I live in eastern North Carolina. I am a farmer, have been all my life. I grow butterbeans. My wife helps on the farm and takes care of the childern which is a full time job and then some! We have three children ages 13, 11, and 29. We will become grandparents in May 2005. My wife, Lady Carolina's HomepagePHOTO ALBUM I have met alot of new friends in Chat. Here are some with their own homepages, check them out Nuevayol Fredrica Bazzie Venom Amethyst MOST OF THE BACKGROUNDS USED FOR OUR PHOTO ALBUM CAME FROM THE LINK BELOW. THANKS FOXYLADY! If you have any ideas to help me out please e-mail me. email Sign Guestbook View Guestbook
I have met alot of new friends in Chat. Here are some with their own homepages, check them out
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