The transportation has changed over the years. Every family used to own at least one horse and now the horse population is one. And up until about ten years ago my Grandparents owned a couple of horses that could pull a sleigh. (But were never really trained for working). I remember my grandfather telling us kids stories when we were younger about when he was younger and what the horses were used for, and how horses were replaced by tractors. My grandmother still has the first tractor that was used by my grand father, I believe that the tractor is a 1948. He used to tell us that he used to volunteer to plow the neighbors garden and fields so that he could drive the tractor. The tractors today are really different from that one! |
There are a couple of people that have all terrain vehicles and ski-doos. There are a couple of people with boats, dump trucks, back-hoes, RVs, excavators, tractors, and the usual cars, trucks and vans. My brother even drives the lawn mower around. A couple of summers ago there were a couple of laughs when the harvester arrived to pick the blueberries, the men working found my brother driving the lawnmower. |