JOHN WEISMAN is the current Town of Poughkeepsie PLANNING Board Chairman. JOHN WEISMAN is related to THOMAS WEISMAN. THOMAS WEISMAN is related to MICHAEL CIFONE by marriage. MICHAEL CIFONE is the Current 4th Ward Councilman in the Town of Poughkeepsie. MICHAEL CIFONE is related to the wife of THOMAS WEISMAN - also by marriage. THOMAS WEISMAN's wife is related to STEPHAN KRAKOWER. STEPHAN KRAKOWER is the current 5th Ward Councilman in the Town of Poughkeepsie. STEPHAN KRAKOWER - 5th Ward Councilman - is an absentee landlord for MARIST off-campus student housing at property located in the 4th Ward at 48 Lake Street in Fairview which is represented by his relative by marriage, MICHAEL CIFONE. The Town Board appoints Planning Board Members. JOHN WEISMAN took thousands of dollars in donations to his 2007 campaign for Town Supervisor from developers (and those associated with developers) who recently appeared or will appear before his board for approval of their projects. Click on this link for a full listing! WEISMAN may lose his bid for Supervisor. HOWEVER, remember he will still be Planning Board Chairman and may very well be up for reappointment by his kin who if re-elected will be members of the Town Board. TaEthika's WeBlog on Ethics (Ethiks) has an interesting post by TaEthika: "Political Ethics and Public Office by Dennis Thompson 1987 - Chapter One - “Public officials commit immoral deeds out of greed, the desire for power, or loyalty to family and friends”