

Queries Page


Please capitalize all surnames!
I invite the posting of Queries. E-mail your "NEWCOMB(E)" genealogy relevant query to me. Please capitalize all surnames and try to limit the size to a few lines if possible. (see posted queries as an example of the format). Include your postal address if desired. Check back to insure that your entry was posted correctly. (Normally within one week.) The Query will remain posted unless you request it removed.

Please capitalize all surnames!

Regarding John W. NEWCOM, Stockbridge Indian,
A Feb. 6, 1826 petition from assorted Stockbridge Chiefs and Warriors, states that NEWCOM was twenty years old at the time (thus born in 1806), the son of Englishman Newcomb Dodridge and his wife, Stockbridge Indian "Sarah".
Does anyone know if this is "Newcomb Doddridge" or "Doddridge NEWCOMB"?
If it is Doddridge Newcomb, was this Sarah, the "Thompson" Doddridge Newcomb married ?
The only spouse I've found for Doddridge Newcomb was _____ Thompson.  No first name is given.  Her Father was Isaac Thompson. No other information is known about her Father.

"spouse" Thompson and Doddridge Newcomb had five children: Harmony, Lucius, Sophia, Jerusha, and "Son".  Harmony Newcomb married Marcus Snow. 3. Lucius was born about 1793. His occupation was a Trader. He was living in an insane asylum, in 1862 in Columbus Ohio. He was unmarried as of 1874.  Sophia was born in 1796. She died May 4, 1872 in Enfield, CT.  Jerusha was born February 23, 1799.  She married Matthew Sutcliff, November 29, 1838.  There is no information about (Son) Newcomb.

Thank you, mcnfan@hotmail.com November 6, 2008

I am looking for information on Albert NEWCOMB he married Martha TREWHITT.  They had a son John Wilson NEWCOMB who was my grandfather.  My email is ralls747@sbcglobal.net October 28, 2008.

Searching for information on NEWCOMB(E) from around the Nottinghamshire area back in late 1700's. In particular Richard NEWCOMB m Alice PARKIN 1776 and their children John b 1767, William b 1769, Richard b 1771, Septimus b 1773 and Thomas b 1774. There were repititions of these names of children who died earlier. All were born in either Worksop or Carbuton, Nottinghamshire. Septimus married Ann MEE and they had 3 children, Frederick b 1802, Ann b 1804 and Septimus b 1806 all at Holme Pierrepont in Nottinghamshire. The younger Septimus married Hannah Pacey in 1830 and had a child, Frederick b 1831, who started the NEWCOMB(E) line in the Western District of Victoria, Australia after 1857. Please send any information to:  leanne.newcombe@bigpond.com June 6, 2008

Still searching for Tito Rodriguez or his sister Kathy Newcomb or nephew Jason Newcomb. Was a drummer with J B. Hooker Band. Last known to be in Las Vegas. Stephanie and his daughter Nichole are searching for him. He has two grandchildren who want to meet him and their Aunt Kathy. E-mail me at   familyenigma@yahoo.com   please

I'm looking for information that fellow Newcomb's may have connecting Royal Newcomb B. 11-Sept 1828 Hillsdale NY. D. 21-Mar-1863 to Civil War Service. Also looking for pictures or close kin to/of my Newcomb lineage. (Andrew, Andrew,Thomas,Ebenezer,David,Barzillia,Royal,Kenneth,Frank,Gerald,lawrence,Raymond = (Myself).
Thank you tony12165@gmail.com  August 21, 2008


Hi - researching my NEWCOMBE ancestors in Australia. Parents William NEWCOMBE & Jane MASON of Devonshire. Children Robert & Jane NEWCOMBE both born Devon. Robert NEWCOMBE (1812 - 1972) & wife Mary HEARN (1801 - 1872) and Jane NEWCOMBE (1821 - 1864) & husband Richard MARTIN (1817 - 1892) came to Port Stephens region of New South Wales in early 1840's where they were farmers. Richard & Jane my 4G grandparents - any info welcome - Eric Turner (Gold Cost Queensland Australia) eric@dynatex.com.au March 4, 2008


I am searching for information regarding MARY NEWCOMB, my 3rd Great Grandmother born approx 1748 New York, the daughter of JOSEPH NEWCOMB and his wife MARY ELDRIDGE.  MARY NEWCOMB married  RICHARD GODFREY 11 Mar 1769 in Chatham, Massachusetts. Any information is greatly appreciated. Thank you... Marilyn texas26@gmail.com February 29, 2008

I have been working on my husband's geneology for a long time and am stuck on the Newcomb line.  His mother was Margaret E. Newcomb, b. 1915 in Chespeake City, Maryland Grandparents, Charles Vernon Newcomb, b2/20/1881, Virginia and Mildred Louise Hewett, b abt 1890, Maryland.  (On his WWI draft registration he listed his mother, Mary Jane Newcomb) I recently found out that Charles Vernon Newcombs' father was Henry A. Newcomb, b abt 1845, mar. to a Mary Jane (1900 Census lists Henry and Mary Jane's family.) I would appreciate it if you have any other information in which would help me tie further into the Newcomb line.
 My email is MPhill9615@earthlink.net February 22, 2008


I am looking for information about Hezekiah Newcomb (1841-1891) who was born in Philadelphia. Any information about his parents/grandparents/siblings would be very beneficial.  He married Hannah Collins in the late 1860’s and had two sons (James H. – 1869-1927 & Hezekiah (Edward)-1875- ?) both of whom resided in Philadelphia.  James married Sarah J. Lee (1871-1947) & had several children.   Any general information about the Newcombs in Philadelphia would be appreciated.
My email address is the_newks@azmnet.com.  Thanks!  December 3, 2007

Looking for info on greatgrandmother Betty Clark Newcomb. She was full blooded Cherokee Indian who was born in the 1840's or 50's in Mississppi.

I'm looking for a John W. Newcom/Newcum/Newcombe/Newcon/Newcomb, born about 1833 in Kansas, or Missouri, or ?. His Father was born in New York State. His Mother was born in Canada, or New York State. His Mother was Cherokee. His Father was thought to of been a Frenchman. He had a brother named Sam, a brother named "Alec", and a sister named Minnie, who married a Johnson (Johnston?). He may of had other sibblings. His Father's name might of been Will.
One of his brothers lived in Indian Territory, married a Cherokee woman named "Black Jane", & he could not leave I.T., because he was wanted by the law. My family was said to be Irish, 4 Irish brothers immigrated, 3 went to Missouri, and one went to New York State. John W. Newcomb's Father may of been a Stockbridge Indian. Looking for relatives. My email is mcnfan@hotmail.com June 18, 2007

I  am also searching for Elizabeth Ann Newcomb Upton born1822 Peterboro, NH died 9 June 1890 in Morrison. hazcope@bright.net

Hi, my name is Tim Milligan and I am currently researching my family tree. The missing link is hopefully some key information that you may hold. My great grandmother was Ida Belle Newcome (b. March 02, 1880 in Northam PEI and d. in 1969) her parents were William (born about 1834 in England? and emigrated in 1846) and Eleanor Ann ??? (born between 1846 - 1849 in P.E.I.) His father, according to the Census in 1891 was also named William Newcombe and was born about 1811. Any help? Anything would be gre at, Thanks milligan_@hotmail.com March 8, 2007

I am searching for family tree information about one of my ancestors, JOHN JACOB NEUKAM and his wife LOUISA PLANTZ.  My great grandfather was FREDERICK EXCELLER NEWCOMB and it looks like he is the first one to change the spelling of the last name from NEUKAM to NEWCOMB.  FREDERICK  E. NEWCOMB  is the son of JOHN JACOB NEUKAM.  It is believed that this line of NEWCOMBS came to the US from Germany, but I don't know the date.  If anyone can help me with this I would appreciate it. crlarsonjr04@wmconnect.com. January 23, 2007

MABEL MADELINE NEWCOMBE born Bristol UK around 1876 believen to have married and moved to US or Canada sometme before 1901 - can anyone help with this mystery  mark_ newcombe%hotmail.com  please replace the % with @ to avoid spam. Cheers Mark Newcombe  September 27, 2006

I am trying to identify the Newcomb who married Amanda Miller b. Connecticut 1780.  They had a daughter Adaliza Jane (aka Eliza Jane) b. 1836.  Mr. Newcomb died before 1850 and Amanda remarried to James McGrath b. Maine abt 1787.
Vivian Kahn, Oakland, CA vkahn@kmort.com September 27, 2006

I am looking for information on Charles L. NEWCOMBE who lived in Corona, California in the 1930’s.  His wife’s name was Laura A. Newcombe.  Any information you have would be appreciated.  Thank you! JRing@bowers.org September 10, 2006

I'm hoping you'll be able to help me trace some of my Newcombe ancestors.  The information I have now regards my paternal grandmother's father.  His name was Caleb Newcombe born 1850(?) in Annapolis Nova Scotia.  Married a Clarissa Randall, and lived in New Brunswick.  He later moved to Mars Hill, Maine where he died in 1894.  I recently found out that his father's name was Nelson Newcombe and he had married a Hannah Dickey.  That's all the info I've been able to glean.  To the best of my knowledge Nelson died in Nova Scotia.  I would welcome any information you might have. model42@earthlink.net  Thank you in advance. September 10, 2006

I am looking for information on Elizabeth Ann Newcomb, born in 1822 in Peterboro, NH She died on June 9, 1890, and was married in June of 1844 to Eli Upton, also from Peterboro, NH. Thanks! JATShaw@aol.com September 10, 2006

I am looking for any information on Richard Ivan Newcomb. He is my great-grandfather. He was born June 11, 1911 in Texas. We are unsure of his parents. We believe that he was illegitimate and there for took his mother's last name ( NEWCOMB ), he was adopted by his uncle who lived in Farmington, NM ( unknown name ), a fire destroyed any records. My great-grandfather did not talk about his family much, but from pictures of him he had dark skin, and light eyes. He was a Lt Colonel in the Army, and was in charge of security at Los Alamos, while the A-bomb was being made. He married Mary Katheryn Lawrence and their children are Richard Ivan Newcomb Jr, Vicky Newcomb, John Newcomb, David Travis Newcomb. ANY information that anyone has would be greatly appreciated. mariedanagher@allstate.com June 21, 2005

I am trying to trace relations of William Newcombe and Isabelle Brown from Newcastle upon Tyne, England. Please contact me direct if you can help s.ward@ion.ucl.ac.uk May 18, 2006

I am looking for information on Elza Ulyses Newcome b1869 and married Margaret Barr b 1871.  Their children consisted of: Leroy, Cecilia, Ralph, Charles, Esther, John, Ruth, Margaret, Dale, and Paul.  They lived in West Virginia.  Leroy was my grandfather, but I can not find any information beyond what I have here.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Please email me at ladyblueyes54@yahoo.com.  Thank you. Sonja (Newcome) Little HolstonRailRoad@holston-aap.com May 16, 2006

My grandfather was Walter "Tete" Newcomb, Largo, FL, and his father was Walter (who is known as Walter Sr.). "Tete"s wife was Katherine Newcomb, who mothered Walter M. Newcomb, Melinda Newcomb (my mother) and Katie Newcomb. (Melinda was Melinda HARRIS but is now Melinda NICHOLL; Katie was Katie FRENN and is now Katie SMITH. Michael has a wife, Barbara, and two sons, Craig and Jason.)
"Tete" had seven brothers, including Bubba and Robert and Bert, plus the four others with whom I was unfamiliar.  Walter Sr.'s mother as a McMullen, Arabella Jane or Wilnona (or vice versa). And that's what I know.  Mike Mongo (Nicholl, Bare, Newcomb, McMullen) mongonikol@gmail.com May 11, 2006

Hello, I just stumbled on your website while doing a search for the Newcombe surname and was surprised to find a tid bit of information mentioning Henry Newcombe and Elizabeth Newcombe.  My Grandfather has traced our geneology back to Henry Newcombe and shows Elizabeth Newcombe as his direct descendant, though I'm not sure how reliable my sources are.  The year that I have associated with her is 1619, and her husband John Mease May - 1615.  That is the only information I have regarding the both of them.  My grandfather is a May.  I would certainly welcome any additional information you have regarding the Newcombe family. Thank you. Jennifer Hamp jsmith9918@hotmail.com May 26, 2006

I  am searching for any information of lineage of Elza Newcome b 1869 and married Margaret Barr b 1871 from West Virginia.  They had several children, Leroy - Charles - John - Harris - Paul, of which my grandfather was Leroy.  Have not been able to trace any further than this information.  Would appreciate any helpful information. Sonja M. (Newcome) Little mssunnylittle@yahoo.com April 28, 2006

I found A posting on the Newcomb Query  Page here that some one was looking for me .I dont get an Answer when I send an email and it dont come back. Can you tell me any thing about who might the address belong to?I am very curious . It is about half way down and says "Evelyn Newcomb,her husband was Max,I believe.they lived in Ca.her email address was mnewcomb@jps.net    She was Evelyn gaines,when she was born.When I last heard from her she was sick and so was her husband.She had 5 daughters ,none of which were Newcombs. Please help me. onorrisr@hotmail.com...  June 30,2002"   please let me hear from you evlynnwcmb@comcast.net

Tim Newcomb wrote me to say that: "...... J.B. Newcomb's research is housed in a special collection at the Newberry Library, Chicago, IL."  Has anyone had a  chance to look it over? kennewcombe@cogeco.ca march 24, 2006

Isaac Hiram Newcomb b. June 24, 1808 and died Aug 26, 1874. Married Olive ann Kinsman Mar. 02, 1833 daughter of Amos Kinsman and Abigail Chase. Olive was born Mar 12, 1811
Letitia Adelia b. Dec 16, 1833 Corwallis, NS
Amos b. July 31, 1836
Mary b. Jan 31, 1841
Robert b. May 11, 1845
Abbie b. July 15, 1851
I have a picture of Isaac and Olive and my line which is Letitia.  Please let me know if there is a match. Cheers Joanne memej@shaw.ca February 14, 2006

My name is William Andrew Newcomb, Jr.  I live in Henderson NC.  My great grandfather was Andrew Purefoy Newcomb, the son of Robert Newcomb and almira smyth(e?) Andrews of Gloster Va. Please let me know if you have more information about this line of the Newcombs.
Many Thanks! Dr W. Andrew Newcomb  dranewcomb@hotmail.com January 3, 2006

I'm trying to find information on Charley NEWCOMB born in Ky (in or around 1883) and married Louetta ROWE. They had several children, Lucile, Opal, Mellie, Fern, Minnie, Irene. There are more children but I do not have that info. If anyone has any info please email reneehodges@gmail.com December 15, 2005

I have in my data base an error which needs to be corrected. I combined a couple of my family files and it was a mistake !!!!!!!!!!
I have Milton P Newcomb born about 1828 Rockcastle County,Kentucky
Married Ann Smith about 1858
Mary M Newcomb    B 1859
Ann L Newcomb        B 1862
Martha                       B 1865
William L                   B 1877

Somehow I made a correction in my data base and I have this Milton P Newcomb as a son of: John Newcomb born about 1779 Virginia      married Mary Farris
Also I Milton P Newcomb as a son of:
Moses Newcomb  born about 1783
 I think both the above Moses & John Newcomb born 1779 & 1783 were sons of William Newcomb and Elizabeth Haggard at least this is what I have.
 Can someone help me straight out this Milton P Newcomb born about 1828 Rockcastle Co, Kentucky
a nd who his father was. ?????????   John or Moses Newcomb

I can be reached at pad7100@earthlink.net October, 2005

I am looking for a possible link of my ggggrandfather Silas Newcomb Whitney, born in the late 17OO's I Massachusetts.  We do not know his wife's name but their son was named Alonzo Wells Newcomb Whitney. We feel that Newcomb must be a family name since it was important to the family.  can any one shed any light on a possible relationship?  Thank you for any help you can give Gail Anderson  joelandgail@msn.com October, 2006

I am trying to find the parents Of Mary NEWCOMB, who married George Washington FULMER. Mary was b. 1868
in NewYork and I believe her Parents were Obediah NEWCOMB and wife Mary. I can't seem to find any info on them except they went to Iowa and were there in 1880. Any help would be appreciated. My e-mail is jfulmer@ckt.net. September 15, 2005

Trying to respond to a query of April 1999....can you help? It is me !
Robert I. Newcombe
Head of Photography
Kimbell Art Museum
3333 Camp Bowie Boulevard
Fort Worth, Texas 76107-2792

e-mail:  rnewcombe@kimbellmuseum.orgSeptember 1, 2005

I have been looking through my family bible. It was given to me by my mother, Geneieve Newcomb Clark. She was the daughter of Frederick Clark Newcomb and Nettie Emily Newcomb (a double Newcomb). Inside the bible is a photograph? on some sort of metal plate that I believe is of Nettie Emily. I would like to verify that if possible. The bible has the names engraved on the front and back of her grandparents, Auburn Ramsey Newcomb and Laura L. Newcomb. I have a copy of the 1923 edition of the book entitled, Newcomb Genealogy; The Descendants of Andrew Newcomb, of which you are no doubt familiar. Any help would be appreciated. Fred Clark ihatemice@sisqtel.net September 1, 2005

I have recently been to New England and found some Newcomb headstones.  Some were ones I was looking for but there are a couple I can't piece together. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

1st Headstone: Mr. William Newcomb, died 29 Dec 1822, AE 71, which puts his birth ca 1751.
2nd Headstone: Mrs. Abigail, wife of Mr. Peter Newcomb, OBB March 28, 1813, AE 31 "An affectionate wife, A tender mother, A good woman, We mourn the dead."
3rd Headstone: Francis, son of Mr. Peter and Mrs. Abigail Newcom, died April 1st 1813, age 18 months 6 days.

