Eileen Sitterly - 08/23/99 16:20:54
My Email:Nelie24@aol.com
Where are you from?: Wappinger Falls
How did you find me?: Dutchess Co Genweb
Surnames you are researching: Booth, Sitterly, Morgan
Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties,NY?: Dutchess, Putnam
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Germany, Wales
Tom Storm - 08/23/99 14:59:47
My Email:mustdvr@ipa.net
Where are you from?: MO
How did you find me?: rootsweb.com
Surnames you are researching: Storm
Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties,NY?: ??
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Sturm, Germany
charles w lanz - 08/23/99 11:58:14
My Email:wlanz@home.com
Where are you from?: le mesa, ca
Surnames you are researching: beck
Hobbies and Interests: genealogy-gardening
Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties,NY?: not known
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: germany-ireland
Robert Ziegler - 08/21/99 04:57:01
My Email:Market9744@aol.com
Where are you from?: Tonawanda, New York
Hobbies and Interests: Wood working, United German & French Cemetery, Hunting
Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties,NY?: Unknown
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Ziegler/Wittschack Alsace-Lorraine France/Hamburg Germany
Great Page. I think I have been here before but it changed.
Karen - 08/13/99 18:38:52
My Email:kw649@aol.com
Where are you from?: Buffalo, NY
How did you find me?: surfing
Surnames you are researching: ZUEFLE
Hobbies and Interests: Teddy bears, child care
Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties,NY?: no, just ERIE County, NY
Hello, I was just researching my maiden name. Thank you for your interesting site.
Tracy Dotson - 08/10/99 03:17:01
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wv/firstnamesinc/index.html
My Email:tadot_2000@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Edgarton, W. Va. USA
How did you find me?: surfed in
very nice looks like you put a lot of work into it hope to see you at my webpage soon have a great day
Lois Helene (La Clair) Bhairo - 07/26/99 21:48:14
My Email:Lhbteacher@AOL.com
Where are you from?: Born & raised in Hartford, CT; now live in Boca Raton, FL
How did you find me?: Thru a link in AOL Hometown
Surnames you are researching: Bhairo, La Clair, Gibney, HAWKES, Poetzsch, Benner, Boyer, Trescott, Clark, Abbe
Hobbies and Interests: Geanology, taking care of my 3 children, getting my teaching degree, and crafts
Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties,NY?: My maternal grandparents met in New Rochelle, NY around 1935.
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Germany, USA, Canada, Ireland, England
I am Lois Helene La Clair b 12/17/64 HTFD, CT, m Rabindranaught BHAIRO 10/25/82 divorced 3/2/99. My parents are John Gibney LA CLAIR, Sr. b 11/24/33 Littleton, NH to Treffley Carl La Clair (b8/12/1888 NH d5/1978 NH) & Lillian Alice GIBNEY (b1900 unknown d
/1960 NH), & Wilma Helene (Hawkes) La Clair b 5/16/38 HTFD, CT to William Richard HAWKES (b8/30/1916 NY, CT, or Mass d6/1974 CT) & Helene Wilhimina POETZSCH (b1917 NY d10/1974 CT). My parents were married on 4/18/58 in Bloomfield, CT. The only other info
I have on my dad's family is that his father was French Canadian Indian, with his gmother being full blood American Indain; and his mom was half English & half Irish.
However I have quite a bit of info on my mom family. Helene was the third of 3 children born to Jaun Fernando Poetzsch (b.Germany d.1958 Bloomfield, CT) & Wilhelmina BENNER (b.Keizerslaurten, Germany d.Bloomfield, CT)Jaun & Wilhelmina met & married in NY
round 1890 but returned to Germany & had their first 2 children. Shortly after returning to the USA in 1916 my maternal grandmother was born. Juan's parents were Wilhelmina BOYER of New Rochelle, NY & August Poetzsch of Leipzig Germany. After the birth of
their first son they returned to Germany where they had 6 more children one of which Jaun. (The spanish name come from way back in our history when the Jews fled Spain)
Now the good part. William Richard HAWKES (my maternal grandfather) is a direct decendant of the Earl of Kent. William's parents were Margaret Ellen TRESCOTT of NY (the daughter of Charles Trescott & Ellen CLARK (a Mayflower decendant)) & Fredrick George
awkes (b in Kent England). Fredrick's parents were Albert Henery Hawkes b. Kent, England (the oldest son of the Earl of Kent) & Clara De Francesco of Newark, NJ. By marring Clara Albert had to abdicate his title to the next in line, a younger brother. Un
ortunately, I do not have dates or anything else to back any of this information up, as my mother had no contact with her father from the time she was about 4 years old. The only living relative, other than my mom, that has any knowledge of accuracy of t
is information is my mom's Aunt Edna ABBE (her married name), and she is 90+. I know she is related to my mom on her dad's side, but am not sure of the connection.
