TED - 09/14/00 21:22:09
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mo/melodyone/index.html
My Email:theo@galexynet.com
Where are you from?: missouri
How did you find this site?: birthday-club
Sorry for being late for your birthday party,but i;m sure everything went well,anyway Happy (late)Birthday.
*B Y R D i E* - 09/12/00 00:50:38
My URL:http://members.aol.com/SFMW929/main.html
My Email:SFMW929@aol.com
Where are you from?: Houston
How did you find this site?: Birthday Club
What was your favorite page on this site?: -all-
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday Dear Mary! Happy Birthday to you!
Loni Voorhis - 09/11/00 23:45:03
My URL:/sahmom02/
My Email:sahmom@uswest.net
Where are you from?: Phoenix
How did you find this site?: Birthday Club
What was your favorite page on this site?: All of them
Mary - Happy birthday, hope you have a great day!!
Jessica - 09/11/00 20:40:42
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ms/IOLAs/index.html
Where are you from?: Upstate NY
How did you find this site?: Birthday Club
I hope you have a wonderful birthday! Best wishes to you!!
Jamie - 09/11/00 20:40:09
My URL:http://fly.to/jamieswebsight
My Email:jmaie@gurlmail.com
Where are you from?: Missouri
Happy Birthday, Mary!!
Mony - 09/10/00 10:47:00
My URL:http://surf.to/mony
My Email:monyborg@telia.com
Where are you from?: Sweden
Have a wonderful birthday!
Best wishes, Mony
Chris Lewis - 09/10/00 01:54:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/chris_lewis_1950
My Email:chrislewis@geocities.com
Where are you from?: Falls Church, VA
How did you find this site?: Birthday Club
Hi Mary,
I hope you will have a wonderful birthday on the 11th. May it be filled with lots of love, kindness and some darn right fun too. God Bless you now and in your future too. Have a wonderful day.
God Bless,
Kathy Attales - 09/07/00 00:35:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Quarter/3444/
My Email:KathyABR@aol.com
Where are you from?: Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
How did you find this site?: Birthday Club
What was your favorite page on this site?: Everything
Mary, just stopped by from the Birthday Club to wish you a very Happy Birthday!!!!! Stop by and visit my site and meet my family and kids.
Kath - 09/06/00 17:56:31
My URL:http://anypurpose.com/kdotson/myworld.html
My Email:KDotson@webtv.net
Where are you from?: Montana
How did you find this site?: Birthday Club
Hope you have a wonderful birthday, Mary!
Hello Mary! I hope you have a wonderful birthday. Here is a little something to brighten up your special day.
Rosa - 09/05/00 23:02:19
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Roro_Place/index.html
My Email:rokees@frontiernet.net
Where are you from?: Upstate, New York
How did you find this site?: Birthday Club
Hi Mary: Just dropped by to wish you a "Happy Birthday," and leave you something. Hope you enjoy your day on September 11....Rosa
Hi Mary,
Great website!! Have a wonderful birthday!!
Hi Mary! I stopped by to say, Enjoy your special day! 8/11/00 :-) Delia
Happy Birthday, Mary! Hope it's the best!! BIRTHDAY CLUB HUGS!!!
Flo - 09/04/00 19:49:21
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~FLORENCTYNA/index.html
My Email:Flada@webtv.net
Where are you from?: B/Club ~~~```````PA
How did you find this site?: Great
Sweet Mary ~Gee girl i heard you had a special day comming up so here i am to wish you a ~~~~~~
(((Hugs ))~Love ~Flo~~~~~~~~~Enjoy !
The Blankenship's:John,Lisa,Ryan and Samuel - 09/04/00 17:24:52
My URL:http://clix.to/lisab
My Email:lisaandjohn90@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Iowa
How did you find this site?: Birthday Club
Happy Birthday Mary! Hope you have a wonderful day!
Debbie - 09/03/00 18:33:36
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Debbies_Room/index.html
My Email:bambam50@webtv.net
Where are you from?: Ohio
How did you find this site?: The Bday Club
What was your favorite page on this site?: It is all very beautiful
Hi Mary, I just stopped in to wish you a very Happy Birthday on Sept. 11.. may all your wishes come true
Happy birthday Mary. Hope you have a special day. May all your dreams and wishes come true.
Theresa - 09/03/00 07:04:39
My URL:/HotSprings/Spa/9347
My Email:trichards@bardstow.com
Where are you from?: Kentucky
How did you find this site?: Birthday Club
What was your favorite page on this site?: all of them
Happy Happy Birthday Mary!!! I hope you have a wonderful Day!!
Hi I like the way your cover page is set up- it grabs your attention and makes you slow down to smell the flowers ~ anyway I came cause I heard it was your Birthday month ~ Sooooooooooooooooo~
Rhonda - 09/03/00 02:14:07
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~mepeachy1/index.html
My Email:peachieone@webtv.net
Where are you from?: virginia
How did you find this site?: birthday club
Happy Birthday Mary. I hope you have a wonderful day.