Which Peter is this?  These were found in Bernardston, MA (old Falltown). bnevans@charter.net  September 1, 2005

I am descended from the NEWCOMBE family of North Yorkshire & Heighington, Co Durham, England.  I have traced this family line to the early 1600s.  Do you have any information /connection regarding this family? LYNNE RIGG l.rigg1@ntlworld.com September 1, 2005

Searching for Kathy Newcomb and/or son Jason Newcomb. Her brother is Ernest "Tito" Rodrequez (Rodreguez?) Had band called TJ HOOKER BAND. Also seeking Jeanie BLACK. Very important regarding family. Last known residence was Las Vegas. Stephanie enigma46@gci.net
 September 1, 2005

I have been looking through my family bible. It was given to me by my mother, Geneieve Newcomb Clark. She was the daughter of Frederick Clark Newcomb and Nettie Emily Newcomb (a double Newcomb). Inside the bible is a photograph? on some sort of metal plate that I believe is of Nettie Emily. I would like to verify that if possible. The bible has the names engraved on the front and back of her grandparents, Auburn Ramsey Newcomb and Laura L. Newcomb. I have a copy of the 1923 edition of the book entitled, Newcomb Genealogy; The Descendants of Andrew Newcomb, of which you are no doubt familiar. Any help would be appreciated. Fred Clark ihatemice@sisqtel.net July 22, 2005

Lafayette IN, Isaac was a carpenter and married Minerva Burkett from Burr Oak IN. Have you run across these two names in your searches?
Thanks, Jerry Burkett, IN jjburk@comcast.net July 22, 2005

I have recently been to New England and found some Newcomb headstones.  Some were ones I was looking for but there are a couple I can't piece together. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 1st Headstone: Mr. William Newcomb, died 29 Dec 1822, AE 71, which puts his birth ca 1751.
2nd Headstone: Mrs. Abigail, wife of Mr. Peter Newcomb, OBB March 28, 1813, AE 31 "An affectionate wife, A tender mother, A good woman, We mourn the dead."
3rd Headstone: Francis, son of Mr. Peter and Mrs. Abigail Newcom, died April 1st 1813, age 18 months 6 days.
Which Peter is this?  These were found in Bernardston, MA (old Falltown). bnevans@charter.net July 22,2005

I am visiting the grave of Lt. Daniel Newcomb in July/2005 in Leyden, Mass. Lt. Daniel Newcomb is my Revolutionary War ancestor. I am in the Sons of the American Revolution  # 154826. Any information would be helpful sclark2@rochester.rr.com June 17, 2005

I have been sorting out Oliver's 11 children by two wives.  I have found additional data that JBN missed/omitted, as well as some corrections to his data. I am descended from Oliver's daughter Juliett, and can furnish a descent from her down to me, if you are interested.
ken_parent@hotmail.com June 17, 2005

I have information about a Mary Riden who married Horace Newcomb who moved from Dyersville Iowa to S. Dak. and then to Fallon Nevada, and would like to hear from the desc.s. of this couple. fmhbean@msn.com June 17, 2005

I am searching James NEWCOMB b. abt 1825. He married Elizabeth PARKER b. abt 1824 in NC. Possibly Sampson, Duplin, Wayne, Harnett, Johnston Counties. Parents of John Daniel, Elisha, and Mary Newcomb. Elizabeth Parker Newcomb died between 1870-1874...He  then married Rebecca WIGGS of Wayne County, North Carolina.  John Daniel Newcomb married John Ann WOOD of Carver's Creek, Cumberland County, North Carolina...
Interested in finding  the names of James NEWCOMB's parents and siblings.  please contact Gayle@tredio2000@yahoo.com or miaomiodue@wmconnect.com May 27, 2005

My 5th Great Grandparents are Jonah/Jonas Hunkin and Sarah Newcomb(e)

My direct lineage is as follows:

1.Jonah/Jonas HUNKIN bp.1-09-1681 Newton St. Petrock, Devon, England d.6-09-1741 m.11-09-1721 Shebbear, Devon, England Sarah NEWCOMB(E) d.5-03-1760
1.)John bp.5-27-1722
2.)Samuel bp.7-26-1724 See#2 (my 4th Great Grandfather)
3.)James bp.4-08-1726
4.)Jonas b.1728 d.1797

2.Samuel HUNKIN bp.7-26-1724 m.5-31-1767 Buckland Filleigh, Devon, England Mary MILFORD
1.)Margaret bp.3-18-1768 m. Theophilus Mayne
2.)John bp.7-12-1770 m. Mary Griffin
3.)Samuel bp.4-26-1772 m.Grace Collacott
4.)Sarah bp.4-26-1772
5.)Mary bp.6-12-1774
6.)Elizabeth bp.6-14-1778 m. Jn. Smale
7.)James bp.11-17-1776 See #3 (My 3rd Great Grandfather)
8.)Jonas bp.3-06-1783

3.James HUNKIN bp.11-17-1776 d.1853 m.4-20-1803 Bradford, Devon, England Mary WARD b.1785 d.1875
1.)Orange bp.3-04-1804 Shebbear, Devon, England d.2-07-1834 m. John Rees
2.)William bp.12-08-1806 Black Torrington, Devon, England
3.)Mary bp.6-14-1811 Black Torrington, Devon, England d.1901 m. Edmund Hunkin (her first cousin)
4.)Elizabeth bp.11-22-1813 Black Torrington, Devon, England
5.)Sarah (Sally) bp.6-05-1816 Black Torrington, Devon, England
6.)John bp.12-15-1821 Black Torrington, Devon, England See #4 (My 2nd Great Grandfather)
7.)Susannah bp.9-04-1819 Black Torrington, Devon, England d.infant
8.)Susannah bp.2-26-1823 Black Torrington, Devon, England

4.John HUNKIN bp.12-15-1821 Black Torrington, Devon, England d.1913 Usborne Tp. Huron Co. Ontario, Canada m. Elizabeth KERSLAKE (they had 8 children of whom William Henry "Harry" Hunkin See #5 (My Great Grandfather) was the 2nd youngest.

5.William Henry "Harry" HUNKIN b.1861 Usborne Tp., Huron Co., Ontario, Canada d.1943 London, Ontario, Canada m. 1885 Elizabeth CAMPBELL b.1865 Hibber Tp. Perth Co., Ontario, Canada d.1931 Mitchell, Ontario, Canada
1.)Rhoda b.1887 d.1967 m. George Jackson
2.)Floss b.1890 d.1972 m. James Myers
3.)Lloyd b.1908 d.1977 See #6 (My Grandfather)

6.Lloyd HUNKIN b.1908 d.1977 m. Alice SANDERSON
1.)Donna Beverley Elizabeth b.1934 d.1989 See #7 (My Mother)
2.)Donald Gordon b.1946 adopt.

7.Donna Beverley Elizabeth HUNKIN b.1934 Wingham, Ontario, Canada m. Ib

I am seeking information on my HUNKIN/NEWCOMB(E) lineage. Any information would be appreciated. john_hyldahl@yahoo.ca May 27, 2005

I am the grand daughter of Kate Newcomb and Frank Stearns of Hyde Park/Eden Vermont. Kate born 11/12/1875 in Hyde Park, Vermont.
I am seeking a connection between h. Sophia Newcomb and grand mother Kate. I have Kate traced back to Edgertown (Martha's Vineyard). 1688
This seems to be where both branches of the family were. I am having a difficult time finding information On Harriet Sophia Newcomb although a college that became part of tulane was named after her. Does anyone have this information? Carol Stearns Judd memphy@aol.com
April 16, 2005

I am looking for the burial place of Brig Gen SILAS NEWCOMB son of Joseph Newcomb and Joyce Butler   son of Lt Andrew Newcomb   son of Capt Andrew Newcomb  "Joseph and wife Joyce Butler were both interred in the old cemetery, near where they first landed at waht was call New England Cross Roads {Cumberland County, NJ}   The old cemetery is about one mile south of Fairton on the east ban k of the Cohansey Creek.  The other cemetery at the Old Stone Church is about 1 1/2 miles southeast of Fairton on the road to Cedarville" I have located the The Old Stone Church and cemetery, but cannot locate the first mentioned cemetery.  " Joseph,{ brother of Silas,{ lived in Down township near the line of Fairfield and head of Newport Creek a place called 'New England Town.'  "     "William {another borther of Silas} resided in Fairfield between Newport and Cedarville  ...  built a house there "     Silas resided in Fairfiled near Willam.  In addition to serving in the American Revolution   Silas was elected Sherfif of Cumberalnd County in 1760 ;   Silas was quite an interesting person, but I cannot find where he lived or where he is buried. I would apprecialte any help you can give me. Thanks much   Peggy Farrell pfarrell4me@prodigy.net April 16, 2005

My name is Joseph Michael Newcomb I am from Pittston Pa 18640 . I don't know alot about the Newcomb's of this area but at one time we ran a popular coal business in the area. My grandfather started with ice and moved into the coal industry. He was William Newcomb from West Pittston Pa. My father and his two brothers took over the business in the 40;s or 50's and it was called Newcomb Brothers coal. My father was William his brothers were John and Joseph. It was very successful until the late 60's when difference of opinions broke the busines up. After this the family fell
apart and our generation really dos'ent know much about each other. If anyone could help it would be appreciated. Newk24@aol.com April 3, 2005

My grandfather was charles or Charlie NEWCOMB. I believe he was born  in Union Co. ky.Any information would be a great help. He was born in the 1890's. Tbpellcity@aol.com April 3, 2005

My name is Marilyn & I live in CA.  I have a book on the Godfrey's of MI which lists a line of descent from the Newcomb family.
Here is the inf. and do you know if the lines are correct?
Here is the line of Mary Newcomb & her male ancestors going back to Maine to 1640 & Devonshire, England to Lt. Andrew NEWCOMB, as recorded in the Godfrey book of family of Elisha Godfrey & Hannah Reynolds by Robert B. Godfrey in 1987.  Perhaps the earlier generations of NEWCOMB's will help you out in your NEWCOMB research

This generation # 5 of Thomas Godfrey & Meriam ? are the line I am searching for in MI-brother of Thomas, Elisha & Hannah (Reynolds) Godfrey are well documented.

5.  Thomas Godfrey (son of Mary Newcomb & Richard Godfrey) & Mariam/Meriam/Marian unknown of Batavia, Genesee County, NY.  Thomas Godfrey died before 1820, "Meriam" Godfrey listed as widow.  Also noted in Holland Land Records with other brothers & their wives of Mary Newcomb & Richard Godfrey.
4.  Mary Newcomb, b. 1751, in Truro.  Married Richard Godfrey, s/o Thomas Godfrey & Bethia Eldredge.  They had:  Elisha Godfrey who m. Hannah Reynolds (they settled in IN & Kent, Co, MI), Thomas Godfrey who m. Mariam/Meriam/Marian spellings vary per records in Batavia, Genesee Co., NY (I believe this is my line); Richard Godfrey m. Elizabeth Brownhill & Newcomb (spellings vary-Nucom/Newcom, etc) who m. Lucinda unknown.  They also most likely had many daughters, none recorded to my knowledge, only the 4 sons.
3.  Joseph & Mary [Eldredge] NEWCOMB--I have their hx.
2.  Thomas Newcomb, born 1668 in or near Kittery, York County, Maine.  Son of Lt. Andrew & Sarah (?) Newcomb.  Thomas Newcomb married Elizabeth Cooke (d/o Josiah & Deborah [Hopkins] Cooke) in Oct. 1693.  Eliz. Cooke born June 1674 in Eastham.  Their children:

Edward or Edwards Newcomb, born 03 August 1695, no other inf.
Thomas Newcomb, b. 13 Aug. 1697, m. Hepzibah ?, d. in 1764.
Simon Newcomb, b. 30 Nov. 1699, m. Lydia Bronn 05 April 1722, he d. in 1778.
Deborah Newcomb, b. about 1702, m. Thomas Larkin 28 Jan 1729.
Mary Newcomb, b. ca 1704, m. Luke Stubbs 11 April 1723.
Elizabeth Newcomb, b. ca 1708, m. Joshua Pierce 24 July 1729.
Capt. Ebenezer Newcomb, b ca 1710, m. Thankful Freeman 15 June 1738, d. 11 Oct 1782.
JOSEPH, b. ca 1712, m. Mary Eldredge, 16 March 1738, d. in 1762.  MY LINE.

1.  Lt. Andrew NEWCOMB, I have 3 pages of hx, but will list spouses & children & dates I have:
Born ca 1640.  Residing in Isles of Shoals off Kittery, Maine as early as july 1666.  Recorded as fixing the price of fish.  Per the meeting notes at Salem, Mass.:
Note spelling-transcriber may not have known first "s" in old script looked like an "f".
As written in book:
"Andrew Newckum aged thirtey tow yeares of theare aboutt Sware and Saith that in the year 1666 the prise of ffish wass Sett and mad at the Illes of Showles marchanabell fish-thirtey tow Railles per quntel this deponent then Receued Senerall poundes in march fish att the prise Corrantt aboue Rightin and this deponent Knew no other prise Corrantt Butt that aboue Rightin and fforder Saith nott."  sic to all.
"Taken upon oath 27: 1 mo (16)72 Wm. Hathorne, Assist."

First wife: Sarah, m. 1661.  Lived on Hog Island 19 July 1673, then bought house in Kittery, Maine.  Sarah died in 1674 about the time of their youngest child's birth:

Their children:
Simeon Newcomb, b. about 1662.  No other inf.
Andrew Newcomb, b. ca 1164, died as result of an accident at Edgartown, Martha's Vineyard in June 1687, unmarried.
Simon Newcomb, born 1666, m. Deborah ____, resided at Truro on Cape Cod, died 20 Jan 1745.
Thomas Newcomb, born ca 1668, married Elizabeth, dau. of Josiah, Jr. and Deborah (Hopkins) Cooke of Eastham in October 1693.  My line.
Sarah Newcomb, born ca 1670, married 1st, as his 2nd wife, Captain Joshua Conant, son of Captain joshua, Sr. and Seeth (Gardner) (Balch?) Conant, resided at Truro.  She married 2nd Richard Eldredge.  I have the children of Sarah Newcomb & Joshua Conant.
Mary Newcomb (or Mercy), born 1672, m. Captain Thomas Lumbard of Barnstabe, son of Jedediah & grandson of Thomas Lumbard.  Resided at Barnstable until 1699, then in Truro.
Peter Newcomb, born ca 1674, married Mercy Smith 11 March 1700.  Died before 31 March 1723.
Children of Lt. Andrew Newcomb & 2nd wife Ann Bayes:
Anna Newcomb, born 1677, m. Lt. Mathew Mayhew; eldest son of Chief Magistrate of Martha's VIneyard, grandson of Rev. Thomas & great grandson of Govenor Thomas Mayhew.  She died 16 APril 1723.
Elizabeth Newcomb, born ca 1681, m. Captain john Atkins, lived in Eastham, later in Chatham.
Joseph Newcomb, born 1683, no other inf.
Emeline Newcomb, born ca 1685, m. Samuel Atkins, brother of John, lived at Chatham, active in public affairs.
Tabitha Newcomb, b. ca 1688, m. Peter Ray, tailor of Edgartown.
Hannah Newcomb, b. ca 1694, m. Thomas Dumary, by Rev. Cotton Mather, 14 Oct 1714.  They lived in Boston.
Zerviah Newcomb, b. ca 1698, m. Josph Bearse 02 Nov 1716.
Mary Newcomb, b. ca 1700, m. Jonathan Pease of Edgartown.

If you know of wrong data, please let me know. mleveque@tcsn.net April 3, 2005

Jershusa Catharine Fletcher married Nathaniel Cottle in Nova Scotia and produced 11 children.  Nathaniel died in 1806 in Queens Co., New Brunswick. In 1814 Catharine married Benjamin Newcomb. Benjamin died abt 1817 in Queens Co., New Brunswick where he is buried. I have been unable to find a grave for a Catharine (Fletcher) Cottle Newcomb or any other information on her since her marriage to Benjamin. She did have a son Nathaniel Cottle that moved down the river to Saint John, New Brunswick. Any help appreciated. Helen cpygmy@mon-cre.net March 20, 2005

Susanna Newcome m to Hensley
Searching for this girls parents. I have that she was b. in 1665 in Henrico Co.,Va. and later m. James HENSLEY in 1682. My lines is through their son Benjamin HENSLEY b.1694 Thanks for any help in locating her folks and other siblings.kim kmillerus@comcast.net  March 20, 2005


Looking for more information on Captain Daniel Newcomb from Hampshire Co., Virginia (1774).  He was in the Revolutionary War.  Other family descendants later lived in Kentucky and later in the Ripley, OH area.  Thank you for your helpful research. Kim@KimEhrick.com February 13, 2005

We are descendents of Andrew NEWCOMB. We are trying to join the Mayflower Society; our line of descent comes down through our NEWCOMBs when Thankful FREEMAN married Ebenezer NEWCOMB in 1738. From (1) Ebenezer NEWCOMB our line is  (2) David NEWCOMB, 1738/39 - 1824  (3) Hezekiah NEWCOMB 1767 - 1826  (4) Ferrett NEWCOMB 1814 -1899 m. Ebenezer Hamlin TREAT  (5) Esther Caroline TREAT 1850 - 1919 m. Wayland NEWELL  (6) Ora E. NEWELL 1877 - 1909 m. Ambrose RICE   We are having no trouble finding "proofs" back to Ferret NEWCOMB, but we are having a problem finding civil records etc. proving that Hezekiah NEWCOMB (#3) was the son of David NEWCOMB (#2).  Are there any other descendents of David NEWCOMB or Hezekiah NEWCOMB who would know if there exists any probate or Bible records showing Hezekiah as David's son? Many thanks! Holly and Shyanne Sullivan  Our email address is us at clansullivan dot com (spelled out to try and foil the spam guys) January 18, 2005

I am looking for a Mary Newcomb born in TN abt 1822.  She was married to John Butler 12 Sept 1836 in Maury Co. TN.  The bondsman was a Nelson Newcomb.  He could have been her father or brother.  In 1850 there was a Clement Newcomb that lived six farm homes away from John and Mary Newcomb, Butler.  Clement may have been a brother or couisn.  John and Mary had five children and moved to Scott Co Missouri.  in 1870 John, Mary, and son Martin is living in Scott Co MO. Son, James, married in Scott County MO was my great grandfather. Daughter, Sarah died in the 1860's. Son, Francis, have no records. Daughter, Missinius, married and died in Scott Co MO. ssteves58@hotmail.com January 2, 2005

I've "rescued" an old photograph of Jeannette UPHAM which was taken at a studio in Massachusetts.  The photograph was probably taken in the 1870's with Jeannette appearing to be about 3 years old at the time. The location and name of the photography studio is difficult to read on the back of the photograph, however, I believe it may have been taken in New Bedford, MA.

