Mom - 1983
Born October 25, 1916 and Received her Wings February 4, 1999
God Bless Her for the Changes in Herself She had to Endure.
Passing out of the shadow into pure light,
Stepping behind the curtain, getting a clearer sight,
Laying aside the burden, this weary mortal coil,
Done with the world's vexations, done with its tears,
Tired of all earths playthings, heartsick and ready to sleep,
Ready to bid our friends farewell, wondering why they weep,
Passing out of the shadow, into eternal day,
Why do we call it dying, this sweet passing away?
(Author Unknown)
The Tune Playing (for IE users) is "The Old Rugged Cross" for your Listening Enjoyment while you are visiting my Mom's Page. My Father gave me my self-esteem and My Mother gave me my Faith in God and the words of this song will forever live in my memory as she taught them to me. My Mother was a Dedicated Mother and devoted herself to her Children and Her Husband - Everything She did in her life was aimed at making a better life for her children. Alice was a Devoted Mother and Wife until Dimentia/Alzheimer's set in and robbed her of what she prayed the most to keep - Her mind - She always said that she could stand the pain - but please Lord Let me keep my mind but that was not in God's Plan and many is the the day I understand the Lord for taking away her mind for she does not have to bear the pain her children are bearing now. *** On February 4, 1999, Mom passed out of the shadow of her illness into the everlasting light, as our Lord and Saviour carried her to her final rest --- whenever I feel the sunlight on my face I will think of her and feel blessed for her having given me birth and praising God for giving me another Guardian Angel. --- Enjoy your crown MOM --- you earned it. *** |
For Mom - Mother's Day 1996
(A Sonnet)
My dear mother shall live for eternity
In my heart she'll have a special place
The memories she gave will always be
Adorned with her special loving and grace
Please dear Lord let her stay as long as you can
I need her now more than once in a while
She's helped make me what I am as only a few can
when her life is o'er and mine is too
The daughters of her daughter will remember with pride
The stories passed down with a love, t'is true
From Mother and Grandmother in an amorous tide.
Yes my dear Mom will live for eternity
Half the woman I hope, I always will be
April 26, 1988
English 102
Dutchess Community College
One day while walking on the beach
I found a fragment of what must have been a
magnificent conch shell, . . . a remnant of a masterpiece,
an exquisite shard. I tried to imagine the part as the
whole when it was at its best, before it was broken by
the churning sea . . . . and TIME. now all that remained
was a chunk of pink and white shell - its scalloped
edge chipped and scratched.
I thought of my mother, a victim of
Alzheimer's disease for the past five years.
At 78, wheelchair bound, and unable to walk or
speak coherently, she resides in a nursing wing in a
retirement home. In recent years she has become an
exquisite shard of a magnificent person she once
was, before she was broken by degenerative
disease . . . and TIME
Those of us who knew and loved her in her prime
love her all the more for the change in herself that she
has had to endure.
Those of you who know her now only see the shell
of a once vital person, a lovely fragment of a
magnificent individual. As caregivers of the elderly,
as you feed them, walk with them, change their
clothes, and tuck them in at night, please know that
families and friends . . . and the individuals
themselves . . . are grateful when you show respect and
kindness, and handle then as gently as a once-
exquisite shell.
Visit My Memory Journal
Precious Memories of Mom - Dedicated to the Changes in Herself She has had to Endure
Please E-MAIL me at
or at
if you have stories to share regarding your loved ones whose minds have been
destroyed by this terrible disease - and most of all if you have stories to share
about how these BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE still add joy to our lives.