Welcome to my Guestbook! Browse the entries and contact those you may be able to help with their research. I would love to hear about any success stories!

Lou Eighmey - 11/22/00 22:15:20
My Email:eighmeyl@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Eighmey, Emigh
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Yes
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Germany, Alsace Lorraine
Hobbies/Interests: Geneology, Golf


- 11/21/00 15:43:06
My Email:damien@umich.edu
Surnames you are researching: HYDE
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Dutchess, Westchester
Hobbies/Interests: music, programming

Glad to meet someone from Dutchess Co. who has some talent in web page creation. I'm researching Dyar Hyde buried originally Poughkeepsie Baptist Cemetery and thought moved to Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery, based on information received in response to my query on rootsweb. Also his son Edwin born 1816 who later moved on to New York,got arried to Julia Brown in Essex Co.,N.J. and on to Wilkes Barre PA.

Earl Robert Beeghley - 11/18/00 01:30:19
My Email:bobbeegh@yahoo.com
Surnames you are researching: Beeghley/Buechele/Inken
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Unknown
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Eutingen, Baden, Germany
Hobbies/Interests: Golf

My lineage goes back to Michael Buechele, born in 1680 in Eutingen, near Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany. He was married to Agnes Hermann on Feb 23, 1711. I am descended through their son Johann Adam Buechele. There is a hint that Michael's father came to Germany from France and was Johann Buchl. I'd be interested to know if we are from the same family line. Bob Beeghley

Ellsworth Ostrom - 11/17/00 20:27:30
My Email:eostrom@earthlink.net
Surnames you are researching: OSTROM, CASHOW
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Dutchess
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Dutch. Hendrick Janszen Oosteroom
Hobbies/Interests: Genealogy, hiking, computers

Currently looking for parents and lineage of Margaret Cashow who married Cornelius Ostrom (2nd marriage) about 1794. They had eight children. Also looking for marriage record for Cornelius/Margaret and death/burial records for Cornelius and Margaret Ost om and Rachel Garretson Ostrom (Cornelius first wife). Looked through your cemetary records - a very beautiful piece of work. But, didn't find any Ostroms or Cashows.

Joan Fraser - 11/17/00 02:48:45
My Email:Jocarf@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Hughson, Kniffen, Slote, Ferris
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Yes

Genealogy is a wonderful pursuit. Research in Putnam Co is certainly difficult. I'll continue to struggle to find information that may link Jeremiah Hughson b 1724 to his daughter Jane (1758-1844). Jane is a well-documented ancestor of mine though I'm not sure of her parents. Thanks for your fine pages, Ginny. As you suggested to me some time back, I now have a copy of Pelletreau's History of Putnam Co.

Everett Thorpe Jr - 11/14/00 21:09:12
My Email:EThorpeJr@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: THORPE, COOK, ROSENCRANS, BULL ROBERSON
Hobbies/Interests: Retired; Woodworking

A very nice site. Will come back often. Still trying to locate step (half) brother, Elmer Cook. Trying to verify his date of death and place of birth. He died possibly in the late 1960s. He lived in Beacon until his death.

Deb Way - 11/12/00 17:24:29
My Email:SDWay@prodigy.net
Surnames you are researching: Way
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Oh, yes
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: England 1630
Hobbies/Interests: genealogy

Ancestors were/are everywhere. Newtown, Long Island, Prince Edward Island, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., Rombout (Poguhkeepsie). Samuel Way and Catherine Pine married about 1785 in New Hackensack, Dutch Reformed Church in Dutchess Co., New York

Cheryle Donnelly - 11/11/00 07:42:50
My Email:bmx@dowco.com
Surnames you are researching: Haight/Tompkins/Searls/Mott/Stover
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: yes
Hobbies/Interests: Family Search and Familly Time Together/ my new Grandaughter


Leslie Carlson - 11/10/00 05:01:41
My Email:lcarlson@micoks.net
Surnames you are researching: Deuel, Mosher, Macomber, Weekes
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: yes
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: England
Hobbies/Interests: genealogy and conservation/preservation of anitiques

Your site is wonderful. You have done alot of work on it so keep up the good work.

Gloria Drake Overbey - 11/09/00 01:05:08
My Email:goverbey@pronetisp.net
Surnames you are researching: Starr, Vail
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: yes


marilyn - 11/05/00 02:52:14
My Email:altagram@intellisys.net
Surnames you are researching: TOMPKINS,BLOOMER,BELDEN,DAY

jOHn Tompkins-Mary bloomer, son nathaniel b. 1791, fishkill, and others. Do you know of any Tompkins or bloomers still in area? Arnold bloomer Tompkins married Lois Belden, dau of amos Belden-Anna Day.

denise & dennis lake - 11/04/00 19:54:20
My Email:dlake@commandtrain.com
Surnames you are researching: LAKE
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: yes
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: england 1635 winthrop

alice lake executed for witchcraft in 1652 GREAT and helpful website, ginny-thank you!

Don Parsons - 11/04/00 00:45:59
My Email:DParsonsSr@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Parsons, Thompson, Darling, Row, Falkner, Bayola, Baylea, Welch, Barlow, Hood, Bosworth & Palmer of Dutchess Co and more in Chenango & Broom Counties.
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Some of the above are buried there.
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Ireland, England
Hobbies/Interests: This stuff + gardening + travel + caring for 2 G-children with my wife.

You certainly make it fun to review your site!!!! It's easy to see that this is not only your hobby but your passion. Keep it up!! Don Parsons Grosse Pointe, MI

GORDON MYERS - 11/03/00 15:10:23
My Email:redcedar@erols.com
Surnames you are researching: MYERS,MYRICK,REYNOLDS
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: YES
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: ISLAND OF ANGLESY
Hobbies/Interests: HAM RADIO


Lynne Gallaudet Dolan - 11/03/00 01:07:43
My Email:lynne55@gateway.net
Surnames you are researching: Gallaudet
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Yes
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: French Hugeonauts

I thought your web site was terrific. I just wish I'd had found some Gallaudets or other family members. But it is a great site and you should be very proud of it.

Harold Berrian - 11/02/00 23:14:14
My Email:retrev@isoc.net
Surnames you are researching: Berrian
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Westchester Co, NY
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Berrien from France
Hobbies/Interests: genealogy

Even though I was unable to find family name, I thoroughly enjoyed visiting your site. Keep up the good work. It means so much to have sudden "breakthrough's" in one search for missing members. Harold

Mary Musco - 11/02/00 17:00:26
My Email:grdmabeach@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Edwards DeGroff Barrett
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Yes
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Ireland, Italy, England Neth.
Hobbies/Interests: Genealogy

Ginny, Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the first link I have for my Edwards family to St James Church. Mary Clarissa Edwards wife of B.B. Dobbs is the sister of my very elusive Henry Edwards (my great great grandfather). They were both children of the ven more elusive Daniel Edwards (ggggrandfather) Thank you!!!!!

Pat Waters - 11/02/00 02:09:18
My Email:PADDY43@aol.com
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Dutchess
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: England,Germany

loved your website. Found a few names that I will research. Most of my Jacoby's are buried in Rock City Cemetery. Have some cant find in the MOSHER line some found in Ulster Co. Cannot find anything about DETAMPLE. Found their marriage and found her d ath and burial nothing else.