Based on limited research I believe that this is a photograph of Jeannette Lynde UPHAM b. 7 June 1874 at New Bedford, MA to parents Freeman UPHAM and Sarah J. BROWN.  Jeannette later married George Leonard NEWCOMB on June 21st 1904 at New Haven, Connecticut.  It appears that the family may have also lived in Melrose, MA at some point in time.

I'm hoping to locate someone from this family so that this wonderful old photograph can be returned to the care of family.  If you are a member of
this family or know someone who might be, please contact me. Thanks, Shelley familia@sprintmail.com January 2, 2005

Searching for info on my  great great grandFATHER, married to Emma Ann NEWCOMB b. 20 Dec 1828 Montrose, Lee County, IOWA d. 3 Feb 1902 in Lincoln, Missouri.  Subject name is: James Washburn WRIGHT b. 25 Feb 1825 Montrose, Susquehannah County, PA, d. 2 Mar 1906 Lincoln, Benton County, MO. They married 12 Mar 1851 in Montrose, PA and had 6 children.  Their eldest, John Elmos Wright b. 22 Apr 1853 is my great grandfather. Trying to identify J. W. Wright's parents, other relatives....  Thank you. evanw25@adelphia.net Janaury 2, 2005

I am looking for a Nelson NEWCOMB that was a bondsman for a daughter or sister by the name of Mary. She married John Butler in Maury Co. Tennessee on 12 Sep 1836. They lived in Maury Co. TN until after Taxes in 1859.  Moved to Scott Co. Missouri and and both died there in the early 1870's. May had a brother or cousin by the name of Clement that lived close by in the 1850 Census. I found both six house numbers apart.
Steve ssteves58@hotmail.com December 9, 2004

In with the name Newcombs I found the name Elizabeth Rookey. Her name is listed under ON - Elgin East - Yarmouth - Dist 163, SubDist A, Div 1 - C-13265. Where exactly is this place, what town. Also would anyone have any further information on this person.  Appreciate any
information. Thanks. Dawn Ann Faris faris@ripnet.com December 9, 2004

Hello, still trying to trace my line, Here is where I end. Someone out there must have information on who  Williams parents were? Any one with any information please contact me! William Newcomb Born 1754 in Va. My line so far is as follows. William had Lance, Lance had Isham, Isham had Benjamin, Benjamin had my father Benjamin JR.Isham came out west and settled in Tangent Oregon.Thank you Jennifer Newcomb. Jennifer Newcomb jnewcomb@CPMT.com  November 4, 2004

Trying to trace Eliza Anne Newcombe b. 1804 married John Eveleigh 1829 St. Sidwell, exeter, Devon. Can you help? Poole4@aol.com August 15, 2004

I am looking for any information on Capt George Wentworth NEWCOMB b. abt 1775 in Devonshire,England d. 14 Nov 1847 in Fox River, Kent Co., Nova Scotia. He married Mary HATFIELD on the 20 Dec 1806. Also his daughter Mary Ann NEWCOMB who married Capt James Henry PRATT of Parrsboro, Nova Scotia lpollitt@telus.net August 15, 2004

I am looking for any information on my great grandfather, Harrison NEWCOMB. He married Susie M. TOWLES, and had three children,
Catherine, Anna, and Towles.  They lived in the Maryland, Virginia area.  I would greatly appreciate any information. "Melissa Kohut" melly3728@hotmail.com July 28, 2004

I am looking for info about my husband's great-great-grandmother Adaline (Adaliza?) Jane NEWCOMB b. New York State 1836.  Her father was
reportedly born in New York and her mother in Connecticut.  When she was 16 Adaline married Ezra VANCAMP, 24, in Lexington Township, MI.
Ezra's parents were Jacob VANCAMP and Mary BURKE, Solina, Ontario, Canada.  Adaline may have been a step-daughter of James MCGRAFT of Niagara Falls, NY.  Was she related by blood or marriage to Newcomb MCGRAFT, a lumberman who was a mayor of Muskegon, MI?  We have much info about the VANCAMP family, which arrived in Sanilac County, MI, via Dundas County, Canada, after leaving New York during the American Revolution.  Having a lot of trouble finding any ancestors of Adaline who died in Sanilac County sometime before 1920.
Vivian Kahn vkahn@kmort.com Oakland, CA July 28, 2004

I'm looking for John W.(William?) Newcomb, born 1833 or 1844, Sept.12, Platt county Missouri(listed in one census). In another census he said he was born in Kansas. He said that both of his parents were from New York, in one census. In another: Father from New York, Mother from Canada. He said he had a brother in Indian Territory married to a Cherokee woman called Black Jane.  He was in Palo Pinto Texas before the Civil War, And after the civil war, came to Ft. Griffin from Denton county. I just can not so far find him, his parents, & sibblings, If any of this sounds like your family, please e mail me. Thanks Marthamoot@aol.com

I am looking for MCCARTYS,  NEWCOMBS , and ROBINSONS, that have to do with Ft. Griffin, Texas.,  Some one posted a querry on
this site, but I can't find it. Marthamoot@aol.com July 28, 2004

I am looking for the ancestors and blood lines of Joseph NEWCOMBE (born 1831) and Elizabeth NEWCOMBE nee WILLS who were married in 1967 in Devon, England. I believe the parents of Joseph are most likely James NEWCOMBE and Susannah NEWCOMBE (nee REED). Joseph's siblings were most likely Mary born 1822, John born 1827, James born 1829, William born 1834. he family resided in Throwleigh, Devon.
my email is lynnewcombe@netspace.net.au June 4, 2004

I am connected to the Newcomb's of Rockcastle County,Kentucky My Line is Nathan Newcomb & Dorinda Pope ! These Newcomb's connected to  POPE family from Rockcastle-Lincoln-Garrard & Pulaski Counties. Is anyone have any information on this lines of POPE.   ????????
Dorinda Pope born abt 1818 married  abt 1836 Nathan Newcomb born abt 1819 Rockcastle County,Ky son of  John Newcomb & Mary Farris.
Dorinda Pope's parent or brother were Derias Pope born abt 1808 and Unknown. Possible parents of Dorinda and Derias Pope were Robert Pope & Elener Vance born abt 1781 abd 1785 Parents of Robert Pope were Thomas Pope and Ann Duncan.  Any help would be appreciated. Mike
pad7100@earthlink.net June 4, 2004

I am looking for the ancestors and blood lines of Joseph NEWCOMBE (born 1831) and Elizabeth NEWCOMBE nee WILLS who were married in 1967 in Devon, England. I believe the parents of Joseph are most likely James NEWCOMBE and Susannah NEWCOMBE (nee REED). Joseph's siblings were most likely Mary born 1822, John born 1827, James born 1829, William born 1834. The family resided in Throwleigh, Devon. my email is lynnewcombe@netspace.net.au May 31, 2004

I am a desc of Lea Ann Newcomb, father George Washington Newcomb, mother Mary N. Hargraves who married June 14, 1848 White Co. IL
Lea Ann was born Sept. 24, 1891 White Co. IL and married Eben Cotton Nove 28,1871 White Co. IL. Just can't seem to get any info on George W. or Mary N. Any help would be appreciated. Patty Stutsman ladybug@sigecom.net May 2. 2004

My great grandfathers name was John William Newcomb. he was married to a Mary Catherine McCarty they came to Ft. Griffin Tx from
maybe Okla. or Kansas or Mo. any prior ancestors unknown Mnfanning@wmconnect.com April 20, 2004


James Newcomb  m/  Mary Wood     only child I have any record of is  a son
James born in 1809  & marrried Mary Williams  I think James was James William Newcomb. Their children were  George, James, Mary & John Daniel  I have no other information on Mary, James or John Daniel.

George Newcomb married Caroline Wiggs. George was born approx 1844. George & Caroline had several children. William Henry Newcomb married Louvenia Jones. Samuel Newcomb married Pennie Jones Thomas B Newcomb, Robert Newcomb, Betsy Newcomb  and George Ruffin Newcomb.
Some of the family spell Newcomb and some Newcombe.

My grandfather was William Henry Newcomb (16 Aug 1875 - 28 Apr 1945) who married Louvenia Jones (22 Dec 1877 - 7 Aug 1938).   In
1930 census their name was spelled Newcombe. Their children were Jessie Blount, Jim Henry, Lilly Mae, Lee Ashley Edward, Riby Louise, Louis Henry, John William, Eugene Clayton, Essie Mae, James Milford and Thenie Ann. I know that Lilly Mae, Louis Henry and Thenie Ann died as infants or children.

I know that the family lived  in Wilson, Wayne, and Edgecomb Counties in North Carolina. I always understood that the family lived at
one time in Cumberland County N. C.

My father was Jaames Milford Newcomb  married Betty Mae Little. I have practically no information on my Great Grandfather, George Newcomb and G Grandmother Caroline Wiggs or  my Great Great Grandfather James William Newcomb and GGG Grandmother Mary Williams or my GGG Grandfather James Newcomb & GGG Grandmother Mary Wood.

MyGGG G Grandfather was Edward and I think the wife was Mary. Edward's parents was Samuel Newcomb and Sarah.

I'm hoping that this information will enable someone to help me fill in some of these blanks. thank you, Betty Madella Newcomb Hinnant .....(Del)
 BHIN5860@aol.com April 20, 2004

Looking for any information on C.M. NEWCOMB that owned property in St. Louis MO in the 1800's. The property is shown on this Camille N.Dry's 1875 Pictorial St. Louis; as being located on New Manchester, east of Kingshighway. The location is located in our community, and we are researching the NEWCOMB Family that lived there. What were the first and middle name of C.M.? When and where was he born? Any additional information will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Laclede Race Course Neighborhood, George J. Jones, Jr. lrcnpa@stlouis.missouri.org March 11, 2004

I am attempting to find info on an Alice Newcomb who would have been maybe an artist or craftperson. I have two pieces of pressed flowers with butterflies in glass that have the name Alice Newcomb in them . anyone have any info i would appreciate it. cooliundra@aol.com February 25, 2004

Have you come across any Gerald Newcombs in your research?  My husband's father was Gerald, the son of a musician. His
parents divorced early in his life and my husband has been curious. Please respond to tricias_97@yahoo.com February 17, 2004

I am the daughter of Jack David (AKA David Flemming)NEWCOMB. Betty Anne NEWCOMB Hege, I think my father was born in Person County NC, I was told his mother was Virginia Bryant NEWCOMB, and when she passed away my Grandfather married Letha, I know my Grandfather is buried in Wyllisburg, VA at First Baptist church, I have from a census record from 1910 that Theo D NEWCOMB, Letha NEWCOMB, David F NEWCOMB, Ruth G NEWCOMB Panthea NEWCOMB and Panthera NEWCOMB (my Grandpa MEWCOMB'S MOTHER) lived in the same household but that is about all the info I have, would like to have more info on my ancestors. Terry and Betty Hege hege6pac@lexcominc.net February 17, 2004

My grandmother was Octa Laura Newcomb she was born in tn.1879 she had a  brother was William Fleming Newcomb b 1874 Tn. also others  but her father  was William F. Newcomb born in tn. married to nancy clark  thay married in Maury County tn.1869 is this any connection, ( I hope so)  Dan smith  dansmith209@hotmail.com February 12, 2004

I am a descendant of George Alton NEWCOMBE b 1785, Beealton, Devonshire, England, m Jane BICKELL. George Alton NEWCOMBE II b 19 March, 1821 Bereferres, Devonshire, England m Matilda Ann ROBERTSON(ROBINSON). daugh. Emma Jane (Hannah) b 1844 Depeyster, St. Lawrence County, New York m Perry Cross. son Homer Cross was my grandfather. Any information on this family,
ancestors or descendants, would be greatly appreciated. Thank you."Barbara Littlebrant" barlittle@hotmail.com February 12, 2004

From very cold Hamilton, Ontario. I hope you may have some information on Joseph NEWCOMBE  born 1847 in Exbourne. I believe his father was James.  This gentleman is important to me because he married my great grandmother Susannah DASHPER  from Tavistock Devon. Joseph was a tin miner and farm labourer and they moved back and forth from the Okehampton area to Mary Tavy. They were married in Mary Tavy in 1876, were in Bow in 1881, Sampford Courtney in 1891 and on the 1901 census he was registered in Mary Tavy and Bow. Susanna had an illegitimate son in 1866 who was my grandfather-Daniel DASHPER.  He never stayed with the Newcombes and came to Canada after 1881. I want to trace Susanna and Joseph's children-William James born 1877 and John 1878.  Their daughter Mary Elizabeth died in Tavistock-Mary Tavy in 1906. Sorry to be long winded here but hope all this may ring a bell.  Please contact at: lindaetty@hotmail.com. February 1, 2004

Need info on a Joshua NEWCOMB that m. 1 Feb-1872 Harriet A STEVENS. Joshuawas of Boston at marriage. Have more info on her if needed. Cindy Spaulding. Midlothian, Virginia spaulding@intergate.com February 1, 2004

Hello, My name is Miss Julie Newcombe. I am the great grandaughter  of James Francis Newcomb (photographer), and the grandaughter of his son Harry Douglas Newcomb. I have not been able to find any information on ancestry.com in regard's to my grandfather Harry??? My father's name is William Newcombe and he is still living. I believe My sister Leanne Newcomb(E) Preihs, her daughter (my niece) Morenci, myself and my father William are the last of a long line of Newcombes. Harry had one son and my dad had 2 daughters...myself and Leanne. I am also related to the artist Warren Newcombe who died in 1960. It is my belief he was my grandfathers nephew. Harry lived to 103 and died about 11-12 years ago. He was the husband of Olive Appleton Macy. If you email me back I would love to let you know some details of this part of the lineage.Thank You...Julie
Newcombe NH USA. Sobahchic@aol.com February 1, 2004

I am wondering if anyone has knowledge of Mary W Newcum listed in the 1850 Census in Coshocton Co OH and widow of Wm. She would have been born in 1805 Ky.They list a son Andrew 22 who I hope to determine if he could be my ggrandfather. I anyone has information please contact me at :  cherisCSJ@aol.com Febuary 1, 2004

My parents are Terrell Dodson Newcomb and Andrea Angnes Struempf Newcomb.  My grandparents were Dodson and Hazel Newcomb from Benton Arkansas. Where do I go from here? hattabaughfamily@msn.com January 17, 2004

William1 NEWCOME.  He married on 5 Oct 1816 in St. Mary Parish Church, Church Walk, Hinckley, Leicester, UK Jane (MARSTON)
NEWCOME, born 25 Jan 1797 in Hinckley, Leicestershire, UK, daughter of John MARSTON and Mary ((---)) MARSTON.

      Children of William NEWCOME and Jane MARSTON were as follows:
+    2          i      John2 NEWCOMB, born bef Sep 1817 in Hinckley, Leicestershire, UK; christened 4 Sep 1817 in Hinckley, Leicestershire,
      3          ii      Henry2 NEWCOMB, christened 1 Sep 1822 in St. Nicholas, Leicester, UK.
+    4          iii      Mary2 NEWCOMB, christened 11 Aug 1824 in St. Nicholas, Leicester, UK.  She married Francis YEOMANSON.
      5          iv      Jane2 NEWCOMB, christened 14 Sep 1826 in St. Nicholas, Leicester, UK.
      6          v      Maria2 NEWCOMB, christened 5 May 1829 in St. Nicholas, Leicester, UK.
      7          vi      William2 NEWCOMB, christened 4 Aug 1831 in St. Nicholas, Leicester, UK.
      8          vii      Jane2 NEWCOMB, christened 8 Jun 1834 in St. Nicholas, Leicester, UK.

