Ginny's Genealogy Page - Guestbook 10

Name: Nancy
E-mail address:
I am from - County/State: NY/VT
Surnames I am Researching: Baker,Salisbury,DeGroff
Comments: Thanks for the info. on this site- it has been very helpful. We had tried to get some names and dates from an old photo and piece together info from old family stories.
I was wondering if anyone knows the name of the third person listed on the stone of Zaccheus H. Baker in the LaGrange Rural Cemetery? Our old photo shows the letters Albe for the first name and the -er of the last name, which I am assuming is Baker and dates that look like March 5, 187_ ___ 4, 1878(?) the dates in the photo are obscured by a plant my grandmother had placed in front of the stone.
Also, does anyone know if Theodore A. Degroff was related to the Ada DeGroff listed on the Baker stone?
Does anyone know addresses or phone numbers of Historical society etc that might help me in my search? Thanks so much for a great site.
Saturday, July 22nd 2006 - 03:26:56 PM
Name: Tami Moody
E-mail address:
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Dutchess county, NY
Surnames I am Researching: Green, Cummings, Gatewood
Comments: I really like your page. I came acroos it because i was interested in this unsolved crime. My grandmother was 10-years-old at the time and has passed the story onto my mother who later told it to me. My grandmother always though that she and my great-grandparents drove this stranger across the river. She said that he had been hitchhiking and they picked him up. I'm not sure if I fully believe this story...after all she was only 10 and could've been mistaken. However, she did say he was wearing a wool overcoat and talked funny. Anyway..just had to say this was nice to come upon while researching. thanks.
Thursday, July 20th 2006 - 07:54:54 AM
Name: Nancy Fash-McHenry
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Yes
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Holland, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Italy
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Yes
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Santa Clara, CA
Surnames I am Researching: Rosekrans, Van der Bogaert, Mann
Comments: Great- Grandaughter of earliest Dutch Families, Schermerhorn, Van der Bogaert, Swits, Seegers, Palen, Voorhees, Rosekrans and others. Great-Granddaughter of early English and Scottish families Brewster, Mann, Hammond, Stuart, Seymour.
Wednesday, July 19th 2006 - 02:25:16 PM
Name: Ron Bordner
E-mail address:
Surnames I am Researching: Douglas
Comments: I would like to get a copy of the marriage cert for Woody Douglas and Dorathy Anderson. They also had a son in Dutchess County by the name of Woody on July 30, 1933. Thanks
Thursday, July 13th 2006 - 07:07:37 PM
Name: Martha Post
E-mail address:
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Gulnacs-Dates
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Polk, Florida
Surnames I am Researching: Gulnac-Dates
Comments: I have been researching my husband's Gulnac roots and have ended up in Dutchess Co. The name was misspelled Gulineck and Gulneck, but it is Gulnac in his family history. I have gotten back in time to Peter Dates Gulnac born in 1818 and can not determine if Michael Gulineck is his father. I have some clues, the Dates family was listed in the census next to him, but nothing positive yet. I searched your tombstones and appreciate all the hard work you have done on this site. Thank you for letting me visit, Martha Post
Thursday, July 6th 2006 - 02:57:00 PM
Name: P. Sue (Buechele)Blender
E-mail address:
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): germany
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: no, central PA and Phila.
I am from - County/State: Pa
Comments: Hi, my mom's name was Virginia (nee Good) Buechele. Married Michael Buechele,b. 09/20/20. His father was, Walter, born in Phila. Pa in 1900.
I often google the family name and find your web site. I just found the pix you posted and saw some similarities to my father's family members. In addition, you have some of the same names in your family that my ancestors had.

My sister does much more geneology than I and she is more knowledgeable of the family history. If you'd like to contact her I'll provide her e mail address:
She is Nancy Louise (Buechele) Kowalczyk.

Wednesday, July 5th 2006 - 07:54:11 PM
Name: Pat Fiscel
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: N
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Douglas, NE
Surnames I am Researching: Barber, Connolly, Skinner
Comments: A terrific site. Thank you
Monday, July 3rd 2006 - 07:43:10 PM
Name: Elsie Winn
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): ?
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Ontario/NY
Surnames I am Researching: Winne
Comments: My family history takes me back through Isaac Winn born 1758 in Fishkill, to his father, Joseph Winn,(Winne)
Seeking further info on Joseph Winn and family, to learn origin of immigration and more if possible.
Wednesday, June 21st 2006 - 12:01:23 PM
Name: barbara smith
E-mail address:
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): england,scotland,germany
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: y
If Yes - Which Counties: dutchess, putnam, ulster
I am from - County/State: dutchess
Comments: I HAVE alot of info but can't seem tofind anything about my great great mother evelyn "eva " kniffen .Would like to share info with anyone with similar family names
Tuesday, June 20th 2006 - 08:23:45 PM
Name: Barbara Ann Ochs
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Ireland
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Volusia, FL
Surnames I am Researching: Manning
Comments: Hi Ginny, Just thought I'd check to see if any of my Manning ancestors who are buried in Union Cemetary were added to the lists above.
Monday, June 19th 2006 - 12:12:37 PM
Name: Dorothy
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Yes
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): England/Germany
I am from - County/State: Macomb County/ Michigan
Surnames I am Researching: Froh
Comments: My brother in law, George W. Froh served aboard the U.S.S. Bradford during WW II. I am looking for information regarding his tour of duty.
Thursday, June 15th 2006 - 04:02:22 PM
Name: B. Rommel
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): England
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Illinois
Surnames I am Researching: Loveless
Comments: John Loveless immig in ca.l720 to Dutchess Cty. His son Elijah (RW) was born there in 1743. Have researched descendants of Elijah..have no more info about John. Thank you for your work to keep history of America.
Monday, June 12th 2006 - 12:53:44 PM
Name: Frances Ray
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): England, Ireland
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: N
I am from - County/State: New Hanover County, N. C.
Surnames I am Researching: Morton, Collins
Comments: I was going through some papers I had and found this site among them. I was glad to see that it is still up and running.
Thanks for your work,
Saturday, June 10th 2006 - 07:46:19 PM
Name: Vinnie Coonradt
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): england
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Dutchess
Surnames I am Researching: Doty, Devine, Hannan, Holmes, Eggensperger.O'Brien,so far
Comments: Pleased with my hit at the Upton Lake Cemetery. I'm still looking for information on Amelis Doty. Hannans are alson hard to trace back.

Friday, June 9th 2006 - 01:54:38 PM
Name: Betty testa
E-mail address:
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Palmer
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: New York
Surnames I am Researching: Palmer
Comments: Im Reserching Their Johnson Palmer & Diana Merchant
Saturday, May 27th 2006 - 04:07:50 PM
Name: Carol Murray
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Holland
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess, Westchester
I am from - County/State: Canada
Surnames I am Researching: Buckhout/Bookhout
Comments: My ancestors date back to Jan Bocholte who immigrated in 1663 to New Amsterdam with his wife and five children. One of his son's families lived in Westchester County and the other son moved (in subsequent generations) to Dutchess County.

Some family members lived in Fishkill & Beekman. I was hoping to find burials for John Buckhout, d. 1770/1771 in Fishkill, and Peter Buckhout (died about the same time in Fishkill area). But, no luck!

Thanks for all the good work you're doing.
Monday, May 22nd 2006 - 11:26:35 PM
Name: bj Seymour
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Ireland/Bavaria
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess, Putnam, Orange, Westchester
I am from - County/State: Poughkeepsie
Surnames I am Researching: Wixon,Bond,Jackson,Delaney,Cosgrove, McCormick, Newell, Smith, Platz, Senk
Comments: Hi Ginny, Long time no contact. Born in Pok. Currently live in a small fishing village on the rocky coast of Maine - where the sun shines first on American soil. I am soo far North I almost have to speak Canadian.
Love your page! Keep up the good work! Someone HAS to do it! I am pleased and grateful that you are so dedicated!
I, too, have horror stories of mishandling of records. By the way, have the DOWER books ever been saved or preserved?
I saw them in the vault in the late 60's. When I inquired as to how many dower books they had, I was told there were no dower books. I shudder each time I remember.
Keep up the good work. I shall endeavor to visit you on a more regular basis.
With kindest personal regards, and many thanks,
Friday, May 19th 2006 - 05:50:38 PM
Name: Donald Lamont
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: yes
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Scotland
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: probably not
If Yes - Which Counties: Colunbia
I am from - County/State: New Zealand
Surnames I am Researching: Lamont, Archibald
Comments: Please keep up this valuable work.
God Bless.
Monday, May 15th 2006 - 08:31:02 AM
Name: Anne Dorn
E-mail address:
I am from - County/State: dutchess, NY
Surnames I am Researching: Dorn, William
Comments: My husbands family were from Hyde Park. I lived in Hyde Park from 1951 until 1976
Thursday, May 11th 2006 - 08:47:36 PM
Name: Harry Lee, Sr.
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Ireland
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess-Thompkins
I am from - County/State: DC
Surnames I am Researching: Barnett, Chamberlain, Leonard, Lee
Comments: I read every signer in your Dreambook, And was surprised to come accross a member of the Lee family of Dutchess County, NY who I emailed. I have to say what a great site you have and I enjoyed visiting. I will be back to check in the future.