Margie Tapp (RD for region 35 Oregon) - 08/25/00 04:29:54
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~MargyC/sis2.html
My Email:mmft@home.com
Where are you from?: Oregon
How did you find this site?: Through Icq and loth
What was your favorite page on this site?: I didn't have a favorite page they were all very nice*S*
Hi just taking some time to visit my sister's web-
pages you have a lovely site.Glad I came to visit
Love Margie(regional director region 35 Oregon)
Dennis Allen Briggs (Gad) - 08/18/00 20:45:55
My URL:http://www.theendbygod.com
My Email:deallen@theendbygod.com
Where are you from?: Tennessee
Greetings from Ten Mile, Tennessee (USA)
dave - 07/12/00 18:33:32
My URL:http://www.persuets.co.uk
My Email:sandpiper1@btinternet.com
Where are you from?: uk
How did you find this site?: webring
What was your favorite page on this site?: mian
hi just a quick note to say i enjoyed my stay
on your site and if your passing you might
like to visit me
Vickie - 06/07/00 02:50:39
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/vsinglet/index.html
My Email:vsinglet@bellsouth.net
Where are you from?: TN
How did you find this site?: surf
I tried to sign smallfry's guestbook but the link didn't work. I just wanted to say hi. And you are welcome to check out my children's pages.
Monica - 05/10/00 04:09:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/8854
My Email:paslay@earthlink.net
Where are you from?: CA
How did you find this site?: birthday club
Thank you for wishing me happy birthday.
Shona - 01/31/00 23:56:57
My URL:http://moonie.vitamina.ca
My Email:chan5@es.co.nz
Where are you from?: New Zealand
How did you find this site?: webring
What was your favorite page on this site?: it all is truely wonderful
Your site is truely wonderful and a inspiration to us all, that is why i would like to take this opitunity to invite you to join our webring called Incredible Girls and also to enter in the Vitamina Challenge. It is a friendly and fun way to make new frie
ds and promote your site. Just go to my site for more details on either. Once again keep up the wonderful job you are doing with your page.
Allison - 01/07/00 00:34:51
My URL:http://home-schooling.faithweb.com/index.html
My Email:A.cortens@home.com
Where are you from?: Saskatoon
How did you find this site?: I looked up Bible hisory and I came across your sons web page and from his page got to your page.
What was your favorite page on this site?: I haven't checked any of the web pages yet.
I really like your page. I'm a christian as you probably figure and I find this page intresting.
Allison - 01/07/00 00:06:03
My URL:http://home-schooling.faithweb.com/index.html
My Email:A.cortens@home.com
Where are you from?: Saskatoon
How did you find this site?: I looked up Bible hisory and I came across your sons web page and from his page got to your page.
What was your favorite page on this site?: I haven't checked any of the web pages yet.
I really like your page. I'm a christian as you probably figure and I find this page intresting.
Wayne Frazier - 12/20/99 10:58:36
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/lwf64/index.html
My Email:lwf64@aol.com
Where are you from?: Michigan
How did you find this site?: Webring
Hi! I really enjoyed my visit to your site. I think you have done a nice job with it, and it looks great! I will have to come back again.
Julie - 11/29/99 02:51:01
My URL:http://members.aol.com/julientx/index.html
My Email:Julientx@aol.com
Where are you from?: Texas
How did you find this site?: Your ICQ Profile
What was your favorite page on this site?: All your pages were great, I especially liked your fishtank, very cute:)
Hi Mary! Thank you for wishing me a Happy Thanksgiving! I also hope yours was great! Take Care and God Bless!
Rhiannon - 11/13/99 22:00:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Pointe/5775/joshbd.html
My Email:rhiannonway@connect.ab.ca
Where are you from?: Canada
How did you find this site?: Luck!
What was your favorite page on this site?: all of them!
Your site is so fantastic...The love and hard work you have put into it makes the net a better place!
Hans Erich Myors - 10/31/99 14:11:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/pprayers
My Email:pprayers@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Americus, Georgia
How did you find this site?: Geocities Ring
Shalom from a fellow member of the Geocities Ring.
jcjoy - 10/26/99 22:53:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/7834/
My Email:jelly93@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Oklahoma
What was your favorite page on this site?: I haven't decided
What a beautiful site.
Terri and Kerri Lynn - 09/11/99 18:31:40
My URL:http://www.mysticalconnections.com
Where are you from?: Texas
How did you find this site?: I am your sis
What was your favorite page on this site?: The one for Buddy
Both clearing our throats......Happy Birthday to you.....Happy Birthday to you.......Happy Birthday dear Mary......Happy Birthday to you. We hope that you have a beautiful day today. It is your specail day today so enjoy it.