Please let me know if you see any connection to your Newcomb line. Hazel Boon hazanjo@cogeco.ca January 17, 2004

I am looking for information on Frederick Augustus NEWCOMB and his family who lived in Dover Kent (UK). He had a sons called Henry
b1841, William b1845 and a daughter Mary b1853 (they were all born in Chatham London) please reply to p.v.newcomb@bristol.ac.uk january 7, 2004

Tishomingo CO, MS.  William Overton Gattis b,ca1840, married Linda Jane(Ludy) NEWCOMBE. Looking for info on my gg-grandparents.
Chuck Floyd,  Portland, OR c9364213@hotmail.com January 7, 2004

My grandmother,Ethel Lucille NEWCOMB,grew up  Iowa City and attended Wellesley College for her MA. in math. I'd like to know more about her family. I don't have any names except hers; she had a brother named Harold who was an attorney in Des Moines. She died in the 1940's. My father was alienated from her family but I am curious about this lineage. brucesyl@hotmail.com  December 3, 2003

Looking for parents of James H. Newcomb who is md. to Sarah S. Newcomb (don't know maiden name) in the Charlotte Co. VA census
in 1870 & 1880. There children are Mary W., John J., Victora, Rosa L., Nora A., Magnolia J., and Charles R. Newcomb. James & Sarah were md. about 1860 as their first child was born in 1861. James was born about 1830 and Sarah was born about 1843. Contact me at dionnistone@comcast.net November 23, 2003

Wanting to find parents of Matthew NEWCONB b Jan 1801 in Pa. He married Mary CARY who ws born in Shelby County
Ohio, married 1 Oct 1831 Shelby County Ohio. Their children were William, John, James, Harriet, Rebbeca & Mary Jane and Matthew
Newcomb Jr.  bindrutz@aol.com  November 23, 2003

Do you know of anyone searching John NEWCOMB and Moses NEWCOMB of Rockcastle County,Kentucky. I assume thier parents were William NEWCOMB and Elizabeth HAGGARD which I have nothing on at all except thier names. I am from the John NEWCOMB line thru Nathan NEWCOMB his son and his wife Dorinda POPE. If you can help me I would appreciate it. pad7100@earthlink.net November 5, 2003

WILLIAM NEWCOMBE - looking for parents of; born 1833-1834; married Morinda Hartt btw 1865-1869. William and Morinda had daughter named Catherine "Katie" Newcombe, who then married Edward Muckler. They are my great-great grandparents. Any info would be appreciated - Karrie Trott kezt77@shaw.ca  November 5, 2003

Looking for descendants of Andoniram Judson NEWCOMB . B. Jan 20. 1834. Middle Musquodoboit N.S. He is my
greatgrandfather.e-mail  veram@sasktel.net  Vera Newcomb Lindbloom. October 12, 2003

Looking for parents of Mary Newcomb md Samuel Deering live maybe in Kittery Me . Is she in your data base? Thanks Virginia LeMay-Stender
ginsis28@msn.com  Oct 2, 2003

Beginner looking for help with my line. Virginia folks, Halifax County. All info from old family Bible. GF Arthur Briggs NEWCOMB Sr. GGF George Washington NEWCOMB (wife Sarah Elizabeth Burton + 5 Bros Henry, Jeff, Jim, Charles and Willie. GGGF James Henry
NEWCOMB (wife Mary Childress + bro Grief). Tom (maybe Thomas) NEWCOMB (wife Martha). Been told that somewhere along the line we (Newcomb's) married into Cherokee bloodline. Understand James served with 56th VA Inf during civil war. Any pointers or help of any kind
greatly appreciated. Lieutenant Nuke im9at7@yahoo.com September 29, 2003

Looking for confirmation of parentage of Miletus NEWCOMB, b. 1798, d. 1837 Licking, Ohio.  Presumed son of Luther NEWCOMB and Pamelia LARRABEE KENNEDY.  M 8 Jun 1820 to Rhoda HAYES in Essex, NY.  Rhoda d. of Alanson HAYES and Rhoda Slafter/Slater/Slaughter. Many of the HAYES family moved to Ohio, as did Miletus and Rhoda. Miletus' widow and children settled in Mercer County Ohio in 1837 or so.  NEWCOMB genealogy books give this man's name as Philetus, with his mother as Anna Salisbury. Any information greatly appreciated.  Margo Broehl  mebroehl@bright.net September 29, 2003

I have a Pension file for Jacob NEWCOMB born  Miami Co.,Ohio c 1829 and died 13 July 1870.He was married in Richmond,Indiana. I would like to give it to who ever might be related to this person. I bought it thinking it might be my Jacob whose wife's first name is the same as this one.I knew as soon as I started reading the childrens names he wasn't mine. If you know of anyone decended from him please let me know. There is no cost for the file.  Mary Shannon in Monticello,Florida  walter5@nettally.com August 19, 2003

My name is Roger Newcomb.  My father was George William Newcomb of Chapel Hill, Tennessee. His father was William Arthur "Judge" Newcomb who was the son of George Washington "Kit" Newcomb. That's really all I know and I would like to go back further or connect
with relatives fall in this same line. You can contact me at roger@loger.net July 20, 2003

I am searching for descendants and ancestors of Fannie (Fanny) NEWCOMB Born in 1894, birthplace unknown. She married a Henry MARTS on 6/4/1912 in Jacksonport Arkansas (she was 18 and he was 23). They had a daughter named Mary MARTS born Feb. 14, 1914 in Tuckerman Arkansas (She was my grandmother). We have been told that we have a Cherokee bloodline and possibly a roll number, but no luck yet.  Any information on this would be greatly appreciated. Please contact me at kcarter@sosu.edu if you know of any information that might help in my search. Thanks, Karen, kcarter@sosu.edu July 10, 2003

I am searching for decendants and ancestors of Scott and Myra (or Edmira)  NEWCOMB from Lookout, KY in Pike County. I recently read a query posted by Chris NEWCOMB looking for information on his family in KY, but was unable to return a message to him because of a change in e-mail address. Please contact me if you have any information to share at skaturner@yahoo.com. Thanks, Shawna, July 6, 2003

In following my Hammond line back, I come to a Judah Hammond who lived approximately between 1780 and 1860. He was a Judge in the Marine Court, NYC and the father of John A. Hammond. I wonder is this the same Judah HAMMOND that was the son of Jerusha NEWCOMB and Archelaus Hammond who were married in 1762 Cornwallis, Kings County, Nova Scotia. Thanks for any help. bobtomonto@aol.com. July 6, 2003

I am descended from Ariel NEWCOMB b 1739, d 1821, m Lusalla (Sarah) (Sally) NORRIS, b 1782, d 1873. Trying to fill in their children and descendants. My g g grandmother was Miranda Delight NEWCOMB b 1821 d 1901 m. Joseph P. SMITH b 1815, d 1891. They had 13 children I found reference to 7: Helen, Perry, George, Kittie, Mark, Eugene, and my ggrandfather Manley B. SMITH. I have quite a bit of data on these but still have gaps. My Grandfather was Charles SMITH. Father Paul SMITH, and me Barbara SMITH-HEINTZ. Any data will help. Will share what I have.  Whoarethey57@aol.com May 30, 2003

My grandfather is James w NEWCOMB b 1925, brother is Gus, sister is Velma. Father is Scott NEWCOMB who was married to a Myra
Newcomb who lived in Pike Co., Lookout, Kentucky.  I am looking for any info; this is all I have on my family.  My father is Larry J Newcomb. Brothers, jerry and James. Sisters, bonnie, Ann, Peggy and Debbie all born in pike co. any one with info please help. p.s I have heard these names as I was growing up as possibly related to, Faye, Goldie, Lizzie, and Lee. Also, Jerry and Debbie possibly half bro and sis. Christopher.newcomb@Halliburton.com or cjnukem31@hotmail.com April 27, 2003

My name is Sherry Ward  my husband's gggrandfather is Henry Newcomb or Newcom b: 6-28-1821, he married a women named Rebecca
on 11-17-1846 in Russell CO. VA. they had 3 children Sarah Frances,Jacob w.,Mary E. Have you come across them in your research i'v
hit a brickwall. Any help you can give me would greatly be appreciated it. My email is slrw63@aol.com  Thank You  Sherry April 4, 2003

My name is Mike Newcomb. Trying to find out more about the Newcomb's. My father is Walter Newcomb. He lives in Benton Il. My grandfather was Ura Steve Newcomb. My great grandfather was Urie A Newcomb. Albert and Virgil were also sons of Urie A Newcomb. Walter is trying to find James,
Fred, and Donald all sons of Albert. He thinks they may live in Colorado. They should range in age from mid 60's to early 70's. If you can help let me know. Mike Newcomb newc@shawneelink.net March 19, 2003

I am searching for information on the ancestors/descendants of Nola Newcomb (b. 8/4/1895 d. 12/23/1978 Iuka, MS).  She married Alflred Thomas
Robinson (b. 2/25/1897 d. 3/7/1962). Family history states that the Newcombs owned large plots of land on the west side of Corinth, MS. The Newcombs donated the land for the hospital and other philantrophic endeavors for the community. Any information would be greatly appreciated. robinson_chris1@yahoo.com March 19, 2003


Nathan B. Newcomb (1867-1964) married in Oklahoma in 1906 to Katherine Hannah. Nathan born in NY, died in California. Peyton, son, born 1917. Peyton's daughter, Nancy, born 1945 in California. Does anyone recognize this line? Who are the ancestors of Nathan ?
Terencepau@aol.com March 1, 2003

I am looking for the parents and siblings of Matthew NEWCOMB. He was born in 1793 in Maryland and died after 1860 in Marion County, Kentucky.  I believe that he might have had brothers, as follows:  John B. NEWCOMB (b. 1787 md. Jane POOR on Feb. 12, 1821); John Wesley (Turk) NEWCOMB (b. 1790 md. Harriett); Isaac NEWCOMB (b. 1794 md. Comfort DAVIS on May 4, 1816; md. Harriet Davis second); James NEWCOMB (b. 1795 md. Nancy PURCEAL on Nov. 18, 1820).  Matthew, John Wesley, and Isaac all moved to the Marion County/Taylor County area of Kentucky.  Matthew md. Nancy HOLLAND in March, 1816 and she died in 1832, afterwhich he married a Rebecca.  I would like to know what part of Maryland Matthew came from and any information on his parents, etc. Thank you, Carrie car_olo7@yahoo.com February 22, 2003


I have been sorting out Oliver Ingraham NEWCOMB's 11 children by two wives.  Oliver was the son of Luther NEWCOMB and Narcissa BABCOCK; he lived in Ohio and Illinois.  Born 25 May 1825, died 1 Nov 1907, Coles Co IL.)  I have found additional data that JBN missed/omitted, as well as some corrections to his data.  I would be happy to share with anyone interested
Many thanks.  Kenneth Parent, Brazzaville, Congo ken_parent@hotmail.com February 19, 2003 Revised September 1, 2005

I'm trying to find any information about Caleb NEWCOMB born 1850 or 1851 in (?) Annapolis, Nova Scotia.  Found on 1881 Canadian
Census living in Knowlesville, New Brunswick, married to Clarissa RANDALL. Died in 1894, in Mars Hill, Maine. Children listed in 1881
Census: William, Ada, and Charles. Any help would be appreciated.  Thank You. model42@earthlink.net February 17, 2003

I’m trying to track down information on a Jonatha (not Jonathan) NEWCOMB, born in Texas around the turn of the 20th Century. She currently lives in New Hampshire. Thanks. Michael Bettencourt mbettencourt@gso-law.com
January 21, 2003

I am searching for my grandfathers family. My grandfather was William NEWCOMB of Knoxville, Tenn who was married to Flora Jane LANTER. His father was Charles Newcomb who was married to Laura Raby. I have found both men in the 1920 and 1930 census but nothing more. I am also trying to find out who was Charles'father. His mother was Samantha ? If you have any info that might help, please email me at: kissmefairy@yahoo.com January 21, 2003

My name is Fonda GILL, I'm looking for information on my gGrandFather. His name is CHARLES H. NEWCOMB b. abt. 1876. His son my Grandfather was William Washington NEWCOMB my Grandmother was Flora Newcomb {LANTER}. My grandparents lived in Knoxville,Tennesse and I believe thats where my gGrandfather lived also. Any help would be wonderful. naconagill@yahoo.com December 30, 2002

My name is Michael Newcomb, my father was John Joseph Newcomb m. Mary C. BONNER Newcomb. My Grandfathers name was William Newcomb who m. Mary GORDON in Pittston, PA. I need help finding who William Newcomb my grandfathers information.  He owned Newcomb Brothers Coal Company in Pittston, PA with his sons Billy, Joseph and John (my dad). Any links or help would be great.  They lived on Market Street in Pittston, PA. Michael Newcomb" mnewcomb@worldwise.net November 29, 2002

I wondering if anyone can help me find the parents of Nelson NEWCOMBE, born June 7, 1814 and died September 10, 1865. His tombstone suggests that he was born in London, England but family lore suggests that he was from Bournemouth, Dorset. He is buried in the Kinsey-Bean Cemetary in Doon, Ontario with his wife, Fanny Veronica KINSEY (KINZIE). The KINZIE family is well documented but I know nothing of NEWCOMBE. Pete Allison pallison@golden.net November 5, 2002

We are descendents of Andrew NEWCOMB. We are trying to join the Mayflower Society; our line of descent comes down through our NEWCOMBs when Thankful FREEMAN married Ebenezer NEWCOMB in 1738. From (1) Ebenezer NEWCOMB our line is  (2) David NEWCOMB, 1738/39 - 1824  (3) Hezekiah NEWCOMB 1767 - 1826  (4) Ferrett NEWCOMB 1814 -1899 m. Ebenezer Hamlin TREAT  (5) Esther Caroline TREAT 1850 - 1919 m. Wayland NEWELL  (6) Ora E. NEWELL 1877 - 1909 m. Ambrose RICE  (7) Esther RICE m. Lloyd R. RICHARDS  (8) Lloyd W. RICHARDS m. Joy RIEFLER (9) Holly RICHARDS (myself) m. Joe SULLIVAN  (10) Shyanne SULLIVAN (my daughter). We are having no trouble finding "proofs" back to Ferret NEWCOMB, but we are having a problem finding civil records etc. proving that Hezekiah NEWCOMB (#3) was the son of David NEWCOMB (#2).  Are there any other descendents of David NEWCOMB or Hezekiah NEWCOMB who would know if there exists any probate or Bible records showing Hezekiah as David's son? Many thanks! Holly and Shyanne Sullivan family@clansullivan.com
October 25, 2002

I am trying to find the upstate New York line of John R Newcomb. John R Newcomb age 30 or 31 married Francis
A. Payne (Kentucky) in Bunker Hill, Illinois on Novermber 5, 1850. The Lowman nd Kesiah Newcomb lived near
Bunker Hill at the same time. Maucopin County, Illinois records said the Lowmans were from Schoharie County, New
York. I was looking for a connection.
1) John R Newcomb-Illinois- 1850-60
2) Charles Craig Newcomb- b. April, 19 1855 Bunker Hill
d. June 2, 1943 Spearman, Texas
3) Gus C Newcomb d.1966
4) William H Newcomb
5) Michael E Newcomb
mike@newcombs.com October 11, 2002

I have a letter from a”Curly”to his sister Charlott A. Newcomb of Indian Orchard, Hampden County, Mass. It is a “war letter” and is dated Dec 16th, 1863. It was among the personal effects of my mother who told me years
ago that the Newcombs were connected to her own ancestry. Curly was apparently in a Mass. Infantry regiment and the events he describes are connected to the siege of Vicksburg, Miss. in 1863. He spells his sister’s name Charlott rather than Charlotte, which could be a clue. Is there anyone out there who has a possible connection with these folks ? Hope to hear from soon. Geoffrey Braden, Seattle, Wa. "Judith Rickard and Geoffrey Braden" bradrick@serv.net October 11, 2002

I am trying to find the upstate New York line of John R Newcomb. John R Newcomb age 30 or 31 married Francis
A. Payne (Kentucky) in Bunker Hill, Illinois on Novermber 5, 1850. The Lowman nd Kesiah Newcomb lived near
Bunker Hill at the same time. Maucopin County, Illinois records said the Lowmans were from Schoharie County, New
York. I was looking for a connection. 1) John R Newcomb-Illinois- 1850-60 2) Charles Craig Newcomb- b. April, 19 1855 Bunker Hill d. June 2, 1943 Spearman, Texas 3) Gus C Newcomb d.1966 4) William H Newcomb 5) Michael E Newcomb
Michael E. Newcomb mike@newcombs.com October 8, 2002

Jershusa Catharine Fletcher married Nathaniel Cottle in Nova Scotia and produced 11 children. After the death of
Nathaniel in 1806 in Queens Co., New Brunswick, Catharine married Benjamin Newcomb. Benjamin died abt 1817
in Queens Co., New Brunswick where he is buried. I have been unable to find a grave for a Catharine Newcomb or
any other information on her since her marriage to Benjamin. She did have a son Nathaniel Cottle that moved down
the river to Saint John, New Brunswick. Any help appreciated. Helen cpygmy1@mon-cre.net October 16, 2002

I'm tracing my family treeand Im stuck I was wondering if anyone could help me this is what I have John Y. NEWCOMB married Mary J (?) children John Y NEWCOMB Jr b 7/25/1875 d 5/26/1881 and Frank H. NEWCOMB b 4/16/1879 born in Rhode Island  married Mabel May ARNOLD born in Massachusetts on 11/26/1896 children
Gladys M. NEWCOMB b 4/25/1901 in Rhode Island m. 1)Walter DIXON child Dorothy DIXON 2) Gladys also married Joseph McNAUGHTON Nellie V. NEWCOMB b 4/5/1909 in Rhode Island d. 2/14/1989 in Massachusetts m Robert GARDNER Frank Y. NEWCOMB b.4/23/1915 in Rhode Island D. 2/1977 in Rhode Island John H. NEWCOMB  b. 7/14/1919 in Rhode Island Ethel G. NEWCOMB b. 1/5/1923 in Rhode Island d. 2/9/1989 in Rhode Island  married 1) James (Junior) ANGELL children June ANGELL  b.6/26/42 d. 1/24/2000 married Walter PIGEON children Ronald, Robert, Richard, and Kerri James ANGELL b 9/27/46 in Rhode Island Joseph L. ANGELL in Rhode Island b. 9/6/51 d.9/16/1993  in Rhode Island married Catherine F.PARKER b.1/17/1952 children Laurie b.12/29/1970 in Rhode Island married John MASSEY children Sean and Ashlee. Joseph l. ANGELL  b.9/25/1973 in Putnam Connecticut children Tyler Joseph Angell and Gage William ANGELL............ any help would be greatly appericated thank you. Angellprincess29@aol.com August 21, 2002

I am looking for information on, and living relatives of, William Newcomb, 1839-1924. He was a dentist, inventor (gun
maker), and poet of Johnsonville, NY. He had brothers Simon (Wash, DC area) and Nahum (Pittstown, NY area). I
am especially interested in having a photograph, of him and poetry written by him. He had no children. Thank you.
Terri MacGregor MENMACMAL@aol.com August 2, 2002

Evelyn Newcomb, her husband was Max, I believe. They lived in CA. Her email address was mnewcomb@jps.net
She was Evelyn Gaines, when she was born. When I last heard from her she was sick, so was her husband.  She had
5 daughters, none of which were Newcombs. Please help me. onorrisr@hotmail.com June 30, 2002

I am looking for the father of my ggggrandfater Clement Fleming Newcomb born around June 18 1814 or 1815.  His parents might be from Ky. He married Alley Hardison on July 16 1836, in Maury Co. Tenn. 1LT Cory Newcomb
Range Control cory.newcomb@ok.ngb.army.mil (918) 487-6046 "Newcomb, Cory M" Cory.Newcomb@OK.ngb.army.mil May 22, 2002

I'm looking for the death date and place for Eliza NEWCOMB ( 20 Mar 1811 Winhall, Bennington) who was married to Alexander Anderson MURDOCK ( 17 Oct 1812 Scotland). Capt Andrew Newcomb, Lt. Andrew Newcomb, Simon Newcomb, Hezekiah Newcomb, Silas Newcomb, Lt. Daniel Newcomb, Daniel Newcomb and Eliza Newcomb.  Eliza and Alexander live in Ithaca, NY.  I have Census Records from 1850 to 1880 with them together and 1900 Alexander is with his son John Knox MURDOCK in Tioga, NY.  I can not find any death record for Eliza or Alexander. I can find records for all their children though. Thank you, Claudia from Fresno email jonathanboggs@msn.com April 13, 2002