Thanks and best regards, Harry
Sunday, May 7th 2006 - 12:11:43 PM
Name: Ginny Northrup
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Germany
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: ?
I am from - County/State: Franklin/Ohio
Surnames I am Researching: Stock, Sommer
Thursday, May 4th 2006 - 03:33:16 PM
Name: Ray C. Wilde
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Benjamin Wilde
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): England
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Dutchess CO
If Yes - Which Counties: Poughkeepsie and Fishkill
I am from - County/State: WI
Surnames I am Researching: Benjamin and Mary Wilde
Comments: I believe they are from the dutch reformed church,
possible buried in Fishkill. Came from England in 1840's.
We would like to find their gravesite, coming to NY the end of June, 2006. great.great.great grandson Ray
Sunday, April 30th 2006 - 11:57:05 PM
Name: Judson E Vickery III
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Yes
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): England, Ireland
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Yes
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Cortland , New York
Surnames I am Researching: Vickery, Coon
Comments: Hi
I am looking for information about Kenneth and Gretchen Coon, I found their names in my Grandfather written year book dated 1967. I found they had went to rest later. I believe they are connected to my family. Thank You for providing the hard work on this site. I,along with my Bush cousins, put cemeteries on the web from here in central New York Jud V
Sunday, April 23rd 2006 - 08:59:36 PM
Name: Joyce Grant Fesler
E-mail address:
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Onondaga, NY
Surnames I am Researching: GRANT, BENEDICT
Comments: My ggggrandfather was Richard Grant born in Dutchess county about 1783;
he married Rebecca Benedict and by the 1820 census they were in Lenox,
Madison county, NY with about 8 children. My John Benedict Grant was born
1804; some of his siblings were Nathan, Barney, Alexander, Henry, Amari, Eunice,
Alvin and Meltiah.
This family later moved to Hastings, Oswego county, New York and are
found on the 1850 census there.
Does anyone have anything on Richard Grant or Rebecca
Benedict? Census report indicates Richard was born in
Dutchess county but I do not know how long he lived there.
The 1790 census shows two Grant families - James and John.
Thanks for any help. Will gladly share what I have.
Friday, April 21st 2006 - 03:09:27 PM
Name: Cynthia St. Germain
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Ireland/England
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Dutchess/NY
Surnames I am Researching: Ingraham
Comments: My fathers parents and other relatives are buried there. I am just starting to get all the family name. It has been a job.
Thursday, April 20th 2006 - 03:02:19 PM
Name: Jane Knox
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Ireland
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess Westchester
I am from - County/State: Fairfield, Connecticut
Surnames I am Researching: Knox and Roulston
Comments: There are nine of my relatives in Stormville living together in 1910 and they are nowhere to be found in the 1920 and 1930 census records. I am looking for Margaret Roulston Knox and William A Knox and their sons, George and William H. I am looking for Margaret's parents, Elizabeth and James Roulston and her brother, William Roulston. William Roulston may have moved to Poughquag and had something to do with an orchard.

I would appreciate any ideas you might have. Thank you.
Best wishes, Jane Knox
Monday, April 17th 2006 - 12:48:55 AM
Name: Kathleen Esche
E-mail address:
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Litchfield, CT
Surnames I am Researching: Chase, McNamara, Howland, Thorpe
Comments: My father's grandmother was from Dover, NY and their family crossed into Kent, CT. I've made the trip up to that area with him and we had fun finding a farm he used to visit as a kid.

Thanks for your work,

Sunday, April 16th 2006 - 03:27:43 PM
Name: Lynda LeMay
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): England, Germany, Poland, N. Ireland
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Olmsted MN
Surnames I am Researching: Carman, Dean, Thorne, Weeks, Titus, Germond
Comments: Hi Ginny, I'm just doing my periodic check of your website.
Hoping to soon get the name of John Thorne Carman's mother. His father was Phineas Carman of Milan and Northeast. Quakers
I'll post that family info as soon as I get it.

Nice to see John's brother James Carman's family listed in your cemetery section. Found other brother William in the cemetery in Pine Plains.
Saturday, April 8th 2006 - 03:19:47 AM
Name: Kathy Jelen-Stoutenburg
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
I am from - County/State: USA
Surnames I am Researching: Stoutenburg-Gannon
Sunday, April 2nd 2006 - 06:49:01 AM
Name: Sharon Marcotte
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: yes
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): not sure
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: yes
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Michigan
Surnames I am Researching: JEWELL
Comments: I liked your site very much and appreciate your dedication. I noticed that you have Jewells in your very impressive Surname list and would be delighted to hear from you about Daniel Jewell b. 1776. Thank you
Monday, March 27th 2006 - 02:39:15 PM
Name: Lauren Schulenberg
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Ireland
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: NY
Surnames I am Researching: Davis, Dubois
Comments: Came upon your site and just wanted to say Thank You to you for all your efforts in preserving the Dutchess County History and records!
I am researching William & Margaret Davis of Pleasant Valley (in 1860 Census). William was a Moulder who worked in Poughkeepsie on Delafield St. Not sure where he was born and looking for any info.
Wednesday, March 22nd 2006 - 09:12:01 PM
Name: ginny gratis
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): ireland
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: n
If Yes - Which Counties: manhattan
I am from - County/State: ulster, ny
Surnames I am Researching: kilkenny, meehan
Comments: Very nice tribute to your family.
Monday, March 20th 2006 - 11:12:31 AM
Name: fran
E-mail address:
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Columbia cty., NY
Surnames I am Researching: Pells
Comments: Looking for info on John L. Pells, born 1904 in Copake, NY to John H Pells and Belle Tanner. He had a sister Florence B. Pells who married my husbans's grandfater. Last we heard (in about 1974) Uncle John was living in Poughkeepsie. He died in 1982 in Butler, Ohio. We are unaware of any connections In Ohio. Anyone out there have any info on this person? It would be very much appreciated.
Saturday, March 18th 2006 - 05:01:11 PM
Name: C.J.Sheldon
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: yes
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Eng;Wales;Holl;Fr;Ger ;
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: [Quaker]SMITH;VAIL;HATFIELD AND Sarah[ unk];BROWN;HARRIS;SHERMAN;CAUSTON;FAUNCE
If Yes - Which Counties: West. ans Duch.
I am from - County/State: Cortland,Cortland Co.,NYS
Comments: Dear Ginny,This is my first time to visit your site. My original purpose was to find information on along-ago Dentist from your area. Perhaps you can help with this.
From 'The Sunday Courier' of Poughkeepsie dated Mar.07,1911 is an OBIT. for a Charles K.BARLOW.Age 62.States that he began his practice in Fishkill Landing until 1877 [when I suppose fe went to Poughkeepsie].He would have been born in /about 1849.
A half-brother was Myron K.BARLOW, 'Several brothers and sisters'-quote.He also was a Mason-which might provide a local clue there if there are Masons still locally.
I am trying to discover more on this BARLOW family as there is a SMITH connection I am following up on.
Also, I am telling you Thanks for the kinds of information you have on your site, The persistence with which you 'dogged; the county historian issue was impressive to me because my sister Barbara Bell is the Schuyler County Historian for many years.Also, for about 40+ years- Historian for the Village of Reading,NY near Watkins Glen,NY.

