Welcome to my Guestbook! Thanks to all those who have signed my guestbook. If you recognize any common surnames, write that person and tell them where you found them. Hope you find lots of great Tid-Bits.

05/04/99 03:08:36
Name: Ms. Michal Scott My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Iowa How did you find me: genexchange-Dutchess index Surnames you are researching: Hewlett, Barnes, Kip, Hall, Armstrong, Butts, Carpenter
Hobbies and Interests: Genealogy, Grandson, Church Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: Mostly Dutchess and some Westchester Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: England

I wasn't going to respond and then I thought maybe someone will have a connection to me. Interesting site.

05/02/99 21:59:31
Name: Cecily Bow My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Athens, Ohio How did you find me: Duchess County Queries Surnames you are researching: Mitchell, Webb, Ager, and Smith
Hobbies and Interests: Travel, Genealogy, and Reading Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: Dutchess County Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: England, Scotland, and Ireland

Since I e-mailed you, I have had some responses from the people you put me intouch with. I just wanted to thank you again, and tell you how much I enjoy your website. Take care. Cecily

04/30/99 02:03:40
Name: Susan Jaycox My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: New York How did you find me: Illinois Gen Web Surnames you are researching: JAYCOX/JACOX
Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: Not Yet Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: Ireland, Ukraine, England

Enjoyed your site, off to your FTM page. Would love any info you have on Jaycox name. Have data on Jaycox's in Putnam Counties.

04/29/99 19:43:37
Name: Marianne Halm My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Chicago, Illinois How did you find me: search engine Surnames you are researching: Halm, Reinert, Tauchen
Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: I don't think so Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: Allsace-Lorraine, Germany


04/29/99 11:33:11
Name: Audrey Johnson Beegle My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Daytona Beach, FL
How did you find me: Dutchess County Queries


04/28/99 22:41:31
Name: Sarah Shea My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Ohio How did you find me: Yourfamily.com Surnames you are researching: BECK
Hobbies and Interests: Geneology and photograpy Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: No Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: Germany and Ireland

You have a wonderful page. I am trying to make on of my own. I appriciate being able to view you page to have the chance to find a link in my family. Thank you and God Bless Sarah

04/27/99 21:44:12
Name: Brian Huseland My URL: Visit Me
Where are you from?: Oostburg, WI How did you find me: on surnamesweb.org
Surnames you are researching: Barton Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: No


04/27/99 04:01:08
Name: Lady Dianthus My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: GH
How did you find me: GH Ring

Hi there, just dropping in to spread cheer and to let you know of a great site set up just for the Garden House Ladies. Happy Springtime!!!

04/23/99 13:47:38
Name: Bobbi
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi Ginny,Just checking Your site out,still haven't seen it all ,looks real good !Til Later,Bobbi

04/22/99 13:54:21
Name: Ellen M. (Jaycox) Godlewski My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Schenectady, NY How did you find me: Family Tree Maker Surnames you are researching: Jaycox
Hobbies and Interests: Cross Stitching, Knitting Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: All of them Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: England


04/18/99 23:52:21
Name: LINDA HAWKS BAKER My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: MISHAWAKA , IND. How did you find me: SURNAMES Surnames you are researching: HAWKS
Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: NOT SURE Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: ENGLAND


04/18/99 02:38:22
Name: Rita Willoughby My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Chilliwack,B.C.,Canada How did you find me: from lds site Surnames you are researching: Barton,Long,Wilson,Oldershaw
Hobbies and Interests: am an artist , homemaker,love family history and am a mormon Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: I think the Silliker or Partridge family may have come from there Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: Eng Nor Swe Ire etc

My Barton family is from England and the city ofLondon. Elizabeth Sarah Anne Barton b.1863 dau of William Henry Barton and Elizabeth Sarah Taylor.She married in 1881 to James Edward Long.The chances of you being related are very remote right? Barton and Long are too common. Bye for now. Liked your music at begining.

