01/10/99 03:07:09
My URL: Visit Me |
Where are you from?: albany |
01/10/99 03:05:02
Name: Sue Simms Hill | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: SIMS/SIMMS | Hobbies & Interests: GENEALOGY | E-Mail Address: shill@1stanet.com |
Where are you from?: Mt. Pleasant, Texas |
I've found our roots back to Edgecombe County, NC,
where Joseph SIMS/SIMMS died in 1795. His wife may have been Charity. A son was William (b. ? b. 2 Sept. 1827). His wife was Edith (Ede) Horn, sister of William Horn. She was not old enough to be the father of his children. I do not have her
name. William'children were Jesse, William Thomas, Polly (Mary), Sara, Leroy, Jacob, Charity, and Patience.
01/09/99 18:09:41
Name: Sue Simms Hill | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: SIMS/SIMMS | Hobbies & Interests: GENEALOGY | E-Mail Address: shill@1stanet.com |
Where are you from?: Mt. Pleasant, Texas |
I've found our roots back to Edgecombe County, NC,
where Joseph SIMS/SIMMS died in 1795. His wife may have been Charity. A son was William (b. ? b. 2 Sept. 1827). His wife was Edith (Ede) Horn, sister of William Horn. She was not old enough to be the father of his children. I do not have her
name. William'children were Jesse, William Thomas, Polly (Mary), Sara, Leroy, Jacob, Charity, and Patience.
01/01/99 17:11:08
Name: Robert Stewart Kiesel | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: Kiesel | Hobbies & Interests: Computers | E-Mail Address: bobkies@worldnet.att.net |
Where are you from?: Seattle Washington |
Grandfather - Julius Frederick Kiesel
Father - George Frederick Kiesel
Any info you might have would be appreciated.
12/30/98 18:35:48
Name: Walt Lique | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: Lique | Hobbies & Interests: Guess | E-Mail Address: Walt.Lique@usmotors.com |
Where are you from?: CT |
I thought I saw an Edmund Lique somewhere here, do you have any Liques?
12/21/98 04:02:23
Name: Mary Jane Aurdal | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: Schmidt, Day, Watson, White, Baker, Woody, Ritter, Kauffmann |
Hobbies & Interests: Family, Grandchildren, Republican Politics, Geneaology | Where are you from?: Whidbey Island, Washiington |
Great site! Surfed in from an e-mail forwarded to me by Tamara Altizer Re: Why William Jefferson Clinton should resign. My sentiments exactly. Keep up your good work, particularly in ancentral research and reminding us of what our forefathers intended in
he Constitution. AMEN
12/20/98 21:54:01
Name: Jean Tschiggfrey | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: Klumpp and related |
Where are you from?: Mio, Michigan |
12/20/98 15:25:39
Name: Emmett Meeks | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: Meeks, Clough, Hilliard, Gaskin, Hargreaves, Baker, Miller (Mueller) | Hobbies & Interests: Family History | E-Mail Address: emmett_meeks@email.msn.com |
Where are you from?: Tucker, Georgia |
Virginia, you have a great page! I wish you the best.
12/19/98 16:45:51
Name: Kay Ieppert | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: Connolly, Lucas | Hobbies & Interests: genealogy/crafts | E-Mail Address: kayro221@aol.com |
Where are you from?: Dallas Texas |
Very Nice Home Page
12/14/98 03:42:53
Name: Rejean Larocque | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: Larocque,Larroque,Roque,Rockburn,Roburn,Roquebrune. |
Hobbies & Interests: Music and genealogy | Where are you from?: Gatineau, Canada |
Very nice midi file playing while im your site
12/04/98 02:54:52
Name: Stephan SLoskey | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: Connolly, Slaski, Gilardi, Ostrowski |
Hobbies & Interests: Photography, Genealogy | Where are you from?: Annapolis, Md |
Sorry my James Connolly was not the one you were looking for. It was great talking with you. I was wondering if you made you the little quote in your signature block. If not where did you get it?
12/02/98 08:20:06
Name: steve hart | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: barton,hart,o,reilly |
E-Mail Address: 113132,3501@compuserve.com | Where are you from?: uk. |
hi ginny ,I am searching the barton family from Co.fermanagh N.Ireland I was brought up on the Clonelly Estate and have lots of Info from there Is there any connection with any of your bartons?? best wishes steve
11/30/98 03:55:31
Name: Paul Barton | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: Barton |
E-Mail Address: bart1998@msn.com | Where are you from?: Iowa |
Looking for Bartons from New Philadelphia, Ohio area around 1860's. Name of Joseph Barton.