Alberta Wylock - 10/31/00 17:59:21
My Email:dayton23@worldnet.att.net
Surnames you are researching: Fuller
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: yes All
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: England

I have been searching for the family of Nathan Fuller. His brother Micajah Died July 15, 1818 in Union Vale, Dutchess County NY.

tony keaveney - 10/31/00 13:19:47
My Email:amkeaveney@hotmail.com
Surnames you are researching: keaveney quinn
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: dont think so
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: luke keaveney to new york from glenamaddy in galway & quinns from miltown kilkenny to california
Hobbies/Interests: genealogy & history

a great page and very informative

Dottie - 10/30/00 16:29:22
My Email:sleepybd2@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Smith, Allaire, Haggerty, Andrews, McNinney, Garrison, Sullivan, English, Deutsch, Kuntne, Nagle
Hobbies/Interests: genealogy, research, reading, history, computer, travel/camping

Great website its a definite keeper!

Theresa - 10/30/00 14:02:48
My Email:theresa_jim@yahoo.com
Surnames you are researching: Kehoe
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Don't know
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Ireland
Hobbies/Interests: genealogy

Saw a Kehoe name on your message and just had to check it out! My gr. grandfather, William Kehoe came to America about 1848 and by 1850 settled in WI I think his mother(Anastasia) came abt. 1860 with her grandson,Denis(son of John and Bridget Kehoe). A ything you find would be very much appreciated. I enjoyed visiting your site. Now I will check your guestbook to see if I find a clue to anything. Thanks. Theresa

Jan Wilbur - 10/30/00 06:49:16
My Email:cvwilbur@juno.com
Surnames you are researching: Gritman, Hicks, Wilbur
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Milan, Dutchess, NY


Brenda J. Moody - 10/30/00 02:29:10
My Email:wbmoody@erols.com
Surnames you are researching: Plain, Relyea, Rhynders
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Dutchess and Ulster
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Not sure, possibly Huguenot
Hobbies/Interests: dogs, paper dolls, genealogy

Information I have on the Plain family was copied onto a sheet of paper from Plain Brothers' Garage, Expert Repairing on all Makes of Cars, 38-40 North White St., Poughkeepsie, NY. The phone was 3427. I don't know what year it was, possibly early 1900's Reference to burials indicate only Pok. Cem. (stone) or East End Cem. I have been searching cemetery inscriptions, but no luck yet. My mother thought the original name might have been Delaplaine. My g-g-grandfather, Jacob Plain, was born in 1776. He ma ried Cynthia Relyea. Their son, Moses P. Plain was born in 1821 in New Paltz, married Grace M. Rhynders in Hyde Park.

Ellsworth Mills Ostrom, Jr. - 10/29/00 15:54:15
My Email:eostrom@earthlink.net
Surnames you are researching: Ostrom, Van Vliet, Cashow
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Dutchess
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Netherlands

Liked your genealogy page. Have been searching for the parents of my gg grandfather, Cornelius Ostrom (b. abt 1775) m. (abt 1794) Margarit Cashow - without success. They had eight children (four boys, four girls) all baptised in Rhinebeck at either the DRC or St. Pauls Lutheran. have a research request in to Kinship to identify the parents of Cornelius Ostrom and hope to have something back from them this week. Glad to be in touch with you. Ellsworth Ostrom

Betsy Pettinato - 10/29/00 08:08:29
My Email:Betsylumm@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Dinan
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Duchess
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Ireland
Hobbies/Interests: gardening,antiques,

My grandmothers family lived in Beacon,n.y.I am researching any information on the dinan surname.

Jim Mackey - 10/28/00 19:09:19
My Email:Dotmac1954@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Mackey,Moore,Platt,
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Dutchess
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: England
Hobbies/Interests: Genealogy/antique autos

Excellent job! Have been searching for over 20 yrs.for my g-g-g grandfather, Alexander Mackey, who married Mary Moore, from Ulster Co., moved to Pleasant Valley, Dut.Co. Hoping some day to find his parents and her parents.

Brian Wood - 10/28/00 16:15:05
My Email:brian-k-wood@usa.net
Surnames you are researching: Wood, Young, Teed, Babcock, Griffin, Tallmadge
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Dutchess Co.
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Jesse Wood, ca. 1740? England and Scotland
Hobbies/Interests: Genealogy, and participation in Church activities

Would love to share info with others...

Dick Chaney - 10/28/00 11:29:32
My Email:dickchaney508@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Gazlay, Chamberlin
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Dutchess
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: England
Hobbies/Interests: Genealogy, what else!


Lorraine W. Romagnano - 10/28/00 06:14:44
My Email:joero@mindspring.com
Surnames you are researching: Clements, Eggleston
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: yes
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: England or Ireland
Hobbies/Interests: Genealogy

I've really enjoyed your Home Page. I wish I had known you when I lived in Catskill in 1950. My husband's Dad gave him his 1940 Packard when we moved to Mobile. I did not know that my GGG Grandfather John and his brother Joshua Clements were born in D. . N.Y. abt 1780 and 1783. They were in Mobile, Al in 1807. I can not find their Father, he must have died. When Joshua died in Mobile in 1833 he left his Mother Abagail Eggelston $120.00 a year till her death. I started looking for the D.C. connection n 1988.

- 10/28/00 02:22:23
My URL:http://yahoo
My Email:qvcsally@yahoo.com
Surnames you are researching: Haight-Adsit
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Dutchess
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: England
Hobbies/Interests: Genealogy

Nice home page! I especially appreciated the cemetery listings. Sally

James Dumond van Hoevenberg - 10/28/00 00:48:02
My Email:van@ot.com
Surnames you are researching: van Hoevenberg
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Dutchess
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Netherlands
Hobbies/Interests: Genealogy

I enjoyed my visit. My computer is a bit slow so it had a problem with the music when I moved. I listened then turned it off and all was well. Keep up the good work!

Kathy Wolfe - 10/27/00 16:51:17
My Email:keflow1@prodigy.net
Surnames you are researching: GAGE, OAKLEY, DARLING
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: DUTCHESS AND PUTNAM CO
Hobbies/Interests: Genealogy, gardening

The GAGE, OAKELY, DARLING families lived in Dutchess,Putnam Co NY and Fairfield Co, CT I welcome email and love to share information. I have lots of information to share.

Ron Davies - 10/27/00 07:38:17
My Email:welt@dowco.com
Surnames you are researching: Vanderburgh, Dutcher, Jans
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Yes
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Netherlands

Thanks you. I have most of the info I need but thought I'd use FIND to see if any of my ancestors' graves showed up. No such luck. My maternal grandmother was a Vanderburgh from Ontario [UEL] via Poughkeepsie, New Amersterdam, Netherlands back in the late 1500s/early 1600s. Believe this family hailed from South Holland. Have come full circle as my wife was born in Amsterdam. We live in Surrey, B.C., Canada. I compliment you for your work and zeal and thank you for sharing. Happy searching.

Mary Donahue - 10/27/00 00:15:31
Surnames you are researching: Czapp, Mooney, "Johnson" Lawson Buys
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Yes
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: toomany to list

I really enjoy your articles etc.

