This site exists to allow people researching the surname "Newcomb/Newcombe" and other spelling variants to exchange information, post queries and to point to information sources. I welcome, suggestions and information pertaining to this topic.
In the USA the name is invariably spelled NEWCOMB. In Canada, the common spelling is NEWCOMBE. Additional variant spellings: Newcom, Newcomen, Neucomen, Neucome, Newcome, Neucum, Neucom, Nucum, Nucumb, Neukomb, Newkomb, Neucombe, Neucomb, Newcum, and Newkombe.
Search for names or words anywhere on this site!Use the wild card specifier * if not sure of spelling. eg. Bro* finds Brown, Brodnicki etc.
Lines of Descent Postings of "NEWCOMB(E)" Lines of Descent. |
Queries Page Postings of "NEWCOMB(E)" relevant of Queries. |
Early Family Photo Page Images of our people prior to 1920. |
Early Newcomb(e)'s in North American Our ancestors prior to 1680. |
Creek" Newcomb Infamous Outlaw George
"Bitter Creek" Newcomb.![]() |
Gravestone Photos and Cemeteries Photos and info on cemeteries. |
William and Mary Quarterly Some mentions of our early Virginia ancestors. | |
Websites with a Newcomb(e) Connection Sites with trees, biographical info and more. |
Books and Lookups Genealogies related to our surname and where to purchase them. (lookups available!) |
New England Links Many of our people first appeared in Massachusetts and area. | |
Pedigree Earliest possible ancestral line. | |
Cape Cod Address page Cape Cod research addresses. | |
Addenda to BM Newcomb's book From the book by Bethuel M. Newcomb, 1923. | |
Statistics from BM Newcomb's book From the book by Bethuel M. Newcomb, 1923 and additional data. |
Biography Biographical information from contributors and web sites. |
Vital records Births, Deaths, Marriage and Obituaries. | |
Bible Records Bible records of Births, Deaths and Marriage from our people. |
CensusNewcomb census records from various areas. |
Forums and Newslists Newcomb(e) forums for exchange of information and posting of queries. |
Devon England records concerning the Newcomb surname |
Possible origins of Captain Andrew Newcombe and Lt. Andrew Nucomb |
Possible origins of Captain Andrew Newcombe and Lt. Andrew Nucomb Responses Page |
Devon England, Links |
Newcombe Coat of Arms from Burke's General Armory |
Rebecca Robinson--b. 1785. d. Dec.7, 1840. m. Lemuel Newcomb 1803. Lemuel, b. Sept 19, 1782 Sandwich, MA. d. Aug 27, 1825 Sandwich, MASend me your early Newcomb(e) photos or paintings for posting. Include names, dates and places if possible. Preferably images prior to 1900
Rebecca Robinson Newcomb, dau. of Rebecca Robinson and Lemuel Newcomb. b. March 22, 1824 Greenwood, Maine. d. Sept. 24, 1884. m. Theophilus B. Gurney, March 25, 1849, Sandwich, MA
Maria R. Gurney, dau. of Theophilus B. Gurney and Rebecca R. Newcomb. b. March 19, 1860, E. Hartford, CT. d. Nov. 8, 1934 West Tisbury, MA.
m. Obed Sherman Daggett Feb 12, 1884, Marshfield, MAEmma Sherman Daggett, dau. of Maria G. Daggett & Obed S. Daggett. b. Aug. 23, 1886, West Tisbury, MA, d. May 28, 1969, Hyannis, MA
John Tobey Daggett, son of Maria G. Daggett & Obed S. Daggett, b. Nov. 26, 1887, West Tisbury, MA. d. Oct. 4, 1969, Marblehead, MA
The Hon. Bradford Newcomb, son of Bradford Newcomb and Azubah Phelps, was born 17 Feb 1777 in Mansfield, CT and died on 1 Oct 1867. He married Hannah Clark on 18 Nov 1804. Hannah was the daughter of Deacon Rowland Clark and was born on 10 May 1781. The children of Bradford and Hannah were: Mary, Walter, Clark, Luther, Adaline, Eliza, Roland Bradford Clark, and Almira Azubah Phelps. Bradford served in the Vermont legistrator. Walter Newcomb (1809-1892) was the son of Hon. Bradford Newcomb and Hannah Clark. Walter married Harriett E. Dean. Ralph Newcomb (1844-1922) son of Walter Newcomb and Harriett E. Dean. Ralph was married to Adaline C. Perry. Their children included Bradford, Walter, Franklin, Frederick and Floyd. Bradford Newcomb (1874-1948) son of Ralph Newcomb and Harriett E. Dean. Bradford was married to Mary C. Paul. Their children included Thomas Paul, Mary F., Margaret E. and Katherine S. Newcomb. See this family at:
From Curt Kronberg November 3, 2003Nancy Newcomb Bateman Age 70 picture taken about 1865 to 1870 she was married to Eli Dayton Bateman. Nancys parent were Bayes Newcomb and Hannah Bower. I believe Nancy was living in New Jersey at the time the picture was taken. From Cheri Goormastic, October 1, 2002
Mary Jane NewcombDaughter of Silas and Dolly (Wright), married to Orin Alonzo Hollister. Photo taken at age 67. From Darlene Sara (Hollister) Roselip. January 26, 2000Andrew Newcomb and wife Minnie Churchill Married 1888. From Thomas H. Semelbauer. August 30, 1999
James B. Newcomb Born 1828. Photo. From Thomas H. Semelbauer. August 13, 1999
Butler Newcomb Image circa 1861. Butler in his Civil War uniform, taken about 1861. He was at Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, the Wilderness and at Appomattox to witness Lee's surrender. His unit was in 31 battles. From Sandie Battiata, July 3, 1999
Samual Blizzard Newcomb Image circa 1877. From Sandie Battiata, July 3, 1999
Noah Newcomb, basketmaker Newspaper article and photo of Noah Newcomb, manufacturing baskets for the oyster trade. from Sandie Battiata. April 18, 1999
Thelma H. and sister Florry Belle Newcomb From Thomas H. Semelbauer. February 27, 1999
Eddy E. Newcomb & wife Elizabeth Burgess From Thomas H. Semelbauer. February 7, 1999
Sons of Eddy E. Newcomb and wife Elizabeth Burgess From Thomas H. Semelbauer. February 7, 1999
Minnie Churchill wife of Andrew Newcomb From Thomas H. Semelbauer. February 7, 1999
Nannie Newcomb Daughter of Sarah Epps Vaughn. Submitted by Greg Carter from the estate of Hugh Watson. January 16, 1999
Daniel Newcomb Ostrander Photo taken in Colorado before 1915 of the Grandchildren of Daniel Newcomb Ostrander. From Terence Kelly January 16, 1999
Descendants of Irene Newcomb Grandchildren and GGrandchildren of Irene Newcomb and Joseph Ostrander. From Terence Kelly January 16, 1999
Alexander Newcomb & wife Here is a picture of my great grandparents, Alexander and Amelia (Allen) Newcomb. Alexander was born April 20 , 1849, Halifax, Nova Scotia , son of Henry Solomon and Mary Ann (Snyder) Newcomb. His grandfather was Owen Newcomb, Sr.; his gr grandfather, Oliver Newcomb, Sr. his gr gr grandfather, Benjamin Newcomb; his gr gr gr grandfather, Simon son of Andrew. From Vicki Odom
USS Newcomb Newspaper clipping of a suicide plane attack on the destroyer USS Newcomb. Contributed by Ron Newcomb, found in his grandfathers copy of the BM Newcomb genealogy.
