Rainy                                                                                                                                                         Rainy


Dit is een uitgebreide site op het gebied van Weimaraners, waarop u onze honden: Joy, Lux Ch Grayshar Windsong on the Rise (Windy), Autumn Breeze of Weimar's Joy JW '98 (Breeze), Bright Rain 'n Gale of Weimar's Joy (Rainy) en Dazzling Dewdrop of Weimar's Joy JW '03 (Dewdrop) aantreft. Ruime aandacht wordt geschonken aan de nesten van Windy en Breeze en de prestaties van de door ons gefokte Weimaraners. Daarnaast informatie over het ras, proeven, literatuur en links naar buitenlandse clubs en fokkers. De site is tweetalig, Nederlandstalig en Engels.
This is a site on Dutch Weimaraners where you will find information with regards to our Weimaraners: Joy, Lux Ch Grayshar Windsong on the Rise (Windy), Autumn Breeze of Weimar's Joy JW '98 (Breeze), Bright Rain 'n Gale of Weimar's Joy (Rainy) and Dazzling Dewdrop of Weimar's Joy JW '03 (Dewdrop). Of course the litters which were bred out of Windy and Breeze and the achievements of their offspring is mentioned on this site. There is information on the breed to be found, as well is a description of the (German and Austrian) tests, links to foreign Weimaranerclubs and breeders. The site is set up in two languages: Dutch and English


Maak uw keuze
link naar de Nederlandstalige site
Make your choice
Link to the English site


Joy & Chivvy (© painted by Mrs. Riet)
Windy (© drawing by Miss B. van der Post) All rights reserved. No part of these drawings may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the artist Windy & Joy (© painted by Mrs. Riet) Brando (© drawing by  B. van der Post) All rights reserved. No part of these drawings may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the artist


 Dewdrop, Breeze, Rainy and Windy


Dewdrop                                                                                                                                                               Dewdrop

This The Weimaraner Web Ring site
is owned by Jur Deckers

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Voor verdere informatie/for further information:Of Weimars Joy

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laatst bijgewerkt op 21 juli 2004 / last edited 21st July 2004