Kim - 09/11/99 07:20:18
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx/holyrain/index.html
My Email:rainluvr@ix.netcom.com
Where are you from?: LOTH
How did you find this site?: A Birdy :-)
What was your favorite page on this site?: Christian Side of Life
Greetings LOTH sister. Your pages are wondeful! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Kristina - 09/07/99 22:01:49
My Email:kriscoi@aol.com
Where are you from?: NY and NC
How did you find this site?: ICQ
What was your favorite page on this site?: all
Hi there Mary you are doing agreat job there. Keep it up. We all love you and wish you the best. LOve always your sister
Lynn - 08/25/99 16:22:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/estates/7841
My Email:smidgit@netscape.net
Where are you from?: Maine
How did you find this site?: Surfing
Truly an enjoyable visit here at your home on the Web. Fantastic job. Please visit my home on the web and sign my guestbook please while you are there so I know you were there. God is so Good all the time. I am glad that I know Jesus as my Savior. I
m glad you allowed me the priviledge of visiting your site today. Keep up the great work for Jesus.
May God richly and abundantly Bless every aspect of your life.
Rebel (markus) - 08/15/99 18:05:08
My URL:http://members.aol.com/rebel97874/index.htm
My Email:rebel97874@aol.com
Where are you from?: Hamburg Germany
How did you find this site?: Link from julies linklist
What was your favorite page on this site?: oklahoma history
A big hello from a mean german guy who stole the text from your oklahoma history.
it was so exiting how many facts you had about oklahoma, that i had to copy the text and put it on my page.
i hope it is ok for you,
if it is not
e-mail me and ill delete it from my page
all i have to say is, great page, i really enjoyed it
way to go,
and may god bless you
greetings from
Markus (the Rebel)
Mei Sarah Abidin - 08/06/99 06:30:16
My URL:http://chubb.com
My Email:sabidin@chubb.com
Where are you from?: Indonesia
How did you find this site?: from my friend
What was your favorite page on this site?: I don't know yet
Looks interesting when I start to open your site and I would like to know more
Mei Sarah Abidin - 08/06/99 06:30:06
My URL:http://chubb.com
My Email:sabidin@chubb.com
Where are you from?: Indonesia
How did you find this site?: from my friend
What was your favorite page on this site?: I don't know yet
Looks interesting when I start to open your site and I would like to know more
Brenda Heinrichs - 06/22/99 04:27:55
My Email:heinrich@pld.com
Where are you from?: was Thomas..now Kansas
How did you find this site?: just looking up people under thomas oklahoma
What was your favorite page on this site?: ALL
very very nice web site
Nikki - 06/20/99 17:01:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Tidepool/7784/index.html
My Email:nikkiswim@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: USA
How did you find this site?: webring
What was your favorite page on this site?: they were all good!
i love this page! that was really great that you made the page for your husband! please come visit my page!
Hezekiah Isareal Funnymann - 06/12/99 19:39:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/acres/3071/
My Email:Funnymann_RTM_@Yahoo.com
Where are you from?: New York Citry
How did you find this site?: Looked up the block from my site.
What was your favorite page on this site?: yours
please visit my site.
cindy c - 06/09/99 07:32:58
My URL:http://http://members.xoom.com/_XOOM/mssidestp/index.html
My Email:countryclubldy@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: ohio
How did you find this site?: from info icq
What was your favorite page on this site?: they were all good, especially the memory page for "Buddy", made me think of doing one for my mom, who died of lung cancer on July 10th, 1997
Very nice, Mary,
cindy c - 06/09/99 07:31:54
My Email:countryclubldy@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: ohio
How did you find this site?: from info icq
What was your favorite page on this site?: they were all good, especially the memory page for "Buddy", made me think of doing one for my mom, who died of lung cancer on July 10th, 1997
Very nice, Mary,
Jen - 06/05/99 02:42:07
The Birthday Webring [ Previous 5 | Previous | Next | Next 5 | Random | List | Join ] Robert De Niro was born in New York City, New York, USA on 8/17/43. |
Jen - 06/05/99 02:42:00
The Birthday Webring [ Previous 5 | Previous | Next | Next 5 | Random | List | Join ] Robert De Niro was born in New York City, New York, USA on 8/17/43. |
Patty - 06/02/99 01:01:25
My URL:/heartland/ridge/1847
Where are you from?: Oklahoma
How did you find this site?: Heartland link
You seem to be very strong after all you have been through. God Bless!
Patty - 06/02/99 01:00:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/ridge/1847
Where are you from?: Oklahoma
How did you find this site?: Heartland link
You seem to be very strong after all you have been through. God Bless!
Heidi - 04/01/99 22:25:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/2402
My Email:scandiadream@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Florida
How did you find this site?: webring
What was your favorite page on this site?: Christian
awesome page
bill raines - 03/28/99 17:13:53
My Email:mraines@graceba.net
Where are you from?: alabama
How did you find this site?: icq
What was your favorite page on this site?: enjoyed tham all
ms mary your tastes are top shelf. enjoyed all the
pages on your website very much. the memorial page
is excellent. best wishes always from "me & mama "
wooly 11666761
Barby - 03/16/99 06:03:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~boocat1
My Email:rmabney@ipa.net
Where are you from?: Arkansas
How did you find this site?: Moms2Teens
What was your favorite page on this site?: Your fish tank
Hi, Mary! I'm just trying to work my way through Moms2Teens sites! Loved your bunnies on your main page. Your tribute to your husband was very touching.