Note: Thanks to Don Newcomb for pointing out the ship was named after Frank H. Newcomb, not Professor Simon Newcomb as Ron Newcomb had first thought. Ron has contacted a member of the crew and verified that Frank H. was indeed the one the ship was named after and provided the following: From The "Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships" February 9, 1999
USS Newcomb photos and Log Photos at launch, in service and after the kamikaze attack.
USS Newcomb information and war credits History and information on the ship.Anita Rosalie Newcomb Drawings of Dr. McGee (Anita Rosalie Newcomb), daughter of Professor Simon Newcomb. These drawings were published in a Japanese magazine in 1904 when Dr. McGee went to Japan with several nurses to aid victims of the Russo-Japanese war. Contributed by Masaki Seike. Pages 541 and 542 of the BM Newcomb genealogy feature Anita.Anita Biography
Frank Newcomb b1882 Photo from Raymond Newcomb
Connecticut farmer Photo c1920 by Leighton Newcomb. From Donald R Newcomb
"The new house" Photo c1920 by Leighton Newcomb. From Donald R Newcomb
Newcomb farm in Lebanon CT Photo c1920 by Leighton Newcomb. From Donald R Newcomb
Newcomb farm and well in Lebanon CT Photo c1920 by Leighton Newcomb. From Donald R Newcomb
Virginia Newcomb Virginia Newcomb b11 May 1854 in Prince George Co., Virginia. From Greg Carter
Meredith A Newcomb Meredith Augustus Newcomb b Feb. 2, 1876 in Prince George Co., Virginia. From Ken Newcombe
Andrew Newcombe's Signature Signature of Andrew Newcombe b cir 1640 From Geneva Newcomb Cole
Mary Henry Newcomb Mary Henry Newcomb b1846, d1908 in Prince George County, Virginia. circa 1890 From Rowland L Matteson
"Washington" Home belonging to Elisha Newcomb (b1770) in Prince George County Virginia. This home was located on the Old Stage Road and was used as a Tavern prior to about 1800. The name Washington is from a small statue of Washington that was in the front yard. There were three hundred acres of land with the home. The family cemetery is across the road from the site. From Rowland L Matteson
Margaret Iola West Margaret Iola West b1883, d1907, daughter of Washington J. West and his wife Mary Henry Newcomb of Prince George County, Virginia. From Rowland L Matteson
Mamie G. West Mamie G. West b Dec 6, 1871, d Sep 11, 1893, daughter of Washington J. West and his wife Mary Henry Newcomb of Prince George County, Virginia. From Rowland L Matteson
Inez Geneva West Inez Geneva West b Feb. 20, 1879, d Feb. 18, 1956, daughter of Washington J. West and his wife Mary Henry Newcomb of Prince George County, Virginia. From Rowland L Matteson
Julian Cary Newcomb Julian Cary Newcomb b Sep 06, 1850, d Aug 24, 1911 son of Elisha Miller Newcomb and Catherine Jane McCann of Prince George County, Virginia. From Rowland L Matteson
Send me your early Newcomb(e) photos or paintings for posting. Include dates and places if possible.
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President George W. Bush and his father are descended from Captain Andrew Newcomb with two separate lines:Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Simon(3), Thomas(4), Judith(5), Gilbert James Livingston(6), Courtland Philip Livingston Butler(7), Mary Elizabeth Butler(8), Flora Sheldon(9), Prescott Sheldon Bush(10), George Herbert Walker Bush(11), George W. Bush(12) Terence Kelley December 16, 2001
Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Simon(3), Obadiah(4), Daniel(5), Lydia(6), Obadiah Newcomb Bush(7), James Smith Bush(8), Samuel Prescott Bush(9), Prescott S. Bush(10), George H.W. Bush(11), George W. Bush(12) Terence Kelley January 30, 1998
Capt. Andrew, Lieut. Andrew, Simon, Deac. John, Capt. Eddy, Andrew, Deac. Samuel, James B., Martha Mae, James R. Church, Martha Church White.This line is verified in the Genealogical Memoir of the Newcomb Family published in 1874, of which I have a copy. My grandmother, Martha Mae, b. 18 Apr 1864, is listed in the book. I also have several photos and
tintypes of Newcombs ca. 1860 that I would like to be able to identify. Martha (Marty) White November 6, 2008![]()
Andrew Newcomb(1), Andrew Newcomb(2), Simon Newcomb(3), Hezekiah Newcomb(4), Silas Newcomb(5), Luther Newcomb Sr.(6)Philetus/Miletus Newcomb(7), Miletus Newcomb(8), Minnie Newcomb Steman(9), Hazel Steman Aller(10), James Aller(11), Beverly Aller Darnell(12) April 7, 2008
Robert Newcome (1), Robert Newcome Jr. (2), Tilton W. Newcome (3), James Tilton Newcome (4), Elizabeth Jane Newcome (5), Alfred William Brooke III (6), Muriel Adele Brooke (7), K. Brooke Nelson (8) April 27, 2008
Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Simon(3), Hezekiah(4), Joseph(5), Thomas(6), Abner(7), Ebenezer(8), Norman(9), Ebenezer(10), Robert(11). Delia Newcomb Cross(12). February 3, 2008.
Andrew Newcomb (1), Andrew (2), Simon (3), Hezekiah (4), Silas (5),
Dr. Silas (6), Silas (7)*, Henry (8), Jane, married Alonzo Corey (9), Edgar Corey (10), Jane Corey married Roy Angelo (11), Edgar Angelo (12) Priscilla Angelo Johnston (myself) (13).
Capt. Andrew(1), Lt. Andrew(2), Simon(3), Hezekiah(4), James(5), Thomas(6), Moses(7), George(8), Evelyn Bradford Newcomb Fitch(9), Esther Bell Fitch von Sneidern(10), Maja-Lisa von Sneidern(11), Amy Louise Harbison Goodman Harold(12).
