First Lutheran Church
65 Oakwood Avenue
Kearny, New Jersey 07032
Phone: (201) 991-1623
Fax: (201) 955-1246
Margay Whitlock
(201) 955-1246
"Anyone who is to find Christ must first find the church...Now the church is not wood or stone, but the company of people who believe in Christ"
Martin Luther
Originally established in 1890 by Swedish immigrants, today First Lutheran Church welcomes people of every ethnic heritage. The people of First are ready to welcome you and assist you in living faithful and productive lives. Hope is part of living, yet there are things in life that destroy our hope: the break up of a relationship, the death of a friend or a relative, the illness that attacks our body.
As Christians we have been given a new hope, one that brings us through the rough and hopeless times. Hope is based on God's promise. God promises to love us and help us through even our most desperate times. We celebrate hope in the waters of baptism and in the bread and wine of communion. First Lutheran Church of Kearny wants to share this hope with you.
If you are looking for a place filled with hope; if you are looking for a welcome place; if you are looking for a caring place and a listening place; if you are looking for a place where you can discover and celebrate God's love, come home to First Lutheran Church.
-- To improve our outreach into the community;
-- to strengthen the family and individuals;
-- to teach those whom we touch through example and Sacraments the loving
Word of God.
Click on Map for detailed directions to our Church
Sunday School at 9:30 AM
(September - May)
Traditional Worship every Sunday at 11:00 AM
"Born anew to a Living Hope."
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from Geocities
Page created by:Ed Burns
Changes lastmade on: June 19, 1999