Family Vacation Fun!
Every year we TRY to take the "GREAT FAMILY VACATION"! You know the one.. where you pack your teenagers in the back seat of the car, and wait to see how long it takes them to kill each other! HA! Just teasing of course! Well, in the last couple of years we have really pushed that to the limit! And I would love to share some ourJOY with you!

These are pictures of the "Promise Keepers" convention in Washington Dc. October 1997.
No, it wasn't exactly a "family" vacation...but, Mike had a great time!
We were all glad that he had the chance to go. Imagine, a million men, all worshipping the Lord and praying.
November 1997, we were planning a trip to Florida when we decided to check in to airplane tickets to California. Mike's sister lived there at the time, and was planning to move back to Indiana. We wanted to go while she was still there, so off we drove to Chicago and flew to:
July 1998, In a panic, we decided that this may be the last year for the "Family Vacation Tradition" so we began to think of the things we REALLY wanted to do together! We ended up traveling by car this time, through Michigan, into Canada, and east to:
Niagra Falls.
We had a terrific time seeing Niagra, it is so beautiful!
Next we drove back into the U.S and visited a college that our daughter is interested in.
Of coures she loved is ONLY 9 hours from home!
After that we traveled south to:
Gettysburg, PA
We continued on our trip traveling east. This is somthing that I had looked forward to for a really long time! My first vistit to the Nation's Capitol! We stayed in Maryland, and took the subway into the city. We had a fabulous time!
Washington D.C.
"October 2001"
The kids are off to college, and we purchased ticktes to Hawaii!
These are not my best pictures, but, we had a great time!
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