Marco, Cyndy, Gary, Mia - 07/22/99 15:41:19
My Email:marco.cyndy@wxs.nl
Where are you from?: The Netherlands
How did you find me?: You're my Mommy ! ! :)
Surnames you are researching: BROAS/HANSSEN
Hobbies and Interests: Learning about these silly Dutch people
Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties,NY?: Of course silly girl
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: You know the answer to this question for sure
The flag on the Netherlands page is from Luxemburg, the page is really nice though...I will send you a netherlands flag so you can change it.
Mele Carroll - 07/22/99 08:00:15
My Email:melehau@mauigateway.com
Where are you from?: Hawaii
How did you find me?: Search
Hobbies and Interests: Singing and Dancing
Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties,NY?: I don't Know
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Germany, Portugal, China, Spain, Hawaii
I need your help in locating my ancestors. If you have any information on the following surnames; SOARES, KIESEL, CARROLL, KAHUE, KAUHOLA,CARRILLO and AKANA, please feel free to contact me through e-mail. Thank you!
Mele Carroll - 07/22/99 07:17:50
My Email:melehau@mauigateway.com
Where are you from?: Hawaii
How did you find me?: Search
Hobbies and Interests: Singing and Dancing
Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties,NY?: I don't Know
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Germany, Portugal, China, Spain, Hawaii
I need your help in locating my ancestors. If you have any information on the following surnames; SOARES, KIESEL, CARROLL, KAHUE, KAUHOLA,CARRILLO and AKANA, please feel free to contact me through e-mail. Thank you!
William Bidewell - 07/22/99 03:35:31
My Email:bidewell@silk.net
Where are you from?: Kelowna, BC, Canada
How did you find me?: reply from you at Dutchess. Co
Surnames you are researching: See my page on Family Tree Maker - Bidewell
Hobbies and Interests: Photography, Genealogy, Travel
Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties,NY?: Stanyer family abt 1870-1895
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: England
Appreciate the work you have done on your web pages.
Janet Newman - 07/13/99 19:03:21
My Email:janet.t.newman@worldnet.att.net
Where are you from?: Little Egg Harbor NJ
How did you find me?: Have been hearing about you from Jean Carlson
Surnames you are researching: Adams,Dingee,Shaw etc.
Hobbies and Interests: Who has time for hobbies besides genealogy
Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties,NY?: all
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: except for some reputed Indians, only Wales is known for sure.
If you need to know about an Adams or Dingee, let me know. If you have any Shaw stuff -great- let me hear from you!
Lynne Hammonds - 06/14/99 21:57:14
My Email:hammonds@coqui.net
Where are you from?: Currently Puerto Rico
How did you find me?: Through census-online
Surnames you are researching: sackrider/knapp/ogden
Hobbies and Interests: cooking,dieting and travel
Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties,NY?: Think so
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Neatherlands
THis is nice.
Sandy Steele - 06/05/99 01:10:32
My Email:jss@i2k.com
Where are you from?: Grayling, Michigan
How did you find me?: Dutchess County GenWeb
Surnames you are researching: Hall, Borst, Inman, Sullivan, West, Mahoney
Hobbies and Interests: Gardening, Family Tree Researching
Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties,NY?: Halls and Inmans
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: England, Ireland, Germany, Netherlands
Thanks for your help, Ginny!
Sandy Steele - 06/04/99 11:56:41
My Email:jss@i2k.com
Where are you from?: Grayling, Michigan
How did you find me?: Dutchess County Gen Web
Surnames you are researching: Hall, Inman, Borst, Sullivan, West
Hobbies and Interests: Genealogy, Gardening
Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties,NY?: yes
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: England, Germany, Ireland
Thanks for your help Ginny, I appreciate it!