Looking for information about Professor Henry NEWCOMB who married Martha GRAY and lived in Omaha, Nebraska.  Martha was born in Allegheny, PA in 1833.  A family letter dated March 1887, states,"Henry NEWCOMB lives in Pittsburgh was married and in Feb his wife died and left him with two children one two years old and the other eight days."  Nina Hollifield njhol@northrim.net January 6, 2002

Looking for any information on Luther NEWCOMB, who died in Licking Co., Ohio about 1844-1845, in Alexandria, St. Albans TWP.  Who was his spouse? What  happened to his wife? Where are they buried? His daughter, Mary Jane NEWCOMB was placed under guardianship at the age of 14 months to a Noah & Mary GLEASON, in Mercer County Ohio.  Luther's parents were Philetus and Rhoda HAYES NEWCOMB. His brothers and sisters are: Miletus Madison NEWCOMB, Alanson Hayes NEWCOMB, Joseph NEWCOMB, Samantha NEWCOMB, Millie Ann NEWCOMB, & Rosetta NEWCOMB. Philetus's parents were Luther & Pamelia LARRABEE NEWCOMB
of New York. Any help would be appreciated. Millie Mowry  Rock2Plate@aol.com December 30, 2001

I am looking for Lucinda NEWCOMB, daughter of Bethuel Newcomb of Thetford, VT. Lucinda married Horace W. BROWN in 1810, Thetford, VT. He died and she married Caleb BARNUM. They had a son, Horace W. Brown, also.
halligan@rochester.rr.com December 20, 2001

I am looking for information on a Jane NEWCOMBE who was born about 1809 in Alverdiscott, Devon, England. I and a fellow researcher cannot find a spouse for her but do find that she had a daughter named Jane Newcombe born about 1831, also in Alverdiscott. The elder Jane's father was a William Newcombe, born about 1779 in Alverdiscott and his wife Elizabeth was born about 1772 also in Alverdiscott. Have you found these names in your research? Other children?Any help would be so appreciated!!! Rani2037@aol.com December 20, 2001

Searching for parents and/or Siblings of Levi Moses Newcomb born @1819 in Tennessee. Parents from Virginia?
Vicki. geemaw@datastar.net December 1, 2001

Hello.  My mystery family branch is the NEWCOMB branch. My grandfather was Elmer Melbourne NEWCOMB, born March 25, 1905 in the St. Louis, MO area, raised in Kirkwood, died in Florida October 22, 1961. His older siblings
were Charles B. NEWCOMB (died November 1918 in Argonne during WWI), Helen NEWCOMB (died in nursing home in Denver, CO perhaps 1974), Mabel NEWCOMB REED (ran a circus), Raymond NEWCOMB (married Loretta and Hallie; Loretta and Raymond had two children Ray and Loretta), and Charlotte NEWCOMB. My grandfather's mother was Charlotte ANSLINE(sp?) NEWCOMB LE RYER. His father was Charles NEWCOMB (supposedly a methodist minister from Ireland). Charlotte ANSLINE NEWCOMB LE RYER lived in Knoxville, TN around the turn of the century and then moved to St. Louis area at least by 1918. Any ideas on how this branch fits into any other NEWCOMB branch would be greatly appreciated!!   beecarpet@sbcglobal.net August 2, 2001

Looking for info about Jacob Samuel NEWCOMB.  He was born in Switzerland 1850 came to Kenton, OH in 1860.  Do not have a place of birth. Any help is greatly appreciated.  Jo Ann Middlebrook jomiddy@modempool.com October 20, 2001

Would like to know who these people are. I do recognize William Charles and Isabelle Harkness NEWCOMB (died 1936) but I don't recognize anyone else. I figure that they are of relatives that lived in Sault Ste. Marie, MI. The lady in picture one and two is Isabelle Harkness NEWCOMB. Picture one is William Charles NEWCOMB Isabelle Harkness Newcomb, but I don't know who the gentleman is or the children. Wanda wirwin48@msn.com October 7, 2001

Click on picture links for images.

My Newcombe (George) was said to be born in 1834 (though I believe it was 1841) resided from about 1871 or 71 in Pottsville, Pennsylvania (Schuylkill Co.) and was thought to come from Devon.  Have you seen Devon information on Newcombes for this period? Nancy Benson pilot-werth@erols.com October 3, 2001

I was wondering if you know anything at all about the diary of Zerviah Newcombe? I am from the Austine Bearse Mary Hyanno families and just thought I would try. Always, Traci Trarorden@aol.com October 3, 2001

Seeking information on ancestors of Amy FRANKLIN. Was she related to Benjamin Franklin? Jesse NEWCOMB married Amy abt 1776. Terence Kelley Terencepau@aol.com October 2, 2001

Researching our ANDERSON ancestors and have a letter dated Nov. 14, 1889 from Nettie ANDERSON, married to ? M. NEWCOMB in Oakland City, Indiana. Son, George W. NEWCOMB was born about July 1888. Cannot read the first initial of her husband. She gives her return address as Oakland, IN, but mentions Vincennes, IN and Cincinnati, O. Nettie was the daughter of Lewis Washington ANDERSON, b. Jan. 8, 1836 in Cumberland, VA, d. Nov. 20, 1889, buried in Montgomery Cemetery, Oakland, IN. (I like the format of your page! Easy to follow the lines.) Kay Anderson, edandkay2@juno.com  September 28, 2001

Hello!!  My name is Scott NEWCOMB and I'm searching for any information that will assist me in researching my family. So far, I have been able to trace back to my great-great-grandfather, whose name was Capt. Alfred C. (possibly J.) NEWCOMB(E).  He was born in 1825 (in New York?) and was a ship captain on the Great Lakes. He is buried in Bay City, Michigan, where I  grew up, but lived part of his life in Grand Rapids, Michigan, with his wife,  Julia "Jewel" Candle.  His parents were Henry B. NEWCOMB(E) and Philochia ) Clark. I very recently came across some information (thanks to Ken Newcombe) that may suggest that my ggg-grandfather, Henry B. NEWCOMB(E) was a lighthouse keeper, most likely in Connecticut. I have not had time yet to research this further, but would love to hear from anyone who may have ANY information that might be useful to my research. Please e-mail me at  spnewcomb@msn.com   Thank you!! Sincerely, August 9, 2001

Can you help my husband find the date & place of death for his gggrandmother, Prudence NEWCOMB-COPAL? Also did she have "any" brothers or sisters? She married his gggrandfather, Abraham COPAL " Koppal"- original spelling for family's surname) or mis-spelled as Hopall, Kapal, Kopall, Kopel, Copell) on Oct. 30, 1844, in Charlotte Co., Va. In the Clerk's office in Charlotte Court House, Va, all "7" spellings are given for Abraham. We were told by the managemnt at the clerk's office this was not unusual. It depended on the spelling of the person '''recording these documents."
Prudence was born May 7, 1823 as the daughter of Thomas & Mary/Polly (Hendrick) NEWCOMB. Prudence's marriage bond has Mourning Alexis NEWCOMB(Thomas NEWCOMB's sister) as a witness to her father's "mark" (X)
on the document. According to family "stories"Abraham left Prudence and returned to Germany & remarried!
Documents in the clerk's office in Charlotte Court House, Va, show a sale of land deeded in 1903 was notarized in Union Co., KY by Abraham's wife, Mary E. COPELL. Abraham signed this document in the clerk's office in Charlotte Court House, Va., to a Samuel L. LINSEY. Abraham signed his name as COPELL. We would appreciate "any" help you may give us on our research. Sincerely, Boyd & Shirley Copal  koppal@webtv.net July 17, 2001

I am looking for the parents of Isaac NEWCOMB who married Comfort DAVIS on May 4, 1816 in Green County, KY.  Any information would be helpful. Please email me at ancestors4u@cheerful.com July 17, 2001

Searching for information on NEWCOMB(E) from around the Nottinghamshire area back in late 1700's. In particular Richard NEWCOMB m Alice PARKIN 1776 and their children John b 1767, William b 1769, Richard b 1771, Septimus b 1773 and Thomas b 1774. There were repititions of these names of children who died earlier. All were born in either Worksop or Carbuton, Nottinghamshire. Septimus married Ann MEE and they had 3 children, Frederick b 1802, Ann b 1804 and Septimus b 1806 all at Holme Pierrepont in Nottinghamshire. The younger Septimus married Hannah Pacey in 1830 and had a child, Frederick b 1831, who started the NEWCOMB(E) line in the Western District of Victoria, Australia after 1857. Please send any information to:  newcombe@geelong.hotkey.net.au
Looking for info about Elizabeth Philapino NEWCOMB born 9-17-1884 in Arkansas. Her mothers maiden name was CLIFT. Thank you, Kathy meemawdean@AOL.com May 26, 2001

Still searching for parents of Thomas NEWCOM/NUCOM who was in Stokes Co. NC in 1800 when son Anderson Green NEWCOM was born.  On 25 June 1794 Thomas was security for Robert NEWCOMB's marriage to Mary LEWIS dau of William and Austy NEWCOM - all of Stokes Co. turnermn@arkansas.net May 22, 2001

Levi NEWCOMB born 1815 in Madison county, KY, married a Anna T. DENNIS from TN, they were married 12-31-1841 in Washington county, IL. Levi bought land in Washington county, IL in 1840 while living in  St.Clair county, IL. Their children: Joseph J. born 1842, James F. born 1845, Frank born 1848, Sarah H. born 1851, William M. born 1853, Simeon born 1855. They raised their family in Richview, Washington County, IL. Looking for Levi's parents or siblings? Thank you, Jannita Weidenbach randal11@ix.netcom.com April 1, 2001

I am trying to determine the correct name of Abiel NORTH Sr's wife. The records for Bell Run Cemetery in Ceres Township, McKean Co., PA have her as Elizabeth Sarah NEWCOMBE, b. 1779 d. 1856. Another source has her as
Elizabeth HOLLISTER daughter of Isaac HOLLISTER and Elizabeth NEWCOMB. This Elizabeth NEWCOMB is the daughter of Cyrenius NEWCOMB and Sarah SMITH of CT and is a direct descendant of Capt Andrew NEWCOMB.
Bruce Bender bender801@yahoo.com March 27, 2001

Research Charles NEWCOMB b 1861. He is from Saline Co. Ill. In the 1860 census Thomas T. NEWCUM age 52 had the following people living with him. Angeline 28, Robert 14, James A 24, Isiah 7, William  6, Aaron C 5, G????
3, Stephen  1, Martin 20. The census is difficult to read and a couple of the names may be mispelled. Angeline's maiden name may be LOWERY Regards, Richard Wilstead rickw@goodnet.com March 24, 2001

I'm trying to find the parents & siblings of Thomas Alexander, Middleton, Stanley, Lafayette, NEWCOMB (per my grandmother and one of her sisters). THOMAS was born abt 12/23/1829 in N.C. or Ky. married abt 1857 in Louisville Ky. died abt 8/14/1902 in Brown Co. Ind. He married a Martha Ann CHAPPELL born abt June 1832 died 7/28/1927.  If you can tie THOMAS into one of the many NEWCOMB families please e-mail me at lzook1@pdq.net March 18, 2001

Andrew (1), Andrew (1), Simon(2), John(3), John(4), Joseph(5), Joseph(6), John(7), John(8), Charles(9), Russel(10), Charles(11), Denise(12), Hailey(14).  Im looking for any info on John(8) thru Charles(12).  Denise Newcombe Golden  Penniesclues@aol.com March 14, 2001

I am looking for information on Mary Jane THOMAS, the wife of Samuel Rogers NEWCOMB. Our family bible
states that her parents were Gideon ROGERS & Desire MASTERS, but I know little else. Do you know who Gideon's or Desire's parents were, or have any dates for any of them? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Gail, at johncorp20@aol.com March 6, 2001

Looking for Nelson NEWCOMB born in Ky about 1816, married Sarah R. Pope in Williamson County, TN in 1838.  Then he married Mary or Polly POPE in 1844 in Fayette County, IL.  I believe he was the son of Nelson NEWCOMB, born in Madison County KY in 1785 and died iin Hickman County, TN.  Need to establish a definite connection, also find out who Nelson NEWCOMB's mother was. Lois@laudie.com February 25, 2001

Searching for information on my grandfather HENRY VANSITTART NEWCOMBE, born possibly around 1860 in Bristol. UK. Also his father, Christian name unknown and his wife who was LADY BOWATER, again Christian name unknown, but she was a member of the BOWATER family, of the famous paper mill company, and who produced several Lord Mayors of London. Apparently the NEWCOMBE/BOWATER relationship caused a bit of a scandal at the time and I would love to know more about it and fill in some gaps in the tree. mark.newcombe@tesco.net January 28, 2001

I am searching for ancestors of JESSE NEWCOMB and his wife MOURNING NEWCOMB (b. circa 1800). probably in Charlotte County, Virginia. Their daughter, MARY JANE NEWCOMB (b. 1821 in Virginia; d. May 14, 1903 in Collin County, TX) married JOEL FARRELL in Charlotte County, VA. on September 30, 1841. SRossFish@aol.com January 16, 2001

I would like to contact Dr. Arthur NEWCOMB, a family practitioner who practiced medicine in Fredericktown, MO (Madison County) in the mid-late 60's and early 70's. I believe he left town in in the mid-70's. He had a daughter, LaVeda, who would be about 50 years old now. He was my family physician and I would like to thank him for a particular act of kindness which was a turning point in my life. Thank you. Rosanne (Goad) Vrugtman 406 Coachway Lane Hazelwood, MO 63042. 314-838-5453 xun@gte.net January 14, 2001

I have not been able to find any connections to my branch of NEWCOMBES. They are from East Mids area(Mainly Notts)at least as far back as late 1700s. mainly agricultural/millers/dom servants. Poss primitive methodists;
JOHN NEWCOMBE was a preacher. Some females emigrated to Canada(1890 onwards) but have so far been unable to trace; EDITH A born 1885, ELIZABETH 1887 or MABEL J 1883 father= JOHN FISHER NEWCOMBE, mother ANN FOULDS (all born NOTTS). annerockliffe@hotmail.com January 5, 2001

Any info connecting to other branches welcome!!!
I am just starting to search for my family history. My name is Angela Lynn Newcomb-Holland. My father is Roger Eugene Newcomb born July 31, 1952. My grandfather is Charles Allen Newcomb Sr. born October 23,1927 and died on May 6, 1985. He had a brother James William Newcomb and a sister named Grace. My greatgrandfather is James Allen Newcomb and he was married to Rogena Elizabeth Taylor-Newcomb. That is all I know about my family. I was told that
my grandfather's parent's both died when he was young. I was also told that my family at one time lived in Illnois. I know they also lived in Iowa and Nebraska. Any help anyone could give me would be greatly appreciated. Please respond to me personally at my email address. Thank you. griperang@aol.co December 19, 2000

I am searching on Dr.Kate NEWCOMB who was a doctor in the north woods in the 1950's -1970's. I invite any information on her. Stuff about her childhood or her experiences in the job. Thank you very much Brandon my
e-mail address is orkdorksrule@hotmail.com December 5, 2000

Meredith Augustus NEWCOMB was born 1876 near Petersburg Virginia. He married Emma BRITTINGHAM 1899. He married second wife Beatrice PENFOLD at Beamsville, Ontario, Canada in 1916 and third wife Elizabeth BARGAR of Jamestown New York in 1925 then moved to Tonawanda NY and possibly Rochester NY. He disappeared after 1925. Sometimes called himself "Albert NEWCOMBE" Any info appreciated. Ken Newcombe kennewcombe@attcanada.net  16 Homestead Ave., Dundas, Ontario, Canada L9H 5Y7 November 25, 2000

Am searching for Darwin E NEWCOMB b. ca 1845-6 married 1868 Tuscola Co MI Emma DUPAUL. 1880 census Monroe Co MI  had ch:  Blanche b. 1874 ; Stanley O b. 1877 & Ralph b. Mar 1880.  Darwin NEWCOMB was a Doctor & the 1880 census says his parents were born New York jfardmos@shianet.org November 25, 2000

Hello - My question is to the pedigree and whereabouts of family of one Christiana NEWCOMB who married my ancestor Roswell H. WILLIAMS in Ellicottville, Cattaraugus county, NY in 1840. He married my ancestor by 1845. I have been searching for any connections for this Roswell Williams and hope maybe someone will claim Christiana and I will be able to find him through her line. I "assume" Christiana died and Roswell re-married, but have no proof of this.
I believe they were parents of two boys, James L. Williams born 1841 and Denzil Herrick Williams born 1844.  This is not proven yet, but found on IGI. Thanks for any help Alice in Fluvanna County, VA Caddowens@aol.com November 23, 2000

Seeking info on NEWCOMBE, Abram/Abraham of Musquodobit, Halifax Co, Nova Scotia, Canada. Abram m1 15 Jan 1830 Grizzel ARCHIBALD b. 5 Mar 1812 d/o Samuel Burke Archibald and Margaret DICKMAN; g-d/o John Archibald 2nd and Margaret FISHER. Abram and Grizzel had 13 children between 1830 and 1850, 8 sons and 5 daughter. Abram m2 ca 1850 Margaret MacLeod of Cape Breton. Margaret was the widow of Alexander MILLER b. 1792/96 s/o Capt James Miller b. NE, lived Truro and Antigonish, Nova Scotia and Eleanor MAHON. Alexander Miller and Margaret MacLEOD m. 15 Oct 1836 and had 6 children: Alexander, James, John, Charles, Eleanor, Nancy. Alexander Miller died in 1844. kmiller@eisa.com November 23, 2000

Looking for information re my great grandfather, born  Ira John Newcombe February 21 1876. Peterbough Nova Scotia. Married Ethel Maude Sage, in Huron, South Dakota U.S.A. Immigrated back to Canada, and raised a very large family egunn@telus.net November 5, 2000