Betty - 10/26/00 23:17:47
My Email:alexande_b2@popmail.firn.edu
Surnames you are researching: Houghtaling, Ostrander, Killmer, Warner, Riphenburg/Rifenburg, Roberts, Palmatier
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Dutchess, Columbia
Hobbies/Interests: genealogy, gardening, bird watching, salt water fishing

Thanks for the wonderful sight. What little bit each person does is a tremendous help for those that live too far away. Thanks! Betty

Lou Eighmey - 10/26/00 23:15:04
My Email:eighmey@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Emigh, Eighmey
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Dutchess
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Germany

This is my first visit and am very glad to have found this site. After I have had more time to reveiw what is available I will be able to let you know how helpful you have been in tracing my geneology. Lou

Robert (Bob) Lynch - 10/26/00 19:33:06
My Email:arlynch@earthlink.net
Surnames you are researching: Lynch, Shea, Owen, Frasier (Frazier), Bigham (Bingham)
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Owen - Hopewell Junction/Poughkeepsie; Frasier (Frazier) - Kingston/Poughkeepsie; Bigham (Bingham) - Brewster
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Mostly Ireland. Some Scotland
Hobbies/Interests: Genealogy; Stamp Collecting

Elias Owen b. 10/17/1874 - Hopewell Junction; d. 12/20/1943 - Poughkeepsie; married (1892) Anna Jane Frazier (Fraiser) b. 09/08/1875 - Kingston; d. 04/15/1966 - Poughkeepsie. Children of Elias & Anna - George b. unk; Geraldine (my grandmother) 05/30/1899; Gladys b. abt. 1904; Gertrude b. abt. 1910. Elias' parents John C. Owen Abt. 1842- Abt. 1880 & Mary E. Rhymuss Abt. 1844 - Abt. 1880. Elias' siblings, Everret b. abt. 1864; d. unk.; Olive b. abt. 1866; d. unk.; Oscar b. abt. 1868; d. unk.; William b. abt. 1870; d. unk.; Herbert b. abt. 1873; d. unk.; May, Bessie, and Gertrude b. & d. unk. Anna's parents Zeke Frazier (Frasier) b. unk.; d. abt. 1875 & Sarah Hatch b. unk.; d. abt. 1875. Anna's sibling Charles b. & d. unk. Bigham's (Bingham, Bigum) lived in Brewster, NY & Danbury, CT from at least 1860 to present (now mostly in CT. One William Bigham (my gggrandfather) 1832-1906; owned a Livery & Stable, on Marvin Ave., in Brewster, NY

Ed and Betty Coon - 10/26/00 19:16:41
My Email:thecoons@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Kuhn/Coon
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Yes, from Poughkeepsie
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Samuel Kuhn arrived in New York from Germany with the Palatines of 1710, originating from Huttengesass.
Hobbies/Interests: reading, travel, playing with grandkids

We've visited the Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery where my parents and grandparents are buried, the cemetery of St. John's Reformed Church in Upper Red Hook, wandered through the cemetery at the Methodist Church in Elizaville, but still can't seem to locate any burial record for Samuel. Our ancestry also goes back to Henry Koon or Kuhn or Coon of th

Ed and Betty Coon - 10/26/00 19:15:54
My Email:thecoons@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Kuhn/Coon
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Yes, from Poughkeepsie
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Samuel Kuhn arrived in New York from Germany with the Palatines of 1710, originating from Huttengesass.

We've visited the Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery where my parents and grandparents are buried, the cemetery of St. John's Reformed Church in Upper Red Hook, wandered through the cemetery at the Methodist Church in Elizaville, but still can't seem to locate any burial record for Samuel. Our ancestry also goes back to Henry Koon or Kuhn or Coon of th

Tom Terbush - 10/26/00 00:12:47
My Email:towmw@terbush-family.org
Surnames you are researching: Terbush, Terboss, and allied souls
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Yes
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Dutchess
Hobbies/Interests: Genealogy

First Dutchess ancestor was Johannes Ter Bos(Bosch) who was invited by Madam Brett to settle in the Rombout Patent c 1714.

Lewis Townsend - 10/25/00 23:49:46
My URL:http://townsend-society.org
My Email:lewtown@erols.com
Surnames you are researching: Townsend Wright Wood
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: yes

Townsends moved from Oyster Bay Long Island to Dutchess. Associated names include Wright and Wood. I even have a Hawkshurst somewhere. Many of the old Quaker families in Dutchess came from OB. Thanks Lew

marian cranford - 10/25/00 23:47:22
My Email:ezduzit@mindspring.com
Surnames you are researching: Dickinson, FitzRandolph,Carman,Mundy,Ayers
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: I'm not sure
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: England
Hobbies/Interests: Genealogy, bridge, travel

This bears repeating! Your site is great, and you are certainly generous with your knowledge. I know you spend a lot of time and energy on this site, and I am MOST appreciative!!! My ggrandmother was Maria Louise Mundy b. Metuchen N.J., ggrandfather, Charles Burns Dickinson, b. 1806 in ?NYC. His father, per oral tradition, was John Dickinson, his mother, _______Brinkerhoff of NYC.

debbie bengtson - 10/25/00 23:46:44
My Email:dbeng12569@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: asher,egan,churchill,dederich,segar
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: dutchess
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: norway ireland germany
Hobbies/Interests: genealogy,camping crafts

great site,thanks for the inscriptions

Patricia Regan - 10/25/00 12:27:06
My Email:PnutReg@cs.com
Surnames you are researching: Williams,Greene,Kenyon,Stillman,McMahon, McGraw, Appel/Apple,Sitt,Watson, Clarke,Holmes, Brown, Smith, Wells,Weedmark/Wedmark/Widmark, Rogers,Cranda l,Cogeshall,Shea,
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Yes, My Williams Family, My GG Grandmother Eliza Williams was born in Patterson Dutchess Co 1813 now Putnam
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Ireland, Sweden, German, Holland and UK
Hobbies/Interests: Genealogy

I visited you site because of your Dutchess County Gravestones as I am seeking furthur Information on the Family of my GG Grandmother's Parents who were William D. and Eunice Williams. They lived in the Beekman Patent Section of Dutchess in the late 1700' until 1825-30 when they migrated to Jefferson County New York. I am seeking documentation of their Marriage and Births of their children.

