Town of Poughkeepsie - Property Tax Rate Trends
2002 - 2005 & 2006 Projected &ACTUAL
Upset About Your Taxes? ? ? ? ?
E-Mail Ginny
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Statement of County/Town Taxes - Town of Poughkeepsie - Fiscal years 2001-2006
The Big Question is "Did we gain or lose ground on assessed values - Tax Base - 2006 vs 2005?
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Each year as the assessed value of Non Homestead [Commercial] decreases,
the greater the Homestead (Residential) Properties Tax Levy Increases - See Image Below
In addition to the loss of Tax Base due to properties being taken off the tax rolls by Tax-Exempt Entitites, the loss of Non Homestead Tax Base appears to have direct relationship to our increase in Taxes - Notice how beginning in abt. 2003 the Tax Levy on Residential [Homestead] Properties exceeded the Tax Levy on Commercial [Non-Homestead] Properties, Whereas in 2001 and 2002 the Reverse was True. What will 2006 Bring? Remember IBM had a large decrease in their Assessment!
Voters Vote by their Pocketbook - Businesses Vote by Relocating!
Hence the decrease in Commercial Tax Base!
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The Tax Rate last projected above of $6.996109 per $1,000 assessed value
for Homestead Properties (Outside Village)
was projected based on the Supervisor's Spending Plan
being reduced by $329,774.
On October 26, 2005 the Supervisor's Spending Plan was reduced by $396,560 or $66,786 more than projected.
This will make pennies difference in the Projected Tax Rate per $1,000 assessed evaluation last presented above. Currently it is estimated that the 2006 property tax will reveal between a 6 & 7% increase over 2005 Taxes. A Homestead Property (outside Village) assessed at $100,000 will most likely receive a tax bill in 2006 showing the Town Portion to be between $690 and $700. Last year [2005] the tax bill on the same parcel would have been $655. An increase of between $35 & $45 on a home assessed at $100,000.
In addition, this means our taxes in the Town of Poughkeepsie for a Homestead Parcel [outside Village]
will have increased greater than 50% in the last 4 years. [see Ginny's 2006 Projected Tax Impact Chart Below]
This is what the Poughkeepsie Journal Reported on October 27, 2005
based on information from the Town Comptroller's office.
- Proposed 2006 budget: $25,939,115.
- Spending increase: 6.2 percent.
- Tax rate increase: 4.5 percent.
- Projected increase in town taxes for home assessed at $200,000: $60.
Source: Town comptroller
Ginny's Projected 2006 Tax Impact
I guess we will have to see when our tax bills arrive who was right! Ginny or the Comptroller or Neither???
Well Folks the 2006 Tax Bills have arrived!
The Town Tax Rate for a Homestead Parcel [Outside Village] is $7.0740
The 2005 Town Tax Rate for a Homestead Parcel [Outside Village] was $6.5460
A person with a home assessed at $200,000 is really faced with an increase of 106.00 in their Town Taxes - a far cry from the figures presented by the Town and Presented in the October 27, 2005 Poughkeepsie Journal Article.
I was a bit low in my projections but not as low as "JOE"
The Total Increase in Town Taxes over the 4 years of Supervisor Joe's Term in Office:
55% on a Homestead Parcel [Outside Village]
The Real Story!
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The Press and The Public were MISLED by the 2005 Town of Poughkeepsie Town Board in conjunction with and during the 2006 Budget Process. The October 27, 2005 Journal reported regarding the 2006 Budget Impact: 2006 Tax Bills have arrived. The real story is [Homestead-Outside Village] - Town Tax Rate Increase was 8.059%; actual increase on property Assessed at $200,000: $106.00. I questioned Town and published October 2005 Projections at that time based on my projections which projected the 2006 property tax would reveal between a 6 & 7% increase over 2005 Taxes. A Homestead Property [Outside Village] would experience an increase of between $70 and $90 on a home assessed at $200,000. Although my projections were a bit low, why is it I came up with better projections than Town comptroller? Why is it the Town Assessor and Comptroller could not come up with tax impact projections at the 2005 Budget Hearing YET thereafter the comptroller came up with figures for the Press.? I believe when one is told in answer to a question " it's too complicated for you to understand" - it really means the person speaking "does not want you to know"! In my opinion, this boils down to shameful politics! My Town of Poughkeepsie Tax Trends Web Site Virginia A. Buechele Poughkeepsie, NY |