout?: Yes
How did you find this page?: Girl Scout Swaps

This is the cutest web site I have found in a long time. I'll be sure to pass this on at our next Service Unit meeting. Great work!

Maggie Siebeneichen - 09/10/00 18:31:07
My Email:von7oaks@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Yes
How did you find this page?: surfing the web


shelby havard - 09/09/00 03:41:35
Are you a Girl Scout?: leader
How did you find this page?: SEARCHING FOR SWAPS


kerry langstaff - 09/08/00 23:49:46
My Email:kerry@lanset.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Leader
How did you find this page?: askjeeves.com
Did the links work?: yes

Thanks for your great ideas. I used some of them last year with my Daisy troop and will try more this year now that we are Brownies!

Tammy - 09/06/00 13:58:26
My Email:tlpackert@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: future GSBrownie mom
How did you find this page?: searched "brownie leaders"
Did the links work?: Sooner Council?

Dropped in looking for inspiration. Our future troop has no leader. (Lots of willing help,though)Looking for sites to boost my asprirations to take on a most rewarding experience. Thank You for the ideas you are sharing.

Sonya Hubbard - 09/04/00 18:57:19
My Email:honeybean62@hotmail.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Junior co-leader
How did you find this page?: scoutinglinks.com
Did the links work?: yes

A really nice site! Congratulations.

Tracy Williams - 09/03/00 22:14:47
My Email:etmlj@telusplanet.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: Girl Guide Guider
How did you find this page?: Guiding newsletter
Did the links work?: yes!!

Great site, keep up the good work!

Karen - 09/01/00 19:18:31
My Email:cvollon@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find this page?: search
Did the links work?: yes

This is a great site! I am a leader in Pasadena, CA and loved your ideas, and appreciate your sharing with us all.

Laura Blanchard - 08/31/00 22:09:47
My Email:laurablanchard@yahoo.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: brownie leader
How did you find this page?: sheer luck
Did the links work?: every time

Thank you so much for your web site. I am a new leader of a new troop and we need all the help we can get. I wasn't in Girl Scouts as a child, therefore, I have nothing to refer back on. I have alot of ideas to get us stated now and plan on visiting yo r web page often.

Angela White - 08/31/00 20:47:37
My Email:arwnsw@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: 1 Yr. Brownie Leader
How did you find this page?: Browsing
Did the links work?: yes

Thanks alot for the swaps section. As a new leader I needed something to jump start the creative process. This was great!

Cindy A. Alsheimer - 08/31/00 05:25:05
My Email:cindall1@juno.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Brownie Troop Leader
How did you find this page?: Lyco's & Michelle @ shltro
Did the links work?: yes

We are a newly formed Brownie Troop in upstate New York with about 12 Brownies. We are looking forward to a fun-filled, lots of learning, Try-Its, Trips, Parties, Camping kind of year. Love your website. Nice job! Cindy

Tammy Mann - 08/30/00 07:28:01
My Email:tmannrn@hotmail.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Girl Scout Leader x2
How did you find this page?: surfing
Did the links work?: yes

Great Site!!!

Lissa Adamczyk - 08/27/00 01:54:45
My Email:standfirm1@Yahoo.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: leader
How did you find this page?: just looking
Did the links work?: yes

great web page, thank you for all your time. I will be back!!!

Veta Johanson - 08/25/00 00:12:34
Are you a Girl Scout?: Brownie Leader 1st grade

hi! enjoyed visiting your page. new troop leader out to look for the unknown.

Deborah - 08/24/00 03:04:59
My Email:pucksworld@msn.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes, Leader
How did you find this page?: surfing for G.S. info
Did the links work?: yes

I am a Leader of 12 Br, 9 Jr, and #Cd. I am also a Council Trainer, Programs Director and many other roles. I loved your site and will share it with others. Thank you for sharing with all of us and for all your hard work. Sister Scout of 12 yrs.

Carol Bouchard - 08/22/00 00:20:11
My URL:http://cbouc89896@aol.com
My Email:cbouc89896@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find this page?: though about .com
Did the links work?: yes


Donna Russo - 08/18/00 12:29:16
My Email:DERuss5@prodigy.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find this page?: info given to me from another Girl Scout
Did the links work?: yes

Do you have a booklet of the cermony ideas and crafts that you spoke about? I don't have much time to spend on the computer and I would love to purchase such a booklet if it is available. Please let me know. Thank You Donna Russo Troop 1003 / Membership Developer

Deb Elliott - 08/18/00 00:11:56
My URL:/Heartland/River/4735
My Email:janddelliot@mindspring.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes, Mom and leader
Did the links work?: yes

Love your tie dye method....my 3rd grade Brownies will be trying this in 2 weeks! Yours look great thanks for posting it on the web site. May I post it on mine and give you credit? Thanks

vall - 08/14/00 06:25:44
Are you a Girl Scout?: Brownie Guider in U.K
How did you find this page?: Surfing

Excellent site, I will return again - if I can. New P.C user!

regina thompson - 08/11/00 21:41:53
My Email:reginaraethompson@yahoo.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Junior leader
How did you find this page?: Sooner council website
Did the links work?: yes

I am just starting my third year as a leader in Norman, Ok. I have 1st year Juniors. We are always looking for new ideas for SWAPS. I would like more information about forming troops into patrols and roles of troop government at Junior leval.Thanks Great website!

regina thompson - 08/11/00 21:40:09
My Email:reginaraethompson@yahoo.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Junior leader
How did you find this page?: Sooner council website
Did the links work?: yeas

I am just starting my third year as a leader in Norman, Ok. I have 1st year Juniors. We are always looking for new ideas for SWAPS. I would like more information forming troop into patrols and roles of troop government at Junior leval.Thanks Great website!

angie lee - 07/20/00 03:04:46
My Email:arlee@dc1.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: leader
How did you find this page?: by accident
Did the links work?: yes


Jane Carvajal - 07/17/00 15:02:44
My Email:jlcarvajal@msn.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Leader
How did you find this page?: Sooner Council Site
Did the links work?: Yes


Brenda Mayo - 07/13/00 00:07:45
My Email:mbgmayo@ev1.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: Yes-leader
How did you find this page?: searching on Lycos
Did the links work?: Yes

Thanks for the help!! It is great to find helps when being a leader. Thanks and keep up the good work- brenda

Charolette - 07/09/00 02:08:43
My URL:http://www.1800partyconsultant.com/21048
My Email:ccwed@swbell.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find this page?: surfing
Did the links work?: yes!

Great page. Very helpful information. Just one question...how do you have the time to do this?! Thanks for all the info.

Terry Gallarzo - 06/27/00 17:29:15
My Email:Gallarzo@prodigy.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: Yes,Leader
How did you find this page?: girl scout web site
Did the links work?: Yes

I'm a frist time girlscout leader and I'm going to love this page I need all the help and ideas I can get thank you.

Terry Gallarzo - 06/27/00 17:25:31
My Email:Gallarzo@prodigy.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: Yes,Leader
How did you find this page?: girl scout web site
Did the links work?: Yes

I'm a frist time girlscout leader and I'm going to love this page I need all the help and ideas I can get thank you.