Terre Ahlgren - 10/25/00 03:00:15
My URL:http://www.usgennet.org/~ahnysuff/indexny.html
My Email:firock@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Walker
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: not really
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: just happened to be there, then died
Hobbies/Interests: searching for family

Hi Ginny, I wrote to Mr Stern, and hope to find something on the Dutchess county infermary. Also contacted the Poughkeepsiee Historical society on the burail of my greandfather, in 1950 ad the old dutches county infermary. The grave sites are suppose to be marked by number, and supposeidly they were patients here.....but the grounds are grossly overgrown, the director of the clinc now told me to dress for ticks, and to do alot of searching. They are also in the process of selling this property, god knows what they will do with it, but I would like to be informed. Is there anyone else out there looking for family in the County Owned Cem tery of Millbrook? Please my grandfather was burried the in 1950 so this is not too old, and being a hospital facility...where would we find infromation? thanks a bunch Terre

Arthur L. Olsen - 10/24/00 05:01:19
My Email:ah2144art@cs.com
Surnames you are researching: Hawley,Washburn,Wooden,Bishop,Underhill,Ledbetter,McNee
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Hawley,Washburn,Wooden,Underhill,Quinn,McNee
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: England,Scotland,Holland,Norway
Hobbies/Interests: History


Phebe Packer - 10/24/00 03:50:06
My Email:phebepacker@home.com
Surnames you are researching: hall,peck,bentley,denton,deuel,clements
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Dutchess, Westchester
Hobbies/Interests: golf,opera,history

Ginny, thank you so much for your dedicated work! Last weekend I was visiting my Dad on Bentley Farm, Bulls Head Road, Clinton Corners, NY (his name is Henry Wheeler). There is a small graveyard on the farm with names that include Cheeseman, Husted, Case and Knapp. I grew up on that farm and visit a few times a year. When I was growing up we were interested in the cemetery, but not half as much as I would be now that I'm doing genealogy research!! Although none of the names there are connected to my a cestral lines, I still will try to transcribe the stones -- unless you get there first!! Let me know if you'd like to go there sometime and I'll give you specific directions.

Robert Peck - 10/22/00 10:24:26
My Email:RPeck88282@AOL.com
Surnames you are researching: Peck, Davis
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Dutchess &Putnam
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Germany&Ireland
Hobbies/Interests: Gardening, genealogy

Looking for parents/ancestors of Alfred (Alford) Peck b. 1815 in Dutchess Co. (supposedly) and Laura Davis b.1817. Thanks for all your work. Regards, Bob Peck

Gussie Young - 10/21/00 00:53:31
My Email:gus4to@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Churchill
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: thing so
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: England
Hobbies/Interests: gardening,reading

Solomon Churchill.Think he is one of Manhanttan Churchill's but can't link.He lived in Poughkeepsie,NY in Oct,1798,when son,Bartholomew was born.Have him m.to Elizabeth Wiley(that's all I know about her. Thank you Gussie

- 10/20/00 17:34:38


David Brearley - 10/15/00 03:52:07
My Email:breco@capitalnet.com
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Dutchess
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Holland and England
Hobbies/Interests: Genealogy, music,

I am trying to find the ancestors of Sears Mott (1765-1833) who married Miriam Tompkins in 1790. They lived in Dutchess county before coming to Canada in 1810.

gloria broas - 10/14/00 22:56:31
Surnames you are researching: BROAS/BRAS/BRASS.
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Dutch,ny/Sack,wisc/
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Netherlands,Holland
Hobbies/Interests: bingo/Genealogy for my family tree.

hello cindy I am looking for John D.broas that was list on your guest book that had a e-mail for him but could,not get it,why i want it because he is my cousin,and his dad alson broas is my uncle,that my dad brother.I you can it can get it for me,thank you? MY e-mail is RACHEL_528@YAHOO.COM I am looking for all the broas/bras/brass/of united states that maybe a part of our family. Thank you gloria(BROAS)Storey.

Jessie Tarantino - 10/09/00 19:29:14
My Email:nicehappylady@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Barrett' Tompkins, Williams, Wood, DiCarlo, Sutton, Polhemus,Murphy and Rider
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: yes
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: unknown
Hobbies/Interests: books, sewing and crafts


Shirley Wheet - 10/09/00 17:51:33
My URL:http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/w/h/e/Shirley-H-Wheet?
My Email:d.dwheet@gte.net
Surnames you are researching: Ackles, Wheet/Wheat, Hotchkiss
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Yes
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Great Britian
Hobbies/Interests: Sewing, ceramics, genealogy

The thrill you get when you finally find the source of information for the connection between two relatives that you knew were connected but somehow just couldn't find the proof.

Carole Nye - 10/04/00 23:09:23
My Email:lordloveaduck@juno.com
Surnames you are researching: Nye
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: yes, Dutchess County-Pleasant Valley
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: England
Hobbies/Interests: sports

Hi! How are you doing? I think we went to high school together. I graduated from Arlington High school in 1963. Feel free to e-mail me if you want to. I'll talk to you soon! -Carole Nye

Trish Watson - 10/03/00 01:11:55
My Email:trwatson@home.com
Surnames you are researching: Curry/Currie
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Dutchess
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Scotland/England
Hobbies/Interests: Geneology-no time for anything else!

Looking for John Curry/Currie (b. abt 1750) and Catherine MacDonald. A bizarre story about her. A person from the Quebec mail list told me that Catherine was stolen from a beach in Scotland and sold in New York. Sounds too far fetched to be true!! At a museum in Quebec, it was suggested that John and Catherine could be the parents of my ancestor Capt. Francis Currie who m. Polly Turner in St. Armand West, Quebec in 1812. Enjoyed your web page! Trish

Karina Hawkes - 10/01/00 09:03:39
My Email:naomipp@hotmail.com
Surnames you are researching: Hawkes
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: NY

My name is Karina Hawkes.. I'm from Panama.. my grandfather was from NY, his name was William Hawkes, he married with Viola Parsley, and had just one children, my father Carlos Hawkes, that borned here in Panama.... here in Panama we are the only Hawkes F mily... i want to be in touch with some relatives and have information about my grandpa parents or things like that...

Betty Shader Stark - 09/29/00 05:51:57
My Email:bstark9999@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Shader, Hill
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Dutchess, NY

I am looking for information on Peter and Anna Hill Shader found in Stanford, Dutchess, NY from 1808-1820. The following children were born there. William, David Edmond, George Martin, Stephen, Hannah,David, and Gilbert Thorn. I believe David Edmond die in Stanford, but have been unable to locate his grave. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Harold L Spencer - 09/23/00 00:42:10
My Email:stubby35@juno.com
Surnames you are researching: Arnold, Withy, McWithy, Pelham, Sunderlin
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Perhaps
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: England, N Ireland, Germany

Very nice web site. And thanks you for your reply to my GenForum query. You might be interested in the Spencer Hist & Gen Society website/Homepage: http://www.spectrumdata.com/shgs.

- 09/20/00 04:03:11

Harriet Stocker 70 Lambert St. West Haven, CT 06516 203-933-6380

Al Conley - 09/17/00 22:25:55
My Email:aconghaile@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Conley
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: yes
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Ireland

Seeking information regarding my grandfather William Conley, born in Ireland and settled in Putnam County, married Martha Ann Smith-Welch, died approximately age 41, interned March 25,1943 in Smith plot of Cold Spring Cemetery. Have information regarding another William Conley interned on January 08, 1939 Cold Spring Cemetery, aged 78 years. Also his wife Hanna, died 1932, aged 76. Both buried in plot J31. Have you researched these individuals in your search of the surname?

Gary Kiesel - 09/17/00 20:28:03
My Email:garykiesel@juno.com
Surnames you are researching: kiesel
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: no
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Germany


Marian Cranford - 09/17/00 16:40:37
My Email:ezduzit@mindspring.com
Surnames you are researching: Dickinson,Brinkerhoff,Carman,Mundy,Fitz Randolph and more
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: I think so
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: England
Hobbies/Interests: Genealogy, bridge, volunteer work, reading

This is a beautiful site - thank you!