Randy Delbert Beck - 06/02/99 04:10:18
My Email:winner011@aol.com
Where are you from?: Seattle, Wa then Suisun City, Ca
How did you find me?: Cherokee website
Surnames you are researching: Beck
Hobbies and Interests: gardening, gambling,traveling, geneology
Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties,NY?: don't know
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: don't know
Green Beck born aprox 1874 in Tennessee
Alene (maiden name?) b aprox 1874 Tenn
Marian b aprox 1904
Leon O. b aprox 1907
Oscar W. b aprox 1909
Elbert & Delbert b 8/17/1911
Andrea - 05/28/99 18:29:28
My Email:andrea_coley@gtech.com
Where are you from?: California
How did you find me?: Searching for Wahl
Surnames you are researching: Wahl, Staub, Rhine, Yankovich, Oril or Orel
Hobbies and Interests: Parenting, gardening
Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties,NY?: no
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Yugoslavia
Enloyed your site. I am just beginning my search of my grandparents ancestors.
Mary-Beth Angus - 05/24/99 16:40:35
My Email:mary.beth.angus@hok.com
Where are you from?: Greenville, SC
How did you find me?: NYWestch-l
Surnames you are researching: Ziegler, Angus, Lockart, Ure
Hobbies and Interests: Crafts, animals, plants
Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties,NY?: Westchester
CL Heady - 05/24/99 00:15:29
My Email:greyrider@vh.net
Where are you from?: Beacon
Surnames you are researching: Heady,Hedden,Schouten,Daniels,Eichlers,Bells
Hobbies and Interests: This is it
Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties,NY?: All three possibly
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Bohemia
I would be interested in where you found the material?
Lynn Brandvold - 05/23/99 18:24:18
My Email:lynn@gis.nmt.edu
Where are you from?: Socorro, NM
How did you find me?: Dutchess County Queries
Surnames you are researching: CARY, VINCENT, COTTRELL, ELLIOT
Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties,NY?: Above surnames
I thought the page dedicated to your father was wonderful. I especially enjoyed the poem you wrote. I lost my father 9 years ago and could relate to everything you wrote.
Sue Birch - 05/21/99 14:11:53
My Email:suebirch@aol.com
Where are you from?: Ca.
How did you find me?: referred to your site
Surnames you are researching: Hawks, Johnson, Shoun, Birch, Wellendor, Roberts, Shoun, Birch, Bollard, Schutt
Hobbies and Interests: genealogy, grandchildren
Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties,NY?: just recently heard rumor of Hawks in Dutchess Co. , NY also Mallory
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: German, Denmark, Irland
Noticed your Hawks. I have a Hawks line, that came to Ca. for the Gold Rush, Allen Hawks, also many Hawks in NY, Pa., and MA., related to Frank Hawks the pilot. Allen Hawks, Albert Eugene Hawks, Emma L. Hawks, Emma was my grandmother.
Beth Du Boise - 05/20/99 21:48:07
My Email:BADuBoise@aol.com
Where are you from?: So. California
How did you find me?: Hawks List
Surnames you are researching: Hawks,Roberts,Shoun, Johnson, Wellendorf, Patterson, Du Boise, Graves
Hobbies and Interests: Antique dishes and genealogy
Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties,NY?: Not sure
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Johnson from Denmark
I like your site. I am looking for information on my gr gr grandfather Allen A. Hawks, born in Fredonia (Cherry Creek), NY. Married Betsy Mallory. Am looking for HIS parents.
Ginny - 05/13/99 01:37:30
My URL:/Heartland/Acres/2843
My Email:ginnyflies@usa.net
Where are you from?: Dutchess County, NY
How did you find me?: I've known you a long time - almost 53 years in fact!
Surnames you are researching: Barton, Beck, Buechele, Büchele, Connolley, Connelly, Conley, Halm, Hall, Hawkes, Hawks, Hawxhurst, Ireland, Jaycox, Layer, Wahl, Ziegler and MORE
Hobbies and Interests: Genealogy and Grandchildren
Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties,NY?: All three
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country?: Germany
This is my 4th guestbook. Be sure to view the other three and find others researching the same and similar surnames. Contact that person and tell them where you found them. Please keep me posted on any success stories! Good Luck with your research.