11/21/98 02:35:39
Name: Jay Laseman | My URL: Visit Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: wood conlee | E-Mail Address: jlaseman@top.net |
Where are you from?: Omaha,Ne |
11/19/98 14:23:25
Name: Arline Buechele Peach | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: Buechele | Hobbies & Interests: Stamps, crafts, painting | E-Mail Address: ABPeach@PSouth.net |
Where are you from?: Cornish, Maine |
Researchers are sending us reams of information on Peach/Peachey. I entered my maiden name, just for fun, never dreaming I would find someone doing the same thing for my family! This has opened up exciting new horizons! Arline
11/09/98 19:14:31
Name: Ed Conley | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: CONLEY,JOSLIN,KINWORTHY |
Where are you from?: Illinois by Birth, Mo now |
Hope this is mutually beneficial
11/07/98 22:36:12
Name: Sandra Sanchez | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: Volland/Halm/Newman/Derickson and many more |
Hobbies & Interests: genealogy | Where are you from?: Nebraska |
I really enjoyed your page.
11/07/98 03:41:42
Name: Craig Danyi | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: Raleigh NC |
My maternal grandfather's name is Buechele. He lived in Toledo, OH, where my mother still lives. She and I both have a published geneology booklet assembled several years ago for the Buechele clan from that area. If you want more details about the book
et, email me. Be interested to see if your tree has any common roots to ours.
bye for now.
11/06/98 22:03:41
Name: Richard P Hawkes | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: Palmer, Manning |
Hobbies & Interests: Hiking, family research |
Hello Cousin Ginny - thought it about time to sign in since I have raided your records before. Other names I am researchidng, Canfield, Ford, Bogart, Tompkins. I was born in Wappingers Falls but now am a New Mexican..Take care Richard
11/03/98 22:23:21
Name: Jennifer Halm | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: Halm |
Hobbies & Interests: crafts | Where are you from?: Ohio |
I have just started to try and research my
geneology. Most of my family has passed away
so I don't really have much to go on but I know
that my great grandfather's name was Christian
Halm and he was from Germany and if I am not
mistaken I believe that I had heard once that my
great grandmother's maiden name was Beck. I do
not know middle names or birthdates at this time
but I would really appreciate any information you
could give me regarding the Christian Halm that
you have listed who was born in Germany in 1844.
Thank you. Jennifer Halm.
11/03/98 16:37:39
Name: Tobias Layer | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: layer, speck, stier, erb, moch |
Where are you from?: Germany |
I've just been also sending you an email message
10/29/98 08:18:11
Name: Klaus Kiesel | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: Kiesel, Baetzner, Endrighi |
Where are you from?: Germany, Black Forest |
Hi Ginny, my name is Klaus Kiesel, (*1947) I am searching for the Kiesels of Aichelberg too. My ggfather was an Aichelberg-Kiesel.
I will send you my line-notes at sunday. ok?
Klaus Kiesel
10/26/98 23:08:54
Name: Jean Ann | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: Orser |
Hobbies & Interests: genealogy & old cemeteries | Where are you from?: Westchester Co. NY |
10/26/98 07:02:10
Name: yvonne | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: kiesel |
E-Mail Address: yotter@koyote.com | Where are you from?: texas |
10/25/98 14:29:18
Name: Peg Wilson | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: Connelly, Blatcher, Leary, Dingler, Iseminger, Neher, Wylie, Remmer, Walto, Kerrigan |
E-Mail Address: tldrkblue1@aol.com | Where are you from?: New Jersey |
Willing to share any information regarding my family tree.
10/19/98 15:34:47
My URL: Visit Me | Surnames You Are Researching: Soeder, Eulick |
Hobbies & Interests: Genealogy | E-Mail Address: lslock@aol.com |
Where are you from?: Kentucky |
10/10/98 23:07:30
Name: Don Palmer | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: PALMER | Hobbies & Interests: genealogy,computers | E-Mail Address: depalmer@snet.net |
Where are you from?: New London, Ct. |
Noted on the inquiry that you have info on the Rev. War . My GGGGrandfather and his seven brothers all served in the Revolution. All were from N.Salem Westchester County. Nathaniel was a blacksmith who made the chain to stretch across the Hudson. At this
oment I am looking fof the parents as well as his brothers names. He was born:3 Apr.1753.
You have a very interesting page. Hope to do one sometime on my family tree. Learn alot from these pages. I am a newcomer to computers and genealogy. Thank you and have a nice day! Don
10/06/98 20:57:51
Name: Ken Purdy | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: Purdy, Barton, Garry,Seaman, | Hobbies & Interests: Genealogy, Photography | E-Mail Address: kpurdy@rica.net |
Where are you from?: Originally, Waterbury, CT. now Harrisonburg, VA. |
Dear Ginny,
I seem to be having trouble reaching you by e-mail. I believe I have your address correct, but twice I seem to have lost the message I am trying to send you re: BARTON info. If you get this please let me know if you received the Barton info I sent earlier
today. Thanks,
PS. I will try this evening to write my info to MS. WORD, then send it to you as an attachment. I WILL get it to you soon even if I have to use (nasty word) s-maul!!!!!!