Lisa Bell - 06/12/00 17:36:51
My Email:dbell@pdq.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: Brownie Leader
How did you find this page?: Who are Brownie GS?
Did the links work?: Yes


Kris Breckon - 06/07/00 19:31:44
My Email:breckon@gallatinriver.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: Leader
How did you find this page?: search for "brownies"

Truly enjoyed your page and borrowed some ideas!

Christine - 06/07/00 15:02:29
My Email:dwcb@tx.freei.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: Mom
How did you find this page?: searching for swaps
Did the links work?: yes

Hello fellow Girl Scouts I was out looking for swaps for summer camp and came across this page. I found alot of good ideas. This is my first time at camp and would like some additional idea's for my troop. Please e-mail me Thanks Christine Troop 2161

marissa - 06/06/00 18:56:51
My Email:andyjanz@aol.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find this page?: a friend
Did the links work?: yes

i love girl scouts !!!!!!!!!!

marissa janz - 06/06/00 18:53:57
My Email:andyjanz@prodigy.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find this page?: friend
Did the links work?: ?????


Lynn - 05/28/00 23:13:19
My Email:lachaput@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes - Leader
How did you find this page?: Through one of the e-groups I belong to.
Did the links work?: yes

Very nice site. I have it bookmarked for future use. Keep up the good work! Lynn

GUMP - 05/26/00 01:19:53
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes,a leader and area chair
How did you find this page?: looked up swaps
Did the links work?: yes


Phoebe - 05/24/00 17:13:43
My Email:pengle@bellsouth.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find this page?: from another link
Did the links work?: yes

Super! Lots of great ideas! I do swap workshops, so I defienetely will tell people to visit your site. I am co Service Unit coordinator and will be working with some Brownie troops in the fall, you have lots of cool info to share. Anyone else from GirlSco ts of Citrus Council out there?

Lee Wall - 05/15/00 01:31:47
My Email:michellewall@prodigy.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: girl scout leader
How did you find this page?: from another girl scout site
Did the links work?: yes

I copied your t shirt instructions and your girl scout recipe. Great site.

Barbara Lucente - 05/15/00 01:24:23
My Email:nicolesmom@excite.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Yes
How did you find this page?: WAGGGS chat room
Did the links work?: yes

You've done a great job. Thank you so much. I live in northern California. We are in Girls Scouts of Tierra del Oro (Sacramento area). My SU is Northern Mines Girl Scouts. I live in Grass Valley. I am a service team member (registrar). I am a member of the teams that put on camping events in o r SU. I also make 150 green angels (15 years) for our adult volunteers in our SU. Barbara

Adrianna Lewis - 05/14/00 20:25:45
My Email:gspenny@look.ca
Are you a Girl Scout?: brownie
How did you find this page?: search
Did the links work?: yes


Adrianna Lewis - 05/14/00 20:23:56


Lynn Bailey - 05/14/00 16:53:29
My Email:GSLynn@CS.Com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Cadette Leader
How did you find this page?: WAGGGS-L List
Did the links work?: Yes

Got alot of ideas (especially the T-shirt!) for my Cadettes to do when we restart in the Fall. THANKS FOR SHARING!!

Elaine Royer - 05/14/00 12:31:44
My Email:emroyer@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: GS Adult
How did you find this page?: From a WAGGGS-L Post
Did the links work?: Yes

Great page. Do you have any ideas for SWAPS for a Hawaian Luau Theme? The only one I can think of is to pucnh flower shapes from fun foam and string onheavy (chrochet thread) to make lei . Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated as that is a theme we are following for an upcoming training day that will include a SWAPS workshop. I am a Trainer, SUD and Lifetime member with over 20 years in GS. Again GREAT PAGE. I would like to do a web page for my service unit, but at this point it is still wishful thinking!

Renee Brown - 05/13/00 13:05:29
My Email:LBrown6402@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Leader
How did you find this page?: scouting liks.com
Did the links work?: Yes

What a wonderful site. Came looking for some swap ideas and came away with several neat things to do with my troop when we resume in the fall. 5-13-00

- 05/09/00 20:29:53


Wishbone (a.k.a. jennifer folmar) - 05/05/00 00:20:59
My Email:violachicklet@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yessirree!
How did you find this page?: off of the Sooner Council page
Did the links work?: the holiday link on the ettiquite page didn't.

I like it!!! :-)

- 05/03/00 20:01:06


Betsy Leeper - 05/03/00 18:43:47
My Email:Camperstamper@hotmail.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes, 15 years
How did you find this page?: While looking for swaps


Lynette - 05/03/00 16:53:44
My Email:lryals@schemmer.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find this page?: Surfed on in
Did the links work?: yes

Great site. I was just looking for ideas for my first grade Brownies when I found your site. We plan to do troop t-shirts in the fall and I just loved your idea. Thanks.

Julie Leimbach - 05/01/00 19:12:18
My Email:julie@lindys.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Leader
How did you find this page?: Training on swaps
Did the links work?: Yes

I learned about swaps at Feather River Conference. I am from Sierra Nevada Council. I am going to propose that we meet with all troops interested every to months for a swaps party! Can't wait to get the girls reaction! Thanks you have don a great deal of work. I appreciate it!

KIM DAVIS - 04/28/00 19:59:11
My Email:davis_kim_2000@yahoo.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: troop leader
How did you find this page?: many hours of searching the internet
Did the links work?: yes!


Jane Garnett - 04/27/00 23:41:42
My Email:daveg@roanoke.infi.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes, leader
How did you find this page?: surfing
Did the links work?: yes

love your website, especially the SWAPS. We are planning a Cadette round-up in the fall and will use some of the ideas. I have 10 cadettes, working on their silver, We're very active and have a great time.

Beth - 04/27/00 15:19:21
My Email:GangidineS@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Leader
How did you find this page?: surfing
Did the links work?: yes

This site was so informational. I love the section for the ceremonies. I will be doing a bridging ceremony. It is such a colorful and means so much to my girs too. Beth

Patty Risi - 04/26/00 16:50:13
My Email:risi92111@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Leader 1st yr Brownies
How did you find this page?: link from somewhere

I've been looking everywhere for the Kiss Rosebud! I was so glad you had directions. I was so excited I forwarded the directions to two of my sisters who are also scout leaders. We will try your tie dye T-shirts, also.

Mari Corson - 04/25/00 00:06:12
Are you a Girl Scout?: leader!
How did you find this page?: through a swaps link
Did the links work?: yes

Hi Pinky, Very enjoyable site! Thanks! Mari

virginia schambron - 04/21/00 16:53:56
My Email:vsblaz@yahoo.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: assistant to a troop
How did you find this page?: browsing
Did the links work?: most of them

Enjoyed this page. Had some goog ideas.

Martha Brooks - 04/19/00 14:02:59
My Email:brooksm@aetna.com or mb1hct@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Yes!
How did you find this page?: Searching around
Did the links work?: Not the SWAPS link

Love your page!! Lots of great ideas!

Marion sundberg - 04/14/00 22:22:08
My Email:bunnkins@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: For may years!
How did you find this page?: I don't rmemeber!
Did the links work?: Good

I can't remember when or why I bookmarked you site but thought it was ironic that the first thing I went to look at were you darling troop t's! Our troop did the same exact thing (even down to the die cut flowers) except we mixed 2 colors when spraying! I know I didn't get the idea from your site but love how you did yours! I think we may have a winner for next year already! Great site! Thanks:)

sheila - 04/13/00 13:22:40
My Email:ptimmins@globalbiz.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: A leader
How did you find this page?: Planning a ceremony for my service unit

Great page. My troop is just now setting up a web page, (not ready yet) and I was looking for other ideas that other troops had done.

