Grandma thinks I'm special. My sister, Amielia does too. and, so does somebody else. My Grandma's friend, Shrimp, made this quilt especially for me. Isn't that something? I really like the bright colors.The picture on the right was taken in October. I am now 4 months old. Look how big I am getting. It sure is nice to have a sister to play with. She makes me laugh. I love to watch her when she plays too.
Look at me! I'm one year old. Everyone says that this year has gone by fast and that I am getting so big. I have 6 teeth now and I can walk, although I still get around pretty quickly when I crawl. Everyone seems to be saying "no, no, no" a lot more these days too. There are just so many things to explore. Oh well, I make them laugh when I shake my head no after the scold me!
Here I am with Frodo. He really is a neat dog. He lets me crawl all over him and he just lays there. He is so big though. Poppa gave me a big, blue lollipop the other day. When I was done, I had blue stuff all over my face. Grandma couldn't help but take a picture of me!
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