Justice vs Injustice

On September 1, 2005. . . . . an ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE was filed in Dutchess County Supreme Court against Richard Saint Angel.  Saint Angel, a member of the so called “Justice Team”, is a candidate for Town of Poughkeepsie Supervisor on the Tax Relief line and is primarying Patricia Myers, the endorsed party candidate, on the Democratic line.  Myers filed to have Saint Angel's Tax Relief Party petitions declared void & his name removed from the general election ballot in November on the Tax Relief line on the grounds that his petition is insufficient, defective, false, fraudulent & invalid. A court date was set for Sept. 7, 2005
Thursday, September 29, 2005 . . . .Respondent Agreed to withdraw his "Tax Relief" nominating petitions for the position of Supervisor and have his name removed from the November Ballot on the Tax Relief Line. [Crime Doesn't Pay!]

Richard Saint Angel Indicted on 323 Felony Counts
Related Story - Read the Weekly Beat Jan. 27, 2006 Article

Poughkeepsie Journal March 31, 2006
A candidate in last year's Poughkeepsie town supervisor race
was sentenced Thursday to a year in jail for submitting falsified nominating petitions, then lying about them to a judge.


Letter to the Editor Submitted to the Poughkeepsie Journal
& Poughkeepsie Weekly Beat
August 24, 2005


First, I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who signed my Democratic nominating petitions for the Town of Poughkeepsie 4th Ward Council Democratic ballot position. I look forward to your support in November.

This said, I will continue by saying "I am outraged and deeply regret the Saint Angel 'Justice Team's' internet publishing of my signed Democratic Party nominating petitions as filed with the Dutchess County Board of Elections." Although I cannot apologize for their UNETHICAL actions, I can express my regret to those who signed my petitions for the INJUSTICE they have suffered.

Being a victim of identity theft myself,  I am outraged because I  readily realize the SECURITY AND IDENTITY THREAT their actions have created. The Saint Angel "Justice Team" (with whom former Supervisor Ann Barcher has aligned herself) should rename themselves the "INJUSTICE TEAM" in order that all can readily see what they really stand for.

Although filed nominating petitions are public record, INTERNET PUBLICATION OF IMAGES OF ORIGINAL SIGNATURES IS UNETHICAL and UNJUST.

I urge all registered Democrats to exercise their right to vote in the upcoming Primary and to consider carefully this lack of ethics on the part of the Saint Angel "INJUSTICE Team" when casting their votes. Make your Primary Vote count for what is right on September 13, 2005. Are you outraged also? Vote for Pat Myers and Theresa Brown. Send a message that in our town we do not stand for INJUSTICE.

Virginia A. Buechele

Poughkeepsie, NY