Laurel, Elise and Lily... Our place.
This page has been set up for all of our loved ones! We want you to be able to see updates of Laurel Grace, Elise Kenna and Lily Anne.

Laurel Grace is six years old! She loves to kindergarten, swimming, and performing. She talks like she's going on 16 and she is a computer master! Most importantly, she is a wonderful BIG SISTER to Elise Kenna and Lily Anne.
"'Lise" is 5 years old! Elise will be heading off to Kindergarten next fall! Still the queen of thumb-sucking, she is our cuddle-bug. Elise loves baby dolls and computer games... and she is a second mom to the littlest sister and loves Lily Anne tremendously!

Laurel's Pictures
Elise's Pictures
Lily's Pictures
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 since 6/25/98