10/03/98 01:05:37
Name: Jerry Dalton | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: Ziegler |
Where are you from?: Dallas, Texas |
Looking for info on Catherine Ziegler (Sigler) who married George Hawksworth in Nova Scotia, date and location unknown.
10/02/98 11:12:54
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
09/29/98 00:03:56
Name: John L. Inamn | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: Storm,Inman,Cron,Bell,Thomas | Hobbies & Interests: Genealogy | E-Mail Address: jinman@mcn.net |
Where are you from?: Great Falls & Havre, MT |
Great Page. Got mine going today again. File got messed up in ISP. I use my own GuestBook.
If you ever come up with a link to William Ray Storm from North Dakota. Died in 1924 in Williams County. He is my wife's grandfather.
Thanks again,
09/26/98 02:56:38
Name: Nancy Coleman Bello | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: Broas, DuBois, Coleman, Drake | Hobbies & Interests: genealogy, ceramics, crafts | E-Mail Address: bello@warwick.net |
Where are you from?: Huguenot, New York |
Great Website! I just sort of 'surfed in' while doing some genealogy research and saw that you were researching the Broas surname. My mother's
maiden name was Broas, and my eyes popped out where the city of Poughkeepsie was mentioned as I
remember my mother taking me to Poughkeepsie to visit her uncle, George Broas. My mother's name
was Dorothy Elizabeth Broas & her parents names were: Floyd William Broas & Sarah "Sadie" DuBois.
"Sadie" was the widow of William Fiero and she had
several children from her first marriage.
My dad's name was Jacob Theodore Coleman, son of
Effie Mae Drake & Theodore Wallace Coleman.
I am interested in finding out any information on the Broas family as I know very little about them. Thank You. Nancy
09/22/98 17:46:59
Name: Joan Best | My URL: Visit Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: THOUROT, SHIMIZU, DALLEINE, McKENNA, EBERT, SCHNETZER, WEINMANN, LEMAIRE, RAYNER, LOCKHART, SYKES, VESTAL, HASTINGS, ROBERTSON, BURRIS, ABLES | Hobbies & Interests: American history, reading all reference works, freelance writing and poems on spiritual works, gardening, farming, genealogy, typing, crafts, meditation, Native American beliefs, backroad travels, mirE-Mail Address |
E-Mail Address: crystalwoman@in-tch.com | Where are you from?: b.25 Feb, 1947 Brooklyn, NY and lived and grew up on Long Island, NY, married in 1967 and had 2 sons, husband suddenly passed over 1986, made big changes in my life, then moved to Montana and found the 'real Joan' |
I just am really impressed with your website. I am so new to this computer stuff. Sold my horse which I never rode to a young boy and bought this computer for my past birthday, and have taught myself what I know thus far. My new partner in life (which w
ll be 8 years this 5 Oct) is old-fashioned and a country boy, and will not go near the computer. I can see all the good in it, but avoid all the bad in it also. It is like all earthly things, except what Nature has to give us. We can utilize the materia
things, but not allow them to control you. Most of our time is spent outside and in nature, so I only get a few hours on this computer to do things, and lately it has been answering e-mail which I am getting lots of from family, friends, and genealogy l
nes, and then I try to do some family research, and rarely have time to learn more of what this computer has on it and can do. I feel I did pretty good however teaching myself(with some reference books I got)and downloading programs all by myself.....I w
nt so much to have a site similar to yours, and want to learn how to do so......I may have to ask you how do I begin?? J
09/19/98 13:16:35
Name: Don Timmons | My URL: Visit Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: Hawxhurst | E-Mail Address: timmdon@earthlink.net |
Where are you from?: VA |
My wife's greatgreat grandmother was Sara Lalouette Hawxhurst born 1822 Queens NY. Her great grandfather. Daniel Hawxhurst, was a farmer who came to US at turn of 18th century. They were Quakers. Don Timmons
09/11/98 01:57:17
Name: Sheila Connelly | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: Connelly- Shannon-Rice | Hobbies & Interests: bowling sewing reading | E-Mail Address: ConnS11@aol.com |
Where are you from?: now fr: Denver,Co |
My Connelly`s are from Jersey City, NJ You did not give years so Im not sure of a connection.
My grandfather was Michael Connelly married Anna Shannon she was born in Ireland.
