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Hello, Welcome to our home. Come in and make yourself comfortable.This is our home in cyberspace, where all of our friends and relatives can come and visit to share our moments and efforts. We will be doing more updating on the Vincent Myfamily site than we will be on this site. Please request access to the myfamily site if you want to have updates for this information. Be sure to stop and take a look at our Family Photos and see if you see any resemblance to your families. If you are doing a search on the Freefind search vehicle, please sign my guestbook, and I will contact you to see if we can make any connections. I get a list of the names that were searched for, on a monthly basis. Often I find names that seem to link to our families; but do not know who made the search. Our major surnames on these pages are: On Joyce's side: BRUNS, ARMSTRONG, TAYLOR, EDWARDS, ELLIS, VARNHOLT Emerson Ellis Blacksheep? For more about the EDWARDS connected lines, as well as HAMMERSLEY, OSBORNE, DENTON, VAIL lines, check out this link.
In 2003, my major discovery was the many connecting lines that include my grandmother's (on my father's side)Edwards family. They include many familiar surnames of people who originated in Long Island, Suffolk County, New York all the way back to Colonial days. Interestingly enough, some of my husband's (Bill Cooper)Vincent lines also originated there, making us related to some of the same people, but so far not to each other. (as of April 2006)
For BRUNS, ARMSTRONG, ELLIS, Armstrong, and Muth and Taylor Descendent charts and information, please check
We have made a "MyFamily" site for the Joseph Vincent Sr. line, which is by invitation only,which requires a user name and password. It is specifically for people researching or related to, the Joseph Vincent (and Rosanna Poole) line of VINCENT. We research very broadly, so if you are interested in any of the surnames listed above, you may find some documentation and other information, on the myfamily site, which is not listed in the public site (Geocities) . If you are at all interested in these lines, please request an invitation to the site, by emailing me. We will be glad to include you in these sites. You will find obits, pictures and other files directly related to the line, which can be downloaded as you wish.
For descendent charts and information on COOPER and NICHOLAS(Bill's side), be sure to check Our Familytreemaker website.
Additional family information may be found on my "Find a Grave" website. Please use the link below to search that site.
I also began researching the surname of VAIL, for a friend who relates to Kansas VAILS. I have researched the major lines of VAIL and discovered that both Bill and I are related to VAILS at some point. They originated in England and were found in Long Island, Suffolk County, NY in Colonial times. My friend's Vails were in Labette and Montgomery Co.,Kansas. Other surnames associated with this area of research include Wallingford, Majors, Worley and Taylor. I would be happy to share any information about these lines.
My Surnames are registered with: Surname Genealogy Web Project
I am no longer the webmaster for the Roseville (CA)Genealogical Society; however I am still a member of the Roseville Genealogical Society. Stop by and see what this site has to offer anyone researching in Placer County, CA.
Roseville Genealogical Society Web SiteThank you for signing our new guestbook. If you find anything incorrect on the web site, or a link that is broken, you may mention it in the guestbook, or write me an email. Your help is appreciated.
© 1997 Send Email to Joyce Cooper
Joyce Cooper
P.O. Box 2428
Pensacola, FL 32513(This is our forwarding address.)
It was real nice having you in our cyber home, don't forget to come back! I am always interested in your comments or suggestions about the content that you see here. You are welcome to use any information from my sites as long as you know that not all of the material is totally verified and like other genealogists, there may be errors. Please contact me by email for updates. Some of the resources listed may not be available at this time, due to our current full-time RV life. We are living the life of the snowbirders, and return to Sacramento, CA where alot of our books and cds are, in the Spring and fall. We do have some research information available, so feel free to check for what you are interested in.We connect to the internet using Wifi regularly. We hope to get some extra research time while in Big River, CA, near Parker, AZ this winter.
I wish to acknowledge the impact of the literary works of previous researchers on my work. Mr.Eugene Vincent produced the book, which I lovingly call "Vincent Big Book" in my records. Mrs. Imogene Vincent produced the work, which I lovingly call, "Vincent Update Book". I appreciate the clues that they left for me. There are many more who have helped with this work in progress, many of whom are thanked on these pages.