Lily Anne Holcomb

September 16, 2002 at 7:14 pm

6 lbs. 3 oz., 19 1/2 inches

Conception and pregnancy this time around was, again, just as easy as it was with the other two. I was reading the other day that even with everything at it's prime, there is still only a 20% chance of getting pregnant. Yet, we conceived all three on the first try. We are so blessed.

Since my first two labors and deliveries proved that things happen quickly for us, my OB was prepared for me to go quickly again.

Lily was due on October 9, 2002. At 33 1/2 weeks, I began to lose my mucous plug and grew a little concerened that she might come even before the 37 week mark when both of her sisters arrived. I notified my doctor and saw her at 35 weeks. I was dialated to 2 1/2 cm and scheduled another appointment to see her in a week. At that appointment (36 1/2) weeks, I was having labor symptoms, but was still only dialated to 2 1/2 cm. I was hopeful then that we would indeed make it to at least 37 weeks.

On Monday, September 16, I was one day away from 37 weeks. It was a normal day - I took Laurel to preschool and picked her up again, fed the girls lunch and went about my routine. Around 2:00 pm, my water broke and I made arrangements for the girls to go to a friend's house and for Jeff to meet me at the hospital. I didn't panick that things would get out of control, because I hadn't started having contractions.

I got to the hospital around 3:00 pm and was dilated to 3cm and 70% effaced. I walked the halls for a while to try to jump start things, and then we got a visitor around 4:00 pm. Between our chats with our friend and watching the season premier of Oprah, I noticed my contractions had started, and were now regular. I was checked around 6:30 pm to find I was still 3 cm, but now 100% effaced. I began to wonder at this point if I was actually going to go through a "normal" labor like most women, rather than fly through as in the past. I made sure that my nurse and doctor both new at this point that if this became long and drawn out, that I was not opposed to pain medication. They kept telling me, "now that you are completely thinned out, we are sure things will go quickly." We all agreed to revisit the conversation in about 45 mintues. Meanwhile, I decided to use the whirlpool to ease the pressure... three contractions in the whirlpool and I began to push. We got out quickly and checked my progress - completely dilated! The nurse yelled out to the hallway that they needed to get set-up right away and everyone came running in. I asked if I could push and they said, "not yet!" My doctor asked me to be kind enough to at least let her get some gloves on. When they gave me the okay, Lily was born in one contraction and push. What a miracle.

She came out healthy and strong, and we had no concerns about her being pre-term. We laughed as we looked at the clock - she had been born at 7:14 pm... just one minute before we were to revisit our conversation about getting something for pain! The uniqueness of Lily's birth compared to the other two is that I cut the cord myself! Jeff prefers not to - and in the past when he has declined, the physician just did it himself. This time when Jeff declined, my new doctor said, "would you like to?" I was taken by surprise, but said, "absolutely!"


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