Maggies Adoption Page

Adoptee searching for siblings only


My Senior Photo...'96 name is Maggie. I am an adoptee. My birth name was Margaret Ann Michaelis. I am searching for my siblings so maybe you can help. I have 2 half brothers, born in 1970 and 1972. Their last name may be Wood. Another sibling was born in March 1978 but I don't know if I have a sister or brother. Possibly, his/her last name is Michaelis.

I would like to tell you a little about my life..............

I was born a normal, healthy baby....over 7 pounds, on November 4, 1974. When I was 5 months old, I sustained an "unexplained head injury", which left me with cerebral palsy and developmental disabilities. I was taken to the hospital in Ponca City, OK , not breathing. Diagnosis.....bilateral subdural hemotoma.They drained the fluid off my brain and transfered me to a larger hospital in Wichita KS, where I spent the next 3 weeks in critical condition. The doctors said I was a victim of child abuse and that I would never walk or talk. Boy!, did I prove them wrong. Now, you can't slow me down or shut me up. I was placed in a foster home when I was 10 months old and became a member of their family. They adopted me when I was 5 years old. I have had nothing but love and support from them. I graduated from high school in 1996 with honors. I was on the honor roll and principals honor roll all through junior high and high school. With all my therapies throughout my life, I am now able to walk(and run) and talk despite the doctors opinion. I keep busy these days with my therapies and going to my tutor twice a week. She is helping me learn to read better. My special thanks to you, Treva. And while I'm handing out thanks, I would like to use this spot to thank Sheri, my speech therapist, and Patty, my occupational therapist. And Micheal, a BIG THANKS to you for all your support.

For obvious reasons, I have no desire to find my birth parents. But I would love to find my siblings. And I only pray they want to find me. If anyone has ANY information that may help......please, e-mail me.

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