04/16/99 09:11:33
Name: Peggy Dado My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Illinois How did you find me: search engine Surnames you are researching: HALM
Hobbies and Interests: genealogy + reading Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: no Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: Witte? Germany

I am searching for a connection to Amand Halm. Born 1870, came to the US at age 15 from Germany. I didn't see another Halm on the ship record. Ship record read "Witten", Germany. His ship arrived in NY. According to his death certificate his father's ame was August. His mother's name Mary Paul. Do you have any ideas where I might lool for more information. i obtained his naturalization record and his work records. No clues. If you can't think of anything, thank you for your time. I'm just frustrated with this dead end. Sincerely, Peggy

04/15/99 13:42:12
Name: peter beck My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: England How did you find me: web surf Surnames you are researching: Beck
Hobbies and Interests: Travel Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: no Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: England

would like to contact those becks with origins in Devon England

04/12/99 02:11:21
Name: David D. Barton My URL: Visit Me
Where are you from?: Richfield, UT. via Colorado How did you find me: Familysearch.com
Surnames you are researching: Barton/Vankirk, Barton/Morgret Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: not sure,Elijah son of George and Rebecca


04/12/99 00:55:34
Name: Michael F. Buechele II My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: U.S.A. How did you find me: Gengateway Surnames you are researching: Buechele, Smith, Rocket,
Hobbies and Interests: Hunting computer,gardening Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: Altdorf,Baden,Germany

Which Buechele's came to the US and when? Our clan came after the War with France 1870-71. They settled in Altoona, PA. Have you heard of any of our clan...Anton, Andreas, Englebert, Laundoline,Appolonia or Maria? They all came over except Maria. If you e er run into anything that can help us, please let us know. I really think that eventually we will connect these two Buechele families as relatives. nannyk@penn.com

04/09/99 15:34:43
Name: Shanna Buechele-Stewart My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Champaign, IL How did you find me: searching family tree sites Surnames you are researching: Buechele
Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: not that I'm aware of Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: Germany & France

I'm always interested in talking to someone who has the same last name as me. It's such an unusual name. Do you pronounce your's "Beekly"?

04/08/99 07:23:52
Name: Jenn Bosworth My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Washington State How did you find me: researching Surnames you are researching: Ireland
Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: no Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: England


04/06/99 19:36:01
Name: Barbara Lewis My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: N.Y. now Fl. & N.C. How did you find me: Put. Cnty. Queries Surnames you are researching: Ireland,Jaycox,Wixson
Hobbies and Interests: Art,Travel,Genealogy Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: Dutchess,Putnam Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: England ,Wales,Holland

I'm very interested in traceing my Ireland, Jaycox, Wixson, Knapp lines,hopeing we can share information. thanks, Bobbi

04/03/99 00:44:16
My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Connecticut
How did you find me: Link from LDS records to NY info Surnames you are researching: BARTON, MOSHIER, CROSHIER, HIGGS, Hobbies and Interests: GENEALOGY, arts & crafts, singing, being a grandma
Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: yes Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: don't know yet, but expect so.

I was so excited to have found your delightful home page and then to have read the names of places and people I have found in my research. Enjoyed the music at your Genealogy Page too. I am sure I have someone else who has information on your lines. W ll ask her to contact you.

03/27/99 02:45:12
Name: Anita Jessup My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Surnames you are researching: Storm, Walker, McKinley, Bovee, Bush, Gage, Westergreen, Weickson, Pass, Langford, Jessup, Lillibridge, Hitt, Fraley, Gibson, Bullard, Hoyt(e), Cole, Bolton, Davenport, DeLord

After reading the other entried I realized that I, too, was researching more than one name. So, this is entry #2 - hope that is allowed. If it is possible they can be rolled into one. Thanks - enjoyed the visit!

03/27/99 02:35:45
Name: Anita Jessup My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Katy, TX How did you find me: genforum Surnames you are researching: Storm
Hobbies and Interests: photography, reading, genealogy Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: Esther M. Storm born Easttown, Washington, NY Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: Holland, Ireland, England, Sweden, Scotland, current generation includes some from Denmark and Korea

Have enjoyed visiting your web page. I'm researching both my family and my husband's. Some have been relatively easy - all the way back to the 1500's and 1600's. Others a blank wall just past the grandparents. Having fun, though. Have been grateful t see, repeatedly, the notations that our ancestors on both sides were Christian people. We have a strong heritage of faith!

03/26/99 04:33:54
Name: Jackie Gallison My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Elk Grove, Il How did you find me: I started with Michiana Genealogical Index- surfing Surnames you are researching: Bostetter-Beck-Dose-Wrede and so on...
Hobbies and Interests: I am President of the Thomas Jefferson Charter School-which will be the 1st Charter School out side of Chicago's NW Suburban area. I am a stay at home Mom. Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: At this point , no! However that can change . Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: Germany, Prussia, Italy, Russia, Ukraine

Your site is awsome. What a great job. When I grow up I want to do this - just like you!