Daniel H. Basinski - 09/16/00 16:27:10
My Email:dancwbas@home.com
Surnames you are researching: Stevenson
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: no
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Poland
Hobbies/Interests: American Civil War, Photography


Joyce Jepsen - 09/12/00 15:38:07
My Email:joyce.jepsen@yale.edu
Surnames you are researching: dow;yelverton;vankeuren;polhamus;mott;barker
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Dutchess & Ulster
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: England/Scotland? & Germany
Hobbies/Interests: genealogy, my family, animals and gardening

There are many more surnames involved in my search. Those listed are from your area. Made a trip to Milton, Marlboro/Poughkeepsie and found some ancestors' graves. Hope to return soon.

Roland A Savage - 09/11/00 06:03:42
My Email:SavageOne@att.net
Surnames you are researching: Ferguson,Cudner
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Yes
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Ireland
Hobbies/Interests: Research

See you in the Library

RAYMOND BUECHELE - 09/04/00 22:57:07
Surnames you are researching: BUECHELE
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: NO
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: GERMANY


Rebecca Jenkins - 09/03/00 18:56:03
My Email:agmmaw@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Morehead, Lawson, Eiler, Ireland
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Dutchess from Lawson branch
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Morehead-Ireland
Hobbies/Interests: family, church, genealogy, reading, & crafts

My ggrandfather was James H.Morehead. He arrived in NYC in 1861. He met Rhoda Elizabeth Lawson and they were married in 1864. John Irwin was born in 1865. They moved to Ks where I found them in the 1900 census. Our family says that soon after that cen us, Lizzy's Father died so James and her moved back to take over mangement of the family estate near Poughkeepsie. James is said to have died in 1910 in Poughkeepsie. I read all the cemetery reports I find but so far can not find where he or Lizzy is bu ied. It was said that he was a Stonemason, farmer, and NY Policeman. I have not been able to find out anything about their life in NY. Her father was said to have been a NY Assemblyman. Any information or suggestions would be appreciated. Ireland family-Thomas (b.1820) married Sarah (b. 1827). Their son was William Ireland was born Feb 12, 1851 in Bellaire, Ohio. He married Ella Stever Aug 09, 1882 in Oberlin, KS. Their daughter Susie Ireland was born Jan. 15, 1884. She was my grandm ther.

Anne Marshall - 09/03/00 12:26:20
My Email:mesamarshalls@att.net
Surnames you are researching: Johnston, Vanschoick
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: yes
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Scotland, Netherlands
Hobbies/Interests: genealogy, driving my children places

Nicely done. I saw Johnston at the Amenia Cemetary listing you posted: Wring one. I am looking for William, born 1830 immigrated from Scotland in 1840. Second wife: Sarah Vanschoick (sp?); Two children that I know of: Mary Burns Johnston Howland and Charles Johnston. Buried in Dutchess County, presumably with at least one of his wives. Nice page!!

Anne Marshall - 09/03/00 12:23:34
My Email:mesamarshalls@att.net
Surnames you are researching: Johnston, Vanschoick
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: yes
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Scotland, Netherlands


Audrey (Jack) Kane - 09/03/00 11:20:08
My Email:kane5@home.com
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: kANE/KEANE,CONWAY ,
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Ireland,Scotland,Norway,Germany
Hobbies/Interests: Gardening,Genealogy,etc

Beautiful website. The Genealogy hobby has inspired me spiritually, educationally and brought me to to distance lands with an unquenchable thirst of wanting to learn more about my ancestors and their homelands history. I am hoping to find more inf. on the Kane/Keane families that lived in Poughkeepsie from 1856 to ?1883. Edward O. Kane b.1830 Ireland (A Cooper)wife Ellen Conway b. 1832 Ireland. It's possible his father was Michael(or Patrick stone mason's) and found both in Poughkeepsie on city directory ane or Keane 1855 through 186l if you could look up those in the early census to see their ages and who lived with them would be greatly appreciated. They lived on Albany Street

Fred Jones - 09/03/00 04:15:02
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~bugler103/index.html
My Email:bugler103@home.com
Surnames you are researching: Ludington, Luddington
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Yes
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Yes - England
Hobbies/Interests: Genealogy Research


Melvin Norm Corson - 09/03/00 01:25:20
My Email:mcrsn844@cs.com
Surnames you are researching: Corson
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Corson lines
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Dutch


leroy wheeler - 09/02/00 16:28:08
My Email:lawheel@erols.com
Surnames you are researching: wheeler
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Quite possibly. Wheelers said to migrate from CT.
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Wales very likely
Hobbies/Interests: Genealogy of course!

So far, have not found hard evidence of my Wheelers in NY, but that's where my GGfather and his brother were born, 1837 and 1845 resp.,their father having come from CT.

mary brunell - 08/19/00 17:41:44
My Email:mpbrunell@webtv.net
Surnames you are researching: beck
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: no
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: germany
Hobbies/Interests: genealogy

son in law is a Todd Beck from Wisconsin.

Antoinette Brault - 08/19/00 05:02:29
My Email:amb@t-one.net
Surnames you are researching: Lake,Sabin,O'Roukes,Connell
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: not sure
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Ireland/England
Hobbies/Interests: genealogy/reading

My ggggrandfather was Stephen N. Lake b 1817 ? Co,Ny trying to find someone who might be related.

Joan R. Plantinga - 08/18/00 19:25:14
My Email:plantinga@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Bazen, Burtis/Alburtis, Costello, Crawford, Fazio, Moffatt, Milligan, Morrison, Neill, O'Connor, Onofro, Raffaele, Shaler, Terenze, Wright
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Dutchess & Westchester
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Ireland, Italy, Scotland
Hobbies/Interests: Genealogy / Collect Delft items

Hello to my new step-cousin, many times removed.

Betty Jane Hughes - 08/05/00 22:26:57
My Email:Rjbhug@Aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Quimby,Robertson,Gorbet,Frazer,Hurstbet
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Don't know where Quimby's originated.mby's
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Frazers/ Hurst from England
Hobbies/Interests: Geneology, Knitting, reading, traveling

Sorry, I fouled up with the first info. Didn't know how to delete after 'I'm Done!'Hope this is better to understand!! Love the Web site and reading the visitors surnames. First Quimby I found was great great grandfather John Melvin b; 1815 NY but Where? m.Mary Ann Gorbet 1 Aug 1839 Ottawa, LaSalle Co. IL. LDS has a John P. Quimby b:1834 Westchester Co.NY., but can't make the connection to my fami

Rita M. Guzzo - 08/05/00 01:49:32
My URL:http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/g/u/z/Rita-M-Guzzo/index.htm
My Email:rita.guzzo@home.com
Surnames you are researching: Zimmerman Ferris Harford Richards Church Campfield Bland Taylor Reece Womack Clark Quimby Vanderslice
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: I don't know. Qimby and Ferris are New York, county unknown.
Hobbies/Interests: Crochet, Horseback Riding, Puzzles


Mary Beth Ortzman - 07/29/00 15:30:34
My Email:Magglez@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Quimby,Lord,Hadley,Martin,Varney,Goodwin,Kittredge,Eastman,Nason,Abbott,Wentworth,Stanton,Dimond,McCloskey,McCormick,Carey,Altmeier,Kelly,Buggy(Bo ey)
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: England,Ireland,Germany
Hobbies/Interests: reading,music,genealogy


Russell Quimby - 07/27/00 18:51:21
My Email:russq@gobi.com
Surnames you are researching: Quimby,Foss,Langdon, Cummings
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Foss
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: England
Hobbies/Interests: Genealogy, Dreaming

What a beautiful web site you have, as well a beautiful outlook on life! I host a site at myfamily.com, we have about 60 members, many working the NY area. Altho I have never sent a link to the site, I would love to have your site available to our members, so if you don`t mind, I will give the link a try. Thank you, a gene friend, Russ Quimby

Edward Brown - 07/27/00 03:12:10
My Email:luey@gateway.net
Surnames you are researching: Ziegler
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: germany
Hobbies/Interests: bowling

curently looking for biological mother.former name was Ewald Ziegler. mothers name was Hedda Ziegler.

kevin j. olvaney - 07/18/00 16:31:09
My Email:user399535@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: belding,winters,west,clark
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: yes
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: england


Susan Okey - 07/18/00 04:20:05
My Email:okey@jps.net
Surnames you are researching: Gager
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Dutchess
Hobbies/Interests: My most recent, as of Oct. '99, is family history!