I'm searching for ancestory of Eleanor Newcomb, born Braintree, MA ca 1785. She married Salmon Clapp in Braintree and they had the following children: Salmon Shepard, born 1808; George, b. 1809, married Betsey Adams; Charles, born 1811, never married; Content, b. 1813, married Lysander Richards; Eleanor, b. 1816, never married; Noah, b. 1820, married Louisa R. Stickney (my gr gr grandparents); Sarah Olive, b. 1823, married John S. Lyons; and
Peter, b. 1825, never married. Evelyn Prouty Ficnickel@aol.com October 26, 2000

I am looking for info on Simon NEWCOMB born 1835/died 1909. This was the famous astromomer. I would like to know his parents names/siblings names, etc. I am related to the Newcome family branch on the east coast of Nova
Scotia and beleive that the above Simon Newcomb came from this branch but can find no info on him. hefler.forest@ns.sympatico.ca(Kelly Smith) October 6, 2000

Who is my grandfather. He was born in Sampson County, North Carolina, 9/16/1848 and died in the Raleigh, NC area in approximately 1915. He was married to Nina Amy REA and I believe they were married about 1890 in North
Carolina. My understanding is that his family belonged to an Amish (or similar type) religious community and that he left that community at the time he married.  I believe he was a farmer and forester in the Raleigh area, and I know they owned property at Apex, NC at one time. My grandmother died in 1936. They had five children (first daughter died shortly after birth), Beatrice NEWCOME SESSOM(S), Vashti NEWCOME SESSOM(S), and Eva NEWCOME BASS. My father, Clethro Ewart NEWCOM(E) was born in Wake County, NC on 10/2/1898. Thanks for any information you can give me. Carolyn Langdon Langdon196@cs.com September 30, 2000

I  am looking for the history of the name Newcombe. My family comes  from Ship Harbour Halifax county Nova Scotia. My fathers name was Ronald Norman Newcombe Sr. His Father's name was Seymour Newcombe. I would  like to know where our family originated. Please respond to: newclee@yahoo.com Thanks, Rhonda Lee Newcombe. September 30, 2000

James NEWCOMB, b: December, 1846 - Indiana wife: Nancy Elizabeth MAXWELL, b: 1847 - 1848
children: Charles NEWCOMB, b: January 18, 1868, Indiana m: Olly SCUDDER, b: December 8, 1861, Indiana            daughter: Luly NEWCOMB, b: June 1885, Kentucky, husband: Walter V. NOELL
             Clara NEWCOMB
             Robert NEWCOMB
             Eliza Ann NEWCOMB
             Daniel Thomas NEWCOMB, b: May 27, 1885, Warsaw, Gallatin County,Ky  m: Cora Edna ASHCRAFT

James' sister, Minerva NEWCOMB, b: Abt. 1847 m: William H. MAXWELL (brother of Nancy) parents: William MAXWELL/Eliza Ann SNOW

Trying to find names of James' parents, etc..  Also, information Clara, Robert and Eliza Ann.  There may also be a connection to a Thomas T. and Catherine Smith. Found James and Minerva living with them in the 1860/1870
Indiana census.  Any help would be appreciated.. Donna (NEWCOMB) FERRIS. FERISWHEEL@AOL.COM
August 6, 2000

I am interested in finding out if the Dr.Kate Newcomb that practiced medicine in northern Wisconsin, Oneida Country, is from this family of Newcombs. She was in her 70's when I was born in l952. Her practice was centered around a little town of Minocqua and Lake Tomahawk. Thanks so much. Linda Casey. rcasey@snet.net July 31, 2000

I am searching for my family descendants I do not have much information but I do know I have relatives with the last name of Newcombe that live in West Virginia (United States). My name is Karen Denise Eakle my maiden name is Jacobs; I live in Maryland. My father's name is James Paul Jacobs from Taylor County, West Virginia born in the mid 30's siblings were Shirley (married name Setler; husband name Darrel) and Richard (not married). My dad's father was James Jacobs (frm WV) married to Ada Robinson, also from West Virginia (siblings of Ada were Ted, Opal (married name Phillilps; husband name William)& Louise (married name Kensler; husband Russell; lived in Connecticut, daughter's name is Penny), and two others I don't know. I know of more relatives with the last name of Jennings and Jarvis. Any information would be helpful.  seakle@erols.com July 18, 2000

I am researching Susanna Newcomb, born 1655 in Henrico Co., VA, married James Hensley, 1682 in Henrico Co., VA, and died in 1730. Any help, direction, or ideas would be appreciated.  Sherry Cruise slcruise@usa.net July 3, 2000

I am looking for details of Canadian Newcombes especially Benjamin Cecil NEWCOMBE of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada(1887-?1961) + wife(Marjorie Constance ?nee DUNBAR) and children Jack Dunbar (d.1943),Joyce. Also Newcombes from Thorverton, Devonshire, UK Simon NEWCOMBE Tenterden,Kent,UK).E-mail: simonjohn@snewcombe.freeserve.co.uk June 30, 2000

Hi, I am just beginning my search into the Newcomb family. My great-grandmother was Thamna Octavia Newcombe of Cornwallis in Kings County, Nova Scotia. Her parents were George E. and Eleanor Newcombe. My grandmother, doughter of Thamna, was born in Mass. in 1891. She left a note that Newcombes came from Windsor and Hantsport.  Any info would be appreciated. Nancy Deschenes Jeanan2@aol.com June 26, 2000

Looking for info on NEWCOMB line in  In Hamilton; Co. Indiana, James  NEWCOMB married to Lydia LOCKWOOD; Lydia was from Dutchess, Co. N.Y. Born in 1788 and James was born in Rennseler; N.Y. They were there in 1805. This is all the info I have on this line of Newcombs would be helpfull.  Fishmanray@aol.comMay 17, 2000

I am researching my g-g-grandmothers NEWCOMB line. Her name is Rette Jane NEWCOMB and her father is Matthew NEWCOMB and mother Mary Elizabeth NEWCOMB (TOW).  Rette birthrate was 5 July 1870 in Howard County Indiana. Married to Shepherd Deadly GREEN 19 April 1900 in Howard County Indiana.  North Carolina
is shown to be birthplace of both Matthew and Mary NEWCOMB. Any help will be appreciated. Paulette Nighswonger. j4reason@aol.com May 17, 2000

I am Nicola Jo NEWCOMB Taysom, my father is Harold Sherwood NEWCOMB born 20 October, 1928, Wilder, Fentress, Tennessee. His father is Walter Earl NEWCOMB born 3 January, 1897, Elverton, Roan(e), Tennessee. His father is James C. NEWCOMB. This is all the info I have and am a beginner. Any help would be great! Thank you. Email: LanceDTaysom@juno.com. May 9, 2000

MYRA ANN NEWCOMB, known as "Perky" was in our high school class of 1962 from the high school of the School of the Ozarks at Point Lookout, Mo. Perky came from Flippin, Arkansas. We are planning our 40 year reunion and have no address. Contact us at barnettpmwb@aol.com April 21, 2000

Eliza NEWCOMB b.1800 NY married Alanson SAXTON in 1820's. Like to make connection with Eliza's family, Eliza and Alanson ended up in very southern Michigan. Their daughter Olive Janette was my gr grandmother. Olive and her husband Francis Frey ended up in Payne Co., Ok. in 1898 from Newton Co., Mo. They married in Michigan. Anyone connected, appreciate any connection. Mary Widener widener@galstar.com April 20, 2000

Looking for information on Miranda NEWCOMB. She was born in 1806, possibly in Charlotte Co., VA. In 1822, in Charlotte Co., she married George HOLT. George died in 1848 and Miranda eventually moved to Rockbridge Co., VA where she filed for a pension based on her husband's service during the War of 1812. Miranda died, probably in Rockbridge Co., in 1888. Who are her parents? Possibly James Newcomb and his wife, Frankie HAMBLIN?
Any information appreciated. Rosuar@aol.com April 19, 2000

I'm trying to find the parents & siblings of Thomas Alexander, Middleton, Stanley, Lafayette, NEWCOMB (per my grandmother and one of her sisters). THOMAS was born abt 12/23/1829 in N.C. or Ky. married abt 1857 in Louisville Ky. died abt 8/14/1902 in Brown Co. Ind. He married a Martha Ann CHAPPELL born abt une 1832 died 7/28/1927.  If you can tie Thomas into one of the many NEWCOMB families please e-mail me at lzook1@pdq.net. Thank you very much.  April 17, 2000

Would like to find more information about my GGGgrandfather, Clement Fleming NEWCOMB born June 18 1814 -1815 His parents were born in Ky. He married Alley HARDISON on July 16, 1836 in Maury Co. Tenn. She was born about 1816. They had nine children. Melvina C., John Calvin , Mary Asa , William, Emiline (Angeline), Charley, Susan, & Thomas  I am new at seaching for the history of my past generation. Any help appreciated. Sylvia Kay (Newcomb) Spytex in Othello, Wa.  cgspytex@atnet.net April 8, 2000

I am trying to find out about a Hynannis Sea Captain named ASA BEARSE. There is an ASA BEARSE HOUSE in Hyannis, Massachusetts. He is an ancestor. He was born 1775 and died 1852 in Barnstable, I think. Son Asa Bearse Jr. was a Sea Captain. ASA BEARSE SR. allegedly married three sisters named Smith from Nova Scotia. My ancestor was Carolyn. The other two were Sara and Hannah. The name Potts shows up on one death cert. Very mysterious.  He is burried in Barnstable. Does anyone know about ancestry of ASA BEARSE of the ASA BEARSE HOUSE in Hyannis? Contact xanadu@socal.rr.com. April 8, 2000

Searching for Elizabeth Ann NEWCOMB daughter of Raney "Ray" and Wynema NEWCOMB both deceased.  Elizabeth was born in late 1958 or 1959. She was estranged from her father's family as a child and we would like her to know we are searching for her. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Kelly Griffin Savell Kelly4tx@hotmail.com April 6, 2000

Looking for information on James Henry NEWCOMB (b. abt 1830 probably in Charlotte Co., VA ).  He married Sarah (ROBERTS???) abt. 1860 and they had Mary W., John J. and Victora in the 1870 Charlotte Co. Census.
I'm especially interested in marriage records for James Henry and Sarah; Sarah's maiden name; and parents of James Henry and Sarah. Dionni email: fmstone@fidalgo.net April 2, 2000

"My Great-Great Grandparents were Thomas NEWCOMB(E) and Lydia (nee THOMPSON). I have found
them living at Oak(l)ey Street, Bethnal Green, London, England in 1881. Their children were Thomas,
Joseph, John, Sarah, Alfred, Alexander and Alice.  I would be interested to hear from anyone also
researching this family. Thanks, Val Henderson." paul@thornbank.freeserve.co.uk March 21, 2000

Has anyone come across the name Prush Newcomb??  I think this was the name of our great grandfather. He married
Missouri ? and we think she was Native American. His children were Ben Riley, Oliver, Jenny, Jake, and John. Prush died May 24, 1924. jrcaperton@panacom.com March 15, 2000

For a local history, I'd like to know more about Abram NEWCOMB, b. Rensselaer Co. NY c. 1794 (t.s.) or c. 1815 (1855c); d. Luzerne NY 28 June 1875, ae. 60-9-2, bur. Old Methodist Cem.; m. Catherine -----, b. 11 Sept.
1817 (t.s.) or c. 1819 (1855c); d. 18 March 1866, bur. with him; Abriham NEWCUM was listed there in 1855 census with wife Catharine, both three-year residents, and children Caroline (b. Luzerne c. 1852) and Abriham (b. c.
April 1855). jaqby@capital.net. March 9, 2000

I am looking for information on my husband's grandfather Ben Riley NEWCOMB. He was born 2-9-1880 in Ft. Smith,
Arkansas. He worked for the railroad. He married Mattie Lucille BASKETT in Oklahoma. They had 3 Children.... Emerson and Mattie who both died in infancy, and Joan Juliet. This was his 2nd marriage....1st marriage produced at least 2 children: Mable & Bill. Ben Riley died 11-12-1965 in Houston, Texas. Any information that anyone can supply about his parentage or siblings would be most greatly appreciated. Thanks...Mary. jrcaperton@panacom.comMarch 9, 2000

My ggggrandparents were Joseph and Ruth Newcomb Pearce/Pierce. They were married in 1820 in Trumbull Co., Ohio. I would like to know if anyone has any information on Ruth's family. Anything is appreciated as I know nothing. Thanks, Lora Darrah in Iowa. NLDARRAH@aol.com March 9, 2000

I am looking for any information about the NEWCOMB family from Charlotte Co. VA. or from Lunenburg Co. Va. and Mecklinburg Co. Va. I have a GGgrandfather named Elkanah Newcomb and a Ggrandfather named Thomas J. Newcomb and my grandfather was Drewrey B. NEWCOMB. My father was Durrell J. NEWCOMB I have very little information about them. If you have any thing about this family please e-mail me at katdean@simflex.com
February 29, 2000

I'm trying to research my family line and have come to a dead end. My great grandfather was Isham W Newcomb born in Missouri in 1833 settled in tangent(linn county) Oregon had 11 children. Would like any information from anyone who maybe a relative of this line or who could give me information about who his father may have been. Census reports show that Isham's father was from Virginia. Thanks, Jennifer Newcomb DRNewcomb@ibm.net

Mary Newcomb was my gggmother dob 5 april 1819 in New York d aug. 1850 in Nobelville Indiana would appreciate any info in to the past thank you  g. ray fish Fishmanray@aol.com

I'm trying to trace my grandfathers lineage. His name was Paul Garland NEWCOMB. Born 8/29/1914 in Virginia. died 17/1992. Cassandra  Miller CassandraM@fascompanies.com February 23, 2000

Also am seeking information on the parents of Amy FRANKLIN (m. Jesse Newcomb in Lebanon, CT, ca. 1777) and Sarah (Sally) NORRIS (m. Ariel Newcomb December 9, 1800 in Tolland, CT.) Amy's father was Benjamin,
supposedly related to Dr. Benjamin Franklin of PA. Who was Amy's mother? Siblings? Who were Sarah's parents and siblings? Thanks. jimandjudy@hub.InfoAve.net Judy Potter.

I am trying to locate a Ralph Edward NEWCOMB born July 21, 1894 in Iowa and died Sept. 26, 1945 in Ball Butte, Wyo. He married Alice Effie BALL who was born March 30, 1898 in Cottonwood, Wyoming and died Aug. 30, 1957. They had three children, Patricia Newcomb, Ralph Edward (Ted) and John Douglas Newcomb who were twins. Anyone with information on this line, please contact me. egraf@sginet.com February 12, 2000

Eldad Post Newcomb b. July 3, 1804, son of Obadiah NEWCOMB b. 1765 Hebron CT & resided NYC and Abitha Post b. 1786 Hebron, dau. of Thomas and Abitha (PHELPS) Post, married Julia ROGERS b. Aug. 17, 1808  in "Scotland", per "Andrew Newcomb and His Descendants" by John Bearse Newcomb, 1874, revised 1923, Pg. 526. Does anyone know if this is Scotland, CT (not too far from Hebron) or Scotland of the British Isles? Eldad took off for California during the Gold Rush and was never heard from again after 1862. Need to know parents of Julia Rogers and anything about Eldad's California adventures. His children were Charlotte b. Aug 15, 1841 who married William R. Dixon; and Eldad Post Newcomb Jr. b. Dec. 8, 1844 who married Jeannette Newson CORNELL. Eldad's siblings were: Obadiah b 1787, Elizabeth 1789, Sarah 1792, Samuel 1794, George 1796, and Ann 1798. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Betsey J. Patterson - bjpatts@capecod.net January 30, 2000

Seeking information on the following folks: NEWCOMB, Joseph, b. 1663, Mass,d. 1733 m. BUTLER, Joyce, b. 2 Dec 1680, Mass, d 1739 md. 20 Nov 1705 their daughter was NEWCOMB, Priscilla b 1710, Mass  d. 5 Jan 1792. CT
md. 17 Jan 1731 m. PINEO (PINNEO, PINNES, PINNEAU) James b. 1710, RI d 18 April 1789, CT Their son
PINNES (Pinneo, Pineo), James his son Zenas Pinnes, b abt 1763. And anything down the line from here. God bless you and thank you for your help. carson_hansen@hotmail.com or1051 Canyon Oak Drive, Grants Pass OR January 26, 2000

Looking for information on Mary NEWCOMB who was married to William DIVER. They were located in the Middletown, OH area and had at least one son, Arthur John DIVER, who was born on 15 Sept 1896 in Middletown,
OH.  Girls in the Diver family include Margaret and Cora. Thanks for your help.  John C. Buckley porpoise@islc.net January 26, 2000

Looking for information on a George H. NEWCOMB who married Adele FIELD in 1870 in Ganges, Allegan, Michigan. Their son John A. NEWCOMB born 20 July, 1871, same area, married my grt grt Aunt Wilhelmina Louise (Minnie) FREEMAN, daughter of Henry C. and Hester(COOPER) FREEMAN, on Dec 15, 1892 in Champaign, Champaign County, Illinois. They resided there and in Keokuk Iowa. nrogers@muscanet.com  January 20, 2000

Looking for information on the ancestry of Rev. Obadiah NEWCOMB b. about mid 1700's, m. Eleanor BISHOP.  I decend from their daughter, Susan Ann (NEWCOMB) PARDEE b. Sept. 19, 1808, Hopewell, New Brunswick, Canada.  Possible parents of Obadiah are Simon NEWCOMB and Mercy GORE. I believe they also had another daughter, Satira.  Any information on this family would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Cathi Skyles cathi01@home.com January 20, 2000

Looking for NEWCOMBE's from Exeter, Devonshire, England. Especially the family associated with Exeter Cathedral.  Earliest date I have is 1686 of the mar. of Robert NEWCOMBE d.1737 to Ann REYNOLDS. They had 5 children; Humphrey b.1687, Richard b.1688, John, Jane and Mary. Humphrey mar.30 Mar 1719, Huntsham, Devon to Mary JONES b.1687. They had 8 children; John b.1720, Robert b.1721, James d.Oct 1722, Elizabeth b.1724 d.1729?, Humphrey b.1726, Elizabeth b.1731, James b.1734 d.4 Dec 1815 bur. Exeter Cathedral, and Robert. I'm interested in all lines. Rachel Hill rnrhill@ak.planet.gen.nz January 10, 2000

