Matt is HOME for Xmas (1997)...started out this
morning when I fed the kids in
the dark and they all looked at me like I was
nuts...Georgie especially
just lay there and tilted his head when I brought the
WHAT ARE YOU DOING mom???..well they got over the
initial shock..and all
settled in to eat.. it's a wonder I got the food in
the right
places..there are 8 trays in the boys yard and about
13 of them in the
girls yard..refrigerator trays I put pellets in..and
they're scattered all around the goatyard.. in the meantime I had a pineapple upside
down cake going in
the oven for Matt so...and of course NO one wanted to
cooperate..all got
done and I headed out to the Buick at about 6:40...I
did NOT want to be
late and the car's not running well anyway.. so got it
warmed up
and....You know I don't drive that car at night since
I lost the
headlights about 6 mos my pea
brain..driving at nite and
driving in the morning are 2 TOTALLY different NEVER occurred
to me that I had no headlights until I got in to
leave... and NO
HEADLIGHTS...well..I could not wait till daylight..I
mean I already had
57 goats who thought I was nuts as it was...couldn't
lose me
and the Buick and the parking lights headed off in
the dark..good thing
I know my road pretty well..I figured at least other
people could see
me..I had tail lights and parking lights..I just
prayed nothing jumped out
in front of me...I was in Black Canyon City before I
could turn off the
lights..half way to Phoenix....I followed a set of
tail lights that
looked like they knew what they were doing..*S* got to
the outskirts of
Phoenix at 8:00..I had till 9:10 for his plane..I
thought..Ill have a lot of
extra time and then I felt guilty about rousing the
kids so early..then
it hit me...I KNEW why I left the city..gridlock.. WOW
this little hick
ain't used to that kind of traffic anymore and to
think I drove in the
Bay Area for a LIVING in a 30' limo no less *ha*
then I got to the
airport..that is the WORST airport to figure out
where to park...arriving
flights and parking don't go together there..on the
4th trip around the's now 8:50..I'm getting a tiny bit
concerned as I don't know
where the danged terminal is..FINALLY after leaving
the airport
altogether and coming back and asking the rental car
parking lot
attendant..that's where I ended up..*S*..I found a
place to
inside and found out the terminal I needed was at
the opposite end of
the airport..go figure..
off on a trot I went with camera in hand ..I wanted a picture of him
getting off the I stood in front of 200
people right THERE
where the people had to pass right by me...a couple
of older people got
off..then a family then the airline attendants
Matthew... (I already was worried since he was
having a hard time in Ft
Knox with the ticketless travel..sgt said he'd have
to go in lock up if
he didn't have a ticket..) I stood there with my face hanging out..and
ready to have a heart attack..the tears welling up in my eyes and NO ONE
else was coming off that plane.. I was horrified,
crushed and wanted to die.... I saw an older lady looking at me with a grin on her face and all
I could think was "what the hell are you smiling
about lady?" big ole grin on her face...this tap on my shoulder and I turn around and look at
the pilot..confused CONFUSED and then horror hit.. I was going to get bad news..Matt had fallen off the plane..something..I was shaking and my head was pounding..this voice.."mom..??"
It was MY SON! the pilot was MY SON!!! I didn't EVEN recognize him!!!! I snapped..I totally fell apart held onto him like I haven't done since the day he was born..and sobbed..LOUD 200 people who SAW
the whole thing and knew before me my mistake.. people were actually clapping...I must
have sobbed for 15 minutes holding this kid like
there was no tomorrow...I didn't even SEE him when he passed me..he looks SO different....damned army anyway..he looks beautiful but I've NEVER seen
his head bald..he wasn't that bald the day he was
born...*LOL*...well anyway we're home and I wanted y'all to know... it was another "debbie
moment"...what a blond...duh...I love you all and will talk to you soon Debbie and her kids...AND her