Beautiful Vernon Kilns Pottery!

A few years ago, Mike and I stopped at a yard sale, and there was a beautiful set of dishes for sale. It had several pieces and seemed to be in good shape. Since we had recently purchased a home, and the kitchen was decorated in the "70's" orange, I needed something new to decorate with. (at the time, I didn't have the time or cash to remodel!!) Well, these "fruit" dishes just did the trick for me! I went fruit crazy, and the next thing my family knew, our kitchen was decorated in fruits! I had never heard of Vernon kilns pottery.
The pattern is "FRUITDALE"

From there, I found a book on California Pottery, and fell in love with all the patterns!
We began to collect the coffee pots, carafes, and teapots.
These are a few of my pieces!

Over the weekend, my husband and I took an "antique" trip!
I found a couple of interesting pieces,
and would like to share them!
First, a Gingham 4" pitcher! I've been told that this was a wonderful find!
I found it just too cute to leave on the shelf of a lonely booth!

Next, is a Hawaiian Coral Flower Pot!

If you are interested in more information regarding Vernon Kilns Pottery, please visit the link below!

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