Only yesterday, I decided to put up a query on Herbert Gager and already a reply from you. Thank you for your interest and help. Family history so far has been quite rewarding, as I keep finding new paths to travel down and lots of successes!

margaret buckley - 07/16/00 19:21:43
My Email:buckleybowwow@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: murphy/buckley/norris/connelly/mcgloon/donnelley/meter/patterson
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: none that i know of
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: ireland
Hobbies/Interests: dogs/mysteries

enjoyed getting your email ginny..will continue to peruse your webpages....peggy b.

Lynda LeMay - 07/06/00 20:02:48
My Email:lrlemay@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Carman, Weeks, Thorne, Rushmore, Smith, many moreh
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Yes...Dutchess
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Carman - England Most of the rest England?
Hobbies/Interests: Genealogy, art, antiques

Hi Ginny, Now I know what you have been up to. Just found this site. I am beginning to make some progress on Carma

gloria storey - 07/05/00 17:21:36
My URL:http://broas family
My Email:RACHEL_528@yahoo.Com
Surnames you are researching: BROAS
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Netherlands / Holland
Hobbies/Interests: Bingo

I am interested in the broas family history.MY father is merlin broas /brother-Alson Broas,-sister-marian [Broas] white. ANY information would be appreciated. Thank you

Roger Howland - 07/03/00 20:28:24
My Email:Howland@hooked.net
Surnames you are researching: Howland, Crapo, Mosher, Irish
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Dutchess
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Henry Howland, English
Hobbies/Interests: geneaology and history


Janice Miller - 06/30/00 03:37:31
My Email:jymiller@glacierview.net
Surnames you are researching: BARTON
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: YES
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: England
Hobbies/Interests: genealogy &scrapbooks

It looks like I've found another cousin. The Barton's are from my husband's Grandmother's side. And Roger Barton is on our chart too. Janice from WA state

Shirley Curtis - 06/22/00 03:34:18
My Email:shirldick1@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Ireland
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Putnam
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: England/Ireland/Scottland

Enjoyed the visit. Nice work.

Janet - 06/17/00 21:34:23

Ginny, You have a lovely tribute to your Mom. And the music is lovely. You have great family pictures through all your pages. Janet 6/17/2000

Tim LaRose - 06/17/00 05:33:03
My Email:tplwesco@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Lake, Walsh, LaRose, Plum, Odell, Sears, Darcy
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Sure do
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Canada, Ireland
Hobbies/Interests: Coins, Roots

We share the interest in "Lake" families.

KAREN - 06/13/00 12:40:24
My Email:pime2000@aol.com
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: YES
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: ENGLAND, GERMANY,

Ginny, You went out of your way to help me and it is truly appreciated. It was one of those "random acts of kindness" that makes someone else so happy. I found an answer that my great grandmother and her family couldn't solve! I am impressed with your rofessional knowledge and willingness to help. Thank you!

linda - 06/09/00 13:33:42
My Email:wileytri@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: owens,killmer,warner,wheeler,parks,hollister
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: dutchess and possibly westchester,columbia.
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: england,wales,ireland

ginny, i came upon your site from the dutchess county page. i was searching owens and saw your article about fishkill landing history . thanks for the help. linda

linda - 06/09/00 13:28:24
My Email:linda5591@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: owens,killmer,warner,wheeler,parks,hollister
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: dutchess and possibly westchester,columbia.
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: england,wales,ireland

ginny, i came upon your site from the dutchess county page. i was searching owens and saw your article about fishkill landing history . thanks for the help. linda

Widau - 06/07/00 01:12:39
My Email:SandLWidau@compuserve.com
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Dutchess Co
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Germany

Looking for Schryver, Marten and Burger, Eva; Albartus, Schryver and Van Wagenen, Maria.

barbara - 05/24/00 04:37:33
My Email:bn1032@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: seaman
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: no
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: england
Hobbies/Interests: genealogy

looking for some help in finding my very long ago ancestors. samuel seaman or his son egbert c. seaman. i am new to this and it is very interesting. i am from nassau and kings county originally but live in mississippi now.

John Galbraith - 05/13/00 01:29:59
My Email:jdgalbraith@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Ferguson, Galbraith
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Yes
Hobbies/Interests: Church / Computers

My ancestors came from Poughkeepsie and surrounding area.

Ella Reilly - 04/20/00 17:00:49
My Email:tcreile@tc.cc.va.us
Surnames you are researching: Reilly, Duffy, Herron, Silcox, Hay, Beamer, Ruebright, Allen, Ringleben, Owens, Kerwin, Godfrey, Arnold, Connell, Connelly, Van Deusen, Va Deurson, Lauffer, BestSaul,
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: No
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Ireland, Scotland, Germany, England, Holland
Hobbies/Interests: writing, geneaology, volleyball, gardening

My ancestors mainly lived in Fayette County Pennsylvania. They were from Ireland, Scotland, Germany, England, Holland.

Dale Crandell - 04/20/00 12:01:34
My Email:drcrand@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Crandell/Crandall
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Yes
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: None proven yet
Hobbies/Interests: all outside sports and Cooking

My GG Grandfather Abraham Crandell was from Dutchess Co. Ny He Married Abigail Converse, Served in the war of 1812 along with father and brothers, I am searching for information on this family. Thanks for your help. Dale Richard Crandell of Grand I land, Nebraska

Tommye Lynn - 04/19/00 00:58:51
My Email:tommyelynn@excite.com
Surnames you are researching: Halm
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: no


Robert Bruce Earle - 04/06/00 23:16:05
My Email:bruce_earle@hotmail.com
Surnames you are researching: Earl, Earll, Earle, Adams, Rumsey, Thorn(e), Weeks
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Yes
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: England, Wales

Thank you, Ginny, for your help with Benjamin Earl (b. 1744 in Dutchess County).

Nadine DuBois, Exeter, NH - 04/06/00 16:41:47
My Email:foxfire1@mediaone.net
Surnames you are researching: Miller, Burkhardt & Heyne. Possibly others.
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Yes
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Germany
Hobbies/Interests: Genealogy of course

You have a delightful website. I have added you to my favorites and will be back to visit often.