Waiting to hear from you,
09/10/98 04:27:00
Name: Noreen Hawk | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: Hawk, McGonagle |
Where are you from?: NJ |
Hello fellow Hawk researcher! I am researching Hawks and McGonagles in Pennsylvania. I'm making a family tree for my son and would appreciate any info you might have on PA Hawks. You have a very nice website here! Take care!
09/10/98 00:26:50
Name: Ron Bryant | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: BRYANT, PAYNE, VANTINE, STEVENS, PATTERSON | Hobbies & Interests: Genealogy, Computers, Astronomy, Math, Physics | E-Mail Address: bryant@uiuc.edu |
Where are you from?: Illinois |
08/30/98 00:27:11
Name: Mike Stockton | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: STOCKTON, CONLEY, SCOBEE, SHEERMAN |
E-Mail Address: MStockton@aol.com | Where are you from?: Currently live - Bowie Co. Tx. |
I am working on my Conley family Tree.
I saw that you had Connolly (sp) in your, so I thought I would check it out. thanks & have a good day.
Mike Stockton
08/29/98 12:56:27
Name: Bobbie Reihsen | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: Conley-Connelly, Boston, McCrale, Mackrill, Pierce, Pitts, Danner, Miler, Moore, Thompson, Ross | Hobbies & Interests: gardening, genealogy, history, art, travel | E-Mail Address: breihsen@hotmail.com |
Where are you from?: Jefferson City, MO |
Hi Ginny, back again to check your Conley messages, like a Connelly bulletin board. To add: Our Mary CONLEY was born 21 June 1815 in Richland Co. OH. Her mother Delilah McCRALE married CONLEY from Ireland about 1800 in either OH or PA.
Delilah's mother was Mary MACKRILL, born in Baltimore, MD. Baltimore Co. 9 Jun 1767. Hope this info. helps others and brings in more leads in our search for CONLEY and MACKRILL, McCRALE.
Thanks for the opportunity to share, We really enjoy your site and music too. Bobbie and Gerry
08/29/98 01:47:10
Name: Don CONLEY | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: CONLEY, BALDWIN, SNOW, THOMPSON, CRAVATT, MYERS, ODOM, PETTY, | Hobbies & Interests: Retired and only do genealogy now! | E-Mail Address: unklpoo@aol.com |
Where are you from?: Las Vegas, NV. |
I am originally from MO. My wife is from OK.
Great page so far, and I do enjoy a nice song now and then.
I will let you know if I can do anything here.
Don C
08/28/98 04:50:15
Name: Donna Perchase | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: levins |
this is a site my brother started while researching my Father's family - my maternal Grandmother's maiden naames was Hawkes (Marjorie) and she was born in Conn. This might prove useful - unless he has already been in touch with you.
08/23/98 15:38:53
Name: Kay Massey | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: Kiesel,Blystone,Suhr,Jackson | Hobbies & Interests: Cattle | E-Mail Address: massey@proaxis.com |
Where are you from?: Sweet Home, Oregon |
I am just learning to search the web for my family ties. Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated. We have a lot of information of the Kiesel side of the family buy are really searching the Blystone side. Not much information found. Bly
tone & Suhr were my maternal grandparents.
Great site!
08/20/98 05:30:07
Name: Alice Schoonover | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: None | Hobbies & Interests: A Bunch | E-Mail Address: KandieKisses@webtv.net |
Where are you from?: Raytown,Missouri |
Ginny I am so sorry to here about your mother. I just really enjoyed reading your homepage though. You put alot of effort into it. Come and visit me when you can. ((((((HUGS))))) Alice aka KandieKisses
08/19/98 16:48:52
Name: donnab | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Hobbies & Interests: Lots & lots of them |
Where are you from?: CA |
What a lovely song!! One of the best quality songs I heard on the net. Your page does remind me of my mother who passed away sometime back in silence, with only her eyes that spoke to me. Luckly I could read them. I didn't have support for the time I
pent with her in silence, but I wound not have given it up for anything. I love her still to this day & have fond memories of my life with her. I feel her spirt has been released to a place where she can now sing. Thank You for letting me celebrate my
Mom on your page.
08/17/98 05:00:53
Name: Brett Andrew Buechele | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: Muscatine, Iowa |
Hi Ginny, I enjoyed your web-page! Being a fellow Buechele, I especially enjoyed reading about the geneology of the name. I am originally from Dubuque, Iowa, where my great great grandfather Theodore Buechele immigrated to Dubuque from Baden Germany in
he 1850's I believe. To let you know alittle about myself, I am 30 years old, single, and am a chemical engineer for a corn processing company in Muscatine. My family pronounces our last name "Beakly", I have also heard the name pronounced "Booshell" al
o. I'm not sure if there is a correct pronunciation or not. Anyway, thanks for sharing some family heritage.