Capt. Andrew Newcomb(1) Andrew Newcomb(2) Thomas Newcomb(3) Simon Newcomb(4) William Newcomb (5) John Young Newcomb (6) David Newcomb (7) John Newcomb (8) Florence Augusta Newcomb Salomonson (9) Marie (Mollie) Salomonson (10) Florence Winton (11) Fredric Winton Altman January 22, 2007Andrew (1), Andrew (2), Simon (3), John (4), John (5), Benjamin (6), Eddy (7), Benjamin (8), George Kerr (9), Harold Elmer (10), Harold Elmer Jr. (11). September 27, 2006
Andrew (1), Andrew (2), Simon (3), John (4), John (5), Benjamin (6), Eddy (7), Benjamin (8), George Kerr (9), Harold Elmer (10), Harold Elmer Jr. (11). Septemebr 10, 2006
Andrew Newcomb (1), Andrew Newcomb (2) Simon Newcomb (3), Hezekiah Newcomb (4), Silas Newcomb (5), Bradford Newcomb (6), Bradford Newcomb (7), Walter Newcomb (8), Ralph Newcomb (9), Walter F. Newcomb (10), Arthur P. Newcomb (11), Arthur P. Newcomb, Jr. (12) March 24, 2006
Capt. Andrew Newcomb(1) Lieut. Andrew Newcomb(2) Simon Newcomb(3) Hezekiah Newcomb(4) Silas Newcomb(5) Lieut. Daniel Newcomb(6) Ephphatha Newcomb(7) Daniel Newcomb(8) Silas Edgar Newcomb(9) Stella Emily Newcomb(10) Beulah Alice Kenton(11) Barton Jordan(12) Stella Slone Jordan(13) Sara Keaty(16) February 16, 2006
Francis Newcomb(1), Peter Newcomb(2), Johnathan(3), Bejamin(4), Rev William Newcomb(5), Arnold Newcomb(6), John Rightmyre Newcomb(7), Charles Craig Newcomb(8), Gus Newcomb(9), William Howard(10), Michael Ernest Newcomb(11), Michael William Newcomb(12), Michael Terry Newcomb(13) September 15, 2005
Capt Andrew [1] Andrew [2] Simon [3] Deacon John [4] John [5] Jacob [5] John Terry [6] Alfred Jacob [8] DeLancey Sheffield [9] Terry Arnon [10] James Porter [11] Regards, Jean Newcombe [wife of Terry] February 13, 2005
(1) Capt. Andrew (2) Lt. Andrew (3) Simon (4) Hezekiah (5) Thomas (6) Joseph (7) Abner (8) Austin (9) Phebe Newcomb m. Buel Woodworth (10) Abner Woodworth (11) Doris Woodworth m. Herbert Hitchcock (12) Joanne Hitchcock (me) m. David Mead. Jan. 18, 2005
Capt Andrew (1), Lt Andrew (2), Simon (3), Thomas (4), Simon (5), Thomas (6), Simon (7), Zachary (8), Clayton (9), Elsie (10) m. C Hills,
Harold (11), Eunice (12) m. J Milliman, Bradley J (13)
revised Febuary 23, 2005Andrew Newcomb(1), Andrew Newcomb(2), Simon Newcomb(3), Hezekiah Newcomb(4), Silas Newcomb(5), Paul Newcomb(6), Orrin Newcomb(7), Orlo Dwight Newcomb (7), Walter Newcomb (8), Orlo Kenneth Newcomb (9), Judith Newcomb Pulliam (10), Salem, Oregon., Jan 14, 2005.
(1) Lt. Andrew Newcomb (2) Thomas Newcomb (3) Thomas Newcomb (4) Silas Newcomb (5) Silas Newcomb (6) Levi Newcomb (7) William Newcomb, (8) Ella Newcomb who married Edmund Quincy Sewell Litchfield. Glenn Smith November 4, 2004
Andrew Newcomb(1), Thomas Newcomb(2), Ebenezer Newcomb(3), David Newcomb(4), David Newcomb(5), Harold Newcomb(6), David
Newcomb(7), Harold Elmer Newcomb(8), Rosemary Newcomb Valentine(9), to me, Rhoda De Flon(10) "Rhoda De Flon" August 15, 2004
Andrew Newcomb(1), Andrew Newcomb(2), Simon Newcomb(3), Hezekiah Newcomb(4), Silas Newcomb(5), Luther Newcomb Sr.(6), Luther Newcomb Jr.(7), John Knight Newcomb(8), Henry Edwin Newcomb(9), Willis Knight Newcomb(10), Floyd Willis Newcomb Sr.(11), Floyd Willis Newcomb Jr.(12), (Me) April Ann Newcomb(13) February 17, 2004
Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Simon(3), Hezekiah(4), James(5), Thomas(6), Moses(7), George(8), Edith Newcomb Van Camp(9), Nellie May Van Camp
Harris(10), Charles F. Harris(11). February 17, 2004
Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Simon(3), John(4), Catherine Newcomb Webster(5), Moses Webster(6), Lucretia Webster, m.Thomas
Newcomb(7), Moses(8), George(9), Edith Newcomb Van Camp(10), Nellie May Van Camp Harris(11), Charles F. Harris(12). February 17, 2004
Andrew (1), Andrew (2), Thomas (3), Thomas (4), Silas (5), Silas (6), Jedediah (7), John (8), Lydia Lucretia Newcomb Walter (9), Newell Walter (10), Helen Walter Bosworth (11), Sarah Bosworth Tiberi (12) - me. February 1, 2004
Capt. Andrew Newcomb(1), Lt. Andrew Newcomb(2), Simon Newcomb(3), Hezekiah(4), Peter(4), Hezekiah Newcomb, Jr. and Lydia Hunt (5), Judge
Richard English Newcomb and Phebe Cushman (6), Col. Francis Dana Newcomb and Lavinia Day (7), Mary Warren Newcomb and Richard Loucks (8), Maria Louisa Loucks and John Stackhouse Laverty (9), Charles Dewilton Laverty and Frances Ella Thornton (10), Frances Laverty and E. Clay Cochran (11), Shelby E. Cochran January 18, 2004
Andrew (1), Andrew (2), Simon (3), Hezekiah(4), Silas (5), Lt. Daniel (6), Ephaphatha (7), Daniel(8), Daniel Ephaphatha(9), Daniel
Edgar (10), Chauncey (11), Robert [Bob](11) Bob Newcomb January 7, 2004
Capt. Andrew Newcomb(1), LT Andrew Newcomb(2), Simon Newcomb(3), Hezekiah Newcomb(4), Silas Newcomb(5), Bradford Newcomb(6), Bradford Newcomb(7), Walter Newcomb(8), Ralph Newcomb(9), Bradford Newcomb(10), Thomas Paul Newcomb(11), Frank Miall Newcomb(12), Penny Lynn Newcomb (Kronberg)(13), William Frank Kronberg(14) Curt Kronberg October 10, 2003
Andrew Newcomb(1), Andrew Newcomb(2), Simon Newcomb(3), Hezehiah Newcomb(4), Silas Newcomb(5), Dr. Luther Newcomb(6), Capt Philetus/Miletus Newcomb(7), Miletus Madison Newcomb(8), Melissa Newcomb Raudabaugh (9), John William Raudabaugh (10), William Gerald Raudabaugh (11) Margo Raudabaugh Broehl September 29, 2003
Captain Andrew Newcomb(1), Lt. Andrew Newcomb(2), Joseph Newcomb(3), Bayes Newcomb(4), Nancy Newcomb(5), Harriet Bateman(6), Emily Jane Parvin(7), Delila Shannon(8), Edward Marvin Mckenna (9), Mary Ann McKenna(10), Cheri Goormastic (Me), "Cheri"
September 21, 2003Andrew Newcomb(1), Andrew Newcomb(2), Simon Newcomb(3), Hezehiah Newcomb(4), Silas Newcomb(5), Dr. Luther Newcomb(6), Capt Philetus Newcomb(7), Miletus Madison Newcomb(8), Miletus Newcomb(9), Rhoda Hannah Newcomb Copeland(10), Hazel Margaret Copeland Fireoved(11)
We are in the " Genealogy Memoir of the Newcomb Family", 1874 by John Bearse Newcomb of Elgin, IL, the author and compiler.