Sheila - 04/05/00 15:20:07
My Email:Sheelalah@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Connelly
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: unknown
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: unknown
Hobbies/Interests: computers, gold & diamonds

Hi, I think you really have a neat homepage. I am just starting on my geneaology. I am looking for any information of a JAMES CONNELLY(sp)from the Baltimore, MD or Berkeley,CA area. He had a child with EVE MAE SAILSBURY from Hutchinson, KS. in 1945.

- 04/03/00 01:15:02

Dear Ginny,Your tribute to your Mother brought a tear to my eye ,a lump in my throat,and pride in my heart that your my cuz!

Jan Woods - 03/28/00 03:41:42
My Email:woods1149740@cs.com
Surnames you are researching: Thomas J. Connolly
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: no
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: yes - Galway, Ireland

Thomas J. Connolly married Alic C.Quinn about 1877 and came to America arround 1882 with 2 children and Alice was carring a male child that died after they arrived here. They settled in Madison Indiana, Jefferson County. They were my Paternal Great Grandparents. I would be interested in any information

Jan Woods - 03/28/00 03:38:55
My Email:woods1149740@cs.com
Surnames you are researching: Thomas J. Connolly
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: no
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: yes - Galway, Ireland


Delores Ball - 03/18/00 23:16:26
My Email:ball1@salmoninternet..com
Surnames you are researching: STANTON
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: DUTCHESS
Hobbies/Interests: genealogy,politics

Found your site from the article you submitted to the Dutchess County Web Page on Matteawan. Love your web site! How lucky to be living in the place of your roots. While it's not the same as "being there", the internet is certainly a boon...especially to us Westerners (Idaho).

James Cummings - 03/17/00 18:02:41
My Email:Jlc637@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Wright,Ackert,Waters,Mott
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Dutchess & Broome Co.
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Don't know yet

Yes,it is easy to get hooked on genealogy. My surnames are : Cummings,Wright,Ackert,Mott,Rhodes,Luther,Waters, Johnson,Patchin,Judd,Gardener,Martin,Benner and Rutherford.

Phyllis Dixon Dingeman - 03/07/00 19:41:00
My Email:pdingeman@a-o.com
Surnames you are researching: CORNELL, CHRISTLER, MAY, STREIT, KEIFFER
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: YES
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: ENGLAND, GERMANY, NETHERLANDS, IRELAND.
Hobbies/Interests: GENEALOGY

Saw your list on Rootsweb, searching for my Elihu Cornell who was supposed to have moved to Steuben, County from Dutchess? He married Margaret Christler and I have that family, would love to share.

Gina Deschner - 03/05/00 01:54:35
My Email:ginadeschner@hotmail.com
Surnames you are researching: Buchele/Beeghly/Spoerlien/Uisi/Miller/McSherry/McDaniel/Jones/Gaskill/Wakefield
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: ? don't think so.
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Germany/Ire/Italy/England
Hobbies/Interests: Geneology/Pottery/Medieval history/my 2 year old

Hi Ginny, Saw your one of your names was Buchele thought I would come take a look. I am desc. from Abbigail Beeghly (Buchele) who was dec. from Johann Buehl (Buchele) from 1600's. My great Uncle has a copy of the Beeghly Book, and I have gleened info on our anc stors from this. I was not able to locate any trees, to see which line of his you branched from, but it looks like you are still working on adding this. I really like the family coat of arms that you added, this was really special, will have to tell my ousin and uncle about this! Thanks for a great site. Gina Deschner

Jon K. Holcombe - 03/03/00 01:05:05
My Email:holcombe@gisco.net
Surnames you are researching: Barton, Hoyt, Husted, Steele
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Barton and Husted
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: England and Germany
Hobbies/Interests: After genealogy???

Ginny, I am so glad to have been referred to you. This is a great page. All of my father's lines, for almost all of the 1700's and 1800's are in Bucks County PA. Those include Holcombe, Betts, Snyder, Wood, Carver, Twining, Smith(s), and many others. y mother's lines come from the Palatine, England and Scotland with names of MacCallum, Waring, Steele, Bennett, Wagoner, Bell, Herkimer, Post and many others. Nice to sign in. Jon Holcombe

Mary Musco - 02/21/00 23:56:31
My Email:grdmabeach@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Edwards,Trotter,Conway,Crapser,DeGroff
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Yes
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Yes Ireland, Italy and Holland
Hobbies/Interests: Genealogy it's all consuming

Nice site! Need some dates to start search for greatgrandparents Mary Elizabeth Trotter and Charles D Edwards. My grandmother was Maude Jessie Edwards b November 13, 1879 in Hyde Park, my mother Jessie Ashton deGroff b July 29 1904 in Hyde Park. Wm deGrof grandfather killed in Fishkill on March 9 1907 in RR accident

Liz - 02/21/00 23:41:16
Surnames you are researching: Connolly Hogan Curran McKenna Kearns
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Putnam
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Ireland
Hobbies/Interests: genealogy

I enjoyed visiting your wonderful family pages. Especially interested in Connolly information from Putnam Co.

Jean Randow - 02/15/00 16:32:49
My Email:marlinfever@centurytel.net
Surnames you are researching: Miller Storm Chamberlin
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Dutchess
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: ? England
Hobbies/Interests: Genealogy, metal detecting, anything to do with Indians, working with elderly,crafts, gardening, bible study,fishing

Great site. appreciate the christian back ground. Serching for information on Sarah Emily Miller or Storm. B;4-17-1850 Mattaewan Ny d; 7-24-1919 Willard NY. Married Martin Werner or Warner Chamberlin of Canandaguia NY She is reported to be 1/2 indian, pos ibly Saux and Foxes tribe? Any help in tracing her roots is greatly appreciated.THANKS Jean marlinfever@centurytel.net

Keith Milo Thompson - 02/14/00 13:52:05
My Email:K1m2t3aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Birdsall
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Quaker Hill

GGrandm Julia Birdsall of Susquehanna Co. Pa was daughter of Henry Birdsall, supposedly late of Quaker Hill, son of Edmund...though every Birdsall family had a Henry and that connection is unproven, as of yet.

Karen Beck - 02/13/00 15:29:51
My Email:kbeck042054@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Beck,Stanley
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Don't Know
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Believed from Germany/Austria
Hobbies/Interests: Genealogy

I am trying to find info on my Beck ancestors. Only info I have so far is my grandfather Walter Anderson Beck b. 07/07/1903 in AL. My dad remembers hearing that his ancestors came from Germany & Austria but doesn't remember anything else. All we know prio to his father was his grandfather's name-James Anderson Beck & ggrandfather Jesse Beck. They are from AL but Jesse may have migrated down east coast & came to AL via NC. If you have any info, please e-mail me.Thanks for your time.

Maurice R Lynn - 02/09/00 03:10:16
My Email:mlynn@compusmart.ab.ca
Surnames you are researching: Adsit, Green, Hall, Holland, Hooker,
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: yes
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: England
Hobbies/Interests: Genealogy, Ham radio, computering, travel.