And, she has to fight for every nickel of support,too!It has ranged from 3-4 hundred to maybe $1500. a year. I do not know exactly. But, she has worked long and faithfully there on behalf of that county as do many Historians.
C.J.Sheldon in Thousand Oaks, CA.many years now
Thursday, March 16th 2006 - 01:45:47 PM
E-mail address: WLISTWAN@AOL.COM
I am from - County/State: PUTNAM NY
Surnames I am Researching: KNAPP
Comments: My wife and I purchased a home which we were told was the Knapp home, it sates back to 1751 and we are trying to get some information into the history of the family and our home. The Historical Society up here in Kent is not much help
Monday, March 13th 2006 - 06:24:15 PM
E-mail address: JMELIJOHN@AOL.COM
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: NJ
Surnames I am Researching: PERKINS
Saturday, March 11th 2006 - 02:37:53 PM
Name: Melissa
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Germany ?
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Putnam
I am from - County/State: Onondaga/NY
Surnames I am Researching: Robinson, Knopp
Comments: I am looking for information on Edith Robinson and Charles Knopp, they were married in Putnam County and I lose Charles before that. He came from some where in Germany around 1880 and was married to Edith in 1910. Edith died in 1918. Any help would be great.
Saturday, March 11th 2006 - 01:37:50 PM
Name: joseph connelly
E-mail address:
I am from - County/State: scotland
Comments: very good site my grandfather was born in ireland
before he came to glasgow .
Friday, March 10th 2006 - 03:28:27 PM
Name: Leslie Carlson
E-mail address:
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Miami County Kansas
Surnames I am Researching: Mosher, Macomber, Deuel, Wilbor, Tobias, Weekes, Story
Comments: It seems that most of my ancestors came from the Massachusetts and Rhode Island area to Dutchess County. Then the Weekes and Story's came from Oyster Bay and North Carolina. All of them were Quakers and finding records in Dutchess County I have found to be hard at least for me. 20 years ago I lived in New Fairfield, Ct and was not interested in genealogy, came out to Kansas and joined DAR and haven't stopped investigating the past. I would love to find out why the Moshers, Macombers, Deuels (Davol) picked up stakes in the New England area, and came to Dutchess county and then all of sudden moved to Grand Isle Vermont. Then there is my great great grandfather Alfred Homans Smiley and his twin Albert Keith Smiley who come to Minnewaska and built the most beautiful hotels (which are gone now). They are both buried in the Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery. I hope you can preserve many of Dutchess Counties treasures.
Monday, March 6th 2006 - 12:46:28 AM
Name: Candy Ashley
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): England
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Putnam & Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Ohio
Surnames I am Researching: Ketcham/Ketchum
Comments: Noticed that there was a reference to Mary Ketchum/Ketcham, wife of Jacob Barton. Interested in knowing more about their descendants. I am descended from Mary's brother, Isaac Austin.
Tuesday, February 14th 2006 - 04:11:20 PM
Name: major general vernon oliver harmon
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: n
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: dutchess
I am from - County/State: new york ny
Surnames I am Researching: harmon
Comments: excellent searching for capt vernon clark harmon, nelson stanley harmon, marjorie popper harmon, arno harmon, francis harmon
Saturday, February 11th 2006 - 04:48:37 PM
Name: rj sackett
E-mail address:
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): england
I am from - County/State: ada,idaho
Surnames I am Researching: sackett
Friday, February 10th 2006 - 02:52:38 AM
Name: Annelise Rust
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): France
I am from - County/State: Born-Poughkeepsie-Now in Oakland Co., MI
Surnames I am Researching: Estephe
Comments: My family on my Mothers side have some history there in Millerton, but I can not find anything on my Mother who was at one time, at 10 yrs. old (1920)with her Mother (Ann or Anna T. Estephe)and my Grandmother, had a Milliner store in a Inn. And Mom use to refer to it as The Millerton Inn. They were both buried there in Millerton, but I can't seem to find out what Cemetery. I think from memory that there was a church or a small building right where they where buried. I wish I knew my Grandmothers maiden name. I hope you find out anything--anything would be so wonderful! Thank you---frustrated in Oakland!!!
Monday, February 6th 2006 - 06:51:02 PM
Name: Roy Jorgensen
E-mail address:
I am from - County/State: Dutchess Co., NY
Comments: Hi Ginny,

Your site is great. It's the first time I have been through it. I WILL be up for those tax books !!!

Roy Jorgensen
Tuesday, January 31st 2006 - 04:21:07 PM
Name: Richard Holt
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): England
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Schenectady,NY
Surnames I am Researching: Holt,Dolson,Wilson
Comments: Thanks for this list!
Sunday, January 29th 2006 - 09:31:02 PM
Name: Charles Feulner
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y?
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Ireland, Germany
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess County
I am from - County/State: Dutchess County
Surnames I am Researching: Feulner
Comments: Hi,
My family and I moved to California in 1977 after living in Dutchess County from 1955 to 1974. Actually, my father, Richard Allen Feulner, who was born in The Bronx in 1931, lived in Dutchess County from about 1938 to 1974.
I could give you a fair amount of information (if you'd want it) about my immediate family, but I only know a little about my grandparents on my father's side and nothing about my grandparents on my mother's side. My father lived on Pumkin Lane and Myers Corners Rd. from 1938 until 1951. Long story.
Anyway, it's strange, I have lived in California for almost thirty years, though I still love visiting beautiful Dutchess County as often as I can, and I got into a discussion with someone about unsolved murders in general (I'm a criminal justice student as San Franciso City College) and one thing led to another and he mentioned about "an unsolved murder of a family from 1930 in Dutchess County" and I just started to do some research on the Net about it. It was a very, very strange conversation...probably nothing to it. I do not even know this person's name. Anway, I tried to do some research on it on the Net, and found your site. It is very, very interesting.
It's funny. My family built a house on Old Sylvan Lake Road and what was then called Arthursburg Road in 1963. After visiting this summer, I think it's now called route...something. In CA there are no "routes"; it's all, "highway this and highway that". In the article on the Germond family murders, it was interesting to see the name "Pulling" and "Arthursburg" associated with people and not roads. Truth is, I have found out, between looking at sattelite and arial photos on Google.Earth and general Net searching, more about the history Dutchess County then I ever knew when I was living there from 1959 to 1974.
In any event, the article was very, very interesting. I had never heard of those murders when I lived in Dutchess County over twenty years. And a ride on a Bay Area Rapid Transit train, and I'm sitting next to a man in his sixties who seemed to know a lot about it! Strange world. Anyway, it is very interesting.


Charles Feulner

Saturday, January 21st 2006 - 07:44:15 PM
Name: susan
E-mail address:
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: yes
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: born in Poughkeepise
Surnames I am Researching: Gray, Johnson, Klosset, Bungert,Bucholz, Adams
Comments: The Gary and Johnson side is Clovevally, Pleasant Valley, Wingdale, Drove plain, Kingston, Fishkill, Ulster, Poughkeepsie, Amenia, Union Vale, Highpark. Francis Gray,
Nancy Gray kids was Vincent Perry,HEllen, Francis and Nancy are my ggg grandpa and grand ma, Vicent was my gg grandpa, VINCENT Wife Percetia kids was Ida, Harrison,Calvin. Harrison is my g grandpa and marry Ida Adam kids was Pearl Bell 11-3-1911, Virgil about 1910 and twin boy name Clarence and Gerald that was give up for adopted out because Ida Adams Gray die giving birth to the twins about 1920 Harrison could not take care on his own adopted to a family in CA. Harrison Grey marry Mary Mackintair had Viola born about 1930, Helen 10-13-1932, Vince born about 1929, Arthur born about 1933.Pearl was my grandma she marry Clarence Johnson 2-1-1941 had Edna was born 12-15-1938, then Irene was born 11-08-1941, Viola Ann born 10-30-1946. Clarence Johnson dad was George E His wife, Mary J., was born in Wisconsin, as were sons Shedrick,George, William ,Clarence.all Johnson If anyone can help with any more Please let me know. Viola Ann Johnson is my mom she marry Ronald Klosset my dad.

Thursday, January 19th 2006 - 05:19:48 PM
Name: Betty Smith
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Columbia
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: y
If Yes - Which Counties: Columia
I am from - County/State: Houston/Georgia
Surnames I am Researching: Vining
Comments: John Vining lived at the Shaker Village in New Lebanon, Columbia Co, NY. Died 29 Sep 1827; wife Rachel died 10 Nov 1821. Both buried at Shaker East Family Cemetery in New Lebanon.
An area historian told me the cemetery was being restored.
I haven't been able to verify the parents of these two individuals, my 4 great grandparents.
I live too far away to visit the cemetery.
Betty Smith
Wednesday, January 18th 2006 - 11:38:31 PM
Name: Lydia Anderson (Bahret)
E-mail address:
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Germany,France
I am from - County/State: San Dimas,CA
Surnames I am Researching: Bahret
Comments: I am just trying to do a little research on my family ancestry. If you have anything to help with this let me know.
Sunday, January 15th 2006 - 10:48:47 PM
Name: manuel dominguez
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
I am from - County/State: Spain
Comments: When i live in NY i take care the Teilhard grave in you can see some picture,i cleand the snow, put flawers etc etc thanks very much for these web
Sunday, January 15th 2006 - 06:23:53 AM
Name: Earle W. Cummings
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: yes
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Scotland
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: CA
Surnames I am Researching: Cummings
Comments: I'm a retired bureaucrat, and enjoy poking a nose into government affairs. I enjoy your page, even though I'd pick some different fights.