If anyone is interested in this family they can email me at September 21, 2003
Andrew Newcomb(1), Andrew Newcomb(2), Simon Newcomb(3), Hezekiah Newcomb(4), Silias Newcomb(5), Jesse Newcomb(6), Ariel (Arill) Newcomb(7), Franklin Newcomb(8), William Johnson Newcomb(9), William Johnson Newcomb(9), Federick Newcomb(10), Jay Marvin Newcomb(11), Mary Jane Newcomb m. Ralph Edwin Bugg Sr.(12), Ralph Edwin Bugg Jr.(13), Ralph Evan Bugg(14) "Collene Bugg" July 6, 2003
Andrew (1), Andrew (2), Simon (3), Deacon John (4), Jacob (5), Bethuel (6), Jacob (7), Oramel Franklin (8), Fred Oramel (9), Rush
Frederick (10), Mary (11) Harriet Newcomb Badger (12) Harriet Rockwell July 6, 2003Captain Eddy Newcomb(1), John Newcomb(2), Eddy Randall Newcomb(3), Andrew Newcomb(4), Harris Elijah Calkin -- Clarissa Augusta Newcomb(5) John Bearse Calkin(6), Maynard S. Calkin(7), Maynard S. Calkin Jr(8)., Maynard S. Calkin III(8) May 14, 2003
Francis(1) John(2) John Jr(3) Isaac(4) Thomas(5) Remember(6) Norton(7) George(8) Norton(9) and Wallace(10) Barbara Newcomb Mark April 27, 2003
Capt Andrew Newcomb(1), Lt Andrew Newcomb(2), Joseph Newcomb(3), Brig. Gen Silas Newcomb(4), Dr. Ephraim(5), Isaac Preston Newcomb(6), Ephraim, Preston Newcomb(7), Edwin Foster Newcomb I (my Father)(8), Joan Marie Newcomb Cloud(9), Edwin Foster Newcomb II(10), Edwin Foster Newcomb III(11), Edwin Foster Newcomb IIII(12) Joni Cloud February 26, 2003
Capt. Andrew Newcomb(1), Lt. Andrew Newcomb(2), Simon Newcomb(3), Hezekiah Newcomb(4), Silas(5), Luther Sr(6), Luther Jr(6),
Oliver Ingraham(7), Juliette(8) (m. James Wesley Elder), Degracia Elder(9) m. Samuel M. Palmer. Rita Palmer(10) m. Pearl Earl Harsh,
Janice Harsh(11) m. Warren K. Parent, Kenneth W. Parent(12) February 19, 2003Capt. Andrew(1), Lieut. Andrew(2), Simon(3), Hezekiah(4), James(5), David(6), Wesley Cook(7), Ellen Terressa(8), Melissa L. LIVINGSTON(9), Irl Robert MEYER(10), Audrey Laurine(11), James Reed SHIREY(12) Jim Shirey November 4, 2002
Captain Andrew Newcomb(1), Lt. Andrew Newcomb(2), Joseph Newcomb(3), Bayes Newcomb(4), Nancy Newcomb(5), Harriet Bateman(6), Emily Jane Parvin(7), Delila Shannon(8), Edward Marvin Mckenna (9), Mary Ann McKenna(10), Cheri Goormastic (Me), October 1, 2002
Capt. Andrew(1), Lieut. Andrew(2), Simeon(3), Andrew(4), Abigail(5) m. Ebenezer Bourn.
Pat Darling August 24, 2002Capt. Andrew Newcomb (1), Lt. Andrew Newcomb (2), Simon Newcomb (3), Benjamin Newcomb (4), Oliver Newcomb (5), William Benjamin Newcomb (6), William Newcomb (7), Margaret Abby Newcomb (8), Lila May O'Neil (9), Willena Stevens Littlefield (10), Robert Duncan (11) myself (12): June 16, 2002
Andrew(1), Lt.Andrew(2), Joseph(3) (from 2nd wife Anna Bayes), Brig.Gen Silas(4), Dr. Ephraim(5), Isaac(6), Ephraim(7), Preston(8), Edwin Foster(9), Edwin Foster JR.(10), Edwin F. iii(11), Edwin Foster IIII,(12).