03/25/99 00:34:06
Name: Daniel R. Robinson My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Beacon, NY How did you find me: your donation in memeory of Dorothy Ireland/J. Carlson Surnames you are researching: Robinson/Brooker/Ireland/Knapp/Smith/Ireland, Hawks,Kelly, VanJeuren, O'Donnell, Coe, Dolson, carroll, Letts, Gilbert, Vermilyea, Moore, , Mooney, Doney, Polhemus, Barton, Hynds, Barnum, DuBois, WrighDo you have Ro ts in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY
Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: All Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: older England, Holland, Scotland, France, mid1800s Ireland

Thanks again for your donation in memory of Dorothy Mildred Ireland, my great-aunt to our church. We appreciate you thoughtfulness. Also, I'm new to the computer as of last week, just got my GATEWAY, I have been a genealogy friend of Jean C. since 1992 but have mostly been old-fashioned unorganized paper researcher.

Blaise Riou - 03/24/99 06:59:25

Bonjour. I votre homepage est intéressant. Combien de temps avez-vous été sur l'Internet? Quoi qu'il en soit, je dois aller vague déferlante plus de pages de Web. Bon e Chance!

03/16/99 12:32:34
Name: Ramona Ganong My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: NM now formal NY How did you find me: Putnam Co. page Surnames you are researching: Ganong, Ganung, Walsh, Banker, Dakin, Eggleston,Craft
Hobbies and Interests: geneolgy, needlpoint, knitting Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: Yes most town of Carmel Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: France


03/14/99 19:14:38
Name: Edmond Spaeth My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Fishkill, NY How did you find me: Dutchess co Query Page Surnames you are researching: SPAETH, LINDER, BAUER, SPITZ, HIRTA, HABERTHORN, VOLTZ, THERRIEN, AUBIN, DUCHESNE, AUDET, LANOU, HUNTING, MERRILL, HOUSE, MORSE, MOSELEY, NEELY,
Hobbies and Interests: GENEALOGY, gardening, hiking, photography Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: yes Born in Westchester, lived in the other 2 counties as well Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: Germany, France, Canada, Ireland, England

A thoughtful collection of information on your various ancestors. The question of a Fishkill Orphanage has come up earlier this year on the Dutchess County query page submitted by someone interested in the WEBBER surname . My thoughts are that it was r n by the nuns who are now off Washington Avenue in Beacon. I am not sure of the religious order. I have kept that on a back burner as a matter of historical interest research for myself as the order used to be housed up the street from me. Should I come across anything I will let you know. good luck with your search.

03/14/99 15:51:56
Name: john billington My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: yes
Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: england holland

thanks for your input on thr maps. also there is an old prison cemetary on the grounds of the old mattewan asylum site. i wonder how to find out whos there. ill lrt you know if i find any maps

03/01/99 20:43:43
Name: Miranda Hannasch My Email: Email Me
How did you find me: Infoseek search engine Surnames you are researching: Hannasch, Irwin, Irvine, Halm, Roder
Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: Possibly. Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: Germany, Scotch-Irish, Other?

I'm just beginning geneology research, and don't know all the language. I'm having trouble finding sites that explain it (the geneology language).

02/24/99 18:24:41
Name: Marge My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: NYC & NYS How did you find me: internet scrolling Surnames you are researching: Hawkes,Hawks,McDowell,
Hobbies and Interests: genelogy traveling.... Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: Dutchess Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: Ireland and Italy

MY Mother was a Hawkes, Marjorie Mae, her father Charles B Hawkes-Mother Mary Elizibeth McDowell--From your web sight Igot in formation on Freelove Ireland who Was my great great grandmother...Marge Would love to hear from you

02/24/99 18:16:02
Name: Marge Purchell My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: N Y C & NYS
How did you find me: on line scrolling Surnames you are researching: Hawkes, Hawks-McDowell-Purchell-Ostrum=


02/21/99 20:32:28
Name: Judy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: New England USA How did you find me: from another guestbook entry Surnames you are researching: Beck, Bryant ,Coughlan,Mac Arthur,Lemmon
Hobbies and Interests: too numerous to list Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: My Beck family had been in New york first name Eugene Clifford and Percy Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: England ,Scotland, Germany

Hello Jenny, We do have a surname in common that is Beck but I have no knowledge of my Grandfathers family at all his name was Eugene Clifford Beck his wifes' name was Libby or Elizabeth Lemmon. good luck on your search

02/20/99 03:09:58
Name: Roy Jorgensen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Fishkill (NY) Hist. Soc. How did you find me: Family Tree Maker Surnames you are researching: Storm/ Van Wyck
Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: Dutchess