Diana Overhouse - 04/11/00 04:25:23
My Email:LadyOvrhse@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Yes


- 03/26/00 07:37:10


Jennifer "J.J." Jarvis - 03/26/00 07:13:49
My Email:lovecamp@yahoo.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes, of almost 18 years, I think
How did you find this page?: SGSC web page
Did the links work?: the ones that I looked at.

This is a very nice web page. To let you know a little about myself, I am 23 years old and a SGSC resident camp staff member of 6 years this summer and a Troop Camp Trainer. I am goiong to school at Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, Texas (the Dallas Cowboys Spring Traini g camp), but my parents live in Lawton.

Miss Jill - 03/24/00 02:10:59
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find this page?: surfing the net
Did the links work?: yes

very nice. thank you for all your hard work.

jackie - 03/24/00 00:29:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/jackielantern00/main.html
My Email:jackielantern00@yahoo.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Brownie
How did you find this page?: scouting links
Did the links work?: yes

My mom and I really enjoyed your website. Love the oreo turkey idea. I am 7 1/2 years old. I am in the Heart of Florida Council. Is anyone interested in trading with me? Please visit my website or my troop site. http://www.geocities.com/bt329/main.h ml

BONITA - 03/22/00 22:47:51
My Email:brownb@SILL.ARMY.MIL
Are you a Girl Scout?: NO
How did you find this page?: BY ACCIDENT
Did the links work?: NO


Lynn - 03/21/00 20:12:07
My Email:lynn@noldt.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Yes
How did you find this page?: by accident
Did the links work?: yes

You did a great job and thanks for sharing you wonderful Ideas!

Hearts of Gold Girl Scout Clown Troop - 03/21/00 07:20:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/enchantedforest/creek/8441
My Email:gsclowns@yahoo.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find this page?: scouting links
Did the links work?: yes

What a great site. Thanks for all of your valuable information. Please come and visit us sometime. Bump a Nose! *<:o} Jingles, Leader Troop 1056

Lisa Han - 03/19/00 14:13:51
My Email:han4@catsrule.garfield.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: leader of Daisies & 2nd grade Brownies
How did you find this page?: surfing gsusa site
Did the links work?: haven't tried yet

You have a really cool web page, I definitely will visit again, keep up the great work!!! Girl Scouts Rule!!!

T. Clown - 03/18/00 20:17:12
My Email:tdburk@flash.net

Pinky needs to have an actual photo of herself on this page! It would be sooooo cooool! Big T.

Stephanie Hartzell - 03/18/00 02:20:36
My Email:hartzellstephani@hotmail.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes, leader
How did you find this page?: looking for swap ideas
Did the links work?: yes

You have an awesome site here. I am always looking for ideas for my troop. Thanks for taking the time to put this together. Keep up the good work...

Erin Duggan - 03/17/00 22:19:37
My Email:EEDug@webtv.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: Yes, a last yr. Cadette, I'll bridge up to Senior Scout this next school year.
How did you find this page?: My troop leader sent it to all of the girls in our troop so that we could get SWAP ideas for a GS Rendevouz that we are going to in May
Did the links work?: Yes, all but one, to one to the Holiday SWAPs, this is probably just because the net was busy when I got on


missy - 03/14/00 02:44:01
My Email:browniemom449@yahoo.com or mrsmissy2@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes, brownie leader
How did you find this page?: searched for craft ideas
Did the links work?: yes

wonderful sight, i am always looking for sights of other brownies, and girl scouts, i bookmarked this sight.

Susan Guice - 03/12/00 17:20:15
My Email:susanguice@rcn.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Yes, Jr. Leader
How did you find this page?: Web Link
Did the links work?: Absolutely

Loved your SWAP ideas and am always looking for new ones. We're going to try the Beadie Dragonfly for our Camporee in June. I have 11 Junior level scouts. We love to do crafts and service projects. Your web site is great and is motivating me to learn ow to set one up. Ideas??

Angie Pease - 03/09/00 02:42:37
My Email:bigomotors@trinex.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: Yes
How did you find this page?: From Sooner Council Site
Did the links work?: yes

Really great site. Got a few ideas to start and will be back for more. Keep up the good work!!

Vicki Northcutt - 03/08/00 21:08:25
My Email:presswife@johnnorthcutt.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find this page?: Sooner Council
Did the links work?: yes

You have done an outstanding job. Keep up the good work. I have bookmarked your site and will pass along the url to both of my daughters leaders.

- 03/07/00 15:25:04


Dowie - 03/04/00 21:55:00
My Email:wrmurray@greatnorthern.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: no
How did you find this page?: by accident
Did the links work?: yes

What a nice surprise!!!! It was cute, informative & creative. Lot's of idea's. Made several copies for future projects with little ones. I will check later with you and see what you have come up with....thank you for a FUN visit. Have a :) day.

Andrea - 03/01/00 20:07:17
Are you a Girl Scout?: Yes!
How did you find this page?: Sooner Council link
Did the links work?: Yes

This is GREAT!! Your graphics are exciting(where/how did you do it?)! The content is very informative AND useful! I love the SWAPS ideas! We will be doing those in the very near future!

Jean - 03/01/00 16:35:37
My Email:Jvsumner@cs.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Yes & Daisy leader
How did you find this page?: pure luck!
Did the links work?: yes

I love your page, keep up the good work! I'm sure I will visit you often.

Betty Wagner - 02/28/00 12:44:47
My Email:bjwagne@attglobal.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: Leader of Br. and Jr.
How did you find this page?: Scouting Links
Did the links work?: Yes!

I was very excited when I got to your site! It was most informative, and I was getting ready to approach my Jr. to try a web page, and then move onto the whole troop. Thank you for such a great site, I'm putting it in my favorites to show the girls. Di your girls help with this? How long did it take to complete? Are you continually adding, if so, how often? Thanks again for sharing such great ideas.

Marie Marten - 02/25/00 08:06:44
My Email:marten96@juno.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find this page?: surfing
Did the links work?: yes

I loved all the SWAPS ideas and my troop will get use out of them ! THANK YOU for the ideas. Your web site was really cool and how do I go about getting my own web site for my troop?

Annette Gates - 02/19/00 21:56:31
My Email:BusyMom314@AOL.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Yes,and a 2nd yr. Brownie leader
How did you find this page?: looking for Thinking Day ideas
Did the links work?: yes..found a few ideas

Does anyone have any ideas for "kid friendly" foods from different countries? Our troop is celebrating Thinking Day by "visiting" different countries...and would like to try foods that girls from different countries would most likley eat as snack/treat at their meetings. Great web site! It's been saved to favotites and I plan on visiting often! Thanks!

Karla - 02/19/00 03:15:30
My Email:KJM526@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes, Brownie co-leader
How did you find this page?: surfing for SWAP ideas
Did the links work?: absolutely~~

Spent HOURS looking and "linking". Printed many things to use with our 2nd Grade Brownies and also ceremony ideas for next year! You have ssssooooo many fantastic, practical and useful ideas. Thanks for taking the time to share them with us!! :o) The raphics are terrific ~ would love to know where you got all the cute Brownie clip art from!