Only tracked the line back to Dutchess County this year, and the stupid thing is, I was raised in Rockland County, just across the Hudson. At the time, my interest in family history was nil. We grow too soon old, and too late smart. Wish I'd known 40-50 years ago I'd be looking there now.
Saturday, January 14th 2006 - 11:57:03 PM
Name: Jacquelyn B. Hall
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: N
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dut; West
I am from - County/State: Santa Clara, CA
Surnames I am Researching: Bleecker
Comments: Visited 13 Jan 2006
Friday, January 13th 2006 - 10:43:51 AM
Name: Gordon Myers
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Samuel Myers
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): ?
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Samuel Myers
If Yes - Which Counties: ?
I am from - County/State: Bucks Co Pa.
Surnames I am Researching: Myers,Myrick,Pinkham,Miller,Freer
Comments: Just a note to say thanks...You are the only one that may be able to help me...I am looking for a Samuel Myers who maried a Catherine Freer in 1789 in Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co. N.Y.
I know all of there children but what i don't know is Just who were Samuel Myers parents...From a Mariage paper from the Reformed Church there i Poughkeepsie was written "Born in Harlem"...I was told that he may have lived in Beckman or New Hackensack...I did try to contack people in the churches but never found any reply.. Again thanks for you great pages of information...keep up the great work that you do...With our very best regards and wish you a great New Year ahead..
Thursday, January 5th 2006 - 03:11:44 PM
Name: Debra Winchell
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Too many to list
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: NY
Surnames I am Researching: Too many to list
Comments: Your surnames are very interesting. I see much history in them. Did some of your people live in the Berkshires? I have been researching family there and I wonder about your Weeks and your Witbeck. Do you possibly have information about Native American families? I have some lines that were. I also have a Jane Hoyt from Ghent who married John Snyder and I'm trying to place them.
We have definite connections through Quaker ancestors in Dutchess County. I didn't look through all your surnames, but I saw Austin, Reynolds and Palmer. Possibly we connect through Boice. Our Bogarduses may be related too. My ancestress was Anneke Jans who was married to Everard Bogardus, but I descend from her first marriage. Thank you for sharing your work.
Thursday, December 22nd 2005 - 07:18:27 PM
Name: S. James
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Ulverston,England
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Northern England, UK
Surnames I am Researching: Beckenham/ Smith
Comments: My G uncle and his family arrived in 1911, setttling in Millbrook. William Beckenham was a painter and decorator.
His daughter Beatrice married Harry Hart Smith and had two children. Nancy Ann and 1939 and Jeffrey 1940/41. I am seeking information on this family.
My thanks for a great site. Sue.
Tuesday, December 13th 2005 - 08:01:19 PM
Name: Sergej Brin
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): USA
I am from - County/State: Sergej Brin
Surnames I am Researching: Sergej Brin
Comments: Very good site! I like it! I just wanted to pass on a note to let you know what a great job you have done with this site..Thanks!
Tuesday, December 13th 2005 - 06:16:14 AM
Name: Shelley Breslin
E-mail address:
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Scotland,Ireland,England,Poland
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: none
I am from - County/State: Oklahoma
Surnames I am Researching: Bruce,Condon,Sloaminski (Sloan)
Comments: I enjoyed reading some of the information you have collected. What turned me to your website was the front page story in the Pok Journal (11/27). I'm sure I'll be visiting again soon.

By the way, the ancestors I'm most interested in looking for are the Bruces from Scotland, the Condons from somewhere, who I believe participated in the Oklahoma land run, and the Trelfalls from England.

Sunday, November 27th 2005 - 12:55:40 PM
Name: William Morrison
E-mail address:
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Alpena/MI
Surnames I am Researching: Sage
Comments: Hi Ginny,

What a wonderful site - it is obvious that you have spent many hours/days/weeks/months worth of research to arrive at where you are today.

You are a great help to those of us researching this area for our ancestors.

A BIG thank you for your contribution.

William Morrison
Saturday, November 19th 2005 - 08:23:31 AM
Name: Donna Fratesi
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: yes
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Ireland
If Yes - Which Counties: Erie
Surnames I am Researching: Conley
Comments: My ggrandfather was William Conley, born Ireland circa 1828, died in Buffalo in either a wagon factory or a barrel factory owned by a relative. His cousin was John Conley, a captain in the Buffalo Police. Does anyone have these Conley's/Connelly's in their line?

Wednesday, November 9th 2005 - 09:24:14 PM
Name: Dave Ingram
E-mail address:
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: y
If Yes - Which Counties: Columbia Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Utah
Surnames I am Researching: Finch
Comments: If anyone has Finch Information and especially sources, I would be very interested
Sunday, November 6th 2005 - 07:23:02 PM
Name: Nancy Lee Badger
E-mail address:
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Lee
Surnames I am Researching: Lee
Comments: I visited long ago and wish I had taken the time to write down the inscriptions on my relative's stones! I only took a couple of dark photos so cannot read them. My family is Brownell Lee who served in Civil War, and his son and family Weston Lee. Hope to get back there someday, but we are in mid-New Hampshire. If you know of anyone who can send me the inscriptions, please pass along my e-mail. Thanks and congrats on a great web-site!

P.S. We sent money so they could replace the Hydrangea Bush next to his stone...that was about 1990. A beautiful cemetery, but we noticed his bush was scrawny. So happy they would do that for us!

