Friends of the
Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery

Be an Angel! - Join the Friends!


The Friends of the Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery organizes and funds programs and activities associated with the Cemetery for items not included in the cemetery's general budget. By providing these programs and activities the cemetery promotes the beauty and history of the cemetery and the majestic Hudson River Valley while respecting the reason for the cemetery's existence.

For additional information on the Friends of the Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery, become a member, or make a donation, write them at P. O. Box 977, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 or call (845) 454-6020.

Friends of the Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery is a 501(c)3 organization.  All gifts are tax deductible.

The Friends of the Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery
publishes a newsletter twice a year.
The following are
PDF  links to articles written by "Ginny" for the Friends Newsletter!

The Frost Mausoleum

The Venerable Bishop - Horatio Potter

The Bech Mausoleum

Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery
is on the East Bank of the Hudson River
South of the city on U. S. Route 9
Exit at Academy Street for South Avenue to the Main Entrance.

The picture below, also from the Brochure, is of the Main Entrance
and I assume from a Post Card, circa 1900.

"Quoted" from the same Brochure:
Located on the east bank overlooking the Majestic Hudson River,
Poughkeepsie Rural is over 200 Acres of gently rolling hills,
tranquil waters and stately trees creating a park-like
sanctuary of abiding dignity and natural splendor.
Where historic figures such as Thomas McKean, Continental Congress Member
and signer of the Declaration of Independence, and Matthew Vassar,
founder of Vassar College, which opened in 1861, are buried.
It was also, for a short time, the resting place of General Armstrong Custer,
legendary figure of the June 1876 Battle of Little Bighorn River.
He was buried later at West Point.

Poughkeepise Rural Cemetery
P. O. Box 977
Poughkeepsie, New York 12602-0977
(845) 454-6020
"The cemetery is open everyday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
but as far as I know the office is only open Monday - Friday during the same hours and Saturday till Noon."

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