God Bless,
Brett Buechele
08/16/98 14:14:26
Name: MARLENE HARTLE | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: Ireland , Issac Coleman | Hobbies & Interests: GENEALOGY | E-Mail Address: marleneh@connectedbc.ca |
Where are you from?: Campbell River,B.C., Canada |
08/12/98 03:12:47
Name: Linda Temple | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: hawks,ireland,canniff |
Where are you from?: Orange,Mass. |
Please mail me your home address so I can send you some information. I lost your address somewhere.
08/08/98 11:08:25
Name: EDWARD E HARADON 111 | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: EDWARD J.HARADON | Hobbies & Interests: GENEALOGY | E-Mail Address: 132WASHINGTON ST |
Where are you from?: READING MA 01867 |
08/07/98 21:53:02
Name: Pete Rossi Sr | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: Rossi-DeMartino-Basso-DeGiacomo-Pelli | Hobbies & Interests: Taxes--Sports-Gardening | E-Mail Address: Pietrosr@aol.com |
Where are you from?: Bronx,NY/Fishkill,NY |
Hi Ginny,
Your site is absolutely fantastic!! A lot of time & effort. Will be talking to you soon.
08/02/98 01:39:12
Name: Kory Ellerbeck | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: Kiesel, Ellerbeck, Wilwerding, Vollenweider | Hobbies & Interests: bicycling | E-Mail Address: korye@netins.net |
Where are you from?: Des Moines, Iowa |
I just recently married a Wilwerding whose grandmother is Edna Alma Kiesel from Shelby, Iowa. Her father was Adam Kiesel, born January 4, 1877 in Wurttenburg, Germany and his father was Jacob Kiesel. If you have any info, I would love to share mine with
07/26/98 02:13:44
Name: Ralph J. Hach | My URL: Visit Me |
E-Mail Address: rjhachx@ibm.net | Where are you from?: TN |
My grandfather was Henry Kiesel. b1852 in IL d1934
in IA. His father is unknown to me but his mother Charlotte remarried to Homire in IL about 1880. Henry had several brothers and sisters.
07/24/98 00:42:42
Name: Joyce Connelly | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: Connelly, Wheway, Dowling, Zoldy, Kalach, Santaguida | Hobbies & Interests: Family research & crafts | E-Mail Address: 102331.2411@compuserve.com |
Where are you from?: CT, U.S.A. |
Your Connelly interest is not part of my family. Our Connelly's did not come to the U.S. till 1886.
07/08/98 03:44:05
Name: Brell Foster | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: Barton | Hobbies & Interests: Keeping up w/ my kids | E-Mail Address: bfoster@netside.com |
Where are you from?: Columbia, SC |
Are you from the Barton's of Greenville County, SC?
07/07/98 12:53:43
Name: James P. Smith, Jr. | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: Beck | Hobbies & Interests: Antiques, gardening | E-Mail Address: hoota@bellsouth.net |
Where are you from?: Wacahoota, FL |
My Beck connection is my paternal Grandmother. Her father was James Lawrence Beck, born in South Carolina, April 26, 1848. I do not know anything else about him and so I am searching.
06/30/98 20:06:09
Name: Roy E. Seip | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: Seip, Putman |
E-Mail Address: rseip@coffey.com | Where are you from?: Lander,Wy. |
06/25/98 14:51:51
Name: Shirley Kersey | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Hobbies & Interests: Travel |
Where are you from?: Rhode Island |
Hi Ginny, Was interested to hear about your trip to Germany. My sister lives in Stuttgaart and I will be visiting her in October. Would appreciate hearing about your favorite places, restaurants and "must sees". Thanks, Shirley.
06/20/98 22:13:39
Name: Bonnie Lipscomb | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: Reeds,Gehr,Hudson,Terrill,Kiefer |
Hobbies & Interests: Genealogy ! | Where are you from?: California |
Thank you for sharing your database. Haven't been really into your program long enough to find any of my ancestors. Your music is delightful...what a nice surprise!
06/16/98 22:30:01
Name: Mark S. Dudek | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: Dudek Imorde Spiering |
Hobbies & Interests: Genealogy | Where are you from?: Pittsburgh, PA |
Trying to find a link to Amsterdam, NY for the Dudeck family. Also interested in finding someone in Amsterdam NY that could make a few phone calls and e-mail back to me.
06/09/98 03:52:34
Name: bonita Lowe | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: beck, Webster, Cook | Hobbies & Interests: reading, gardening | E-Mail Address: lowe@townsqr.com |
Where are you from?: West Plains, Mo |
Mother's family is from Hopkins county Texas. Would llike to research family.
