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Howdy! My name is John Bircsak. You can visit my wife, Karen, here. (She's just across the street!)

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Tower Addition.
Basement Plans
Basement Construction Pictures
Uncle Lou's 90th Birthday Party
Visit to Dianne and Mike's, April 2002
Uncle Fritzy's Christmas Eve 2001 Party
Janet and Al's Wedding, October 18, 2002
Halloween 2002
Peri Puppy Pictures!
Nantucket Trip June 2003
Easter 2004 (NJ)
Project: Small Table
Disney World Trip 2004
Christina's First Communion
Karen's Geocities Homepage
John's Geocities Homepage
John's Flickr Photos
John's Yahoo!Photos

Happy Halloween!

Meet the newest addition to our family, Peri. Click through to more pictures.

These are the newborn portraits of my three lovely children. Alex is almost 13, Samantha is 9, and Christina already 7! Click on each picture to see a more recent (but not very) photo.
Alex Samantha Christina

Here is a not-so-recent picture of my two little princesses:

"Thank you, Aunt Lynn and Uncle Frank!"

We are saddened by the sudden and unexpected loss
of the beloved canine member of our family...
We are sad to report that Molly's best friend and
littermate, Shadow, has now joined her. We will miss her.

February 14, 1989 - June 3, 1998

February 14, 1989 - July 31, 2002
They were good dogs; we loved them, and I'm sure they loved us.

You can reach me at
Or you can send mail to me by clicking here.

Here are some places on the web that I like to shop at, maybe you would too:
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