Looking for the parents of Isham W NEWCOMB born in Missouri in 1833 any info on siblings or parents would be helpful  he migrated to Oregon some time in the 1860s.  Thanks, Jennifer Newcomb.  newcombja@aol.com January 10, 2000

I have a Jacob NEWCOMB b.14 Apr 1814 NJ, d. 8 Oct 1870 Hamilton Co.,OH; m. Hannah E. (?) b.15 July 1821, d.10 Mar 1881 Hamilton Co.,OH. They had 9 Children who were: Jessie J. b.10 Dec 1848 TN.,d. 23 Dec 1922 Hamilton Co.,OH,m. Marie McClow;Francis Marion b. 7 Feb 1853 TN., d.29 July 1929 Hamilton Co.,OH., m. Hannah Rebecca SHANNON; Daniel b. abt 1854; Thomas b. abt 1857,m. Cora B.; Margaret b. abt 1858; Ellen b. abt 1860; Lottie b. abt 1863; Martha b. abt 1865; Anna b. 23 June 1863,d. 24 Sep 1870 OH. We are related through Francis Marion NEWCOMB and will share what information we have. We are interested in finding Jacob's parents and Hannah's last name. "Butch & Mary" walter5@noblestar.netJanuary 10, 2000

I am looking for any info on Margaret NEWCOME, born 3 April 1827 and died 17 Feb. 1884. Daughter of Leroy and Rebecca (KLYNE) NEWCOME.  Margaret married James DUNN and is buried at Red Bud Cemetery in Frederick Co., Va.  I am just starting my research on this side of  the family and would appreciate any info on the NEWCOME branch.  Thanks Betty Wilson  JWiOH@aol.com January 9, 2000

This family was in the St Francois County/Iron County/Washington County Missouri area in the mid-1800's.  Franklin Benjamin NEWCOMB was married 1st to Julia Ann MACKAY who died at age 26; and 2nd to Emma Ashlock. Children of Frank and Julia: Mary Ellen (b 1885 m C. BONE); Nettie (m N. POLK); Lee (m E. JONES); William (d in infancy) and Leslie (d in childhood). If anyone knows this family of Newcombs and/or Mackays, I would like to  exchange information with you.  Please e-mail me at blueyegrl@mailcity.com. Thanks. January 8, 2000

Looking for the ancestry of Jane NEWCOMB the second wife of George NAYLOR. Wed on 11-22-1793 in Albermarle Co. Va. She died in Garrard co. KY. Her parents were, I think, John NEWCOMB and Elizabeth. Thank you. Jennifer Kimbley. wolfandclaw@dellnet.com

Looking for ANYTHING about Matthew Newcomb of Green County and Marion County Kentucky. I have a list of all his children, their marriages, etc., but nothing on him except a marriage to Nancy Holoway (Holland?) in 1816. He appears in the 1850 census with a wife named Rebecca and two young children. If anybody knows about them, please write to me at lbanks@kih.net. Thanks! January 3, 2000

This is a shot in the dark.  My greatgrandfather was HORACE GREELY NEWCOMB, born on April 7, 1854 in Whitestown, New York.  He was married to a woman named MARY RIDEN who may have come from England.  They lived in South Dakota until about 1909 when they moved to Fallon, Nevada.  They both died there.  I have almost all the information on my NEWCOMB line; but can find nothing on the RIDEN line, nor can I find any information under the name RIDEN.  Can anyone out there help me?  HORACE NEWCOMB's parents were WILLIAM OLIVER NECOMB and EUNICE WALEY who lived in Whitestown, New York. Please respond directly to gwenw@phonewave.net  December 15, 1999

I am just starting to search for my family history. My name is Angela Lynn  Newcomb-Holland. My father is Roger Eugene Newcomb born July 31, 1952. My grandfather is Charles Allen Newcomb Sr. born October 23,1927 and died on May 6, 1985. He had a brother James William Newcomb and a sister named Grace. My greatgrandfather is James Allen Newcomb and he was married to Rogena Elizabeth Taylor-Newcomb. That is all I know about my family. I was told that my grandfather's parent's both died when he was young. I was also told that my family at one time lived in Illnois. I know they also lived in Iowa and Nebraska. Any help anyone could give me would be greatly appreciated. Please respond to me personally at my email address. Thank you. griperang@aol.com December 12,1999

Looking for any information on a Lydia Newcomb, d. 1850 at the age of 61 years, wife of J. Newcomb.  Died and buried in Hamilton County, IN.  No records in the census or obits show either existed, but Lydia is buried in a family cemetary on the property, for which the county has no records since the county was unaware of the existance of this cemetary until a few months ago. Any information at all would be appreciated.  Please email, mlitel13@aol.com. Best Regards, Michelle
October 27, 1999

It seems as though all the NEWCOMBS begin with  Andrew NEWCOMB, but no one seems to have any information about his first wife, who I believe he married in England.  Does anyone know where he married his second wife Grace ---- RICKS, and when she died? Shirley NEWCOMB Tappero Bigmamatap@aol.com   October 26, 1999

I realise that this is a stab in the dark but i'll give it a try anyway.  I am a Newcombe and I live in the south west of the UK in Bath. I originate from Birmingham UK and I am trying to trace my grandfather who was apparently, according to my Dad, adopted and came from either USA or Canada. His name was Christopher Newcombe and he died in 1963 in Birmingham UK. Unfortunately this is all I have to go on. It may turn out that this was his adopted name and not his
original surname but I got to give it a try anyway.  Dean Newcombedean@deanew.netlineuk.net October 17, 1999

Looking for information on James William Henry NEWCOMBE b.6 Mar 1813, Chester, ENG.  Later became Major in the Imperial Army, he married France Ann FESTING dau. Or neice of Francis Wo(r)gan FESTING.  One of their son's, Francis George NEWCOMBE b.22 Jan 1848 @35 Alfred Place, Middlesex, ENG married a HATHERLY and they came out to New Zealand some time after the rest of the family came over as well.  Any help greatly appreciated. Rachel Hill rnrhill@ak.planet.gen.nz  Home Page: http://www.ak.planet.gen.nz/~rnrhill/ October 10, 1999

Seeking any information and will greatly appreciate. I am Larry Auburn Newcomb, Walker County, Al son of Foster Frederick Newcomb, dob June 1919 who was the son of John Newcomb and Zella Wyers. I am told we are of Scotch, Irish, and Indian descent. Earlier relatives supposedly from Pickens or Marion Counties, Al. who possible migrated south from Tennessee or Virginia. Any info appreciated. larryfromau@webtv.net  September 24, 1999

I hope you can help me find a "missing link". I am a descendent of Elizabeth Stewart who is supposed to be a grandaughter of a "colonel Newcomb" (probably around the revolutionary war. Her father was therefore a
Newcomb who married a Stewart probably around the early 1800s. I have not had much luck (or spent that much time on this, for that matter). Elizabeth married Jacob Springer in Shelbyville, KY. sbh@hsadv.com September 23, 1999

I am searching for relatives of OLIVER INGRAM NEWCOMB & LAVINA NEWCOMB. They lived in Mattoon, IL. in the late 1800"s. Their son Thomas was my Grandfather. He migrated to Montana with one brother but some of the family stayed in Mattoon. buchgc@sbtek.netSeptember 21, 1999

Searching for the parents and ancestors of Jerusha NEWCOMB b. Jan 2, 1744 at Edgartown, Martha's Vineyard.  She married Archelaus Hammond of Fairhaven, Bristol, MA on June 22, 1762 at Cornwallis, Kings County,
Nova Scotia. Any information will be appreciated. Thank you. Leonard Lawson, Manchester, ME
llawson@powerlink.net August 20, 1999

I am looking for information on John Newcomb and his wife Elizabeth Unrue. John might have been born in Botetourt Co. Virginia and Elizabeth almost certainly was.  John would have been born around 1800, Elizabeth was born about 1805.  I believe this line came from Francis Newcomb of Braintree, Mass.  My name is Mark Weaver and John would be my ggggrandfather. Any help would be great. Thanks. mweaver4@bellsouth.net Aug 5, 1999


My grandmother,Ethel Lucille Newcomb,grew up  Iowa City and attended Wellesley College for her MA. in math. I'd like to know more about her family. I don't have any names except hers; she had a brother named Harold who was an attorney in Des Moines. She died in the 1940's. My father was alienated from her family but I am curious about this lineage. Sylfam@bellsouth.net July 16, 1999

I am researching for my Great Great Aunt.. Margret Newcombe, her fathers line  of lineage. His name is Alfred Newcombe, from Michigan. He has a brother Tom (or Thomas) and a sister Lillian. All from Michigan. I realize your time is valuable, but if you ever get a moment, and have info on this branch, we are trying to put it together. She does not even know the names of her Gparents. Any help would be most appreciated. Always, Gretchen. BringUNews@aol.com July 14, 1999

Hello everyone,  I am searching for a connection for my nephews grandparents... Richard Newcomb born ca 1912
and his wife Bertha Jackson born ca 1914 Their child (my sister-in-law)... Patricia Gail Newcomb b 1942 Knox Co TN d 1975 I do hope you have a connection. Any help you can give me will be most appreciated. God bless, Eva
eva@tcity.com July 14, 1999

I'm  looking for info on William Newcom b.1813, ?VA. Married Louisa Smith 1/24/1839, in Knox Cty TN. They were in Knoxville thru the 1860 census, but I lose them after that.  Most of their children settled in Roane Cty TN. thanks
Buz Newcomb. buznewc@bellsouth.netJuly 6, 1999


I'm looking for my Grandmother Goldie Lee NEWCOMB(E) Louisa, Ky. daugher of William and Lucinda MILLER NEWCOMB(e), dob: 03/26/1898, dod:08/23/1969, siblings: Willie Esta NEWCOMB(e) of Coal Grove, OH, Corbett NEWCOMB(e), Ora NEWCOMB(e), of Hecla, OH, John NEWCOMB(e) of Rock House, KY., wife of Ralph CASTLE, resided in Ironton, OH., (1936), lists 33 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren, member of Main Street (Freewill) Baptist Church, buried at Zoar Cemetary in OH, housewife and homemaker. I believe she was Cherokee Indian was told at one point she had separted from the tribe. (?) Would appreciate anything you might have on my Grandmother and her family.  I can't seem to find her anywhere.
Deborah.  DREAMnCOLR@aol.com June 13, 1999

Looking for my Newcomb link descendant of James Edward 1921 his father Martin Luther,
His father James Henry born miss 1868, his father Thadious born 1842 Virginia. Anybody
Know where in Virginia he was from? Thanks Janice. zahnjan@bellsouth.net June 12, 1999

Polly NEWCOMB, b.1780, in Hampden, ME, was a daughter of Reuben and Mehitable (Atwood) NEWCOMB.  Polly md. Simeon HARTFORD abt. 1803.  I have no children recorded for that marriage.  Hardy and Hardie--Past and Present, pg. 653 which lists Melinda GOODALE as a spouse of Daniel HARDY (md. 1854) says her mother was Polly (NEWCOMB) GOODALE.  My question is--was Polly NEWCOMB also md. to a GOODALE? phyllis@c-zone.net May 22, 1999

I am searching for information about Simeon NEWCOMB, born in 1662 s/o Lieutenant Andrew Newcomb and his wife Sarah.  Simeon is a sibling of Simon, but I can find very little regarding Simeon and his family, the line through which my husband is descended.  Any information and leads would be appreciated.  Rachel Luce Newcomb racheln@exploremaine.com  April 29, 1999

Looking for info. re: Wesley Clyde Newcomb, born @ 1905 in New Hampshire. Married Irma Whiton, of Mass. @ 1925. Lived in Somerville, MA afterwards. Died 1981. jacobe@lamar.colostate.edu  April 25, 1999

Looking for Robert Sinclair Inman NEWCOMBE, past resident of Denton, Texas. Father named Bim, mother named Mila. Lived in Coral Gables in the 70's. Thanks, Douglas Saint
minerals@tyler.net April 24, 1999

Looking for ancestors of my grandfather, Lee Harry NEWCOMB born 1 Mar 1899, in Arizona,  to Harry Lee NEWCOMB and ? BRANDENBURG. Harry Lee was probably from Oklahoma, moved to Arizona and then on to Spokane, WA. Any information would be greatly appreciated.  Laura (Newcomb) Leisure. lll@cyberhighway.net  March 30, 1999

Jay NEWCOMBE married Myrtle ROGERS  b. 5/1897  in NY (probably in or around Sullivan County, NY) children: William NEWCOMBE, Jay NEWCOMBE. donnamw@mchsi.com February 25, 2004

I am trying to find any information concerning Belinda Newcomb.  She was born January 28, 1809, and married Henry S. Chandler on November 20, 1827, and she died December 15, 1850, at the age of 41.  She was the daughter of Robert and Lydia (Smalley) Newcomb. She had a brother named David Newcomb. Henry and Belinda's children were Joshua S., John Smalley (born March 8, 1836), and Miriam, who died very young.  They lived in MA. I would appreciate it if anyone would email me any further information about this family. Donilo@aol.com. Sincerely, Lois B. March 6, 1999

I am searching for the parents of Thomas Newcomb who was in Stokes Co. NC by 1800 where his son Anderson Green Newcomb was born.  I have found him earlier in Henry County also.  He was security for marriage of Robert Newcomb to a Clayton woman before 1800.  Help???? Mary Nell Turner turnermn@arkansas.net  February 27, 1999

I am looking for the death of one Emily (Emilie) NEWCOMB(E), widow of Marion W. NEWCOMB(E), who died 12 Jul 1918 Tacoma WA.  Was born 16 Apr 1850 OH.  Father was Joseph.  Emily was a HANDSAKER by birth (approx 1872) and was from Nebraska.   From City Directories she is last recorded in 1925 but she appears in an Obit of her sister in 1933 (Lincoln, Nebraska) and she is listed as being from Seattle, WA.  Have written to both Tacoma and Seattle Libraries, but have conducted limited search.  Does anyone have access to City directories for Seattle for that time period? Appreciate any help.  EthelMay_Diel@bc.sympatico.ca February 22, 1999

Seeking info on the ancestors of SIMON NEWCOMB b. 1835 Nova Scotia d. 1909 NY, the famous mathematican and astronomer. His father was JOHN BURTON NEWCOMB 1809-1882 and his grandfather was SIMON LATHROP NEWCOMB 1769-1846, both born in Nova Scotia.  I'm sure that the connection is JOHN NEWCOMB ca 1688-1765 Nova Scotia. [ANDREW, ANDREW2, SIMON] Richard Brunt  rbrunt1@aol.com
February 21, 1999

Looking for New England Newcombs: Elizabeth Newcomb (dau of John) married Joseph Owens and had daughter Jerusha Owen 16 Jun 1747. Jerusha married Moses Marsh in 1764 in Braintree, MA. They eventually moved to Rockingham, VT. I am trying to trace my Newcomb line with little to go on. Can someone help me? Bengene@aol.comFebruary 10, 1999

I am trying to reach Ken MacCallum, who has Newcomb information desperately needed here.  Ken, when you e-mail with your four digit initials - BGKJ-  there is no return address attached. When we try to reply to you, it will not go out as a message, and demands an e-mail address for you. What is your address ? Who is your server ? Please send information on Thomas Newcomb of Addington Parish, Restigouche County, New Brunswick1851. He ands his wife, Ann Welsh had seven children. according to your e-mail.   Please give your name and address - both mailing address and e-mail address, when you read this message. Your information is very necessary to my research.  Please reply soon.  Viettia Newcomb vnewcomb@pacific.net February 6, 1999

Do we have any connections with my great grandfather Eddy E. Newcomb? Eddy E. Newcomb, a venerable and respected resident of Acme township, Grand Traverse county, Michigan, was born in Kent county, New Brunswick, February 14, 1822.  He is a son of Samuel and Mary (Fletcher) Newcomb, both of Nova Scotia. Thomas H. Semelbauer, Kalamazoo, Michigan TSEMELBAUE@aol.com  SEMMELBAUER FAMILY - NEWCOMB connections please see my HOME PAGE below. http://members.aol.com/tsemelbaue/genealgy3/semelbauer.htm
February 5, 1999

Captain Daniel Newcomb b 1742 Hampshire VA married 1773 Hampshire Juda ?? died 1821 Flemingsburgh KY. They had 9 - 11 children. They went from KY to ILL. June jccougle@cpros.com February 5, 1999

Seeking information on "Tenny" b abt 1780, possible in Virginia.  Could possibly be the wife of David NEWCOMB who is listed in the 1830 census of Cocke Co. TN.  I have no other information.  Thank you. Paul C. Newcomb BigBlue173@aol.com January 26, 1999

I am searching the following line of Newcombs: Thomas Newcombb. 1792, William Shuit Newcomb b 1822, Charles Wesley Newcomb b.1854, Claude Henry Newcomb.  I have pics of Claude Henry Newcomb.
Web Site: http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Speedway/1514/ftsurnames.html
E-mail wiles@rollanet.org January 11, 1999


I seek information on the Newcomb line shown below. See my web page at http://www.mcsr.olemiss.edu/~mudws/family/tree7.html Especially looking for information on the spouses of Cyrenius Jr., John, and Cyrenius W. below.

 1. Capt. Andrew NEWCOMB 1618-1686
 2. Andrew Newcomb ca.1640-ca.1706 m.1 1661 Sarah d. 1674
 3.  Simon Newcomb ca.1665-1744/45 m.1687 Deborah ca.1664-1756
 4. Thomas Newcomb 1691/92-1761 m. Judith Woodworth b. 1699
 5. Cyrenius Newcomb, weaver, 1721-1760 died in French and Indian War m. Sarah Smith b.1725
 6. Cyrenius Newcomb d.after 1818  Officer in War of Independence
 7. John Newcomb  Served in War of 1812   m. ?
 8. Cyrenius William Newcomb  Shoemaker, Troy, N.Y.   m. ?