06/07/98 09:30:40
Name: Joy Fisher | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: FISH/ELLIS/SMALL/SHORT/FRANKLIN/ | Hobbies & Interests: Genealogy/Sewing/Crossswords/Being Happy/ |
06/07/98 00:12:18
Name: Lynne Brumback | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: Bunting, Brumback, Doersom, Livers, Maser, Muth, O'Brien, Smith, Thorn, Yeager | Hobbies & Interests: Genealogy and Cooking | E-Mail Address: lynneric@geocities.com |
Where are you from?: Beautiful Western Maryland |
You have an awesome site, and your family is just beautiful. God bless you!!!
06/06/98 05:50:00
Name: Lauren & Jan Buchele | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: Buchele, Petersen, Brockhoft, Kienholz, Shadley, Knight | Hobbies & Interests: (LB) cabinet making, computers, geneology(JB) sewing | E-Mail Address: LBB1930@aol.com |
Where are you from?: Denver, CO |
Sorry about the mix-up on the first sign-in.
We really enjoy your home page. Great job. I have researched Buchele's to Bunzwangn, Germany to 1795. I am checking out leads that may go back to 1645. Brockhoft's and Petersen's on island of Foehr, Germany to 1300's and Kienholz's back to 1499. Jan's mai
en name "Knight" has been traced back to 600AD.
I really do enjoy chatting with you on e-mail.
06/06/98 05:28:41
Name: Jody Tinker |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Nice hearing from you Ginny. Good luck on your searches....Jody
05/31/98 11:49:07
Name: willsher | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: willsher |
Where are you from?: West Sussex.U.K. |
05/19/98 12:24:13
Name: Cathy Weber | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
05/18/98 04:34:57
Name: Joyce | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: Mark, McBain, Reid | Hobbies & Interests: Sewing, computer, crocheting, genealogy | E-Mail Address: pjlappin@quadrant.net |
Where are you from?: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada |
Neat pages, very interesting.
05/14/98 02:46:16
Name: Audrey E. Connelly Andrus | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: Connelly/Conley, Berry/Barry, Kellogg, Hannah, Brothertown Indians |
E-Mail Address: andrusae@cougar.netutah.net | Where are you from?: Spanish Fork, UT |
My most elusive line - My grandfather Clarence James CONNELLY, also known as Jim, also know as Charles C. , CONNELLY also spelled CONLEY. I would like to know his father's name. My father, Charles Franklin CONNELLY, did not know his grandfather or his
Clarence James was born 15 Jan 1872 in Marshalltown, Marshall Co., Iowa - maybe - also have sources which say Nov 1873, about 1875, about 1874. His mother was Elizabeth HANNAH. She later married Lew(is) DEAN. They lived in Wadena Co. MN. I belie
e I have the death certificate for Elizabeth HANNAH DEAN from Beltrami Co. MN.
I have found an 1880 census record for a Lizzie Conley and Charles C. Conley, age 6 in Fayette Co. Iowa. This looks like a likely choice for my Elizabeth and Charles/Clarence. They are boarders with the Daniel & Lizzie Hoyt family. The father of Charles
C. is reported as being born in Ireland. In 1900 Charles C. is in Todd Co. MN. His father is reported as being born in NY.
Clarence James married? Ethel May JOHNSON TRUNK(E), about 1904-1906. I have quite a bit of info. on her. I have not found a marriage record for them. Some relatives - related through Ethel May's 1st husband, John TRUNK, say there was never a divo
ce from John TRUNK, or a 2nd marriage.
Clarence James farmed, ran steamboat, hauled coal, lumbered, fished, plant guard - in Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Manitoba and Saskatchewan, and Washington state. I have various documents from some of these places, besides my dad's story. As
I said at times my grandfather is called Charles C., at times James or Jim or Clarence James.
Clarence James died 2 December 1960 in Snohomish, Snohomish Co, Washington. I have his death certificate. My dad gave the info. for it.
I have searched records in Marshall Co, IA, Fayette Co. IA to look for the name of Clarence James' father.
Thanks for any help! Audrey
05/11/98 04:19:26
Name: frode s stringer | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: Victoria, B.C. |
Thank you for your kind remarks. I have found a
midi for you at:
Hope you can use it!
05/05/98 15:12:17
Name: Longo | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: Floucetti/Santamurro |
Where are you from?: I work with cyndy |
My grandmother passed away this week and we noticed that her mothers maiden name is different from all of her brothers and sisters mothers maiden name, she is the oldest and her mothers first name is all the same on all of the birth certificates. Where d
I start because her parents were born in Italy? The birthcertificate also stated "How many born to this women including this birth it said 3" and how many are living including this birth it said 1... How bizarre!!
