National Society Daughters of the American Revolution
Historic Preservation Award and Medal
Presented to Virginia A. "Ginny" Buechele February 13, 2006

About This Award

The award and medal is awarded to a man or woman with a distinguished record in historic preservation. Criteria for issuance includes outstanding efforts in establishing an historic district or preserving a local landmark; restoration or preservation of objects of historic cultural significance; establishing or long-term participation in oral history projects; or youth leadership or education on the elementary, high school or college level as it pertains to historic preservation.

Ginny's Thoughts

As a member of the Mahwenawasigh Chapter DAR, I was surprised and honored when on Feb. 13, 2006 I was presented with this National Society DAR Historic Preservation Award and Medal.

It was Genealogy that brought me to history and historic preservation.

It was my cousin and friend Jean Carlson who started me on this Journey 12 years ago just after the death of my father on Good Friday 1994.   It was her letter to my mother (who was suffering from Alzheimers at the time ) about our family history that gave me the push I needed to research the family history my mother had talked about for years.  

Genealogy, History and Historic Preservation are all so closely tied together.   However it has been my experience that many times genealogists are looked upon by historians, government officials and others as the lesser breed.   It is only when we tell the stories of the people as it relates to the historical events and relate it to the preserved historical sites that exist that we can really see the true picture of what made us all what we are today.   These three things weave together to form an enduring fabric for ourselves and future generations which grounds each life.

I was never able to share with my parents the historical genealogy I researched nor the honor I received.   However, somehow I know they know as do their and my ancestors before them/me.

I don't have a degree in history or genealogy but I know you can't have one without the other. I also know preserving local historical environs and records provides the tangible reminders which allows and will lead future generations to a deeper experience of the road our/their ancestors travelled. A "living" reminder - lest we forget.   It is my hope that in each County/Community across the nation there is at least one person who acts as the catalyst for these avenues as I have attempted to do with the help of many supporters in Dutchess.

I am honored and grateful to the DAR for bestowing this award on me. I am humbled by the experience.   It will serve as a catalyst to keep the fires burning.   The spark instilled in me by my parents, fanned by Jean, and turned into an bonfire by the road I've travelled the last 12 years.   One can get weary travelling this road but recognition of efforts serves as the fuel needed to keep the fires burning.

If you know of someone in your community deserving of this award, contact your local DAR Chapter to Nominate this person to National DAR for this award.   I do not believe that one has to be a DAR Member to receive this award.  
Help keep the fires buring in your community.

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Historical Genealogist
"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do, I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God, I will do." Edward Everett Hale