Joan NEWCOMB Cloud(10). April 28, 2002
Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Thomas(3), Simon(4), Capt. Simeon(5), Simon(6), Benjamin(7), Jane Morrel(8), Ruth Cooper(9), Effie Matilda Cooper(10), Charles C. Mason(11), Charlotte Killian(12)
Charlotte A. Killian; Emunclaw, WA December 16, 2001
Captain Andrew(1), Lieutenant A. Newcomb(2), Simon Newcomb(3), Hezekiah Newcomb(4), Thomas Bradford Newcomb(5), Joseph Newcomb(6), Abner Newcomb(7), Ebenezer Newcomb(8), Mary L. Newcomb(9) (married Joseph D. Holdridge), William Newcomb Holdridge(10), Lillian M. Holdridge(11) (married Clifford Story) - my parents. Sylvia Story Magin December 4, 2001
Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Joseph(3), Bayes(4), Silas (5), Mary Lois November 2, 2001
Andrew (1), Andrew (2), Joseph (3), William (4), Butler (5), Josiah S. (6), Fayette L. (7), Daniel L. (8). Daniel Newcomb was our gr-grandfather (listing 1384 of the BMN book); daughter Mary Cobb Newcomb (married name MacLean) was our dear maternal grandmother. October 29, 2001
Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Simon(3) Benjamin(4), Oliver(5), John Oliver(6), John Henry(7), Oliver Cromwell(8), Hermond Wallace(9), Douglas Herman(10), Carol Ann(11), Nicole Lynn(12). C. A. Sutton October 2, 2001
Captain Andrew Newcomb(1), Andrew(2), Simon(3), Hezekiah(4),Silas(5), Daniel(6), Ephphatha(7), Daniel P.,(8). Silas Edgar(9), George Daniel(10), Dorothy Isabelle(11), Richard B. Graves(12), Richard M. Graves (13) Dot Morris This is my sons line. September 3, 2001
Andrew (1), Andrew (2), Simon (3), Hezekiah (4), Silas (5) Hannah Newcomb married Samuel Guild (6) Samuel Guild (7) Lois Guile married Simeon Tucker (8) Florella Tucker married TB Gamble (9), Mertie Gamble married James Counts
(10), Milton Counts (11), James Counts (12), Michele Counts Karmeier (13) mk52766 Michele Karmeier
August 23, 20018. John James b?; 7. John James bapt. 21.9.1765; 6. John, b. 1784 Tawstock, Devon; 5. Henry, b. 1819, Tawstock; 4. James Thomas, b.20.3.1848, Tawstock; 3. James Henry, b. 8.2.1869 Newport, Monmouth (Merthyr Tydfil) Wales; 2. Roy, b. 1.9.1905 Bedlinog, Glamorgan, South Wales; 1. Elizabeth Kerry Newcombe, b. 17.9.1944, Sydney, Australia July 31, 2001
Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Simon(3), Hezekiah(4), Silas(5), Jerusha(6), Elias Brewster(7), Sardius Clark Brewster(8), Harriet Louisa Brewster(9), Harold Alfred Noyce(10), Kenneth Harold Noyce(11) June 9, 2001
Captain Andrew(1), Lt. Andrew(2), Simon(3), John(4), Eddy(5), John(6), Eddy(7), William North(8), William(9), Myra(10) married Asaph Murray Frank, Warren Newcombe Frank(11), Arlen Walker Frank(12) (myself) June 4, 2001Captain Andrew(l), Lt. Andrew(2), Simon Newcomb(3), Hezekiah Newcomb(4), Thomas Newcomb(5), Joseph Newcomb(6), Hope Newcomb(7), Wealthy Newcomb m. Walter Parker(8), Aurilla Parker m. Wade Snow(9), Walter George Snow, Dorothy Snow Roberts. May 25, 2001
Francis(1), John(2), Samuel(3), Experience(4) Newcomb m. Daniel Mason, Hannah(5) Mason m. John Savage, Esther
(6) Savage m. Levi Maynard, Anna (7) Maynard m. Richard Aldrich, Eliza Ann (8) Aldrich m. James R. Brown, Mary
Ann (9) Brown m. Francis L. Pratt, Harry S. (10) Pratt m. Alice M. Clark, Lowell C. (11) Pratt m. Dorothy L. Neely
(etc...) March 19, 2001Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Simon(3), John(4), John(5), Benjamin(6), Barnaby(7), Rebecca(8) married Gardner DODGE. Ed Duffett March 17, 2001
Andrew (1), Andrew (1), Simon(2), John(3), John(4), Joseph(5), Joseph(6), John(7), John(8), Charles(9), Russel(10), Charles(11), Denise(12), Hailey(14). Denise Newcombe Golden March 14, 2001
Baptist Newcomb(1), Baptist Newcomb(2), Robert Newcomb(3), Timothy Newcomb(4), John Newcomb(5), Joseph Smithers Newcomb(6) George Cornelius Newcomb(7) Lydia Esther Newcomb(8). March 6, 2001
Andrew Newcomb (1), Andrew Newcomb (2), Simon Newcomb (3), Hezekiah Newcomb (4), Silas Newcomb (5), Daniel Newcomb (6), Daniel Newcomb (7), Luther Newcomb (8), Electa Newcomb Kraus (9), Ethel May Kraus Hobart (10), Joanne Hobart Legits (11). jlegits@cybermesa.comFebruary 25, 2001
Andrew Newcomb, Sr. (1), Andrew Newcomb, Jr. (2), Simon Newcomb (3), John Newcomb (4), Catherine
Newcomb m. Noah Webster (5), Moses Webster, Sr. (6), Noah John Webster (7), Huldah Eugenie Webster m.
Robert Andrews (8), Vincent Coryell Andrews (9), Charles Chillion Andrews (10), Vincent Thomas Andrews (11),
Gary Duane Andrews (12) Tracyton, WA. February 19, 2001Andrew Newcomb(1), Andrew Newcomb(2), Simon Newcomb(3), Hezekiah Newcomb(4), Silas Newcomb(5), Paul (6), Orrin (7), Orlen (8), Nelson Ozro (9), Chester Gilbert (10), Daniel Lee (12), Timothy Jay Newcomb, Worcester,
Vermont; February 18, 2001Andrew(1), Andrew (2), Simon (3), Deacon John (4), John (5), John (6), Leonard (7), William (8), Charles Burgess (9), Charles Bert (10), Charles Bishop (11) ME. The line continues with my son and grandson: Charles Burgess (12), Charles Benjamin (13). Charles Newcombe January 20, 2001
Captain Andrew Newcomb(1), LT Andrew Newcomb(2), Thomas(3), Ebenezer(4), David(5), Barsilla(6), Royal(7), Kenneth(8), Frank(9), Gerald M.(10), Lawrence B.(11), Raymond(12), Darren(13). Tony Newcomb July 30, 2000
Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Thomas(3), Thomas(4), Silas (5), Jeremiah (6), Ebenezer F.(7), Joseph(8), Jesse(9), Idella(10) July 18, 2000
Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Simon(3), John(4), Eddy(5), John(6), Eddy(7), Cyrus(8), Eddy(9), Rupert(10),William(11), Paul(12)(myself). Paul March 20, 2000
Matthew Newcome(1) b.1795 MD. m. Nancy Holland Green Co. Ky., Pleasant Newcome(2) b.1825 Ky. d. 1909 Ky. m. Deborah Ann Benningfield, Geary Newcome(3) b. May 5,1868 Marion Co. Ky. d.Aug 10,1928 Marion Co. KY. m. Amanda Vaughn, Zora Christina Newcome(4) b. Jan. 31,1904 d. Nov.17,1981 m. Alonzo Craig all in Marion Co. KY.
