[Now Placed]

This Photo is marked "Thomas Ireland" and was found in a Morse Family Photo Album. Estimated date of photo is Mid 1890's. I have several Thomas Ireland's in my Family but none that would fit in this time frame. It is presumed that this Thomas Ireland would have been from the Matteawan, Fishkill Landing, Beacon, Fishkill area of Dutchess County, NY where descendants of the Morse Family in possession of the Album reside today and where many of my branch of the Ireland family resided during the 1890 time frame. This photo of was taken by C. H. GALLUP & Co., Photographers, 292, 294, 296 Main Street, Poughkeepsie. It also says C. H. Gallup & Co. Portraits and also Photo Art Studio. If you have an Ireland Family Photo that matches this one, any information on Thomas Ireland, and/or a Morse/Ireland Family connection in the referenced area and time frame, PLEASE CONTACT ME!

This Photograph has been identified as Thomas Edward Ireland
b. 1870 d. 1950, son of Jacob Ireland and Jane Kendall,
married Lulu Eckler b. 1870 d. 1941.

Unknown HAWKS Family Member [whoops!]

This picture was found among my grandfather's belongings. My Grandfather Leonard Richardson Hawks (1861-1937) was from Putnam County, NY. He was the son of John Barton Hawks b. 1820 and Freelove (Ireland) Hawks b. 1823. He was the grandson of Jotham and Catherine (Barton) Hawks and James and Nancy (Shaw) Ireland. If you have HAWKS FAMILY that orginates in Philipstown, Putnam County, New York (Putnam County was formed out of Dutchess County in 1812) and have a Family Photo which you have identified that matches this one - PLEASE CONTACT ME!

This picture has been identified as Lumuree Barton, 
my second great grandfather b. 1826 d. 1907.
Son of Jacob Barton and Mary Ketchum, married Permelia Hall.
Permelia b. 1829 d. 1896

[I was wrong in my beliefs] Although this picture was taken across the river in Newburgh, I still believe that the individual in the photograph is a member of the Hawks family or extended family since river crossings were very common in this era. I estimate this photograph as being taken circa 1880-1900. Any help identifying this photograph would be greatly appreciated!

Unknown Photograph - Charming Couple - Family Members?

These photographs were found among the belongings of My Aunt Ruth Hawks (Horsler/Kelly) belongings! I believe the individuals in these photographs are related since the pictures are similarly formatted and a were taken at the same Studio - SHORT'S - Rondout, NY & Kingston, NY. I estimate these pictures as being taken in the early 1900's. My Aunt Ruth was born 1897 and died 1989 and she married first Henry Horsler and second Christopher Kelly. She was the daughter of Margaret Connolly Hawks and and Leonard Richardson Hawks. Any help identifying these photographs would be greatly appreciated!
Georg John & Emma Vogt - Are they your Family?

Georg John Vogt
Born February 16th, 1870 - Died June 12, 1932

Emma Vogt
Born February 9th, 1866 - Died July 5th 1935

About a year and a half ago I purchased at a Fishkill Antique Store a labelled dual swivel frame containing the pictures of the Subject Individuals. I just found it too sad that this family treasure had ended up in an antique shop and am seeking to find their family so this treasure can be returned to family. Since that time I have tried via various avenues to locate descendants of Georg and Emma but to no avail - so now I am posting them here. Surely Georg and Emma had children as the pictures were labelled as "Mother" and "Father".

I have been unable to locate information on this couple here in Dutchess but certainly feel that they may have had some connections here. Perhaps one of their children lived and died in Dutchess leaving no issue and that is why these pictures ended up in the antique shop.

If you can document that George and Emma are your family and are willing to reimburse me for the cost of these in the the dual swivel frame - they are yours. Maybe you might have Vogt Family pictures that match these that you have been unable to identify. The Studio is not labelled on the pictures but they have the Nos. 26107 D and 26108 D written in pencil on the back of them.

I am not out to realize a profit but am only asking to be reimbursed the cost I paid for these if family can be found that will treasure them and would like to have the framed originals.


Family Ties are Lasting Bonds Woven in Each Heart
to Keep a Family Close in Thought, Together or Apart

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