If you could help get started I appreciate it.
My name is Caarolyn and I work with your daughter at the Hospital. Thanks!!!
05/01/98 23:49:15
Name: sallie |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Hey Ginny, your trip sounded wonderful. Check your icq requersts and add me please!!! We'll talk real soon. Sal
04/29/98 14:49:36
Name: Kim Taft | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: Wahl and Wienand | Hobbies & Interests: genealogy,crafts | E-Mail Address: taft5857@aol.com |
Where are you from?: Illinois |
Just checking to see if we have matching names !
04/15/98 20:00:44
Name: Gwen | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: Barton-Cobb |
Where are you from?: California |
My Grandfather was william Barton, son of Ethal and William Barton they came here from
England in the late1800 or Early 1900s.
I have more info but not with me at the moment
Are these Bartons related in anyway?
My Grandfather married Gwendolyn Cobb and had two children Roslyn and Terrie who are
alive and well both in CAlifornia.
My grandfather has two sisters Jessie and Berneice(I believe its the correct spelling?)
they both have children Berneice married
(malcom millar) Fred, Barton, Robert, Gordon
Jessie married I don't know at the moment
but she had two girls- Berneice and ?
her name escapes me at the moment.
anyway I am Roslyn's daughter and if we
barton's sound like any you have heard of
let me know and I will gladly fill you in on any
thing further.
04/04/98 10:29:34
Name: Tom | My URL: Visit Me |
Hobbies & Interests: the nature, my garden and house and to do endless travelings | Where are you from?: Germany |
I'm searching for Ginny from Indonesia. But it's a long way …
04/04/98 05:43:52
Name: Darla L Ushler | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: Halm | Where are you from?: San Antonio, Texas |
I have a Great- Greatgrandfather named Joseph Wilhelm Halm. I have no dates for him. He married Mina Rahe in New Brunsfels, Texas. They had 3 children Linda, Rosa( my great- grandmother)b Sept 20, 1885 (?) and Edwin. Rosa Halm married Joseph Preiss ( who
as born in 1877) and they had 4 children including my grandmother. Edwin Halm married(?) and had 2 children, a son Varce and a daughter. Varce is still alive and lives in New Brunsfels Texas. These Halm's are from Germany.
Do we have a match?
Darla Ushler
03/28/98 02:15:17
Name: Linda J. Temple | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: .Hawks/barton/canniff |
Where are you from?: Massachusetts |
We seem to go into the same family of Hawks. I have a lot of information and cemetery records for the area.
03/27/98 03:51:04
Name: Jan Goldfish |
My URL: Visit Me |
E-Mail Address: fishes4@juno.com |
Took a brief tour -- very enjoyable. Talk to you
soon. Have a wonderful trip! Looking forward
to hearing of your adventures.
03/21/98 19:13:44
Name: Brett Barton | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: Barton |
Where are you from?: Columbia, Missouri |
Just looking for some Bartons.
03/18/98 20:20:06
Name: James E. Gilbert | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: Gilbert, Barton, Noble, and Srtong | Hobbies & Interests: Scuba diving | E-Mail Address: jgilbert@hiwaay.net |
Where are you from?: Alabama, USA |
03/14/98 23:46:17
Name: Carl Spall | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Hobbies & Interests: Genealogie |
E-Mail Address: CarlSpall@wxs.nl | Where are you from?: Holland |
Nice page. My English is not so good! My familyname is Van Halm and I'm completing my family tree. Maybe later I can give you and other's a list of it. Thank you. Bye.
03/12/98 03:59:02
Name: Steve Randolph | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: Dourdis | Hobbies & Interests: Collecting M&M's, computers | E-Mail Address: srandolp@ic.sunysb.edu |
Where are you from?: Poughkeepsie:) |
heya.. I just got home from college for spring break.. and I HAD to touch mom's computer=] .. I don't know why they don't check their email that often.. but I saw it, and had to check out the page.. and I must say it is very nice.. well, my mom is sleepin
.. so I will tell her to get her butt over here and check her email.. I Know she will be happy to hear from you.. see ya later..
03/11/98 03:19:38
Name: Pete Broas | My URL: Visit Me |
E-Mail Address: p-broas1@ti.com | Where are you from?: NJ |
sorry, the email didn't go the first time.
03/11/98 03:18:06
Name: Pete Broas | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: Broas | Hobbies & Interests: sports |
Where are you from?: New Jersey |
Ginny, are you a Broas? I noticed you are from Poughkeepsie. Broas territory. Anyway, My parents and grandparents, and great granparents were all from NJ. Recently, the name is popping up often in the Phillipines. Any insight. Whats your thoughts on the l
ne. German, Irish, Dutch. Just pure mutt. Let me know what you think.