Laura Post - 02/18/00 19:51:16
My Email:ljpost@warwick.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: A Brownie Leader
How did you find this page?: web search
Did the links work?: yes


Barbara Cline - 02/10/00 19:45:34
Are you a Girl Scout?: Brownie Troop Leader
How did you find this page?: Troop 74 web page
Did the links work?: yes

Your T-shirt idea looks alot easier than tye dye. Thanks.

Vicki Thurmond - 02/10/00 01:21:53
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find this page?: by a search

I'm a new leader so your ideas were very helpful. Thanks alot!

Tracy Wtson - 02/09/00 17:46:09
My Email:tracywatson@att.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: 1st grade Brownie Leader
How did you find this page?: Search, "Brownie Girl Scout"
Did the links work?: yes

Thanks for the great ideas. I think we will try the troop shirts!

stephanie - 02/09/00 01:20:04
My Email:stephasauras@webtv.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: leader
How did you find this page?: "search"
Did the links work?: yes

verrrrrry nice site. you put a lot of work into this. keep up the good work!! lincoln park, michigan

Anne - 02/08/00 05:08:20
My URL:http://www.execulink.com/~wasflood
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes, a Girl Guide leader
How did you find this page?: the rosebud craft page was recommended
Did the links work?: yes

T H A N K Y O U ! ! ! ! ! Your rosebud craft (with Hershey's kisses) was JUST what we needed for Valentine's day this year! THANK YOU! Anne & the 77th Pathfinders

shirley hurlocker - 02/07/00 15:43:26
My Email:sbhurlocker@vnet.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: leader
How did you find this page?: looking for Thinking day ceremony
Did the links work?: yes


Deb Elliott - 02/03/00 12:50:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/River/4735
My Email:janddelliot@mindspring.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: leader of Brownies
How did you find this page?: some one sent it to me
Did the links work?: yes

I love your swaps page, they are easy and fast just what my 2nd grade Brownies need. Thanks for the ideas.. I will be sure to pass them on! Keep up the good work on your web page...very nice!

Kelly Riley - 02/02/00 18:14:46
My Email:Kelly_riley@rossinc.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes-leader
Did the links work?: yes


chastity - 01/31/00 05:32:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Cabin/8763/main.html
My Email:chastityt@yahoo.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: No I'm a girl scout leader
How did you find this page?: from a swap page
Did the links work?: yes

I love this sight so much I have it bookmarked. Great website!!!

Julie Mankin - 01/27/00 01:09:30
My Email:jmankin@fuse.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: Yes, Brownie Leader
How did you find this page?: Another Brownie Leader
Did the links work?: YES! There GREAT!!

Your site is wonderful! Endless links that help in many ways. Could keep a Brownie Leader up very late at night! I think your hard work has paid off by helping others which is what a Girl Scout does-for life! Way to go!

Laurie Tetreault - 01/24/00 08:20:55
My Email:stetrea611@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Yes, I am a Brownie leader and a Junior Asst. leader
How did you find this page?: Browsing for SWAPS ideas
Did the links work?: Yes!

Wow- your ideas are awesome - I can't thank you enough for all of the inspiring ideas. I am going to tell my friends about your website - thank you!

brecya greinke - 01/24/00 01:15:13
My Email:brecyag@hotmail.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes/leader
How did you find this page?: search-swaps
Did the links work?: yes

thanks for the ideas. they were great!!

Tammie Smith - 01/22/00 18:31:59
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/MemoryLn/sweet-n-sassy1970/index.html
My Email:little_carolina_girl@hotmail.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Daisy co-leader
How did you find this page?: my mom
Did the links work?: yes

Wonderful site!!! Am just learning, in both scouts and website, so this is really helpful.

Della Liu - 01/21/00 16:07:19
My Email:dellal@condorsys.com
How did you find this page?: search and rescue
Did the links work?: big time


Sherry Hatcher - 01/21/00 12:28:47
My Email:tony.hatcher@virgin.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes!!
How did you find this page?: Our neighborhood chairman
Did the links work?: haven't tried yet

Hi! I love your site! I'm a brownie co-leader and we are looking for some SWAP ideas for Thinking Day. Our neiborhoos chairperson found your site and gave it to all of us at our Leader's meeting. It took me longer than I thougt to find it, but now that I ave, I'll bookmark it! Great Job!

Beth Wicker Walters - 01/21/00 03:29:18
My Email:BSWRuralArt@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find this page?: WAGGGS-L list
Did the links work?: yes

Love it! HOW did you do all the artwork and neat sound and motion?!?

Laura Parker - 01/17/00 19:36:04
My Email:laura.l.parker@gm.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find this page?: girlscouts.about.com
Did the links work?: perfectly

You saved me! I was trying to find out some printed information on SWAPS to explain to our cluster for an "all camp-out". Many Thanks!

PAT MOSSER - 01/16/00 15:43:49
My Email:JPMosser@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Leader
How did you find this page?: Swaps
Did the links work?: Yes

I am looking for a beaded safety pin swap with the flag of England on it. Do you have any patterns or know where I can find one.

Mary Woodard - 01/08/00 23:53:51
My URL:http://www.TheFaultline.net8080
My Email:Woodrat@Thefaultine.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find this page?: browsing
Did the links work?: yes

Thank you for your Info. My Co-heart and I are teaching a class on swaps the last weekend on the month here in Monterey Bay, California. Thanks for your good ideas. Great looking site. Wish us luck.

Suzanne DiCarlo - 01/08/00 18:24:22
My Email:vincedc@ix.netcom.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Cadette Leader
How did you find this page?: surfing
Did the links work?: yes

Thanks for the ideas.

Tammie - 01/06/00 02:21:41
My Email:wdunkman@gateway.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: Troop leader
How did you find this page?: web ring
Did the links work?: yes

I think your site is pretty cool. I am a first year leader, I have 1st grade brownies. Who might I add are fantastic. I was looking around for things to do for Thinking Day. Found a lot of cool stuff. Didn't know what a swap was till I visited your site. EAT!!!

Caryn - 01/03/00 00:52:24
My Email:CarynLabow@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Former & New Brownie Leader
How did you find this page?: Searched under Brownie Try-its
Did the links work?: Some

Thank you for creating this as a helpful guide for new leaders like myself. I was very frustrated looking under the official Girl Scout Sites and not being able to complete the links I needed.

NATASCHA LOTICH - 01/02/00 01:25:47
My Email:NURSE12961@AOL.COM
Are you a Girl Scout?: YES
How did you find this page?: SEARCHING FOR PRODJECTS
Did the links work?: YES


Samantha Wilson - 01/01/00 22:25:19
My Email:Sammyjowilson@hotmail.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find this page?: My MOM told me about it!!

this is a really cute website! i am going to do my silver award about swaps and i came here for ideas it helped alot!

Arlene - 12/18/99 03:30:19
My Email:girlscout007@webtv.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: Oh yeh
How did you find this page?: You sent me to it:-)
Did the links work?: yes

You've done your typical great job, Tina. I knew I saw all this in you that night you jumped up to volunteer to be a Daisy Leader !!

