Hal Eugene Clagett III



I finally arrived on Friday, June 20th at 3:31 in the afternoon. I was 6 1/2 pounds at birth and 19 1/2 inches long. Daddy was able to get home from work to be there when I was born. Mommy did a good job too. Unfortunately, Grandpa and Grandma were not here, but they came to see me as soon as they got back from their trip.

Now I'm 3 weeks old! See how wide awake I am. I am learning to look at things, especially ceiling fans. I know Mommy's voice now and turn my head when I hear her. I have found my tongue too. It sure is fun to play with that.

Grandma thinks I'm special. My sister, Amielia does too. and, so does somebody else. My Grandma's friend, Shrimp, made this quilt especially for me. Isn't that something? I really like the bright colors.The picture on the right was taken in October. I am now 4 months old. Look how big I am getting. It sure is nice to have a sister to play with. She makes me laugh. I love to watch her when she plays too.

I am almost one year old now. Look how big I am getting! I have had a lot of fun with my family. I have the greatest time with my sister. She always makes me laugh and is a good helper too. When she goes to school next year, I will have to find lots to do until she gets home.

Look at me! I'm one year old. Everyone says that this year has gone by fast and that I am getting so big. I have 6 teeth now and I can walk, although I still get around pretty quickly when I crawl. Everyone seems to be saying "no, no, no" a lot more these days too. There are just so many things to explore. Oh well, I make them laugh when I shake my head no after the scold me!

Here I am with Frodo. He really is a neat dog. He lets me crawl all over him and he just lays there. He is so big though. Poppa gave me a big, blue lollipop the other day. When I was done, I had blue stuff all over my face. Grandma couldn't help but take a picture of me!

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