Monthly SWAP Exchange

These SWAPs were all collected in a monthly SWAP exchange which I participate in through the Girl Scouts SWAPs email list at

Instructions are shown when they were sent along with the SWAP, but most can be figured out from the picture.

Sorry if you can't see some of the pictures too well. My monitor is missing some of it's colors, so it is a bit difficult for me to tell the quality of the scans!

Rainbow Beads

Received from Judy "Rainbow" Westlake

Boston Baked Beans

Received from Chris Shells - Patriots Trail Girl Scout Council

1 lb Navy Beans
5 Tbs Molasses
3+ Tbs Oil
5+ Tbs Brown Sugar
4 Tbs Ketchup
10 Med/Lg Onions, 1-minced, 1-whole
1 Tbs Salt
3 Tbs Maple Syrup

Soak and boil beans. Skin should peel by blowing on them.
Mix all other ingredients and bake covered at 250 deg. Overnight. Add water if necessary to keep beans moist.

BEE Prepared

Received from Mary Beth Burrell
Pine Valley GSC (GA)

Soda Bottle Butterfly

Received from Nancy Hughes
Lone Star Council
Austin, TX

Vinyl Butterfly

2 inch squares of colored vinyl, at least 2, up to 4
2 large safety pins

Use a rotary blade cutter to cut 2-inch squares of the various colors of vinyl. You can use one color or a combination. Fan fold the squares, pinch in the middle and put on one pin. Using the other pin, put it through the hole of the first pin and pin to hat or ???. Vinyl is available at JoAnn's Fabric and Crafts. Be sure to tell them you're a Scout - some stores give a discount!


Received from Girl Scout Troop 113
Angel Lewis

Texas Bluebonnet

Received from Dale Reilly-Brown
Circle T Council

Braided Lanyard

Received from Joan Piercey

Parrot Pin

Received from 4606 - Marietta,

Canada Flag

Received from


Received from Cathy Schwandt
Daisy Leader
Buffalo & Erie County Girl Scout Council

Three-Cornered Hat

Received from Chris Sheils
Troop 1375
Patriot Trails Council, MA

Cutlery Holder

Received from Marianne Stewart
Girl Scouts of Southwestern PA Council

Fun Foam Kite

Received from Annie Burton
Troop 2223

Liberty Bell

Received from Elizabeth Kilcullen
Freedom Valley GSC

Marshmallow on a Stick

Received from Jackie DeMario
Brockport, NY

Thin Mint

Received from Girl Scout Troop 74
Mary Ussery-White

Girl Scouts Rule!

Received from Paula Barnett
Oscoee, FL

Fun Foam Sash

Received from Suzanna
Brigham, Utah

Fun Foam S’more

Received from Susan Curtis
Everett, WA

The Sponge Survival Kit

Received from Peg Premus
Greater NY

When in doubt, pull the "sponge" out to:
-wipe away those little and big messes we get ourselves into
-dab off the perspiration from our brow when the heat is on
-wring when a neck is not available
-toss against the wall should we be in the need of having a temper tantrum
-rest our head on when a short nap is in order
-pick at instead of pulling our hair out
-to squeeze when a hug is the answer
-to give to a friend when a friend is in need

Shooting Star

Received from Cathi Early
San Diego, CA

Fun Foam Vest

Received from Peggy Premus
Greater NY

Fun Foam Vest

Received from Leeann Baker

Grapevine Bow

Received from

Beaded World Association Flag

Received from Tasha Feltz
Hemlock Concil, PA,br>

Worm on a Twig

Received from Nancy Hughes
Lone Star Council
Austin, TX