Carolyn - 12/02/99 20:02:56
My Email:cgatto@apsa.org
Are you a Girl Scout?: Used to be
How did you find this page?: Your friend mentioned it on Real Food for Real people

Very cute website. I'm only sorry that I found your website too late to make the adorable Oreo Turkeys. Your friend mentioned your website a long time ago but I'm about one month behind reading my recipe ezines! I also have to tell you that I felt a little nostalgic when I read the Girl Scout Promise and Law. I remember it quite clearly from my days as a girl scout long,long ago.

Liz Tarnove - 11/29/99 03:14:24
Are you a Girl Scout?: for life
How did you find this page?: surfing the web
Did the links work?: the ones i tryed

your site is so cool!!! i jut luv it :) " *_* and however elese you say cool describe your site!!! -

sarah - 11/29/99 03:07:11
My Email:etarnove@connectnet.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find this page?: random button
Did the links work?: yah

i luv your cool site!!!!

Carla - 11/27/99 01:20:42
My Email:carla@nwdynamics.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find this page?: cruising the web
Did the links work?: the ones I uses

Out of all the pages I've visited yours was the best in my opinion.

Carol Purgett - 11/26/99 02:46:52
My Email:paul.purgett@bwcomp.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find this page?: by accident
Did the links work?: yes

See email sent

Melody Black - 11/22/99 02:31:46
My Email:melodyblack@mailcity.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Life Member!
How did you find this page?: Surf here...
Did the links work?: yes

Wonderful ideas! I especially liked the painted shirt. We actually tie-dyed some last year... and then had the girls put their handprints on them. Cute shirts but wayyyyy too much work! We will definitely be using your ideas! Will come back to visit again melody

Fran Ghiazza - 11/22/99 01:15:54
My Email:Ghiazza@cs.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Yes
How did you find this page?: It was mentioned by a friend of yours in the Real Food 4 Real People site
Did the links work?: Didn't try them

Lots of great stuff, thanks for sharing! This is one of the better sites I've seen so far for Girl Scouts - I'll be back!

Lori A. Ernst - 11/19/99 00:04:05
My Email:laernst@yahoo.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: A Brownie Leader
How did you find this page?: Searching

Great Ideas! Keep up the good work.

Krystal Campbell - 11/10/99 21:53:48
My Email:kcampbell@faulkner.edu
Are you a Girl Scout?: no
How did you find this page?: a friend of yours recommended it for the chocolate roses
Did the links work?: all but one


Avery Swihart - 11/10/99 21:27:03
My Email:aswihart@pacbell.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find this page?: from Troop 74's swap page
Did the links work?: yes

What a great website! I am a new Brownie Leader and am always looking for new ideas

- 11/09/99 18:21:22


Oma57 - 11/09/99 15:59:11
My Email:Oma57@yahoo.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: no
How did you find this page?: Real Food 4 Real People News letter
Did the links work?: Yes

You have done a real nice job. I was interested in the Candy Kisses Rose Bud. Your illustrations were very good. Thank You.

Deborah - 11/09/99 04:30:55
My URL:http://virtualhometown.com/girlscouts/
My Email:deborah@virtualhometown.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes - troop committee member
How did you find this page?: Real Food 4 Real People Newsletter
Did the links work?: everything I tried worked

Great page! You have done a lot of wonderful work and gave us some great ideas. Hope you come over to visit us soon. Can we add you as a link to our pag

Sally (aka Kanga) - 11/09/99 03:27:36
My URL:http://www.gumnuts.tsn.cc
My Email:gumnuts@tsn.cc
Are you a Girl Scout?: Girl Guide Leader
How did you find this page?: Recommended by a friend
Did the links work?: YUP !!

What a great site !!!! Excellent, fun, informative and interesting to look at ... I didn't want to leave (except the kids made me :-( they do that sometimes) so I've bookmarked it and I'LL BE BACK !! Thanks for Sharing !!

Michelle Tucker - 10/23/99 02:22:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/5934
My Email:sltrht@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: A Brownie Leader
How did you find this page?: From the craft & Swaps page
Did the links work?: yes

Very nicely done. I rwally liked the cermonies. I haven't found any other pages with this information on it. thank you.

Cathy George - 10/18/99 14:48:40
My Email:chattycat684@juno.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: no
Did the links work?: yes

Love the updated page. But you are not a "part time" clown, but a FULL time Clown! :) Keep up the good work!

Janet Shankland - 10/15/99 05:12:16
My Email:MShankland@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find this page?: Directory of 970 GS links
Did the links work?: great

I'm a Day Camp director and last summer we exchanged swaps and it was a hit. I want to continue it next summer and your ideas for swaps will be well used. Thanks for a great site.

carol - 10/10/99 19:38:35
My Email:paul.purgett@bwcomp.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes, a leader
How did you find this page?: surfing the net
Did the links work?: yes

Wonderful graphics. Cute ideas. I be back to catch up on what you're up too.

Jeri Gallus - 10/05/99 07:27:05
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find this page?: Surfed
Did the links work?: yes

Wonderful page!! I really enjoyed it.

Bobbie - 09/16/99 02:42:19
My Email:Berycrafti@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes...leader,SUM,trainer everything
How did you find this page?: just looking around
Did the links work?: some did...others could not be linked to

enjoyed the pages you had ... some I had seen before...you have set up the webpage neatly...

roberta - 09/15/99 21:49:58
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes

tina is a good girl scout

kara - 09/15/99 21:45:39
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes


heather - 09/15/99 21:43:47
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes

girl scouts is very fun .

Rebecca - 09/15/99 21:38:30
Are you a Girl Scout?: Yes

Tina is a good leader .

Brenda Smith - 09/12/99 01:29:03
My Email:anmllvr@gateway.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find this page?: internet explorer
Did the links work?: yes

thank you very much for all your help. still looking for information on ceremonies for the girl scouts....we have not been able to locate!

Jennifer - 09/11/99 08:08:20
My Email:summerof68@juno.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Girl Scout Leader
How did you find this page?: Just surfed in
Did the links work?: yes

Cool page! I looked at everything, I didn't think I would ever end. We made the t-shirts at day camp and the girls loved them, they are so easy. We used stencils for our numbers, when my trrops do them this year I will try the vynel, it souds easier.

Shutterbug - 09/03/99 15:56:33
My URL:http://www3.sympatico.ca/mgrant/detour.htm
My Email:moirashutterbug@yahoo.com
How did you find this page?: from the mailing list
Did the links work?: yes

You have done a great job updating your pages. It is great to see the swaps you received. Keep up the good work. Please stop by my guiding pages and look for some new ideas and swaps.

Come and visit banner

mary-leader, vfa - 09/03/99 01:48:02
My Email:scoutleaderjane@juno.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find this page?: link from enchanted forrest dell
Did the links work?: yes

I like the idea of group swapping.... our troop (20 juniors) makes a swap as the gathering activity each week. One mom is in charge of swaps only. The swap mom konw the theme of each meeting and tries to coordinate a swap to coincide with the theme. Sw ps are completed only during the first 10 minutes of the meeting. If scouts are more than 5 minutes late, they don't make the swap. It has improved the timeliness of girls arriving. Scouts are encouraged to make extra swaps at home to trade as mo t of the girls do not want to give up what they have made. In addition to the girls enjoying this mini craft--it gives me a chance to answer questions from the parents.

Trish Miller - 09/02/99 12:53:12
My Email:gizzy@megsinet.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: YES
How did you find this page?: Swap mailing list
Did the links work?: yep

Very nice site, love the swaps and all the info, keep up the great work.

