This page is dedicated to the memory of my husband Ernest Eugene "Buddy" Eakins. He was a loving father, husband, son and brother. He leaves behind me - his wife of 16 years, our sons Benjamin age 15 and Ernest Jr age 8, his mother, 3 brothers, 3 sisters and numerous other family and friends. He will be sadly missed by all of us. He worked in construction most of his life. He loved to watch football and nascar racing. I will miss him watching his football and racing on weekends now. We were married on July 24th and were to celebrate our 16th anniversary a few days after he passed away. He found out he had cancer of his lung, liver and bone at the end of June 1998 and already is gone from us. The poem below titled God Saw You says it all. God saw he was getting tired and that there was no cure for his cancer so he put his arms around Buddy and took him home with him. When it comes time for his family and friends to go to heaven also Buddy will be right there waiting for us all with open arms saying "Welcome! I have been waiting for you." Till then we all just have to find ways to go on with our lives. He would want that of us. He will be watching over us in the meantime from heaven.
We love you and miss you Buddy.
Should you go first and I remain,
One thing I would have you do:
Walk slowly down that long, lone path,
For soon I'll follow you.
I'll want to know each step you take,
That I may walk the same,
For some day down that lonely road,
You'll hear me call your name.
Jesus said: "I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you I will come again and recieve you unto myself; so that where I am you may be there also." John 14: 2-3
My Love Is In Heaven
My Love is in Heaven and I feel so alone,
He has left me with two sons on my own.
I know you are in Gods good hands,
And I feel as lost as though a grain in the sand.
I miss you Buddy with all my heart,
And that is why my Love for you will Never Part.
If I could have one wish come true,
It would be to have you an eternity with you.
I know that can never happen but I want you to know,
That I know you will be with me to watch our sons grow.
They miss you and are finding it so hard to deal,
With the loss of their dad and how they feel.
We reminisce about the good times we shared,
And I know you knew just how much we cared.
Saying Good bye is so hard to do,
Because we shared a Love so deep and True.
SO rest my dear and always know,
The Love we shared I will Never let go.
I Love you and Miss you with all my heart,
Now we need to learn how to make a new start.
Goodbye My Love.
Your Loving Wife - Mary Eakins
Music is eternal
But songs end
And some end
All too suddenly
Leaving you wondering
Why did it have to end?
Where is the rest?
In this the music is the soul
But the song is the life
The life of Buddy Eakins
A song sorely missed
In the collection of the world
But one that lives on
In the hearts of Mary,
His family,
And all that encountered him.
Love Shadowdancer
God saw you were getting tired,
And a cure was not to be,
So he put his arms around you,
And whispered, "Come to me."
With tearful eye we watched you,
And saw you pass away.
Although we loved you dearly,
We could not make you stay.
A golden heart stopped beating,
Hard working hands at rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us,
He only takes the best.
Author unknown
I know your life on earth was troubled,
And only you could know the pain.
You weren't afraid to face the devil
You were no stranger to the rain.
Go rest high on that mountain
Son, your work on earth is done
Go to heaven a shoutin'
Love for the Father and the Son.
Oh how we cried the day you left us
We gathered 'round your grave to grieve
I wish I could see the angels' faces
When they hear your sweet voice sing
Go rest high on that mountain
Son, your work on earth is done
Go to heaven a shoutin'
Love for the Father and the Son.
Go to heaven a shoutin'
Love for the Father and the Son.
Thanks to Vince Gill for this song. It is a beautiful song. This was played at Buddy's funeral so that is why I wanted to include it on here. The song you hear playing in the background is the instrumental version of this song. Hope you enjoy listening to it while reading this page.
No further away then a picture,
a smile or remembered phrase,
our loved ones live in memory -
so close in so many ways.
For how often does a sunset,
bring nostalgic thoughts to mind,
of moments that our loved ones shared,
in days now left behind!
How often has a flower,
or a crystal autumn sky,
brought golden recollections,
of happy days gone by!
Memory has a magic way,
of keeping loved ones near -
ever close in mind and heart,
are the ones we hold most dear.
Marjorie Frances Ames
I can't believe you're gone, it just doesn't seem true.
I don't understand why God had to take someone like you.
I know He had a reason when He took you from this place.
I don't understand right now, but your life I can't replace.
Your body may be gone, but your memory will always remain.
We're all going through the hurt right now, the heartache and the pain.
But we can rest assurred that you're in a better place.
And although we'll see you again,
The pain of loss is hard to erase.
author unknown
I was 14 years old
when I heard the bad news.
My father had Cancer.
This was such bad news!
He told me not to worry
cuz he'd always be there,
but when he left me
I felt so bare.
We spent time together
for a short time,
and soon he left me
at a very quick time!
I never thought
he would just go,
but now I realize,
he didn't want to go.
It was his time.
You couldn't take that away,
but I miss him,
and wish he could have stayed.
Everyday I think to myself,
Why did he leave me?
Did I do something
It wasn't my fault
so people would say,
but I still think it is,
to this very day.
He is here with me
through good times and bad,
but now that he's gone
I'm really sad.
I miss him so much.
My words can't say
"I wish he were with me
right now today."
author unknown
Sorry, I never told you
All I wanted to say.
Now it's too late to hold you
"Cause you've flown away
So far away
Never had I imagined
Living without your smile
Feeling and knowing you hear me.
It keeps me alive.
And I know you're shining down on me from heaven.
Like so many friends we've lost along the way.
And I know eventually we'll be together.....
One Sweet Day.
Darling I never showed you
Assumed you'd always be there.
Took your presence for granted
But I always cared.
And I miss the love we shared.
Although the sun will shine the same
I'll always look to a brighter day
Lord I know when I lay me down to sleep....
You will always listen as I pray.
And I know your shining down on me from heaven
Like so many friends we've lost along the way.
And I know eventually we'll be together
One Sweet Day.
Sorry I never told you all I wanted to say....
~Mariah Carey~
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Before I close this page I would like to say a big huge thank you to all our many internet friends for all the help and support they have given to my sons and me during this trying time in our lives. I am so glad to have so many wonderful friends. And a even bigger thank you to my sis Cherokee for the help on making this page. She made the graphics for this page and did a beautiful job. And I could never forget my really special angel and all the help she has given me. Thank you my angel. You know who you are.