Friday, October 28th 2005 - 09:27:28 PM
Name: Brenda Craig
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Witherell/Chaimberlain
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): England?
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Dutchess,Sharon,Ct
If Yes - Which Counties: Duchess
I am from - County/State: Mason Co, Illinois
Surnames I am Researching: Witherell,Chaimberlain, Lane, Otto
Comments: Elisha and Mary Witherell had nine children. They lived in Amenia, N.Y and Sharon, Ct. They were my great great grandparents. There children were Mary, Moses, Morris, Milo,Marilla, Martha,Maria,Maybelle,Myra. They were from these areas. Thank You
Tuesday, October 25th 2005 - 08:05:56 PM
Name: Preston Sisk
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Holland, Italy, Ireland, Germany
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: y
If Yes - Which Counties: all
I am from - County/State: Chowan, NC
Surnames I am Researching: Degroff, Schureman
Sunday, October 23rd 2005 - 07:39:33 PM
Name: Gary S. Bahret
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Germany, England, Scotland, Wales, Canada
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Sarasota/FL
Surnames I am Researching: Bahret
Comments: Love the site. Been to the cemetary to view ancestors markers. Grandparents and great grandparents, uncles, aunts etc buried there.
Wednesday, October 19th 2005 - 06:29:12 PM
Name: a great(relativly) grandson
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: ?
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Ireland, England, Holland, Ulster, France, Prussia
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: yes
If Yes - Which Counties: Westchester, Putnam, & Dutchess
I am from - County/State: New York State and County
Surnames I am Researching: Rogers et al
Comments: It was a pleasure to view your web site of St. James Church graves. My great grandfather was Rae Haversham Rogers who died January 06, 1935 and is supposed to have been buried in St. James Cemetary. You didn't list him but I understand how you might only have just so much time in the day to devote to trudging around grave yards. It was still very interesting to gleam some more information about my Rogers ancestors...well done!
Going through old family papers I noticed poor old Rae's burial costs amounted to over 50 percent of the value of his estate(remember this was the depression) so I certainly hope he got his moneys worth!
Well, again, good job and happy hunting,
Saturday, October 15th 2005 - 10:00:34 AM
Name: Mary Ann Sexton
E-mail address:
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess, Long Island
I am from - County/State: Matagorda County, TX
Surnames I am Researching: Tompkins, Woolsey, Dean, etc.
Comments: I have enjoyed your web site. Am trying to trace my greats several times back, GABRIEL TOMPKINS and wife PHOEBE/PHEBE JONES. Am having a hard time as their seems to be lots of Gabriels and Phebes. My 2nd/3rd great Alfred Garrett their son was born in 1812 in Dutchess Co., NY His obit says he lived there for 21 years with his family before he decided to see something of the world.
I will keep searching.
Friday, October 14th 2005 - 05:28:07 PM
Name: Stephen Lewis Scofield
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): English/German
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Onondaga/NY
Surnames I am Researching: Clay,Merrit,Lewis,Scofield,Pasch,Giddings
Comments: Born and raised Town of Pok.My Great Grandfather was Charles M Clay (Clay's gas and oil). He and Great Grandmother(Carrie Lewis), had one of the largest mansions on Hooker Ave., which is now a church.The entire Clay family are now lying in Pok. Cemetary including mother Barbara and father Norman F M Scofield. Grandfather Henry Clay and Florence Clay.My mother's best friend was Ginny Walsh. My high school friend and school mate was Bill Steinhaus, Co. Exec
Saturday, October 8th 2005 - 04:37:33 PM
Name: Allen White
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Prob. England
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Pennsylvania
Surnames I am Researching: Rider
Comments: Reuben Rider married a "Prudence" in Dutchess Co. Is there a source that might mention her last name?
Sunday, October 2nd 2005 - 08:56:10 AM
Name: Dave Nelson
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): John Nelson ENG
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: West.,Dutch.,Putnam, Herkimer, Oneida, Greene
I am from - County/State: Colorado
Surnames I am Researching: Nelson, Smith, Churchill, Cronk; Hall, Law, Rider, Brockett
Monday, September 19th 2005 - 04:32:37 PM
Name: Margaret Foster
E-mail address:
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Iowa
Surnames I am Researching: Cornwell/Cornel/Mayhew/Mahue
Comments: Information of a son in an 1891 History of Peoria County, IL gives information that does not work out time wise. And everyone has left Dutchess county by 1832 or so, presumably to Monroe county NY but cannot find them there in later census. Sons Solomon and Ethan A Cornwell died in Illinos. Son Morris Cornwell died in California. Smith Cornwell probably died in NY. Four daughters - Charlotte is my line and she died in childbirth in Illinois,Fanny is supposed to be in Grand Rapids , MI in 1890 where the mother died at her home. Two other daughters Lucinda and
Emma were probably married but have no idea to whom .
Wednesday, September 14th 2005 - 07:50:52 PM
E-mail address:
Homepage URL: http://windows/
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): england
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: y
If Yes - Which Counties: putman & dutchess
I am from - County/State: dutchess,n.y.
Surnames I am Researching: wilson
Comments: i am searching for hannah & jacob wilson..jacob came from england about 1819-20;born abt 1791, and hannah was born in new york state abt 1790..i found her in the 1850 census in dutchess county, fishkill,n.y. but so far have found out nothing else after extensive searching..according to my relatives hannah was a mohawk indian..any information would be appreciated..connie
Tuesday, September 13th 2005 - 09:02:58 AM
Name: Mrs. Diana Alverson
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Holland
I am from - County/State: Newnan, GA
Surnames I am Researching: Alverson, Beers
Comments: Thanks for doing so much copying and put on the web for others. I enjoyed reading all the names and dates and seeing the photo of the cemetary.
Tuesday, September 6th 2005 - 04:52:45 PM
Name: Lary Van Dyke
E-mail address:
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Netherlands
If Yes - Which Counties: Albany, Columbia, Greene
Surnames I am Researching: Van Dyke
Comments: I am doing research for both my self and for some other Van Dykes that came from the Greene County, Columbia County, and Albany County area.
Wednesday, August 24th 2005 - 08:49:35 PM
Name: Maurice Carlson, Jr.
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: 1791-1960
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): france
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: yes
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess,Fishkill
I am from - County/State: Michigan
Surnames I am Researching: LaDue,LaDeaux,LaDu
Comments: Research looking for info on William LaDeaux(sp) b. 1759 d. 1824 Fishkill Plot #3 Fishkill Rural Cemetary.
Married Elizabeth Swartout. Served as a Captain in a brigade in the Revolutionary War under Jacobus Swartout. The will of William might be found in Dutchess County Book G page 113 ( Help me find this?) They had nine children.
Saturday, August 20th 2005 - 09:46:41 PM
Name: Maurice Clair Carlson, Jr.
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: 1721-??
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): france
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: yes
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Michigan
Surnames I am Researching: LaDeux,LaDue
Comments: Hello- I inherited a family history from my father, Maurice C. Carlson, and his sister-in-law Ragna was researching the LaDue side of our family ( my maternal grandmother's) If you have any information on our La Due side of the family, I will be very very grateful! Or, perhaps you would have knowledge of how I could go about obtaining any old records? I do know that we can trace our family back to the late 1600's. At least that's the information I have received. Thanks for a GREAT website! M.Carlson
Saturday, August 20th 2005 - 09:37:03 PM
Name: Jack Meade
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: 1600-1960
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): England/Holland
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Sebastian Sommers Meade
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Reno, Nevada
Surnames I am Researching: Meade
Comments: I am the last descendent of the Meade family who resided
on both sides of the Hudson River from Tarrytown to Pough-
keepsie for 300 years. They left England for Holland due religious persecution and then immigrated to the New World
in the early 1700s arriving in the NYC area.
My grandparents, Sebastian Sommers Meade and Ella Mae Brad-
bury Meade are buried in the Fishkill Rural Cemetary. My
grandfather died on July 20, 1946 and my grandmother died
a few years later
Saturday, August 20th 2005 - 01:51:27 PM
Name: Teresa (Terry) Beck Knapp
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Germany
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Dutchess
Surnames I am Researching: Charles and Elizabeth Beck
Comments: I grew up in Poughkeepsie near Vassar. My dad was an apple grower with a produce market and a great Cider Mill. (Beck's Farm Market) I hear the farm on Salt Point Road is becoming a park. My grandparents are buried at Poughkeepsie rural since the 1960's. The family (Charles F. Becks) sold and moved to Texas in 1968. I was searching the farm land and found a Beck Road and Beck Park in Hyde Park (?) around the corner from the old farm. Do you know anything about any of us or the park? PS brother Roscoe Beck, (Overlook grade and Arlington Jr. high--as Charles L. Beck) is a famous bass player with a signature Fender Bass.
Thursday, August 11th 2005 - 04:53:24 PM
Name: Judy Mayhew Wylie
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Yes
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): England?
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Yes
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Hancock Co,ME
Surnames I am Researching: Mayhew
Comments: Your website is so well done - what an amazing amount of work you've accomplished! I so enjoyed the cemetery listings with their "reverant" touch - even if I didn't find my relatives. Ebenezer Mayhew is listed in the 1790 census for Amenia with 4 males and 3 females and also served in Vandenburgh's 5th Regiment during the Revolutionary War. Oliver Mayhew is listed in Stanford in 1810 with 3 boys and 2 girls. I believe these are my gggg grandfather and my ggg grandfather. Oliver relocated to the Owego, Tioga Co,. NY area where I find him and his family from 1850 on. Any info on this family would be so appreciated, and any info that I might have I would gladly share.
Thursday, August 11th 2005 - 07:46:45 AM
Name: gene katke
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): ireland
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: y
If Yes - Which Counties: dutchess
I am from - County/State: usa/oregon
Surnames I am Researching: Reilly/Riley, Farley, Clinton, Culligan, Flanigan
Comments: My family seems to have been centered around Amenia, NY. Most of two generations are buried there. Great great grandparents and family immigrated about 1850-58 from Ireland but I have found no records on this so far. (too early for Ellis Island) Have visited Amenia and think it is a lovely area. Very impressed with your web site and the amount of work it must have taken. Cheers, Gene.
Wednesday, August 3rd 2005 - 01:22:52 AM
Name: Jackie Ryerson
E-mail address:
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Fl
Surnames I am Researching: Ryerson, Francis
Comments: I am looking for the parents/siblings of Stephen Ryerson b. 2-9-1763 in Dutchess Co.
Thursday, July 21st 2005 - 05:38:39 PM
Name: Peter McGurk
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Scotland, Ireland, England, Poland
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: MA
Surnames I am Researching: Ridings, Greene, MacPhail, Crum, Gilmour, Colquhoun, McGurk, Trimble, Cyran, Frodyma
Comments: Ancesters lived in and near Wappingers Falls. Greene's and Ridings' came from near Manchester, England (Clitheroe and Great Harwood) between 1840-1850. Thomas Ridings Jr served with 57th NYS Inf Co K from Aug 26 1861 until KIA June 1 1862 at the battle of Fair Oaks (Seven Pines) VA. Greenes moved to Warwick (Apponaug) RI around 1870. Can find no trace of Ridings in Poughkeepsie after 1880. Please contact me if you have any possible further info.

Great web site!
Monday, July 18th 2005 - 06:12:53 PM
Name: Donna Leap
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Germany
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Clay,, MO
Surnames I am Researching: Bahret
Comments: I am related to the Bahret's my ancestor was Jacob Freidrick Bahret born in Germany 1849. He died in Kansas City, MO in 1920 and is burried in Elmwood Cemetary. His parents were Jakob and Louise Gottlieben Enz. Jakob Sr was born in 1823
Sunday, July 17th 2005 - 07:03:16 PM
Name: Valerie
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): unk
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Virginia
Surnames I am Researching: Mosher/Sturdevant
Comments: Hello, I am looking for any record of my ancestor James Harvey Mosher as listed below. I have found proof back to # 8 as listed below: James H. Mosher and Rebecca Sturdevant.

I cannot find proof of his father (#4) or his mother (#7). Do you have any records of marriage licenses etc??? Any info at all would be very much appreciated!

# 4 James Harvey Mosher (#4) born about 1791; died about ? married Rachel Mosher (#7) died about 1850 in the vicinity of Dutchess Co. NY. They had the following children.