Children a. John Perry Newcomb 1841-1910  m. Sarah Blanchard, b. Caroline 1849-ca.1922 m. William REAGAN 1839-1905, c. Frances  m. Mortimer Fake, d. Harriet  m. William Downey.
William and Caroline lived in North Adams, Mass.
Children a. Fred H. Reagan 1883-1962 m. Martha McAdoo 1894-1948,  b. Mabel, c. Della, m. first cousin Charles Fake, d. Letty, e. William Reagan f. James Reagan
I would appreciate reponses that are e-mailed to me mudws@olemiss.edu Thank you.
December 16, 1998

Searching for parents of James NEWCOMB who was b. abt 1820 ? lived in Cumberland County, NC during the 1870/1880 census.  1st wife was Elizabeth ___________.  She d. prior to 1880 census.  His 2nd wife was Rebeckeret_________.  Children:  John Daniel Newcomb, Elijah Newcomb, and Elizabeth Newcomb.  Appreciate any leads.  Gayle W. Licari cosmoz@gbis.com November 30, 1998

Looking for MASSACHUSETTS Newcombs:  (1) Francis [married Rachel Brackett- 1630.  (2) Peter [married Susanna Cutting,1672]  (3) Susanna [mar: Benjamin Hobart in 1699. ] Believe Samuel is Francis' father's name. Need information on Peter[2]and Susannah's children-- Need informtion on Benjamin Hobarts parents.  Thanks Cynthia email: cyndylou3@earthlink.net November 30, 1998

Looking for info. on James NEWCOMB  d.1940 in Rockcastle County, Ky. He was married to Lucy Francis PREWITT b. 4/10/1887  d. 1974 in Rockcastle Co.,Ky. They had 10 children. Would like to find James NEWCOMB'S parents and where they were from, possibly from Tenn. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Bob Ray bobbyr@kih.net November 25, 1998

I have just started to trace my family, My great-great grandfather was Elisha Newcombe  master of the schooner Relief, lost with all hands off Gloucester, Mass. in 1860. I am looking for any additional infirmation on this person newcomb@webtv.net Richard Newcomb. November 24, 1998

John Ellsworth NEWCOMB was born 17 Dec 1878  (one census says 8 Dec 1878) at Grand Falls,  Victoria County, New Brunswick.   He was the son of William NEWCOMB and Morinda/Mirendy HARTT, their sixth child. At age 23,  John Ellsworth NEWCOMB  entered the U.S. on the CPR train, arriving at Fort Fairfield, Maine on or about the 15th of August, 1901, according to his application for citizenship. He married, in New Brunswick, prior to that date,  Carrie MARSHALL, the daughter of Jonathan and Mahala MARSHALL. John and Carrie (MARSHALL) NEWCOMB had three children -   1) Hazel Violet NEWCOMB,  born 2 Feb 1904 in Westfield, Maine (She married  Mr. LAPLANTE, late in life and had no children ;   2)  Harold Ralph NEWCOMB, born 18 Nov 1907 (who had Harold Ralph, Jr. ; Linda, and JoAnn NEWCOMB)  and  3) Dorothy Amelia NEWCOMB, born 21 June 1912 at Westfield, Maine.  Dorothy married Frank Banks and had two children Frankie died as a child, and daughter Gloria BANKS,  who married Donald Sarnecke. Anyone researching these lines, please contact Viettia Newcomb  P.O. Box 1411 Ukiah, CA 95482 vnewcomb@pacific.net
Oct 27, 1998

William Newcomb, born 1833-34 in either New Brunswick or Nova Scotia ( three censuses say N.B., one says Nova Scotia) married approximately 1865 - 1869, Morinda or Mirendy HARTT, the daughter of James P. and Olive HARTT. They lived at Grand Falls, Victoria County, New Brunswick, at about the same time as William Rirchie NEWCOMB, who owned the NEWCOMB Hotel at Grand Falls.  I cannot find anything to prove they were related, but in a lightly populated area, it would seem so.William and Morinda had eight children ;William James NEWCOMB, who apparently never married Edgar Elmer NEWCOMB, who married Hattie ---, and had Iva and Ernest NEWCOMB. Lived in Maine. Viola NEWCOMB, who married Henry or Harry CLEMENT, and had Muriel, Hazel, Earl "Manny" , Julia, Ensign, and Henry Perth "Percy" CLEMENT.  Remained in N.B. Catherine "Katie" NEWCOMB, who married Edward MUCKLER and had Delila May, Harry Edgar, William James Amy Viola, Clifton Guy, Dorothy Ethel, Bedrtha Alica, Jessie Louise, Cora Catherine, and Irene Anne MUCKLER. Remained in  N.B.George Leopold "Lee" NEWCOMB, who married Geneva Bethiah Bell, and had no children. Lived in Maine. John Ellsworth NEWCOMB, who married Carrie Marshall and had Hazel Violet NEWCOMB, (no ch.), Harold Ralph NEWCOMB, and Dorothy Amelia NEWCOMB.  Lived in Maine Ralph Gerald NEWCOMB, went to California, USA, married Gladys Frances Slye, and had seven children. Douglas NEWCOMB, who died at about age 19, of pneumonia or exposure. Anyone with any knowledge of this family please contact Viettia Newcomb  P.O. Box 1411  Ukiah, CA 95482  USA vnewcomb@pacific.net
Oct 27, 1998

I am looking for information on Margaret NEWCOM, b.1796 ?place in Virginia. She married William SNODGRASS June 5, 1815. Their children were born in Ohio. Both William and Margaret are buried in a cemetry in Benton Twp. Elkhart In. I would like to find out who her parents were. Lila J.[ Snodgrass Terwiel ] e-mail me at mterwiel@direct.ca Oct 20, 1998


I am looking for ancestors of my grandfather, Charles Burgess NEWCOMBE, born in Avonport, Nova Scotia on November 12, 1879. He immigrated to the U.S. before 1900 and lived most of his life in Yerington, Nevada. I have additional information concerning his descendents if anyone is interested. cnew01@gte.net Oct 18, 1998

Looking for any information about the FLOWERS name and where they came from. Mine came from Virginia (West Virginia) thanks Troy binthere@cconnect.net Oct 11, 1998

New info on a Joshua NEWCOMB that m. 1 Feb-1872 Harriet A STEVENS. Joshua was of Boston at marriage. Have more info on her if needed. Cindy Spaulding. Benton, ME mikecyn@wtvl.netOct 11, 1998

My names is James King, I am tracking the NEWCOMB's that migrated from OHIO to Michigan in the early 1800's. They went to Sault Saint Marie, Michigan to survey the Locks up there and stayed. Any information would be of great help. king@airmail.net Sep 24, 1998

My 3rd GGF was Solomon NEWCOMBE born 1781, married to Eunice GRAY born 1790. His son was Calvin Quincy NEWCOMBE born 1823, wife Clara BANISTER. Their children were Lula - 1852, Fred B. 1856, Millicent B. - 1859 - 1938, Alonzo 1862. They were from Monroe County, New York area. Some of them moved to Dearborn Michigan vicinity. I would like to know from what Newcomb(e) family they originated. Have not been able to tie them in with any of the Newcombes. Any help would be appreciated. 4Treat@Compuserve.com Sep 7, 1998

I am looking for any information concerning the NEWCOMB of Russel county, Virginia , my great great grand mothers name was Mary Elizabeth NEWCOMB her father name was Henry NEWCOMB and we only a Rebecca as the mother name Mary was born January 5, 1856 in Russell county Va. She married Hamilton m. Moyers Sept. 18, 1979 in Hamble county Tenn any help would be deeply appreciated. PATOW51@aol.com July 29, 1998

Looking for family of Robert NEWCOMB, born Feb.18,1816 in Devonshire ,England. Died Feb.5,1866.Buried in Port Dover, Ontario. I believe he was married to a woman named Matilda.I am trying to find out her maiden name. She is listed in the 1871 Census for Woodhouse Twp;Norfolk County,Ontario at age 41 with a son Albert ,age 20. Albert is buried also in Port Dover.(1851-1931) His obit notice says he died at the home of his nephew, Charles Goodman of Glandford Station, Wentworth County, Ontario. Matilda's death record says she was born in Ancaster, circa 1830. Matilda remarried a William Trinder sometime in the 1870's and she adopted an orphan named Annie Dean who was born in 1871. Matilda died in Port Dover and is buried with Wm.Trinder in the Old Woodhouse Methodist Church Cemetery,Norfolk County,Ontario. B.Rulli,Jarvis, Ontario, Canada e-mail 688544@ican.net July 13, 1998

Seeking information on Asa BEARSE (1777-1852). He died in Barnstable. is son was Asa BEARSE JR. (1812-1879). They were both sea captains, as listed in Hyannis Sea Captains. The Asa Bearse HOUSE is quite well-known in Hyannis. Cannot find out about the parents of Asa BEARSE SR. He may have married three sisters from Nova Scotia named SMITH: Sarah, Caroline, and Hannah. If you can help please contact David Peters at (714)890-1463, or write to 15711 Pensacola, Westminster, CA 92683. My E-Mail is exeter2@Earthlink.Net June 17, 1998

Need help with James NEWCOMB b. abt 1820 wife Elizabeth____________ their children: John Daniel NEWCOMB, Elizabeth NEWCOMB, Elisha NEWCOMB, Elizabeth died between 1870-1880 James NEWCOMB's 2nd wife: Rebeckeret _____________ their children: Thomas J. - William H. --- Samuel H. John Daniel NEWCOMB married Johnann or John Ann_________ moved from Cumberland County, NC to Duplin County, NC to Wayne County, NC where John Daniel and John Ann are buried. Help is appreciated. Gayle W. Licari June 14, 1998Eagle@GWL.reno.nv.us June 14, 1998

Trying to locate information on a a Blanch NEWCOMB Winter. She was a "bit player" on Broadway. Sometime around 1930, she married composer Banks Winter. They were separated at the time of his death in California in 1936, but she is still listed on his death certificate as "wife". I received information this morning that she stayed in New York. Probably died in the 1940's or 50's in New York (probably Manhattan). Any help will be appreciated. winter@netdex.com June 13, 1998

Francis NEWCOMB, d. 27 Mar 1692 in Braintree, MA at 100 years of age. He married Rachel BRACKETT. I have seen his christening date listed as 25 Mar 1596. He is supposed to be descended from the NEWCOMBE's of Saltfleetby, England. His father may have been Samuel NEWCOMBE. I am looking for the ancestry of Francis NEWCOMB. Thank you. Hal Bradley hwbradley@bigfoot.com June 9, 1998

Searching for the parents of John NEWCOMB b 1804 in VA who married Nancy FARQUAR b 1802. Found in the 1850 Monroe County TN Census. They were parents of David Newcomb who married Patience Matidla FORE moved to AR then TX. Pat patn@mail.snider.net May 19, 1998

H NEWCOMB, of Texas, son of Howard William NEWCOMB of Bakersfield, California. Grandmother, Mary or May Veronica FITZGERALD NEWCOMB, other son Larry NEWCOMB. Cousins from Bakersfield include Richard NEWCOMB, Larry Jr., and Karen NEWCOMB. Wondering if they were still around. aje@pdq.net May 2, 1998

I am researching my family tree and looking for any information on a Louis,Claude,Osmer, or Percy NEWCOMB. I am also looking for CONKLIN's or ELBERTI's linked to the NEWCOMB name. Any information would be appreciated. jane@frontiernet.netApril 25, 1998

Annas NEWCOMB, b. Mar. 25, 1762 in Norton, MA, d. Aug. 5, 1823, m. Dec. 18, 1783 to Abigail BABBITT. They had 8 children: Abigail, b. October 22, 1787 ; Sarah, b. May 14, 1792; Ruth, b. February 2, 1796 ; Mary, b. March 14, 1798; Joseph, b. December 16, 1800; Anna, b. January 13, 1804; Nathan, b.March 18, 1806; and Annas, b.October 28, 1785 . Annas Sr.'s father was Joseph NEWCOMB, m. Judith Pratt, I have no dates for either of them. Would like any information available about Joseph, his parents, dates, anything. Lynn Arnold, arnoldkll@monad.netApril 20, 1998

Bettie NEWCOM m; Delaney SANDERS in Ohio Co Ky in 1891. Her parents were William NEWCOM b: abt 1825 in Ky and Cassandra BENNETT b: 1827 married in Ohio Co in 1850. William's father may be SAMUEL who married Sallie BRIANT in Ohio Co in 1825. Have some info on William's family but need to document his parents and find where they came from. Any help appreciated. Carol Arrington MasterSgt@worldnet.att.net April 18, 1998

I am also interested in any information on Benjamin NEWCOMB, b. 1750, d. Dec.19, 1816. May have married Elizabeth COLLIS ???? in Matthews county Va.. Had a son, also Benjamin Newcomb who married Mary Eleanor SMITH on May 26,1808 in Va. They moved to Kemper County Miss with their 10 children. Micki LaCombe Eel345@aol.com April 14, 1998

ANY help with Benjamin NEWCOMB in King and Queen County, VA will be appreciated!! He was b. ca 1750; d. aft 19 Dec 1816; m. ?????? His son, Benjamin, m. Elenor "Nella" SMITH, 26 May 1808 in VA. Benjamin2 was b. 14 Feb 1780 in VA and d. 12 Dec 1832 in K&Q Co. They had 10 children -- some of which, including John Lawrencc NEWCOMB, migrated through Kemper Co., MS to Burleson Co., TX. The early Benjamins are where we are lacking information! I have a transcript of the Benjamin/Nella Newcomb Bible and will be happy to share it and any other information. Jane Routt Power JaneRPower@aol.com April 12, 1998

I am researching the NEWCOMB family tree. I am looking for an OSMER NEWCOMB and LENA (ELBERTI) NEWCOMB, she was born 1882 and died 1947. I do not have any dates on OSMER .Do you have any of these names in your research. Any information would be appreciated. jane@frontiernet.net April 1, 1998

Searching for relatives of Rolland NEWCOMB, b. 4-4-1952. His father is Isaac Phil NEWCOMB, b. 3-7-1918, whose father was Ithamer (sp?) Pebble NEWCOMB. Ithamer had a farm in Missouri. I am interested in delving into the family history deeper and have had no luck. Thank you for your help. Susan Newcomb. rjnewcomb@prodigy.net March 24, 1998

I'm hoping someone out there can help me. I'm looking for information on Eleazer NEWCOMB's wife's family. He married Sarah TAYLOR, born in Schenectady N.Y. the daughter of Walter Taylor who was a Captain in the Revolutionary War and Anna Broadt. If anyone has any information on either the TAYLOR or BROADT families please let me know. I've had no luck finding anything. Thanks Mike Geren MGeren8924@aol.com March 19, 1998

Researching a bio on Charles Frederick NEWCOMBE. Born Newcastle on Tyne England September 15, 1851 to William Lister NEWCOMBE and E. J. (Emily or Eliza) NEWCOMBE from Yorkshire. We believe Charles had (12?) siblings. But no information seems available. Emmigrated to the USA 1884. We are looking for the siblings or descendants. Possibly a brother or an uncle named Arthur. Not sure if paternal or maternal. 1884. We are looking for the siblings or descendants Any information would help. Jocelyn gharrold@telusplanet.net March 11, 1998

Seeking information on the parents of Moses Levi NEWCOMB born c1819 in Tennessee. Married Sarah --?--. Children: Elizabeth Jane b. c1840, m. James DAVIS Tennessee; Enoch M. C. b. c1842 Tennessee, m. Mary CUMMINGHAM Tennessee; John Tate b. 19 Oct 1844 Tennessee, m. Sarah F. Landers 24 Dec 1868 Tennessee; David W. b. 2 Sep 1846 Tennessee, m. 1st Margaret JOHNSON, Sweetwater, Monroe Co., Tennessee, 2nd Louvena Orr 18 Sep 1883 Saline Co., Arkansas; Lemuel W. b. 6 Jun 1849 Tennessee, m. Eliza PATTERSON c 1875 Tennessee; Henry R. b. 27 Feb 1852 Tennessee, m. Margrette Emaline LANDERS 16 Mar 1873; Sarah b. c1853 Tennessee; Charles HOUSTON b. 29 Dec 1855 Tennessee, m. 1st Cinille HENDERSON 22 Mar 1874 Tennessee 2nd Alice PATTERSON 17 Aug 1882 Moses and all his children's family move to Saline County, Arkansas in 1870s. Leon Roland Moore lmoore@mail.snider.net February 27, 1998

*Andrew NEWCOMB (sometimes spelled Newcome and Newcomber) born ca 1830 Ohio m ca 1850 * Charlotte HERSHMAN who died 1870 in IN children: James M. Newcome b 185l Coshocton Co OH, Sylvia Newcome b 1852 Coshocton Co OH, John Newcome b 1856 Coshocton Co OH, George Newcome b 1856 Coshocton Co OH, Stuart Newcome b 1859 Coshocton Co OH, Andrew Newcomb b 1861 Coshocton Co OH, Lewis Newcomb b 1863 Medaryville IN, * Jenny Phoebe Newcome b 1864 Medaryville IN m Thomas STONER 1884 IN, Lila Newcome? Starred entries are my ancestors. Hoping to find my elusive Andrew! Cheris St. John , Ft Collins CO. cherisCSJ@aol.com February 7, 1998

Looking for info on my 4-great grandfather, John NEWCOMB, b abt 1805 in Sussex Co, DE (acc to death certificate), and d 21 Sept 1869 in Lumberton, Burlington Co, NJ. He m Hope NAYLOR 7 Nov 1833 in Lumberton, NJ. His 3 known children were Thomas E. (abt 1841), William (abt 1844) and Mary E. (9 Apr 1845). Acc to his death cert., his father was Thomas NEWCOMB, of Delaware. Michael Gilbert hrdina@earthlink.net
Kelly Hrdina's Genealogy Pages http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~hrdina/ January 31, 1998

My name is Sylvia Kay SPYTEX . My maiden name is Sylvia Kay NEWCOMB. Looking for information on my father. His name is Ernest Clinton NEWCOMB, I think he was born in Oklahoma. His fathers name was Ben NEWCOMB. Possibly native american background (cherokee) any information would be greatly appreciated.cgspytex@atnet.net January 30, 1998

Send your Queries to: kennewcombe@cogeco.ca 

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Created January 29, 1998
Revised November 6, 2008