My gr-grandpa Willis Hall Adsit born July 8, 1822 Willsboro, NY d: Feb 21, 1909 buried in NY somewhere m: ? Mary Green b: 1831 in ? d: Dec 3, 1917 in Eyebrow, SK buried Eyebrow Cemetery. We have studio pics of them and Bible they gave to Charles Wesley Ad it and my grandma Arlina (Nina) Louisa Scott m: July 19, 1888. We are also seeking news of Walter Levy Adsit b: Apr 2, 1895 m: Aug 7, 1916 in Mound City, SD. Children Lois Ellen Adsit b: May 20, 1917 in Craik, SK., 1st m: May 21, 1937 Herman Hooker 2nd m: Apr 13, 1941 Nelson C. Ross. Olive Ruth Adsit b:Aug 27, 1918 E ebrow, SK., Charles Norman Adsit b:Feb 16, 1921 Central Butte, SK. followed by Walter, Dorothy, Marth, William. All enquiries welcome.

Everett Thorpe, Jr. - 02/08/00 02:51:26
My Email:EThorpejr@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Cook & Nazzer (Nasser)
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Partially
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Unknown
Hobbies/Interests: Wood Working, Genealogy

Seeking data regarding the date of death and place of interment of half brother, Elmer Cook and Mary Nazzer (Nasser), in Beacon, NY. Elmer died some time after 1962. Mary died some time after 1976. Trying to complete my family tree. Thank you.

Jackie Grosvenor - 01/30/00 16:04:33
My Email:Jackie@rucc.net.au
Surnames you are researching: Connelly, Hawkes
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: No - relatives in Australia
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Ireland

Hi Ginny; My name is Jackie Grosvenor. My maiden name is Connelly and my paternal grandmothers name was Hawkes! My fathers name was Jack Connelly and his father was Robert Connelly (a saddler) and his mothers name was Doris Hawkes. Can you please tell me if the Irish Connellys were kings and what counties they were from. I too am researching my family tree. God Bless and keep up the good work! Jackie Grosvenor

Charles Young - 01/30/00 02:27:42
My Email:ceyoung@frontiernet.net
Surnames you are researching: Mahler & Wahl
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: no
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Germany
Hobbies/Interests: Genealogy

Ginny I am very impress with your web page, some day now that I am retired to make a web page of my own with nothing but Family History. I wish you the very Best and thank you for your time. Sincerely Charlie

Debbie - 01/25/00 23:48:36
My URL:http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/f/a/m/Debra-K-Walker/index.html
My Email:dkwmsg@aol.com
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: POSSIBLY
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Ireland, County Cork

James CONNELLY might possibly be related to us........I'm not sure....... will email you privately. Among our CONDLEYS (variations of spelling are many, many). William Anderson CONDLEY, Anderson CONDLEY, Robert CONDLEY, William Robert CONDLEY Sarah CONDLEY, Jane CONDLEY, Margaret CONDLEY, Maggie CONDLEY, Mary Jane CONDLEY, Lizzie CONDLEY

Deborah Goda - 01/19/00 04:12:17
Surnames you are researching: MERTENS,IRELAND
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: YES
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: GERMANY,NORWAY
Hobbies/Interests: GOD & CHILDREN


Everett Thorpe, Jr. - 01/18/00 00:57:21
My Email:EThorpejr@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Thorpe, Cook, Rosencrans, Nasser
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Possibly some. Most roots though are throughout Orange and Sullivan Counties.
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Possibly England & Germany

Saw your web address in the E-Mail you sent regarding Beacon. A very nice site. I'll probably come back many times.

Pat Martorella - 01/17/00 05:02:58
My Email:patricia722@webtv.net
Surnames you are researching: Storm,Hedden,Patterson/Peterson
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: yes
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: not sure yet
Hobbies/Interests: family history and my children

I'll take any clues I can get with these lines!

Gary R. Hawks - 12/20/99 14:14:59
My Email:wood_hawk@hotmail.com
Surnames you are researching: Hawks
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: no

I’m originally from Wyoming Co. in Western New York. So far I have traced my “Hawks” line back to John Hawks of Hadley, Massachusetts.

Kay Mackey - 11/29/99 18:30:51
My Email:horseladyK@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: VanArsdale,VanNosdall, Hasbrouck, Terwilliger, Misner, Hoffman,Dewitt, Martin, Rouse, Mackey
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Dutchess,Putnam,Orange, NY,Greene
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: France,Holland,Belgium,Ireland
Hobbies/Interests: Horses, Genealogy

You have a great page. I share your interest in old graveyards.

Ellen M. Jaycox - 11/27/99 03:50:34
My Email:ell51god@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Purdy, Jaycox, Jacox
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: all three
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: England
Hobbies/Interests: cross stitch, knitting etc


Thomas J Connelly - 11/25/99 15:17:11
My URL:http://connelly@saknet.com
My Email:tctonto@aol.com
Surnames you are researching: Connelly
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Yes..Dutchess Co.
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Ireland
Hobbies/Interests: Fly Fishing, Gardening

I am a real novice and can use as much help as possible learning more about the history of the family name..Connelly

Mark Connelly - 11/25/99 10:46:51
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/conns
My Email:tricons@hotmail.com
Surnames you are researching: Connelly
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: No
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: ???

I have just started researching my Connelly family and so am stumbling around in the dark most of the time! As far as I know they have always been based in the UK but there must be Irish origin? Anyway, I don't think I can help with James Connelly, but wh knows?! It was great to see your page.

Alice (Stansfield) Herzberg - 11/19/99 20:11:33
My URL:http://www.uftree.com/uft/
My Email:herzberg@internetcds.com
Surnames you are researching: Broas, Shepard, Cleveland, Burton
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Yes Broas,Raynor
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: (possibly Holland)
Hobbies/Interests: genealogy, quilting

no comments at this time.

Brent Halm - 11/12/99 01:13:29
My Email:bhalm@agricore.com
Surnames you are researching: halm
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: no
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Germany
Hobbies/Interests: Skydiving

My grandfather Bernard Halm came from Germany when he was very young, his dad was a wrestler in Germany when he accidently killed another wrestler and decided to come to Canada. I think my grandfather had two or three sisters and he was the only boy.

Pam (Fisher) Bollig - 11/03/99 23:49:58

I love this tribute to your Dad, Ginny. I loved your poem. It took me back. And you, Girl, look absolute wonderful!

Lori Camper - 11/01/99 06:11:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/chiggers9/
My Email:chiggers9@yahoo.com
Surnames you are researching: Camper, Crofut
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: No
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Camper, Germany; Juengling, Germany; Crofut, England; Clevenger, England
Hobbies/Interests: Genealogy

Hi Ginny. Haven't heard from you forever. Had to stop by and see how you are doing. Hope all is well with you. Drop me a line sometime.

Ginny - 10/25/99 15:28:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/2843
My Email:ginnyflies@usa.net
Surnames you are researching: Barton, Beck, Broas, Buechele, Carroll, Connelly, Ferguson, Hawks, Hawkes, Hawxhurst, Ireland, Jaycox, Kiesel, Lake, Layer, Shaw, Spencer, S orms, Wahl, Ziegler
Do you have roots in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester Co.'s, NY: Yes, all three
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: England, Germany, Ireland
Hobbies/Interests: Genealogy, Is there time for anything else?

Well Yahoo, finally did it and gave us back our Geocities Guestbook. I look forward to getting back to any who sign my guestbook that I may be able to help with their research and hearing from any others who make connections through it.

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