North American Juntunen descendants have organized a family history project to research Juntunens who were immigrants from Finland. It is an extensive project that will take several years to collect the genealogy data for these immigrants and their descendants. Our goal is to ultimately publish North American Juntunen genealogies, histories, family stories, and biographies.
A small group of volunteers has formed to coordinate research for a series of English-language Juntunen publications. We will include data from ship arrival records for as many Juntunen immigrants from Finland as can be found in research at the National Archives in Washington, DC and elsewhere. Juntunen family members and relatives are encouraged to contribute genealogies, especially for the Juntunen immigrant generation and their children. Family members are also encouraged to contribute stories, poetry, artwork, music, and photographs. Guidelines for submission of items in all categories are contained in our How to Submit page that you can click on below.
If you are a Juntunen descendant or family member interested in participating in this research project, we welcome your help! This Web site contains several pages of information to assist you in collecting your family data. If you are experienced in genealogy research, go directly to How to Submit Information to Juntunen Family History Project. If this is your first genealogy research project, click on Suggestions for Getting Started with Collecting Genealogy Information.
For further information about research in all locations except Michigan, write to Juntunen Project coordinators: John & Ruth Stierna by clicking on their underlined name. For information if your immigrant ancestor once lived in Michigan, write to Margaret Smith, Michigan Juntunen Project coordinator. There is a lot of census research and data entry work to be done because we have already received several submissions. We would very much appreciate your volunteer help as a census-records researcher, data-entry volunteer, submitter of family data, Juntunen family-branch coordinator, or State or Provincial Juntunen Project coordinator. Please e-mail us to volunteer!
The North American Juntunen Family History Project is linked to Juntunen research projects in progress in Finland. In December 1998, the Juntunen Family Society of Finland published Juntusten Suku I osa. This volume contains family histories and genealogies of Juntunens born in Finland between about 1550 and 1800. Ordering information for this book is posted at Margaret Smith's Web site. Regional Juntunen groups in Finland will research Juntunens born between 1800-1900. Research for a book of Kainuu Juntunen genealogies has begun. You can link to the Juntunen Family Society of Finland at their Web site: .
"Maamme Laulu" Finnish National Anthem -Runeberg [in midi]
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See the March Newsletter
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