These are the people who have visited my address. If your name isn't here then why don't you take the time to sign it. So what are you waiting for.ADD YOUR NAME NOW!!!

Sheryl Hester - 06/24/00 04:10:10


11/10/99 02:17:34
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Nice. Agradecimentos para deixar-me assinar seu guestbook

James Perry - 09/21/99 22:46:52

I have no idea what Geocities is or what all those little houses are there for. Since I've only just got access to the net it's all new to me. It's weird.

Owen - 08/04/99 06:17:02

Congrats on the babe. Great pic.

Paul D. Hester - 07/15/99 14:14:03

Hi Amanda, I just took a look at your webpage update. It looks good. We are looking forward to seeing you in about a week. Mom can't wait. I better run and get to work. Love Ya Dad

Ron - 05/28/99 01:35:37


Blaise Riou - 03/24/99 02:51:48

Je visted GeoCities et le somhow a fini vers le haut sur votre page Web. Combien d'heure avez-vous investie dans votre site Internet? J'espère avoir un bientôt!

MaLea Milstead - 12/14/98 21:42:11

Hey Amanda, I work with your dad. I love the page, keep up the good work. He says Hello!

- 10/04/98 19:13:58

Hi! This is Mom. I wanted to see if you added anything new. Talk to you later.

10/02/98 11:14:12
Name: Bad Bunny
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Sheryl Hester - 07/04/98 22:07:50

Hi! I like your web page. It took me forever to get into it. I had to ask John. HAPPY 4th of JULY! Mary and David had put in above the ground swimming pool,and I have been up there this morning swimming. It is great. She said, "I wish Amanda, James, and Jessica were here." I said, "I do too." It want be too long before we will be there. Your Daddy said we might go to Disney World to see Animal Kingdom. If you would, check to see how much it would be. Have you had a good day? Betsy, James Hunter, John, and Elizabeth have water guns. They are getting everyone wet. I'll talk to you soon. Love, Mom

mom - 02/22/98 19:25:30

Hi! I'm printing your web page for the first time since Christmas. I'm so excited. I'll get to keep it.

Mom and Dad - 11/28/97 00:53:01

Hi! I just back from Aunt Elizabeth's house. They were all asking about you. Jean said to tell you that she was thinking about you. All the kids, Jennifer and Lori, Jean's two girl's, were going to see the Rain Man. Have you seen it yet? I bet it is good movie. Derrick just got here from Huntsville. He had to work today. Dad will be here in a minute. He is looking for his mother's fruit punch. I'm going to have to get a computer, This is fun. Here he is. Hi Amanda, How are yall doing ? We have had a good day, I guess. We sure miss seeing you. I have to go to Vina to do a saw job tommorrow. Deshler plays Munford tommorrow night at Howard Chappell in the third round of the 4A State Play- offs. I will have to work at Rolls Incorporated Saturday. I may stay in the bed all day Sunday. Baby, I guess I need to get off this thing. I love you. Dad.

Mom and Dad - 11/28/97 00:52:57

Hi! I just back from Aunt Elizabeth's house. They were all asking about you. Jean said to tell you that she was thinking about you. All the kids, Jennifer and Lori, Jean's two girl's, were going to see the Rain Man. Have you seen it yet? I bet it is good movie. Derrick just got here from Huntsville. He had to work today. Dad will be here in a minute. He is looking for his mother's fruit punch. I'm going to have to get a computer, This is fun. Here he is. Hi Amanda, How are yall doing ? We have had a good day, I guess. We sure miss seeing you. I have to go to Vina to do a saw job tommorrow. Deshler plays Munford tommorrow night at Howard Chappell in the third round of the 4A State Play- offs. I will have to work at Rolls Incorporated Saturday. I may stay in the bed all day Sunday. Baby, I guess I need to get off this thing. I love you. Dad.

Mom and Dad - 11/28/97 00:52:53

Hi! I just back from Aunt Elizabeth's house. They were all asking about you. Jean said to tell you that she was thinking about you. All the kids, Jennifer and Lori, Jean's two girl's, were going to see the Rain Man. Have you seen it yet? I bet it is good movie. Derrick just got here from Huntsville. He had to work today. Dad will be here in a minute. He is looking for his mother's fruit punch. I'm going to have to get a computer, This is fun. Here he is. Hi Amanda, How are yall doing ? We have had a good day, I guess. We sure miss seeing you. I have to go to Vina to do a saw job tommorrow. Deshler plays Munford tommorrow night at Howard Chappell in the third round of the 4A State Play- offs. I will have to work at Rolls Incorporated Saturday. I may stay in the bed all day Sunday. Baby, I guess I need to get off this thing. I love you. Dad.

John, Betsy, and Mom - 11/27/97 17:46:25

Hey Amanda, welcome from the Hester household on Thanksgiving, we hope you have a good holiday. From John. From Betsy-- Sorry you couldn't make it up here, and I don't know what to say. From Mom-- Glad you called this morning and I'll be talking o you soon. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!! The Hester Family

amanda - 11/27/97 01:17:57


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