+8 James H. Mosher born in 1821


#8 James H. Mosher married Rebecca Sturtavant in 1839, she was born in 1820 and was one year older than James; they had the following children:

+9Andrew Mosher
+10 Rachel Mosher
+11 Merritt Mosher
+12 Phoebe Jane Mosher
+13 Jackson Mosher
+14 Charles E. Mosher (my g-g-grandfather)
+15 Aaron Mosher

He also married Mary Jane Carter in 1868 and they had the following children:

+16 Edna Mosher
+17 Hattie Mosher
+18 Harvey Mosher
+19 Lewis Mosher

Friday, July 15th 2005 - 12:35:15 PM
Name: Esther Griffin
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Scotland to ireland to USA
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Broome,NY
Surnames I am Researching: McNeil, Van Schoonhoven etc.
Comments: Lovely site. I know of ancestors buried in PRC, but apparently no stones. Are there any early cemetery records there?
Wednesday, July 13th 2005 - 07:29:56 PM
Name: Ginny Stas
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Belgium, Ireland
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Plymouth,
Surnames I am Researching: Stas, Lynch
Comments: Antoine Stas (g.g.grandfather of my husband) was chef at Vassar College. Only as a note of interest
Charles Lynch Sr. and Jr. (My father and his) had shoe factory in Poughkeepsie. Later move to Brockton, MA (1919)
Looking for marriage dates of Antoine Stas and Annie Fox.Circa 1878.
Saturday, July 9th 2005 - 04:29:29 PM
Name: Cynthia St. Germain
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Yes
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): England
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: New York
Surnames I am Researching: Ingraham
Comments: Both of my fathers parents are buried at Poughkeepsie rural. But you have not got to that area of the cemetary yet. If you do let me know
Saturday, July 2nd 2005 - 09:07:15 PM
Name: Virginia Moshier
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Germany, England, France, Nicaragua, Ireland, panama, and maybe more
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: y
If Yes - Which Counties: Montgomery, Fulton, and Herkimer so far
I am from - County/State: originally Herkimer, New York
Surnames I am Researching: anyone Linked to Moshier/Mosher and Chesley
Comments: I found this site by a google search for the surname Mosher and found some Mosher and Knapp (which ties in somewhere) and am hoping they are linked to me.
Thursday, June 30th 2005 - 05:02:31 PM
Name: Alfred S. Conley
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Ireland
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Putnam
I am from - County/State: Ocean, New Jersey
Surnames I am Researching: Conley, Smith, Welch,Hawkes
Comments: My paternal grandfather was William Harold Conley of Putnam County, Cold Spring, New York late of England, born in Ireland, county unknown. He married Martha Ann Smith Welch, Widow, also of Cold Spring. The 1920 census lists their address as 313 Garden Street. I am unschooled in family genealogy so pardon my awkwardness in the above.
Regards, Al
Thursday, June 30th 2005 - 10:50:52 AM
Name: Carol Hasson
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Germany/Ireland
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Jacksonville Florida
Surnames I am Researching: Seaman
Comments: I am trying to find so info on this family. The 1870 US Census shows them living in Rhinebeck.
John J. Seaman, farm worker age 50 born Germany
Maria/Mary wife, age 41 born Ireland
5 children:
Mary D. age 18
So?lisa age 1?
John J. age 12
Joseph age 9
Sophie age 7

Your website looks great, I have just started researching on it.
Wednesday, June 29th 2005 - 07:52:12 PM
Name: William F. suter
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Netherlands, France, England
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Westchester, & Long Island
I am from - County/State: originally Westchester, now New Haven Co., CT
Surnames I am Researching: Marshall
Comments: Wonderful site--thank you! I have hit a stonewall with Lott Marshall,, d.27Dec.1836, bur. at Friends' Burying Ground, Chappaqua, (Westchester Co.) NY. His son is Willett Marshall 1804-1880, d. at Yorktown, (Westchester) NY. Found in your lists a Willett W. Marshall, d.Jul.21,1867, at 5 mos. Perhaps my Marshalls have a Dutchess County connection???
Tuesday, June 28th 2005 - 05:15:03 PM
Name: Tim LaRose
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Ireland & Canada
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Rensselaer, NY
Surnames I am Researching: LaRose, Odell, Lake, Walsh
Comments: Ginny - Fabulous site, glad you found your Conolly's....Any idea where I could see some historic B&W pics of 79 Union St in Poughkeepsie? I had ancestors owned the 2-story house there from 1892 to 1950's. Apparently, it's gone now? Love you're work, and thank you for your significant contributions to Dutchess Co.......! Tim in Florida
Sunday, June 26th 2005 - 10:27:05 PM
Name: Steve Burns
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Germany
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Dutchess
Comments: I have spent much time in the Pough Rural Cemetary. It is a wonderful tour through time and it is great fun to imagine the lives of these people during their lifespan. I often say the names on the markers outloud, almost as if to invoke their spirit. It is so beautiful there, the landsaping etc. My son and I recently hiked up to the Whittier mausoleum- Wow what a view! The cemetary is a community treasure. I was glad to find your site. Steve Burns
Friday, June 17th 2005 - 06:59:50 PM
Name: Sandra Pottenburgh
E-mail address:
Surnames I am Researching: Pottenburgh, Cashdollar, Lynk
Comments: I really enjoyed going through your marriage lists. I found alot of names that my husband knows. He is going to be 82 in a couple of months and he knows alot of the history of Rhinebeck and the surrounding areas. It is just that we don't have the dates and names of all the ancesttors that we are looking for. If you can help us in any way, we would appreciate it. His family was one of the first to settle the Rhinebeck area. They were Dutch decendents.
Thursday, June 16th 2005 - 12:14:36 AM
Name: ginny merritt Hiesel
E-mail address:
Surnames I am Researching: merritt/lester/kelly
Comments: Ginny this is such a beautiful site thank you for adding Poughkeepsie Rural. My Dad and Grandparents and uncle is buried there too.

Thank you so much
Tuesday, June 14th 2005 - 03:41:23 PM
Name: P Brazee
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: unsure
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: ny
I am from - County/State: Illinois
Surnames I am Researching: Brazee
Comments: First let me say you have a nice web site,I enjoyed it.
I have beening trying to do surname Brazee/Winters.Winters married a William Brazee of Lee,massachusetts ,Ruie Winters Brazee was born New york in 1866 or 1888,do not know what county.I am about to give up after 2 years and no luck.
Friday, June 10th 2005 - 04:55:54 PM
Name: Kellie Simpson
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: possible
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Ireland,England
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: unsure
If Yes - Which Counties: unsure
I am from - County/State: Louisiana
Surnames I am Researching: Wright-Tingue
Comments: I am trying to find info on a Ruth Wright Styrzo. She was to have lived in Cherry Valley,N.Y. as a child.She would have been my grandma.We recently found some disturbing info on my mom's birth cert.Ruth Wright Styrzo's name isn't on it, but she is the one who raised my mother, Joyce born in 1942. We have been told my mother may have been kidnapped or stolen as a baby.Do you know of any Wright's in that area? The name of the mother on the birth cert is Ruth Tingue. Thanks-K.Simpson
Monday, June 6th 2005 - 01:20:24 PM
Name: jane scea
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Germanic Republic,
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Germanic republic
I am from - County/State: Ontario,Canada
Surnames I am Researching: Scea, Parliament,/Berleman/ Fox/ Garnier/Brickman
Comments: I found Scea's in the dutchess co., cemetery and it is a family I am trying to link between Ontario and the United States. Scea is a very uncommon name and usually related somehow.
Sunday, June 5th 2005 - 10:09:51 PM
Name: Kenneth Mabey
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Ireland,England
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Putnam,Duchess
I am from - County/State: Greene Co. NY
Surnames I am Researching: McMullen,Newman
Comments: These are my daughter in law's grt.grandparents&grandparents.They were in Wappingers Falls from at least 1900 thru 1930 in the U.S. censuses.We are trying to find where they are buried.They were Charlotte&Daniel McMullen,Jane & George Newman and Elizabeth McMullen Newman & James Newman.
Sunday, June 5th 2005 - 07:53:20 PM
Name: elizabeth ann wilson
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: doughty
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): england
I am from - County/State: england
Surnames I am Researching: doughty
Comments: I am a descendant from Henry doughty of Suffolk, who moved to London,His son George Doughty born 1869 was my grandfather, his son also George Doughty was my father. His sister May Lilian Doughty was my aunt, she was born at London 1903 ,i believe she went to Canada, would love any infomation. thankyou elizabeth wilson
Thursday, June 2nd 2005 - 12:42:37 PM
Name: Lisa E. Bonner
E-mail address:
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Jefferson/NY
Surnames I am Researching: Althiser
Comments: Do you have any info on the Althiser's?
This is what I know so far:
1840 Federal Census, Red Hook,Dutchess Co
Zachariah Althiser (g-g-g grandfather)
1850 Federal Census, Red Hook, Duthess Co
Helen Althiser (Zachariah's wife) and four sons
(George,Henry,John, Samuel) Samuel was my g-g grandfather)
1880 Federal Census, Red Hook, Dutchess Co
Same people in 1850 census listed, only some with their own familes. Samuel had wife and six children. One of the children was William who was my g granfather. Last name in this census was spelled wrong (Olthizer, should have been Althiser).
I am looking for current living relatives other than from William and also who Zachariah descended from.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Tuesday, May 31st 2005 - 10:55:08 PM
Name: Gilda Kinzer
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Germany England
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: IL
Surnames I am Researching: Mead and Marshall
Comments: Looking for ancestors of John B Mead and Ann Eliza Marshall who came to IL in 1853 from Dutchess County. His father (from IL tombstone) is possibly William but cannot find any information in NYS. Her father is David in Providence Cemetery, Pleasant Plains NY
Tuesday, May 31st 2005 - 02:00:47 PM
Name: marian reeves
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): germany/holland
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess/Westchester
I am from - County/State: Virginia
Surnames I am Researching: weaver
Comments: Weaver married into the Buys and Palmatier families
probably paid taxes in the Beekman Patent in the 1763/65
Sunday, May 29th 2005 - 09:30:28 PM
Name: deborah darlene wood paultre
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: ?
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): ?
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: y
If Yes - Which Counties: dutchess
I am from - County/State: dutchess ny
Surnames I am Researching: wood
Comments: i am the daughter of lorenzo eugene wood jr. i have been trying to do research on my family history , so that i may leave something for my childrene and traver was my uncle,married to my aunt lorraine,my fathers sister. i didn't know my grand parents, for my parents divorced when i was very little. i also have a brother lorenzo e.wood 3rd, who lives in catskill ny. he has ms. we are the only two childrene of lorenzo e. wood jr. he has 4 grand childrene and 4 great grand childrene between myself and my brother. if you can help in anyway i would love it. i now live in roanoke virgina. address debbi paultre 810 jack st ne roanoke virgina 24012. thank you for your time.... debbi
Sunday, May 29th 2005 - 06:16:15 PM
Name: Esther Kipp
E-mail address:
I am from - County/State: Germany, Cologne
Surnames I am Researching: Kipp
Comments: Best regards
Friday, May 27th 2005 - 07:30:55 AM
Name: Cory Swensen
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Germany/England
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess,Jefferson
I am from - County/State: United States/Colorado
Surnames I am Researching: Howard/Knecht/Camp
Comments: Howard family came from Dutchess county,NY before 1850. Homesteaded to Lena,Illinois. A few of Parker Howards grandchildren homesteaded to Iowa around 1884.

