Baptist Christian isn't what most people think it is. It is not being
radical. Being a Fundamental Batptist is believing in the fundamentals
of the Christian belief system (all of which are stated in the bible),
not just simply a few of the fundamentals. The fundamentals of
Fundamental Baptists are:
- The Virgin Birth:
Many of the newest versions of the bible say that the Lord Jesus was
born to a young woman. That is NOT TRUE. Jesus was born to a Young
VIRGIN woman. This is so important, that the bible states it over and
over and over again. He was not born of a young woman because then he
would have to have a young man also. You can check these for proof:
- Luke 1: 26-35
- Isaiah 7:14
- Mathew 1:20-25
- The Substitutionary Death
of Jesus: He substituted himself for our sins. He took our
grief, he was wounded for our sins. He was God-punnished for us, and
took it all without saying anything until it was done. He substituted
in other ways, too. See:
- Isaiah 53
- Romans 3: 24, 25
- 1 John 2: 1, 2
- 1 Peter 3:18
- The Ressurrection of the
Christ: Many believe that the resurrection of Christ didn't
happen. Some believe that it was a simple spiritual resurrection. But,
that is a lie. He was completely resurrected, in body and in spirit.
There was no body in the tomb. You can check the scriptures:
- 2 Timothy 2:8
- Mathew 28: 1-6
- 1 Corrinthians 15:3, 4
- Luke 24: 1-8
- Verbal Insparation of
Scriptures: Some people say that the Word of God was writen
by the people who the books are named after. That is a LIE. The Lord
Jesus Christ used the hands of those men- they didn't write The Book.
The Holy Spirit was in them, and had total control over everything they
wrote. The words in the Holy Bible are the words of God. God gave
them the very words to write.You can go here for more information:
- Matthew 4:4
- 2 Peter 1:19-21
- 2 Timmothy 3:16-17
- Romans 16: 25, 26
- The Second Coming of
Christ: You could believe in The Diety of Christ (1 Timothy
3:16; Acts 20:28; Phillipians 2:4-6; Hebrews 2:9-14), but still go to hell. You need
to be saved.
Satan believes in Christ, but he is going to hell (Contrary to poulare
belief, he isn't there yet). Also, you should believe in the Second
Coming if you are a Baptist Christian. Athiests, the ones who are going
to hell and have a harder time believing the Word of God, say that
there is "no God" and "Christ is non-existent" because they can't see
him. The infidels believe in God, but don't believe a thing he says. I
doubt that they believe in the Diety of Christ. They don't believe in
the Bible.