Charles Alfred Craig(5) b. Sept 2,1931 m. Theresa Martin Beaven all in Marion Co. Ky. Grace Hill Craig(6) b. Oct 23.1962 m. Stuart Spalding Mattingly. February 12, 2000Capt.Andrew(1), Lieut.Andrew(2), Simon(3), Hezekiah(4), James(5), David(6), WesleyCook(7), Frank(8), Adaline(9), Almon James Burns(10), Betty E.Burns-Payne(11). February 6, 2000
(1)Capt. Andrew, (2)Lt. Andrew, (3) Simon, (4) Benjamin, (5) Oliver, (6)William Benjamin, (7) William, (8) Eliza Ann Newcombe, (9) Alfred Clarence Emery, (10) Earl E. Emery, (11) Erma Eliza Emery, (12) Patricia Ann Gordon February 4, 2000Capt Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Simon(3), Simon(4), Jerusha(5)m. Archelaus Hammond. Paul Kilburn, 6695 Terry Court, Arvada, CO 80007 January 25, 2000
Capt Andrew (1), Lt Andrew (2), Simon (3), Simon(4), Jerusha (5), Simon Hammond (6), Judah Hammond (7), Ann Gilbert Hammond (8), Hiram Kilburn (9), George Kilblurn (10), Paul Kilburn (11). December 21, 1999
Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Thomas(3), Thomas(4), Silas(5), Silas(6), Levi(7), Henry Cook Newcomb(8), George Henry Newcomb(9), Paul(10), Pauline(Newcomb), Skarinka(11), Peter Skarinka(12), Mike Skarinka(13), August 21, 1999Capt Andrew(1), Lt. Andrew(2), Simon(3), Hezekiah(4), Silas(5), Jesse(6), Capt Ariel(7), Franklin(8), Seth Harrington (9), William Charles(10), Edward Reynolds(11), Edward Robert(12), Wanda ChristineNewcomb(13) m. Michael Irwin July 24, 1999Andrew (1),Andrew(2), Thomas (3), Thomas(4), Silas(5), Silas(6), Silas(7), Warren(8), Silas(9), Edith Gertrude Henson(10),William Gordon Henson Jr (11), Edith Janette (Henson) Larkin(12) June 12, 1999
Capt. Andrew(1), Lt. Andrew(2), Thomas(3), Joseph(4), Elisha(5), Capt. Elisha(6), William(7), Thomas Jefferson(8), Harry Lee(9), Lee Harry(10), William Lee(11), Laura Lee Leisure(12) April 15, 1999Andrew(1), Andrew (2), Simon (3), Deborah (4) who. married Timothy Hatch, Mary Hatch/Meletiah Lothrop, Elizabeth Lothrop/Dr. Abijah Hubbard,Wealthy Hubbard/Daniel Moss, Daniel Moss/Morse & Jane Dean, Birdsey Morse/Jan Anne Clark; Marcelia Morse/Elmer Mann, Olive Mann/William Ames, Ruth Ella Ames/Raymond Hoffman/ Olive Hoffman (ME!) March 31, 1999Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Simon(3), Thomas(4), Cyrenius(5), Cyrenius(6), John(7), Cyrenius William(8), Caroline(9) m. William Reagan, Fred Herbert Reagan (10), Madeleine Reagan (11) m. Sanger B. Steel, David Warren Steel(12). Warren Steel mudws@sunset. 20 September 1947.
Andrew Newcomb to President George Bush George Bush Chart from Ron Newcomb. November 22, 1998
Andrew (1), Andrew (2), Thomas (3), Thomas (4), Silas (5), Silas (6), Jedediah (7), John S. (8), Eliza Arvesta (9), Helen Florence Webber (10), Inza Evelyn Boyd (11) Joan Elizabeth Burgess (12). Joan Brown November 21, 1998
Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Simon(3), Hezakiah(4), Silas(5), Paul(6), Orrin(7), Orman Vella(8), George Washington(9), Henry Clark(10), Ray Belden(11), Gerald Lynn(12), Jack Newcomb(13) b 1/10/45
jpent3@yahoo.comAndrew(1), Andrew(2), Joseph(3), William(4), David(5), John Wesley(6), Aaron, Smith(7), Maron Watson(8), Clyde Gibson(9), Ronald Ross Newcomb(10 Sep 3, 1998
Francis(1), John(2), Samuel(3), Experience(4) Newcomb m. Daniel Mason, Moses(5) Mason Sr. m. Lydia Knapp, Mary(6) Mason 1st wife of Nathaniel Greenwood, Thaddeus(7) Greenwood m. Melinda Caldwell, Caroline(8) Greenwood m. William Oscar Merry, Charles Edwin(9) Merry m.Sarah Oliver, Eugene (10) Merry m. Blanche Longley, Margaret (11)Merry m. as 2nd wife Billie Sawyer, Sylvia(12) Sawyer Sebelist Aug 25, 1998
Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Thomas(3), Deborah(4), Mary Lamkin(5) m. Archippus Blodgett, Howard Blodgett(6) m. Nancy McAllister, Rebecca Blodgett(7) m Peter C. Fuller, Luther Martin Fuller(8) m. Fanny M. Carleton, Eva B. Fuller(9) m. Herbert A Yates, Alice Frances Yates (10) m Marvin Artemas Sawyer, Billie Artemas Sawyer(11) m. Margaret Elizabeth Merry, Sylvia Sawyer Sebelist(12) beswas@megalink.neAug 25, 1998
Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Thomas(3), Ebenezer(4), David(5), David(6), Mary Polly(7) m Orlando Millar, Ansel(8) Grenville(9), Grenville(10), Ben Millar(11), May 29, 1998
Francis Newcomb(1), John Newcomb(2), Rachel Newcomb(3), Elizabeth Fenno (4), Sarah Billings(5), Sally Wright (6), Elias Slocum Woodman(7), Louise Woodman(8), Ford Slocum Barrett, Sr.(9), Lawrence Temple Barrett(10), Sally Ruth Barrett(11), Alice Raven(12). Alice Raven, 18, 1998
Andrew Newcomb(1), Andrew Newcomb(2), Simon Newcomb(3), Hezekiah Newcomb(4), Silas Newcomb(5), Jesse Newcomb(6), Ariel(or Arial)Newcomb(7), Franklin Newcomb(8), William Johnston Newcomb(9), Otto Clifford Newcomb(10), William Henry Newcomb(11), Robert Newcomb(me)(12). Robert W. Newcomb, 3200 S. Arville # 277, Las Vegas NV. 89102, May 3, 1998
Benjamin(1), Benjamin(2), John Lawrence(3) Julia Vazilla Newcomb Houston(4), Lea Ellen Houston Falkenhagen(5), Margaret Julia Falkenhagen Green(6), Margaret Lea Green LaCombe(7). Micki LaCombe April 14, 1998
Benjamin(1), Benjamin(2), John Lawrence(3), Sara Jane BURNETT(4), Sara Jane SCOTT(5), Willis Wilson SCOTT(6), MaurineROUTT(7), Jane POWER(8) Jane R Power April 12, 1998
Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Joseph(3), Bayes(4), George(5), Eleazer(6), Sarah Maria(7), Alexander George Redding(8), Carl Alexander Redding(9), Ralph Russel Redding(10), Ann Redding(11), Michael Kevin Geren(12) Mike Geren April 10, 1998
Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Simon(3), John(4), Eddy(5), Andrew(6), Daniel Webster(7), Abraham(8), Mary Elizabeth Newcomb Crocker(9), Ralph Herbert Crocker(10), Isabel Pauline Crocker Wilson(11), David Crocker Wilson(12), Bradford Scott Wilson(13) March 6, 1998
Andrew (1), Andrew (2), Simon (3), Hezekiah (4), Jerusha (5), Newcomb Cleveland (6), Asahel Cleveland (7), Louisa Marie Cleveland (8), Orville Duloss Harris (9), Dorothy Louise Harris (10), James Russell Weller (11), David Russell Weller (12) March 2, 1998
Capt. Daniel(1), William(2), Susannah(3) m Thomas Allsup, William T. Allsup(4) m Love Randolph, Susan Matilda Allsup(5) m Tazwell Merrill, Della Hazelton Merrill (6) m William Asa Donald, Florence Mae Donald (7) m Silas C. Case , Cleoria M. Case(8) m George B. Callow, Cheska Callow Wheatley(9) February 28, 1998
Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Simon(3), Benjamin(4), Oliver(5), Owen(6), John(7), Phillip(8), John Oscar(9), Owen (10), John Oscar(11), Gary(12) Jonathan(13) born 10 Jan 93 N.B Canada
February 26, 1998Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Thomas(3), Thomas(4), Silas(5), Silas(6), William(7), Henry Cook(8), Hiram Hutchinson(9), Thomas Henry(10), Leo Hiram(11), Neil Leo(12), Stacey Noel and Shannon Tawny(13) February 23, 1998
John(1), James(2), Elkanah(3), Robert R.(4), John T.(5), James E.(6), Geneva R.(7). John E. Cole February 22, 1998
Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Simon(3), Hezekiah(4), Silas(5), Paul(6), Orrin(7), Otis Barton(8), Wallace Edwin(9), Walter Edwin[Sr.](10), Morse Ruggles(11), Walter Edwin Newcomb[III] (12) February 14, 1998
Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Simon(3), John(4), Eddy(5), John(6), Eddy(7), Ezekial(8), George(9), Lucy = William Gammell(10), Edgar Gregory (born William Gammell)(11) , James Gregory(12) , Norma (Gregory) Flude (13). February 7,1998
Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Simon(3), Hezekiah(4), Peter(5), English(6), Samuel Rogers (7), Ella Cornelia (8), Donald Augustus Wood (9), Jane Templeton Wood (10), Ross Donald Andrews (11) February 7,1998
Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Simon(3), Hezekiah(4), Thomas(5), Joseph(6), Cordial(7), Henry(8), Celestia Delphene Newcomb Wrigley(9), Jesse Francis Wrigley Taylor(10), Sherwood Benjamin Taylor(11), Michael J. Taylor (12) February 1, 1998
Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Simon(3), Hezekiah(4), Silas(5), Submit Newcomb Cushman (6), Silas Cushman (7), Submit Cushman Johnson (8), William Johnson (9), Henrietta Johnson Avery (10), Guy Avery (11), Renie Avery Cervone (12) January 31,1998
Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Simon(3), Hezekiah(4), Peter(5), Samuel(6), Samuel(7), Benjamin(8), Samuel(9), William(10), Harold(11), William (12) January 31, 1998
Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Thomas(3), Thomas(4), Silas(5), Silas(6), William(7), Henry Cook(8), Benjamin Bracket(9), Albert Eugene(10), Burvel Benjamin(11), Gail Dee Newcomb(12), Gary Newcomb(13) January 31, 1998
Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Simon(3), Obadiah(4), Daniel(5), Lydia(6), Obadiah Newcomb Bush(7), James Smith Bush(8), Samuel Prescott Bush(9), Prescott S. Bush(10), George H.W. Bush(11)
from: Terence Kelley January 30, 1998Andrew (1), Andrew (2), Simon (3), Hezekiah (4), Silas (5), Daniel (6), Ephphatha (7), Daniel (8), Daniel Ephphatha (9), Daniel Edgar (10), Chauncey (11) Robert (12) January 30, 1998
Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Simon(3), Hezekiah(4), Silas(5), Daniel(6), Daniel(7) Irene(8), Daniel Newcomb Ostrander(9), Isabelle Irene Ostrander(10), Hazel Ostrander(11), Floyd F. Kelley(12) Terence Kelley(13)
January 30, 1998Andrew(1), Andrew(2), Thomas(3), Joseph(4), Elisha(5), Elisha(6), William Augustine(7), Augustine Allen(8), George Bailey(9), Meredith Augustus(10), Melvin(11) Kenneth Melvin Newcombe(12)
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January 29, 1998
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John Newcomen d1630 John Billington has the distinction of being the first man hung for murder #1 in New England. The man he killed was "John Newcomen" according to William Bradford. Nothing is known of John Newcomen but he appears to be the first "Newcomb" on record in the New world. The following was written by William Bradford.This year John Billington the elder, one that came over with the first, was arraigned, and both by grand and petty jury found guilty of wilful murder, by plain and notorious evidence. And was for the same accordingly executed. This, as it was the first execution amongst them, so was it a matter of great sadness unto them. They used all due means about his trial and took the advice of Mr, Winthrop and other the ablest gentlemen in Bay of the Massachusetts, that were then newly come over, who concurred with them that he ought to die, and the land to be purged from blood. He and some of his had been often punished for miscarriages before, being one of the profanest families amongst them; they came from London, and I know not by what friends shuffled into their company. His fact was that he waylaid a young man, one John Newcomen, about a former quarrel and shot him with a gun, whereof he died.
[Bradford's History (1952) 75, 87-8, 156-7, 234, 442]." Information from Ed Cooper
Was John Newcomen related to Andrew, Elias or Francis and
what ship did he come to America in?
Francis Newcomb born c1605
Francis Newcomb is ancestor to many of the North American Newcomb(e)s. He is featured in the genealogy "Genealogical Memoir of the Newcomb family" published in 1874 by John Bearse Newcomb of Elgin Illinois. The book tells us Francis came to New England April, 1635 at age 30 with wife Rachel 20, daughter Rachel 2 1/2, and son John 9 months, on the ship Planter. They lived in Boston for 3 years and then settled at Mt. Wollaston (later called Braintree) Massachusetts. Children of Francis & Rachel Nucome born in New England: Mary (b1640), Sarah (b1643), Judith (b1645), Peter (b1648), Abigail (b1651), Leah (b1654), Elizabeth (1658) and Hannah b1637. Newcomb Record extracts from Braintree Massachusetts
Brackett familyThis site contains information about the Francis Newcomb line.
The first record I have for Henry Newcombe is from a transcript of a land deed published in the William and Mary Historical magazine Vol 3, Series 2 ,1923. He is listed with nineteen others as having been transported into the colony at Fort Henry, Virginia. Present day site of, Petersburg Virginia. The record is dated June 9th, 1653. He was involved in court cases in 1677,78. Land records in 1721 mention land formerly belonging to "Henry Newcomb in will dated March 21,1682" and a record mentions Elizabeth Newcombe ( possibly his widow). A possible brother Arthur Newcombe settled in Lancaster County, Virginia at the same time while the latter Henry in Charles City County.
