That first rendezvous was short in comparison to later 'voos ... and was quite tame as well. What went on at one of the "later" rendezvous? According to Joe Meek: "When Captain Sublette's goods were opened and distributed among the trappers and Indians, then began the usual gay carousal, and the 'fast young men' of the mountains outvied each other in all manner of mad pranks. In the beginning of their spree many feats of horsemanship and personal strength were exhibited, which were regarded with admiring wonder by the sober and inexperienced. And as nothing stimulated the vanity
of the mountain-men like an audience of this sort, the feats they performed were apt to astonigh themselves. In exhibitions of this kind, the free trappers took the lead, and usually carried
off the prize, like the privilieged class that they were."
But the horse-racing, fine riding, wrestling, and all the manlier sports, soon degenerated into something resembling a 'crazy
drunk' party.
Upon arriving at a rendezvous, the camp must have presented a
confused scene of rioting, and debauchery for several days, after
which the kegs were once again bunged, and everything became
peaceful and tranquil. Sometimes, many free trappers returned to the mountains as penniless as they were when they arrived at the rendezvous, having spent all their earnings on their supplies ... and whiskey. More prudent trappers became independently wealthy.
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