Dylan - 08/25/99 14:59:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/1554
My Email:dillpickle@att.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find us?: scoutinglinks
Did our links work?: yes

hi! i'm amy, dylan's mom- i'm a troop leader for her sister's brownie troop- i really like your page-can we add a link to our page?

Joan Thackwray - 08/21/99 02:56:14
My Email:Krinkles57@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Yes
How did you find us?: GSCNC
Did our links work?: yes

I live in Woodbridge, Virginia.

Leslie - 08/19/99 02:20:26
My Email:lthode@yahoo.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Yes
How did you find us?: via e-mail
Did our links work?: yes

I love this site. I thought the swaps were really cute i really loved the oscar the groch and the first aid kit and the sewing kit.

Rachael Johnson - 08/17/99 14:46:49
My Email:FoxyRayJ@scoutinglinks.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find us?: search
Did our links work?: yes

I'm in troop 1665. You have a cool site!

Jana Prince - 08/16/99 21:11:32
My Email:wprince@cslink.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find us?: wagggs-l
Did our links work?: yes


Nicole - 07/26/99 23:16:54
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ms/nicolespage
My Email:gsgreen@angelfire.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find us?: another guestbook
Did our links work?: yes

I love your SWAPS page.

Theresa Camil - 07/23/99 19:15:22
My Email:tmcamil@scoutinglinks.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Girl Scout Leader
How did you find us?: through scoutinglinks
Did our links work?: Yes

We are Girl Scout Council of the Apalachee Bend Troop #671 in Tallahassee, Florida. I liked your webpage very much....

Olga Mendoza - 07/08/99 17:40:07
My Email:olga-h-mendoza@reliantenergy.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: GS Leader
How did you find us?: surfing
Did our links work?: yes

You have a great website. Your site is filled with a lot of great ideas. I will definitely be returning when I need swap ideas.

ANGELA OGLESBY - 06/30/99 15:54:41
Are you a Girl Scout?: TROOP LEADER 518
How did you find us?: SURF
Did our links work?: YES


ANGELA OGLESBY - 06/30/99 15:54:20
Are you a Girl Scout?: TROOP LEADER 518
How did you find us?: SURF
Did our links work?: YES


Debra Duxfield, Pippin Leader - 06/22/99 05:16:13
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/debdux/pipindex.html
My Email:kevinduxfield@the.net.nz
Are you a Girl Scout?: Girl Guide, New Zealand Pippin Leader
How did you find us?: Wagggs-l

Looks like you're having a great summer. It is winter where we live right now. I visited your summer last year about this time and GSUSA people really looked after me. Keep having fun!If you were wondering my Pippins are the age of daisy scouts

Kathy Stephan - 06/19/99 23:49:33
My Email:swapsalot@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Adult Girl Scout/26 yrs
How did you find us?: WAGGGS-L
Did our links work?: yes

sent email with suggested replacement for words to S W A P S. Good ideas on the page and simple for beginners.

Debra Thomas - 06/18/99 12:35:28
My URL:www.geocities.com/heartland/lane/6874
My Email:dathomas616@yahoo.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find us?: tina
Did our links work?: yes

looks like you guys have really been busy and are going to stay that way for a while. have a good summer

Christine Buerger - 06/17/99 16:58:51
My Email:bride90@mediaone.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: Leader
How did you find us?: forum
Did our links work?: yes


Nancy Gunn - 06/17/99 11:44:07
My Email:Nan316@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Yes Leader of Juniors
How did you find us?: Through onelist newsgroup

I loved your website, very colorful and great info I will be back, good luck to you guys you have a great troop.

Kim - 06/17/99 03:47:31
My Email:redman@helicon.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: Troop assistant leader
How did you find us?: link from scoutinglinks.com
Did our links work?: yes

I loved your website! Congrats!! I borrowed your instructions on Easy Troop T-shirts, the girls will love them. We have a troop of 17 girls, mostly 7-8 years old. This is our second year as a troop, and we are looking forward to a fun and exciting year We are starting a mascot exchange in Sept. If you are interested in an exchange, please contact me. Have a great summer, and a fun year in scouting. Your friend in scouting Kim Redman and Troop 4034 Fayette City, Pa

Maureen Warner - 06/09/99 17:43:50
My Email:nmmaryl@hotmail.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Brownie & Junior Leader
How did you find us?: passed on by a friend
Did our links work?: yes

I found this to be a great site with quite a bit of information. I liked the ceremonies and swaps. I plan to use the tic tac toe game one today. Keep up the good work. When I make our site I'll send it on to you. Maureen Warner girl scout leader

Cindy Mason - 06/09/99 14:22:26
My Email:clmason@worldnet.att.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes I am a leader
How did you find us?: GS/GGswaps digest
Did our links work?: yes

I really enjoyed your web page. I havent one of my own that is a future project. Right now I am enjoying surfing to all the other GS/GGsites!! I llove all the swap ideas , we are going to have a swap session at our next camporee next year,and I am trying to find swaps for other leader who have no computers to look stuff up. I will be using some of yours! thanks Cindy Mason Brownie troop leader (flying up to Jrs in fall) Beaver Castle GSC Pa Beaver Falls PA

Donella Wallace - 06/09/99 07:51:23
My Email:donellaw@yahoo.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: :-) once a Girl Scout, always a Girl Scout!
How did you find us?: link from another page
Did our links work?: yes

Hello Girl Scouts! I am a Unit Leader at a Girl Scout Summer Resident Camp in Mississippi called Camp Itikana. I was searching the web for SWAP ideas and came across a link to your homepage. Thanks for the wonderful ideas!

Paulette Barnes - 05/27/99 10:06:07
My Email:kwolete@hotmail.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: No, Teacher

I am trying to get information about how to organize a Brownie troup. I teach first grade and our Boy Scouts have been so successful that I wanted to include the girls in our school. Thank You, Paulette Barnes I like your website.

Amy Hansbro - 05/26/99 05:50:30
My Email:blaster@home.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Assistant Leader
How did you find us?: surfing
Did our links work?: yes

Love your swap ideas and can't wait to make troop shirts! Keep up the good work!

Teresa Windham - 05/26/99 00:25:49
My Email:MWindham@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes/leader
How did you find us?: surfing
Did our links work?: YES!!


Holly Marsh - 05/24/99 18:58:00
My Email:marshgrp@mindspring.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find us?: onelist
Did our links work?: yes

Thanks for lots of great ideas!

Lee Wall - 05/21/99 17:59:50
My URL:http://www.michellewall@prodigy.net
My Email:michellewall@prodigy.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: Brownie leader
How did you find us?: onelist.com - a girl scout list

Very pretty pages. Interesting information about the picnic patch. Music is great on the picnic page.

Kay Leslie - 05/10/99 20:23:10
My Email:kayleslie@juno.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find us?: wagggs


Denise Garcia - 05/01/99 06:23:33
My Email:GSTrp51@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Leader
How did you find us?: page was sent to me
Did our links work?: yes


Heather Smith - 04/20/99 15:58:25
My Email:lsmith83@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find us?: web search

I am looking for anyone wishing to exchange Council patches from you local Council office. Since I started researching info for a special patch in our council, I realized there are more Troops out there. I thought it would be a great pastime. If interest d please e-mail.