My grandfather lived on the family homestead until his death.
Thursday, May 26th 2005 - 03:22:36 PM
Name: Della Barbee
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Scotland, Ireland
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: N
I am from - County/State: Grant Parish, Louisiana
Surnames I am Researching: Frazier, Lester, Knapp, Clanton, Tuggle
Comments: Thank you for the site. My relatives probably came through the Carolinas and migrated to Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, and Arkansas. Della Barbee
Wednesday, May 25th 2005 - 01:29:32 PM
E-mail address: LABB33@AOL.COM
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: 1760
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): ALSACE
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: DUTCHESS
I am from - County/State: TIPPECANOE, IN
Surnames I am Researching: BAUMIS/BAUMES/
Tuesday, May 24th 2005 - 01:22:13 PM
Name: Jackie Ryerson
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Holland?
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Ryerson/Rierson
If Yes - Which Counties: Putnam/Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Citrus Co., Florida
Surnames I am Researching: Ryerson/Rierson
Comments: I am researching my husbands family. He is from Chicago, his dad from Stokes Co., N.C. That family was from Dutchess/Putnam co. His name was Stephen Ryerson b. 2-9-1763. His father was Adrian or Martin Ryerson. Stephen married Mary Elizabeth Keim in Rockbridge, Va on 10-8-1789. Looking for siblings & parents of Stephen.
Sunday, May 22nd 2005 - 10:17:16 PM
Name: Marty Keller
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Yes
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Germany
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Yes
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess/Tryon
I am from - County/State: Wheaton, IL
Surnames I am Researching: Plopper, Schaeffer
Comments: We have traced Christian Plopper back to Ephrata at the time of the revolution. He served two years with Dutchess County and then two more with Tryon County Militia. Christian's son Henrich b 29 Nov 1780 married Margaretha Scheaffer b 6 Jul 1796 on 25 Apr in 1815. We just can't find anything on Chistian and his family. One thought is that they came from Plapp, Germany and used Plapper as a family name. Pronounced with a German accent it got changed to Plopper.
I really enjoy your web site. Thanks so much for sharing.
Thursday, May 19th 2005 - 01:15:38 PM
Name: Jacqueline Lamberton
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Yes
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): UK
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: ?
I am from - County/State: Scotland
Surnames I am Researching: Hitchcock, Howe, Stenning, Primmett
Comments: Hi

I am researching my dear Grandmother's family. She was Alice Hitchcock, born in Lambeth, London and had sisters, Elizabeth, Emily/Emma, Louisa, Sarah, Ellen and brother Alfred.

I know that at least two of her sisters emigrated to Canada and possibly America, in the early part of the nineteen hundreds.

Sarah and her husband Henry Primmett are buried in Winnipeg but I cannot trace the rest of the family. My maiden name was Berry and my Mother was Grace Berry nee Mitchell.

I would be delighted to hear from anyone who might recognize my family, who grew up in the Croydon/London area.


Jacqueline Lamberton
Friday, May 13th 2005 - 05:36:55 PM
Name: jim donlan
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): ireland
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: n
I am from - County/State: kings NY
Wednesday, May 11th 2005 - 02:19:27 AM
Name: Maggie Benton
E-mail address:
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess (probably)
I am from - County/State: Colorado
Surnames I am Researching: Treadwell, Mann
Comments: Updating my email address and to advise that I still am on the lookout for Alpheus Treadwell. Great Site!
Monday, May 2nd 2005 - 10:58:56 AM
Name: kathy
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: n
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: n
I am from - County/State: ga.
Surnames I am Researching: losee
Comments: It is good to find somplace where this name Losee exists. I have a Henry R. Christian who married a Susan E. Losee on 9 Oct. 1850 in Savannah Ga. I cannot find her before this date.
They had two children: John H. Christian and Bessie Christian. Are there any branches of the "Losee" family that moved to the south, either SC or GA??? . Again thank you for all the work on remembering our ancesters. My connection is through the son John Christian's wife Ina Cleland. Kathy
Friday, April 29th 2005 - 01:18:04 PM
Name: Cindy Hicks
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): England
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Hillsborough County, Florida
Surnames I am Researching: Youmans,Barber (Barbour)
Comments: I am looking for info on my g,g,g,g grandfather Jonas Youmans. Have found him in Dutchess County, but have not been able to find any info on his parents, siblings (if any), etc.
Monday, April 25th 2005 - 01:59:19 PM
Name: L Fletcher
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: yes
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies):
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: yes
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: VA
Surnames I am Researching: Ludlow
Comments: Daniel Ludlow was "lost at sea" prior to 1850. I may have found him in La Grange,NY census 1840 but I cannot find a grave or anything else.
Any researchers in that area available???

His son, William Benjamin, went to NJ and died during the Civil War; son Daniel and daughter Annie lived in Union, NJ. Daniel's namesake son, Daniel Walter Ludlow migrated to DC and VA. He is my great-great grandfather and I have his line traced.
THANKS for the work, Ginny. Please let me know if you find some Ludlows!
Friday, April 22nd 2005 - 01:33:45 PM
Name: Gayle Hendren
E-mail address:
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: yes
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: CA
Surnames I am Researching: Germond
Comments: I am looking for the parents of VanRensellaer Germond who was born in Dutchess County in about 1805. He had an older brother named Peter. They were also related to Smith Germond of Rensellaer County, NY in some way.
Monday, April 18th 2005 - 02:07:29 AM
Name: Molly Webster
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): England
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Thurston/WA
Surnames I am Researching: Allen, Hoffcut, Woolery, Hurlburt
Comments: Jonathan Allen married Margaret Huffcut (Hufcut, Hoffcutt) in 1770 in Dutchess County. They soon after moved to Vermont. I am searching for their ancestors.

Ginny, Great site, thanks for putting out so much information. You do deserve numerous awards, not to mention many thanks from searchers like me. Keep up the good work!
Sunday, April 17th 2005 - 07:18:02 PM
Name: Alice Bouillon
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): England
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: IN
Surnames I am Researching: Benjamin Soule & Dorcas Ward
Comments: You have a wonderful genealogy site with so much information. I hope someone will come along and help me find these two people. thank you for all of your hard work.
Wednesday, April 13th 2005 - 05:00:10 PM
Name: Bonnie Schneiderman
E-mail address:
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: ?
I am from - County/State: Syracuse, NY
Surnames I am Researching: Bates,Crane,Churchill,Norris&others
Comments: This was really an awesome site. I couldn't get into the surname list, though. Nor did I see any pictures in the cemetery files............was there supposed to be some?
Keep up the good work! I live in Sandy Valley, NV which is outside Las Vegas, NV. But, I was born in Syracuse, NY.
Feel free to contact me, okay?

