“Cead Měle Fŕilte” is Gaelic (Irish) for “A Hundred Thousand Welcomes” and is a common greeting.

Welcome To A Virtual Family Reunion Patrick and Bridie

News! April 2007: Calling All Cousins, Part 2:

Two of Patrick Winch's grandsons, Yancey W. and Patrick R., propose a next-generation reunion, to which all generations are invited, of course. But we figure it's about time we took some of the responsibility. So, Jimmy Lee, Peter, Beth, Jesse, Billy, Mary Ellen, Katie, Holly, Ali, Carolyn, Michael, Fiona, Patrick W., and all of your families--what do you think?

Contact Yancey and/or Patrick if you have any ideas. Meanwhile, we'll get a plan going. Perhaps some or all of us can brainstorm at Ali's wedding in May?

This site has been up since 1997.

The photo above is a portion of the one taken when Patrick and Bridie traveled to Ireland to celebrate their wedding anniversary in August 1958.

The complete picture, courtesy of Kevin Winch—the family archivist, curator, and genealogist—can be viewed on the Photos page, along with other old pictures from his collection.

Note: On the Photos page, some of the links are broken and the photos temporarily unavailable. Also, site navigation will not work properly, although you can scroll through the photos.

Comments or questions? Send e-mail to Patrick Reich.

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