D Tou, click below to download the CD to MP3 program.
The program is a ZIP file.
Once you download it, click it and extract the EXE file
Then click the EXE file to launch it and install.

This is the ****** Home Page
Tommy's corner 
I continue to be a doctor for sick babies and children. I have been a partner at the Southern California Permanente Medical Group since 1992. I am also the education chairperson for my department at the Bellflower Medical Center. My chief role is to review and disseminate up-to-date medical journal information for my colleagues. I am currently designing educational softwares for nurses training in my department at the medical center. Recently, I completed and passed the recertification exam for my specialty and hence remain a diplomat of the medical specialty board of the American Board of Pediatrics.
Recently, I bought a computer at home and started playing a lot of games with Albert. This has taken up most of my spare hours. Any leisure time remaining is spent working on chores around the house and the yard, and fixing up the cars.
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Glenda's corner 
I continue to be a teacher at the Cerritos Chinese School. I also teach Chinese at Quest Learning Center. It is important that kids of Chinese background know the language and culture of their ancestors. I feel proud to play a role in helping them develop this cultural identity.
On Saturdays, I host a program on AM1300 KAZN Radio Chinese. I invite Chinese speaking caucasians to the radio station to discuss their views of mainstream American life and leisure. In this way, I hope to bring the true American perspective on life in the United States to my Chinese listeners. The rest of my spare time I spend helping Albert study. In the mornings when Tommy and Albert have left the house, I spend the time with my friends. We explore the different restaurants around our neighborhood.
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Albert's corner 
I am 9 years old now, and I am in the 3rd grade. This year I am in a year round program so that I will be spending more time in school. I will also have vacation spread out 4 times a year instead of only in the summer. I like my new school and my new teacher. I hope to make lots of new friends this year.
I love to play the computer. I also like to play video games and micro-machines. I like space a lot. My favorite games are Lego Island, Mega Man 6, and KIRBY. My favorite characters are Garfield the Cat and Mega Man, a superhero. My favorite food is pork dumpling. My favorite animal is panda. When I grow up, I want to be a doctor like my dad.
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The latest happenings : |
Glenda had a heart operation done recently to destroy a nerve bundle that is causing her heart to beat rapidly at unpredictable episodes. So far she has had no recurrence. If she remains symptom free in three months, the operation is considered a complete success. She also had the LASIK procedure done on both of her eyes hoping to eliminate her need to wear glasses. Unfortunately, she has some residual nearsightedness. It is still too soon to tell if she would need to wear a lighter prescription or to repeat the procedure.
Tommy has recently undergone the LASIK procedure as well. Even though it may be too early to be certain, the initial result is phenomenal. Within one week after the procedure, he is seeing 20/20 in both eyes without glasses. We will have to take new pictures of ourselves without glasses and put them on this site.
Albert reports that he is doing very. He is learning about astronomy in school and has become quite a star gazer.
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Our photo gallery : |
- Album 1
- Album 2 : Las Vegas trip
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Thanks for visiting. This site is last updated on 4/23/98. Please come back and visit soon.
Keep in touch; E-mail us at Cheungfamily@altavista.net. We love to hear from you. |
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