Cathy - 04/01/99 19:59:45
My Email:chattycat684@juno.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: no
How did you find us?: Tina
Did our links work?: yes

Just checking in on you...Love your page. Keep up the good work! :)

star - 03/26/99 04:00:08
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/star14k/page2/index.htm
My Email:star14k@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: leader
How did you find us?: surfing
Did our links work?: yes

I really enjoyed your site. Very pleasing to the eye and very very enjoyable. I hope you don't mind but I am going to use your T-shirt idea for my troop. We have 30 brownies/daisies and would love you hear from you. also please check our web sit http://hometown.aol.com/star14k/page2/index.htm bye and Good Scouting!

Thorn (Peter) - 02/20/99 19:17:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/4282
My Email:thornuk@geocities.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: sort of (male Unit Helper)
How did you find us?: from wagggs-l posting
Did our links work?: this one did !

Looks a well designed and active site - well done !

-ann - 02/02/99 03:40:07
My Email:AnnDeCuir@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find us?: wagggsl list
Did our links work?: didn't try, error on page notice though

Your rose kiss is terrific. I can't wait to show my troops. We are definitely using this craft this year. Thanks so much. Can't wait to see what you have for future holidays! -ann (202, 209, bayou gsc, louisiana)

Claude Eugene Hawkins - 01/01/99 23:55:18
Are you a Girl Scout?: Not yet
How did you find us?: surfing
Did our links work?: yes

Very wonderful page. I just loooved the graphics they were so sweet and refreshing.

crystal - 12/15/98 22:02:43
My Email:crystal.kemper@gte.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find us?: pinky and mom
Did our links work?: wonderful


Jayne - 12/12/98 16:54:31
My Email:jmp0127@hotmail.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes (leader)
How did you find us?: surfing
Did our links work?: yes

Great page! Thanks for all the wonderful ideas! I'll be checking back often.

Pete Lake - 12/01/98 22:08:46
My URL:http://www.sriregistrar.com
My Email:PeteCMG@AOL.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Nope
How did you find us?: Theresa sent me!
Did our links work?: Sausage or what?

We're here in Pittsburgh, enjoying your website, and hoping to get someone to work on ours.... its old and needs some bandaging or perhaps reincarnation!!!

John Burk - 11/30/98 06:34:46
My Email:johnburk@hotmail.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: No
How did you find us?: Troop Leader
Did our links work?: Yep

This is pretty cool Tina. Tell everyone hi for me.

arlene - 11/29/98 14:33:57

you're looking better all the time!! really like the links to Guiding.

Cathy - 11/25/98 10:42:53
My Email:bcgeorge@accessus.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: nope
How did you find us?: Pinky

Love your updated page...and your graphics! Cute.

Karen Brierley - 11/25/98 02:59:42
My Email:karenpete@gbl.com.au
Are you a Girl Scout?: Guide leader
How did you find us?: WAGGGS-L
Did our links work?: yes

What a great page - well done! I'll be back to visit from time to time.

Anne Jankovich - 11/24/98 20:45:01
My Email:tina911_710@yahoo.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: leader
How did you find us?: wagggs-l list
Did our links work?: didn't have a chance to try them

Very cute page!!!! Just wanted to stop by and check it out!! Take care! Anne

Diane Cass - 11/23/98 14:24:09
My Email:DCASS74303@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Yes
How did you find us?: WAGGGS List
Did our links work?: Yes

This is a great site. Your girls should be very proud.

Patti Goens - 11/23/98 00:18:59
My Email:PGoens@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes leader
How did you find us?: WAGGGLS-listserver
Did our links work?: yes

Your web page is wonderful. I am envious. I am trying to make one of my own, but haven't quite figured it all out yet. Yours in Scouting, Patti

Becca - 11/22/98 03:48:45
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find us?: momma
Did our links work?: yes it was good!!!

I really like Girl Scouts!!!! And I also like T.V.

Becca - 11/22/98 03:38:07


- 11/21/98 03:05:44


Gwen Harker - 11/20/98 23:15:45
My Email:meowmom11@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Yes
How did you find us?: WAGGGS-L
Did our links work?: Yes, very nicely.

What an outstanding job you have done on this web site. Congratulations. I absolutely LOVE all of your graphics. Happy Holidays to all of you. May you may wonderful memories this year!

Stacie Emery - 11/20/98 19:18:12
My Email:disney76@hotmail.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes, Daisy Leader
How did you find us?: WAGGGS list
Did our links work?: yes


Jana Prince - 11/20/98 18:35:28
My Email:wprince@cslink.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find us?: wagggs-l
Did our links work?: yes

Very cute.

DEBRA THOMAS - 10/23/98 02:30:33
Are you a Girl Scout?: YES
How did you find us?: MS. TINA SENT ME TO IT
Did our links work?: DID NOT TRY ANY YET


Jessica George - 10/22/98 11:03:35
My Email:bcgeorge@accessus.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: not yet!
How did you find us?: Ms. Tina
Did our links work?: yes

I really liked the songs and the dancing skeleton!

Barbara Thompson - 10/21/98 22:30:23
My Email:batladybug@home.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find us?: Tina e-mailed me
Did our links work?: yes

Great page! Enjoyed it.

Jennifer Selbrede - 10/21/98 18:57:35
My Email:jen@postoffice.ccis.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Junior Leader
How did you find us?: WAGGGS Ring
Did our links work?: Yes

What a great site!!! It is nice to see a site that is current. The only thing I would like to see is what state you live in. Loved the Underwear song. I'm sure we'll be singing it soon. Our Service Unit will be holding a "Rededication Rally" on Novemb r 7 - a little different than passed years. Just a little something to liven things up a little.Have a goulishly great Halloween, girls. Keep up the great work.

Becca - 10/20/98 23:23:51
Are you a Girl Scout?: yep!
How did you find us?: Momma
Did our links work?: yep!

I like Girl Scouting and it's really fun. Especially with my mommy there. It's really fun to be a Brownie. We get to eat brownies, just like us! I like playing with my friends at Girl Scouts.

Norene Bradshaw - 10/08/98 04:44:59
My Email:bradshaw@camosun.bc.ca
Are you a Girl Scout?: No I am a Girl Guide Leader
How did you find us?: girl scout links
Did our links work?: Yes

I really loved all your pictures, did someone in your unit (troop??) set up your page?? I love the fact that the net really helps to bring WAGGS home.Hope you have a great year...we have our enrolment for new girls tomorrow and are going to a big division camporee next week. We are hoping it doesn't rain but we will "be prepared". Greetings to you from Victoria, B.C., Canada

10/02/98 11:16:44
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Beverly A. Moyer - 08/11/98 17:00:11
My Email:moyers@sunlink.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes, Leader for about 18 years.
How did you find us?: By accident through PBS
Did our links work?: Yes

I am always interested in what other girls are doing and looking for new ideas to pass on to my daughter who is now a leader of a cadette troop and my sister has taken over my former Senior Girl Scout Troop here in town. I have made 2 trips (4 weeks at a time) to Girl Scout National Center West in Ten Sleep, Wyoming. (Along with my daughter) And my daughter also went to Europe for 3 1/2 weeks with Girl Scouts. I enjoyed learning about your troop! Take Care,

Debbie Reed - 07/25/98 21:39:21
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Jdebreed
My Email:Jdebreed@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: Co-Leader
How did you find us?: webring
Did our links work?: yes

You guys have done a really great job!!