03/08/98 12:00:54
Name: Sue Birch | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: Hawks, Roberts, Johnson, Shoun, Birch, Schutt, Hieter/Heater | Hobbies & Interests: genealogy/grandchildren | E-Mail Address: sbirch@ix.netcom.com |
Where are you from?: Costa Mesa, Ca |
My main research currently is Hawks, (Allan, Albert
Eugene, Emma Louise(Shoun). Mostly NY & Iowa.
03/08/98 01:28:34
Name: Linda M. Vredenburgh | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: Barton,Powell, Ouimet | Hobbies & Interests: Aylesworth, Roots!! | E-Mail Address: vredenlm@tri-town.net |
Where are you from?: Central NYS |
Enjoyed your Homepages!
Help appreciated re Peter Barton, Gr.gr.gr.Grandfather ( 1810 Cayuga Co.NY -town of Scipio) To Chenango Co.---N.Pharsalia by 1811 with family ( dau.Malinda b.1809) No wife's name so research more difficult for Peter.
He and perhaps wife left Co. when well advanced in years---no idea WHERE??? Maybe son James Barton--one in German NY in 1830 Census,but moved by 1840 one! Did they all go together??
Thanks for any tidbits!
Happy Hunting to all!
03/04/98 03:54:16
Name: jessie jaycox adams | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: jaycox |
Hobbies & Interests: raising tomatoes | Where are you from?: montana/idaho |
just checking things out; i've never met another jaycox from outside of the immediate family
02/26/98 05:55:37
Name: Summer | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: Australia |
Just dropped in to say "Hi" and Welcome to the Garden House. **HUGS** I wish you every success in finding your man. I loved strolling around your pages. *S* Thank you for inviting me ....... Cheryl
02/23/98 14:38:54
Name: Dlee | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Hobbies & Interests: Life & Death |
E-Mail Address: compdoll@aol.com | Where are you from?: New England, USA |
Dear Ginny- Your Mother is very lucky to have a daughter like you. May God bless and keep her in your heart forever.
02/22/98 17:20:40
Name: Katie Pal, RT(R)(M) | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: n/a | Hobbies & Interests: Shopping with CYNDY | E-Mail Address: n/a |
Where are you from?: Millbrook |
Hi mom sorry about the other guest book goof. I can't wait to see your place. By the way since we ARE shopping today, should we pick up anything for you?
02/22/98 17:17:26
Name: Katie Pal, RT(R)(M) | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: n/a |
Hobbies & Interests: shopping with cyndy |
02/22/98 15:07:24
Name: Dlee | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: Livermore, Leitner | Hobbies & Interests: Web design | E-Mail Address: compdoll@aol.com |
Where are you from?: Massachusetts, USA |
Hello- You signed my guestbook but not all of your message was visible. Hope you'll stop back and try again. Very nice site you have here. I've enjoyed my visit.
02/22/98 14:01:50
Name: Lela Hite Newell | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: BARTON, DUNNING |
Hobbies & Interests: genealogy | Where are you from?: PA |
Searching in NC>SC>TN>KY>CA
02/15/98 17:47:16
Name: Mentor Jean |
My URL: Visit Me |
Ginny, finally ventured in for a visit. Great page & a lot of work. All Greek to me. I guess I'll have to stick to my snail mail & phone. Maybe I need a mentor for the internet!
02/14/98 14:53:31
Name: sal |
My URL: Visit Me |
ginny bouncing mail? send a note thru my guestbook.
02/14/98 07:16:40
Name: Edmondo Monti | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: Barnocchi |
Where are you from?: Italy |
02/11/98 02:31:42
Name: Ken Bradford | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Surnames You Are Researching: Banning, Bird, Grant, Clark, Conley |
Where are you from?: Virginia |
Nice page.
02/09/98 22:17:08
Name: Susan Helie | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: Rossi,Garbi,Somervilla | Hobbies & Interests: everything | E-Mail Address: shelie@fmis.net |
Where are you from?: NH |
Giovania Rossi,Giovani Sassle Rossi,Palmiro Luigi Rossi born CremonaItaly 1887 don't know if these are same Rossi's but they are who I am looking for Susan
02/08/98 19:02:38
Name: Ginny | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Surnames You Are Researching: Barton, Beck, Buechele, Broas, Connelly, DiNonno, Hauxhurst, Hawks, Hawkes, Ireland, Jaycox, Kiesel, Layer, Rossi, Wahl, Ziegler | Hobbies & Interests: Genealogy & Web Pages | E-Mail Address: ginnyflies@usa.net |
Where are you from?: Poughkeepsie, New York |
Guestbook II Test