Interested in families of the Fishkills (Rombout Patent)

02/18/99 02:51:48
Name: JAMIE HILDENBRAND My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: GRAND LEDGE, MI How did you find me: INTERNET Surnames you are researching: PEKRUL, LEMKE
Hobbies and Interests: READING Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: NO Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: GERMANY, RUSSIA


02/17/99 05:10:06
Name: Cupcookie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Ohio How did you find me: another g'book Surnames you are researching: Draper
Hobbies and Interests: yes please Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: dutch Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: france


02/15/99 00:09:14
Name: joanne My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Minnesota How did you find me: surfing Surnames you are researching: lotzer-Schug-Cornman-
Hobbies and Interests: genealogy Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: no Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: Ruff/Schug/Lotzer/Hennek/Wehling--Germany

My husband has Cornman/Martin Roots in PA & ILL.

02/10/99 20:11:24
Name: Nancy Pratt My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: WV How did you find me: Scull page Surnames you are researching: Ireland, grant, McDaniel
Hobbies and Interests: quilting GENEALOGY Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: no Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: Ireland

Nice page My step-mom is a Connelly from New Jersey....but I was looking for your Irelands.

02/06/99 21:16:34
Name: Barb Kissell My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Lakewood, CO
How did you find me: CoDenver-L

I have a Beck in my ancestors. My great-great-grandmother was named Henrietta Louisa Beck. She was born August 7, 1822 in Salem, NC and died March 4, 1894 in Osborne, Kansas. She married Henry Jacob Brunner on March 14, 1844 in Bethlehem, PA. Her pare ts were Christian Henry Beck and Catherine Louisa Clewell. Any relation?

01/22/99 04:29:40
Name: Robert A. McCallister My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: N.J. orig., now VA. How did you find me: Roots Surnames you are researching: Lawson/Lossing/Childs/McAllister/
Hobbies and Interests: Go/genealogy/Oil Painting/Science and Technology/Foreign Affairs Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: Dutchess Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: Holland/Germany/Denmark/No. Ireland/England

I have about 1,400 Lawson/Lossing and associated families in my data base using FTM. My 6th time great grandfather was Pieter Lasink who came from Holland to Rensselaerwyck in 1659.

01/16/99 01:32:09
Name: Cyndy My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: CT
How did you find me: I didn't you found me Hobbies and Interests: camping as you Know

Like the page it is very well designed congrats.. not from the words of cyndy--from the mouth of Chris

01/15/99 18:24:42
Name: Charlie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Nova Scotia, Canada How did you find me: Search of GenWeb project for Connelly Surnames you are researching: CONNELLY/O'FLAHERTY/BENMORE
Hobbies and Interests: history & life Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: no... not that I know of Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: Ireland-Newfoundland CA-Nova Scotia CA

Hi! Read your info on your mystery man... I too am stuck on a Connelly. Jane/ Elizabeth CONNELLY (c1860-1924) born of Mary PURCELL and Tom CONNELLY. Jane/ Elizabeth married Kenneth BENMORE and had a child Mary Jane BENMORE. Either Jane or her parents c me from Ireland to Newfoundland. Anyone with any information regarding these names, please email me. Thanks and happy hunting! Charlie

01/15/99 04:55:41
Name: P.Woodward My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Hobbies and Interests: GENEALOGY my life Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: DUTCHESS CO. Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: Holland Austria Ireland English Germany France

Looking for CONNELY, Mildred married to V.A "Aronld" WOODWARD b.1906 IA both died in Ca. before 1990's. Looking for current family as well as past roots. I need to update this line as its a direct line for my family. contact P.Woodward, e-mail, P.O. Box 2 67, Lancaster, Ca. 93539-2567 Thanks lookin to hear willing to share whatever I can.

01/14/99 02:45:35
Name: Ginny My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: Poughkeepsie How did you find me: Ginny Surnames you are researching: Barton, Beck, Broas, Buechele, Connolley, Halm, Hawks, Hawkes, Hawxhurst, Ireland, Jaycox, Kiesel, Layer, Storms, Wahl, Ziegler
Hobbies and Interests: Genealogy Do you have Roots in Dutchess, Putnam or Westchester Counties, NY: Yes All Three Immigrant Ancestors? What Country: Germany

New Guestbook Test -- My Third One -- Be sure to visit the other Two -- Maybe you will find others who are researching similar surnames.

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