Arlene - 07/06/98 22:32:03
My Email:girlscout007@webtv.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find us?: looked :) :)
Did our links work?: guess I missed them first time through, will go

Loved the pictures - nice overall site. Have you ever told Ed Evans at the Council site that you have a troop site?

jessica george - 06/05/98 00:16:05
My Email:bcgeorge@accessus.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: not yet!
How did you find us?: my friend Becca
Did our links work?: yes

I really liked your Snoopy dog stories!

Miss Dee - 05/27/98 02:02:01
My Email:missdee@glasscity.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: have been all my life and I'm a JUNIOR leader
How did you find us?: web
Did our links work?: yes,great job!

We are a junior's in Springfeald, Ohio (773) Pleases write to use. Have A Great Summer! Miss Dee

Lauren - 05/18/98 19:44:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/7305/
My Email:dodger82@lcc.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: Yes
How did you find us?: Just surfed on it!
Did our links work?: Yes

Neat page! Keep up the good work!

Arlene - 05/16/98 01:32:19
My Email:girlscout007@webtv.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: just a bit of one:)
How did you find us?: I knew where you were hiding.
Did our links work?: couldn't get the postcards

Trying to check out all you guys with Troop sites - think we need to put a listing in the Leader letter or the Smoke Signal so you can find each other. Yours is so bright and colorful.

Gail Burch - 02/15/98 20:11:45
My Email:mamaburch@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find us?: joshua tree staff
Did our links work?: yes

great job on your web page

Gail Burch - 02/15/98 20:11:38
My Email:mamaburch@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find us?: joshua tree staff
Did our links work?: yes

great job on your web page

Emma Stevens - 02/01/98 17:19:11
My Email:106641.1621@compuserve.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: I am a Brownie
How did you find us?: through postcard swap

I hope you have received our post card from the Hawkins Headquarters Alton, Hampshire England

Diane Pahls - 01/25/98 19:16:11
My Email:dpahls@erols.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: No
How did you find us?: Tina Hawkins
Did our links work?: Yes

What a great web site. Sounds like you are all having such fun-I will visit you often. Thanks for giving Grandma Pahls an opportunity to see Rebecca and Tina since they live so far away and I haven't seen them in so long.

erica - 01/12/98 20:02:42
My URL:http://members.aol.com/zoracky/welcome.html
My Email:zoracky@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yep
How did you find us?: web ring
Did our links work?: yeah

nice page! come check us out when you have the time. HAppy new year!

Mrs. Julie Spohr - 12/26/97 23:10:24
My Email:mspohr@prodigy.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find us?: web ring link
Did our links work?: yes

I love your web site. If you email your address I'll send a postcard from Cincinnati, OH What a great idea? I have a Cadette troop. I also teach first grade and my class would love a picture postcard from OK we're collecting them to learn about geogra hy. This is my 33 year in scouting. Julie

Cindy masching - 12/23/97 04:06:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/6430
My Email:benz915@gte.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes, a leader
How did you find us?: WAGGGS-L

Great site! Come visit the Texas Cowgirls( a Junior Troop) and ride our range for a great scouting adventure. Ya'll come. Have a great scouting year!

Marla Griffith - 12/15/97 13:32:22
My Email:marlag@newwave.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find us?: webring
Did our links work?: yes-ones I tried

What a nice colorful page with good info!! I'll be back!!

Debbie Mitchell - 12/06/97 19:08:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/5915
My Email:dragns@bellsouth.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes!! :-D
How did you find us?: On WAGGGS-L
Did our links work?: yes

Very nice page! I really like your Christmas lights. I'm the leader of a FLex troop from Huntsville, Alabama. My troop is Juniors and Cadettes - I know they would love to have you visit our page. It's at http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Trails/1291

Teresa - 12/04/97 04:48:48
My Email:heple@worldnet.att.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: Yes, I'm a Junior Leader
How did you find us?: WAGGGS-L post
Did our links work?: didn't try them

I LOVE your page! It's so colorful and helped put me in the holiday mood! I would like to develop a page for my troop....where do you get the time and the knowledge? Take care and enjoy all the activities you have planned!

Barb Hunter - 12/03/97 20:56:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/enchantedforest/8481/brownie.html
My Email:affam@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: YES!!! (Leader)
How did you find us?: WAGGGS-L list
Did our links work?: Yes!

Wonderful new page! I'm honored to be visitor #10! Please visit our page, too!!! Barb Brownie Ldr, Troop 2781 Fairfax Station, VA

Denise Davis - 12/03/97 07:18:12
My Email:denised@sonic.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: I'm Service Unit Director and Trainer
How did you find us?: WAGGGS-L!
Did our links work?: The ones I tried. Some of the pictures were "broken"

A Very Merry Site! And since I'm crazy enough to be up this late, I get to be your first visitor, according to the counter. Cool!

Tom Hawkins - 12/02/97 01:17:10
My URL:http://thawkins@starcom.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: no


Rebecca H. - 11/25/97 02:10:08
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes

i like your home page, especially the part about me! i like brownie girl scouts and i like my leader tina. we do lots of fun stuff together. rebecca

Rebecca H. - 11/25/97 01:53:52
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find us?: mommy helped me


Austyn Long - 10/27/97 16:12:29
My Email:Kl1414@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: no
How did you find us?: my aunt Tina Hawkins e-mailed me
Did our links work?: yes

I love your home page with the music and the dancing ghosts. It is very festive. I can't wait until I am old enough to be a girl scout.

Blondie219 - 10/19/97 17:29:42
My URL:/heartland/ranch/1082
My Email:blondie219@geocities.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: I was when I was younger
How did you find us?: Geocities
Did our links work?: Yes

Hello Bray Girl Scouts, let me compliment you on a fantastic web page. I am blondie219, your Heartland Community Leader. If you ever need anything, please feel free to contact me at anytime. Keep up the great work, I look forward to coming back again s on.

Beverly - 09/23/97 15:41:38
My URL:http://www.fament.com/girlscouts/
My Email:girlscout@fament.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: yes
How did you find us?: my guestbook link
Did our links work?: don't know!

Looks like a fun page - something I am going to have my troop work on later this year!

Camilla - 09/20/97 18:20:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/3643
My Email:pyrotic12@aol.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: No :(
How did you find us?: I'm your neighbor! I wanted to see I was homesteading with.
Did our links work?: Yeah!

Wow! Nice page! I never was a girl scout, but it sounds like fun. Oh well... keep up the work! I like the way you set it up. Check out my home page and sign the guestbook so that I know you were there! Seeya, Camilla

Beverly Hunt - 09/01/97 05:34:53
My Email:busyb@starcomm.net
Are you a Girl Scout?: Duncan Troop #503 Asst. Leader
How did you find us?: Tina Hawkins emailed me
Did our links work?: as far as I can tell

Good job! What propted you to do this? It might be interesting for our troop.

Koko22 - 08/29/97 16:11:12
My URL:http://koko.home.ml.org
My Email:Koko22@hotmail.com
Are you a Girl Scout?: No, but I was
How did you find us?: Just surfed on!!
Did our links work?: Yes

Nice page!!! Could you please go to my page and sign my guestbook?? Thanx, Koko22

- 08/27/97 17:59:47


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