Bonnie S.
Tuesday, April 12th 2005 - 07:25:31 PM
Name: Priscilla Westover
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Denmark
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: ?
I am from - County/State: Utah
Surnames I am Researching: Free
Monday, April 11th 2005 - 11:03:49 AM
Name: marian Witherbee
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: asa Haynes (Haines_
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Dutchess Co.N Y
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: yes
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess Co.
I am from - County/State: Polk Co Forida
Surnames I am Researching: Haynes ,Eiker,Way,Witherbee,Wood,Stillwell
Comments: You have a lovely Web site and I am lucky to have found it as it willbe helpful to me in my Genealogy searching. Marian Witherbee .
Tuesday, April 5th 2005 - 10:23:19 AM
Name: Peter Austin
E-mail address:
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Collier FL
Surnames I am Researching: Austin
Comments: Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery
Saturday, April 2nd 2005 - 11:04:12 AM
Name: Patricia Cole Fraser
E-mail address:
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Ebenezer Cole
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess, Putman
I am from - County/State: Baldwin/Alabama
Surnames I am Researching: Cole
Comments: I am new to genealogy, and found this website. You have done alot of hard work, and hope to check more of it out in the future.

Thank you for all your time.
Saturday, April 2nd 2005 - 09:12:48 AM
Name: Percy Reynolds
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): England
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: y
If Yes - Which Counties: dutchess
I am from - County/State: mi
Surnames I am Researching: Reynolds
Comments: Hello! Some of my family are buried in the Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery and I spoke with Vicki there this morning. Vickie gave me both your name and web address.

Thanks for doing what you do!

Percy Reynolds
Thursday, March 31st 2005 - 10:08:21 AM
Name: Lynda Decker Blanford
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): England
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Tompkins, NY
Surnames I am Researching: Decker, Signor
Wednesday, March 30th 2005 - 07:29:02 PM
Name: Bob Maher
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Holland
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: New Jersey
Surnames I am Researching: Haight - Vermylea-Chase
Comments: Great, great, great Grandfather was Ezra Haight, married to Ann Vermylea. Great, great Grandfather John J. Haight, married Mary Chase. Great Uncle George Montgomery Haight, married to Ruth Green. All buried at Fishkill Rural Cemetery.
Another Great, great, great Grandfather, Abram Chase,married Catherine Norris. Also burried at Fishkill Rural Cemetery.
Sunday, March 27th 2005 - 07:43:58 PM
Name: Jenn White
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Ireland, Germany
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Dutchess NY
Surnames I am Researching: Meissner, Riggins, Brophy, Hanlon, Quigley, Boss, Davis, Becker, Clum, Hawthorne, Stokes, Hicks, Ostrander, Slater, Haight , Tompkins,Vail, White, Ruff
Comments: Ginny,
I see my name in your family.
I'm the daughter of William J. White the son of Jane Meisner daughter of Theodore Meissner brother of Glady Miesner Ireland.
E-Mail me please.
Your web sight is beautifully done for Dutchess County and all you are doing for the history.You have worked very hard on all you have done. Great work.
Saturday, March 26th 2005 - 04:53:01 PM
Name: Holly L. Moore
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Ireland, Canada
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Columbia, Putnam, Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Dallas, Texas
Surnames I am Researching: Ferguson/Elting
Comments: I amm currently looking for the names Ferguson and Elting. I have found John Elting in Columbia and believe that my Ferguson's came from Dutchess but can not be sure. I would greatly appreciate any help that I can get. I live in texas and it is hard to get to New York. I can only do so much research on the web.
But I keep trying.
Wednesday, March 23rd 2005 - 12:27:31 PM
Name: Tony Olheiser
E-mail address:
Comments: Ginnie, It brought tears to my eyes visiting Genes page again. It brought back a lot of great memories of your Dad and my good friend. Warm regards, Tony
Tuesday, March 22nd 2005 - 10:00:35 PM
Name: Pat Jones
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Netherlands
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: many
I am from - County/State: Oneida, ny
Surnames I am Researching: Storm/Storms
Comments: My ancesters began with Dederick Storm 1390. My line is from Isaac D Storm 1753 and Abigail Graham 1757. Isaac's father was David T. Storm 1717/19. Isaac's son Theodore Van Wyck Storm was my ggggrandfather. His wife was Catherine Douglas. My grandfather was David V.Storms 1888-1949, who was married to Nellie Rice 1881-1944. They lived in Lee, Oneida County, NY.
Tuesday, March 22nd 2005 - 10:47:55 AM
Name: Nancy J VanWinkle-Keeter
E-mail address:
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Holland/Switzerland
Surnames I am Researching: Peter Manelis VanWinkle
Comments: I am sorry I do not know what you are asking for with the Y/N.. I can only think of Yes/No ... I know there are several Peter VanWinkle's and most of them originated from New York City. It is so hard to find out information on this particular Peter VanWinkle. I hope you can help me. I do have his parents names: Father's name is Helmich Isaac and his mother's name is Antje.. I want to know if he had any brother's or sisters and their names. Thank you so much for your time and effort.
Sunday, March 13th 2005 - 10:25:52 PM
Name: Betty Testa
E-mail address:
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: John Palmer & Sarah Jones
If Yes - Which Counties: Washington,Dutchess County
I am from - County/State: Sullivan/New York
Surnames I am Researching: Palmer,Jones,Fuller,Compton,Gumaer,titus& Many more Names
Comments: Im trying to find out who Sarah Jones that Married John Palmer.Parents were.Sarah was 9/30/1746.Died 12/7/1821.East Schodack,New York.She would be my 5th Great Grandmother.I love your web site.Ive been doing genealogy since 1981.Most all my ancestrys have been here since the 1600
Betty Testa
Saturday, March 12th 2005 - 08:08:14 PM
Name: Robert Delaney
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: yes
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Ireland
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: yes
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: New Hampshire
Surnames I am Researching: Delaney
Comments: Glad to stumble across you website, My great, great Grandfather is who you speak about (Daniel Delaney) from the St, Denis Cementary and my Uncle still lives across the street from that exact spot. I am very interested in my family history and would appreciate any helpful hints as to where to begin researcing.

Wednesday, March 9th 2005 - 07:55:27 PM
Name: Julie Slater
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Dutchess,Holland
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: NY
Surnames I am Researching: Baldwin, Greene
Wednesday, March 9th 2005 - 06:50:42 PM
Name: Marian Cranford
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Eng.,France,Scot.
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Y I think
If Yes - Which Counties: Dutchess
I am from - County/State: Jefferson,AL
Surnames I am Researching: Dickinson, Brinkerhoff, Carman,Fitz Randolph,Mundy, and more
Comments: We (my cousin and I) may be getting closer to solving our brick wall.My ggrandfather was Charles Burns Dickinson,b. 14 Nov 1806, NY; parents John Dickinson & _________Brinkerhoff (family lore). M. Maria Louise Mundy Dec 1836 in Metuchen N.J., had business at 30 Columbia, Newark in 1840; clerk was Zebulon Dickinson. He moved his family to MObile AL ca. 1846 where he had a clothing store in partnership with F. Mackin of Newark.

Heritage Quest lists, in 1810 census, NY, NY 8th Ward, Mary Dickinson (widow); immediately above that is listed Zebulon Brinkerhoff. Here we're stopped. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Saturday, March 5th 2005 - 06:26:41 PM
Name: Jean Snow
E-mail address:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Enland, some Paltines
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: N
I am from - County/State: Los Angeles Co. CA
Surnames I am Researching: Snyder, Chapman
Comments: Ginnie - You've done such a marvelous job! You're on the top of my list! Jean
Saturday, March 5th 2005 - 10:10:21 AM
Name: Cathy Sandford
E-mail address:
I am from - County/State: Dutchess/newyork
Surnames I am Researching: Alfred T.Smith/Helen A. Conlon
Comments: Thankyou for printing this website I stumbled onto it by accident I was married on may 24,1986 on my grandparents 75th wedding anniversary They were deceased but my mother died when I was ten months old and they raised me.I wanted to do something in memory of them. I researched it because family members differed on the date that I had but I got it from the church and there had been a fire so they were not sure so I went with it because I think they might of inulled the first church service and then got remarried in the catholic church but the first time it was in the st. Lukes church on the same day may 24th around the same as me. they raised me right because I guess I researched it correctly because it matches your information and it means so much to me.I can't thankyou enough......keep up the good work!
Saturday, March 5th 2005 - 12:22:14 AM
Name: Ginny
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Immigrants Ancestors Y/N: Y
Immigrant Ancestor(s) from what Country(ies): Germany, England, Ireland
Ancestors from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess Counties, NY - Y/N: Yes
If Yes - Which Counties: All three
I am from - County/State: Dutchess County, NY
Surnames I am Researching: Barton, Beck, Connolly, Hawks, Hawxhurst, Ireland
Comments: This entry begins my 10th guestbook. Be sure to check the Previous Guestbook Table at the bottom of my Home Page.
These previous guestbooks include entries back 7 years from my previous 9 guestbooks. Stop by and browse. Many of those who have signed my guestbook have left information on the families they are researching. Use your "Edit/Find" function to search for the surnames you are researching. Who knows what goodies you may find. Thanks for stopping by and Happy Hunting. Ginny
Thursday, March 3rd 2005 - 09:55:11 AM