Does anyone trace their line from Henry or Arthur have further information?
Elias Newcomen or Newcome
About 1650 one Elias Newcomen or Newcome was Constable of the Isle of Shoals, (where the Andrew Newcomb(2) also resided for a time); but the connection, if any, between these lines is not known, Elias records being only fragmentary.
Does anyone trace their line from Elias or have further information?
Captain Andrew Newcombe is believed to be the ancestor of many of the North American Newcomb(e)s. He is featured in the genealogies "Genealogical Memoir of the Newcomb family" published in 1874 by John Bearse Newcomb of Elgin Illinois and also in the genealogy "Andrew Newcomb and his Descendants" by Bethuel Merritt Newcomb published in 1923 which was based on some of the 1874 book. These are both quality works but neither states references, probably due to space limitations. This posses a problem in that much of the lineage we all claim as fact is based on these sources. Together we may be able to share what our own research turns up towards documenting our lines.
Possible origins of Captain Andrew Newcombe and Lt. Andrew Nucomb
Has anyone located the source material for the above mentioned Genealogies? If these still exist they might contain much family information not in the books.
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Extracts from the William and Mary Quarterly
The William and Mary Quarterly
Pages of the Journal containing the name reference, go back to the beginning of the article for the reference source information.
Eliza H. Newcomb Vol. 11, No. 2, p. 115
Herman D. Newcomb and Matilda Churchill Vol. 10, No. 1, p. 40
Thomas Newcomb Vol. 13, No. 1, p. 25
Thomas Newcomb Vol. 24, No. 2, p. 131
Thomas Newcomb Vol. 25, No. 4, p. 237
Doctor Newcome Vol. 5, No. 3, p. 206
These referneces were available as Online links at one time but now appear have only privledged access.
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Cape Cod Genealogical Society, 33 Gunwale Way, Yarmouthport, MA 02675
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The following references are in: 1993 - 1994 (Issue 65-72, Vol XIX & XX) NEWCOMB "family" 174, NEWCOMB Alexander T 46, NEWCOMB Alice R 83, NEWCOMB Andrew 83,
NEWCOMB David 206, NEWCOMB Elizabeth 79, NEWCOMB Evelyn R 85, NEWCOMB Jeremiah 84, 206, NEWCOMB Jesse 206, NEWCOMB Lydia 79, NEWCOMB Nathan H 85,
NEWCOMB Robert 206, NEWCOMB Robert A 83, NEWCOMB Sally 84, NEWCOMB Simon 79, NEWCOMB Susanna 79, NEWCOMB Thomas 58,79, NEWCOMB Warren 46
Sources for genealogies: "Genealogical Memoir of the Newcomb family" (600 pages) published in 1874 by John Bearse Newcomb of Elgin Illinois and "Andrew Newcomb and his Descendants" (1021 pages) by Bethuel Merritt Newcomb published in 1923 which was based on some of the 1874 book. The 1923 edition contains all of the 1874 edition information for the lines of descent of Captain Andrew (1), but it does not have the additional Newcomb lines.
Judy Potter has agreed to provide lookups in the above Genealogies. E-mail her with your request and please do not abuse the offer! jimandjudy@hub.InfoAve.netJudy Potter. February 16, 2000
Higginson Book Company Both editions available.
New England Historic Genealogical Society Sales Catalog (genealogies N-Z) 1923 edition only.
Cheri Goormastic I also own a copy of the Genealogical Memoirs of the Newcomb family written by John Bearse Newcomb and would be happy to do a lookup for you if it is kept to one lookup at a time.
LDS Catalog of Newcomb Genealogies This is a list of genealogies which feature "Newcomb" from the LDS catalog . A description and name list is included for each link.
I am descended from Joseph and Esther (Dudley) Newcomb. This couple were married probably in Rickingham County, North Carolina about 1785. The later moved to Tennessee and then to Kentucky. I have compiled a book on their descendants and include 3,176 descendants for 9 generations. The book is hardbound with 357 pages. The book sells for $35.00 + $5.00 shipping. Send orders to: Elaine Justesen AG November 14, 2001 Index with 3176 names This is a 68 page ziped *.doc file which contains several thousand names and dates
I also own a copy of the Genealogical Memoirs of the Newcomb family written by John Bearse Newcomb and would be happy to do a lookup for you if it is kept to one lookup at a time. Also has anyone been able to find out any information on the John Newcomen story if he was a real person or they just called him a Newcomen because he was new to the Plymouth society. Thanks Cheri September 21, 2003Tim Newcomb wrote me to say that: "...... J.B. Newcomb's research is housed in a special collection at the Newberry Library, Chicago, IL." Has anyone had a chance to look it over? March 24, 2006
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New England Links
New England Historic Genealogical Society
Whaling Captains of Martha's Vineyard
Genealogist helplist, Massachusetts
Massachusetts GenWeb
Forty Online library catalogs of Massachusetts
Duke County Massachusetts GenWeb Martha's Vineyard is in Dukes County, a good site for maps, queries and history. This was where Andrew(2) lived and died.
American families from New Plymouth,~1620 -1790+ A comprehensive source for New Plymouth Vineyard with many surnames including Newcomb
Plymouth County Massachusetts GenWeb
Norfolk County Massachusetts GenWeb Braintree is in Norfolk County, where Francis Newcomb b c1605 settled.
Barnstable County Massachusetts GenWeb Cape Cod
Web Sites with a Newcomb(e) Connection The Newcomb/Aldrich/Kemper Family
My Children's Forefathers Ranson Henderson family Genealogy Val Henderson's site in the UK
Library of CongressThere are many "hits" of the search engine for the Newcomb name. A letter from Alexander Graham Bell to Professor Simon Newcomb in 1886 is only one item of many. March 21, 1999
Newcomb Reagan Tree
Newcomen Line A line that includes Thomas Newcomen of Steam engine fame
Thomas Newcomen Technical details of the Steam engine developed by Thomas Newcomen
Thomas Newcomen Thomas Newcomen Steam engine animation
GenForum Newcomb messages
An American Family
Catherine's Connections
Tony Newcomb
Cape Cod Genealogy Check out the surname link.
Professor Simon Newcomb vs Henry Adams
Professor Simon Newcomb Page
Alexander Graham Bell Bell teams up with Simon Newcomb in this incredible story
The Robert Newcomb Family Home Page
Genealogy Page of Leslie Nutbrown
Hezekiah NEWCOMB chart
The Ross D. Andrews Genealogy Site!
The Andrews Family Lines
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Send your Queries, Lines of Descent, early Family Photos and suggestions to