Marist doesn't "get it" because they don't want to "get it" nor do they want their students and parents to "get it" either.
If you are not winning or under pressure from the facts - "use smear" would seem to be Timmian Massie's motto.
Will Fairness for Fairview allow Massie to get away with this "smear"?
Letters to the Editor (The Circle, The Journal, The Dutchess Beat) - anyone?
Timmian Massie, Marist's Chief Public Relations Officer knows full well the personnel constraints the Fairview Fire Department operates under or so I am informed by Fairview Fire Department personnel but chooses to ignore that fact. Of course, Massie had to spin his comments to the Editor(s) of " The Circle " for the Sept. 18 Issue.
Keep in mind the e-mail "interview" questions presented to the Fairness for Fairview organization by the Editor(s) of "The Circle".
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Massie Comments in the Sept. 18, 2008 issue of "The Circle" - "Locals Protest Tax Burden":
[if you would like to read the full article in the Sept. 18, 2008 issue of "The Circle", send me an e-mail since it seems "The Circle" has left the Sept. 18, 2008 issue off-line]
"The picketers were telling students and their parents on move-in weekend that their dorms were unsafe," he said, "that they were physically constructed to be unsafe. Absolute lie, and they should be ashamed of themselves"
[I was there - this was never said - and for those of you who want to see the flier FAIRNESS FOR FAIRVIEW passed out during their Fall Awareness Campaign Aug. 31 - Sept. 2, 2008 - LOOK here: html
in the bordered area on the web page]
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The "interview" questions presented to the Fairness for Fairview organization by the Editor(s) of "The Circle" prior to the publication of the September 18, 2008 issue of " The Circle" - the Marist Student Newspaper:
When and how did the Fairness for Fairview campaign begin?
The organization of the Fairness for Fairvew group and its subsequent awareness campaigns grew out of the Newest Marist Fulton Street Town House Dorms and Dutchess Community College's proposed dorms coupled with another huge increase in FFD taxes.
Plans for the Fairness for Fairview (FFF) Fall Awareness Campaign at Marist began over the summer as safety concerns and our organization grew. Marist College produces the greatest number of calls to tax-exempt properties in the Fairview Fire District (FFD). This statement included in a letter to the Dutchess County Legislature from FFD lends a great deal of credence to FFF's concerns:
February 6 , 2008 Letter
FROM Fairview Fire District
John E. Anspach, Chairman and
Tory G. Gallante, Chief
Dutchess County Legislature
". . . .The Fairview Fire District is already operating with minimal manpower and
operating at multiple incidents for approximately 16% of our calls and
we cannot handle the burden of additional incidents that Student housing
present us as we are already struggling to meet current service demands. . . . . . ."
[the Newest MARIST Fulton Street "Dorms of Doom" were not completed till August 2008]
What exactly do you mean when you say, "Dorms of Doom?"
Students live in danger based on the resident to fire district personnel ratio issue in the FFD. The resident to fire district personnel ratio puts residents' lives in danger also. Marist is unsustainable to the taxpayers in the FFD. The adding of personnel to the district payroll would only add to the already unsustainable burden local taxpaying residents and Marist's neighbors face. The economic benefit to the community Marist portrays does not trickle down to its Fairview neighbors who stagger under the burden of paying for the services Marist benefits from through the FFD. Not one penny of the municipal share of Dutchess County Sales Tax revenues benefit the FFD and thereby the District's Taxpayers.
When tragedy strikes - Marist, it's students and their parents can blame themselves and Timmian Massie, as well as "The Circle" .