Thank You for signing my guestbook. I am always glad to connect with fellow researchers and to meet new friends on line.

02/07/98 02:10:27
Name: Gigi Kelly My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Surnames You Are Researching: Buechele Hobbies & Interests: riding horses, genealogy E-Mail Address: as above
Where are you from?: VA

Thank goodness I found some info on Buechele !

02/05/98 01:57:15
Name: Ed & Mary Nisley My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Hobbies & Interests: Machine tools...
Where are you from?: PA and MA, through lots of other states!

More later... I (Ed) should tell you the story of how Nussli (with an umlaut, no less) became Nisley!

01/31/98 22:58:21
Name: Broas, Albert My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Surnames You Are Researching: n/a
Where are you from?: Marlboro

Krista, Nice page(s). Good luck with the new business :) Dad

01/31/98 22:41:58
Name: Broas My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Marlboro

Hello Ginny! Great Page :) Albert

01/27/98 06:48:44
Name: kelli Colleen Ireland My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Surnames You Are Researching: Ireland/Hatch
Where are you from?: Washington,USA

Just starting

01/26/98 18:27:10
Name: Lance DiNonno My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Surnames You Are Researching: DiNonno
Where are you from?: Coral Springs, FL


01/21/98 04:54:29
Name: Anna Lee Clark My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Surnames You Are Researching: Hardisty,Sprinkle, Kalb, Clark, Kuehner
Hobbies & Interests: Geneology, reading, Peaches Where are you from?: Paradise, Texas

Just returning the visit from 6197

01/19/98 16:04:19
Name: Billye Cutchen My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Surnames You Are Researching: Armstrong, Mills, Conley, Alvis, Armstrong, Seitz, Walker, Boatright, Mhoon
Hobbies & Interests: Genealogy, Travel, family Where are you from?: born OK, living in Milton, FL

Thanks to my query on the Connelly List. We may indeed have a connection, if either of us can get back that far. Billye

01/19/98 04:21:56
Name: magic6469
My URL: Visit Me


01/17/98 18:30:46
Name: Cyndy Broas
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hello Mumsey! I had to make it official and sign your guestbook with my computer...your page looks great with the butterflies...I'm glad that we found them. See you Soon!!! Love, Cyndy

01/17/98 01:48:43
Name: Sharon Townsend My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Surnames You Are Researching: Halm Hobbies & Interests: drawing & sewing E-Mail Address:
Where are you from?: Baker City, oregon

I am going to e-mail you a separate letter as I'm interested in a couple names I have found in your list.

01/13/98 17:29:18
Name: Charles Connelly My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Surnames You Are Researching: Connelly, McIntire, Stallings, Todd, Elliott, Eoff, Ligon
Where are you from?: Garland, Texas

Ginny, Great page! Thanks for the link to my page. Charles

01/13/98 03:52:29
Name: Adrienne Yeo My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Surnames You Are Researching: CONLEY, JAMES STEPHEN Hobbies & Interests: FAMILY HISTORY,COMPURERS E-Mail Address: ALYEO@NETCOM.CA
Where are you from?: Surrey,BC.Canada

Please let me know if you start a James Conley group

01/06/98 15:27:37
Name: Krista My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Surnames You Are Researching: DiNonno
E-Mail Address:

Hi mom. I was able to load your page now. Looks great. I explored all of your links. love ya

01/05/98 05:03:21
Name: Kyle Dykman My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Michigan

I'm not researching but I found your page about Buechele ancestors and Buechele is my mother's maiden name. I also sent you an email. You have a very nice web site.

01/05/98 01:42:24
Name: Charles"Bud"Cooper (Butts) My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Surnames You Are Researching: Butts, Gilliam, Godsey, Ireland, Mulwane
Hobbies & Interests: genealogy 12 yrs, bowling Where are you from?: NY, Fla., Coata Rica, and Tx.

Visited SalGal's page and saw yours. Am interested in your Irelands, and other NY families- Finch, Carroll, Cole, Butts, Mulwane, & others.

01/02/98 05:12:53
Name: Karen (McDonald) Carruthers My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Surnames You Are Researching: Connolly, Clark, Doyle, Campbell, McDonald Hobbies & Interests: Genealogy, baking, computers, gardening etc etc E-Mail Address:
Where are you from?: Langley, BC, Canada

Great web site. I am researching James?or John? Connolly who died in Dublin Ireland in the 1930's. I am also researching Doyle, Campbell, Clark, McDonald all from Ireland.

12/29/97 23:45:39
Name: Sallie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Surnames You Are Researching: Butts, Connolly, Farr, Goding, Peabody Hobbies & Interests: You name it! and genealogy! Not Cooking! E-Mail Address:
Where are you from?: MI

Hi Ginny, had to come back and visit. Thanks for linking me! I have a long way to go! Sallie

12/29/97 17:43:24
Name: Waddie "Bos'n Mate" Salmon My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Surnames You Are Researching: Salmon, Burnett, Mason, Carwile, Hudson
Where are you from?: Virginia

A very well done and interesting web site. I really enjoyed my visit. Thanks!

12/27/97 02:14:56
Name: R Grennell My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Surnames You Are Researching: Zeissler & Dorst Hobbies & Interests: Genealogy,Horse Training E-Mail Address:
Where are you from?: Arizona

You have a very nice Homepage. I am researching the above names for my two adopted sons.

12/25/97 07:37:44
Name: Robin Forrest My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Surnames You Are Researching: Fowler Chamberlain Hobbies & Interests: Genealogy and Parkinsons Disease E-Mail Address: (if its working)
Where are you from?: originally Michigan right now Washington

I like your guardian Angle page.. I don't have any common sirnames yet but who knows I have lots of unknow sirnames but 90 % come from New England or New York robin

12/23/97 10:30:02
Name: Wanda Erwin My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Surnames You Are Researching: Conley, Crose, Lake, Carr, Gholson, Crump Hobbies & Interests: Genealogy, Agatha Christie books E-Mail Address:
Where are you from?: KY

Looking for descendents of Captain Henry Connelly. My Conleys were from Morgan County, Ky.

12/22/97 04:25:12
Name: John D. Broas My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Surnames You Are Researching: Broas
Hobbies & Interests: Comics, Computers Where are you from?: Reedsburg, Wisconsin

I currently live in Winona, MN. I was born in Reedsburg, Wisconsin and grew up in Baraboo, Wisconsin. My mother was Virgina (Abbs) Broas, My Father was Alson Earl Broas. I was born on December 12,1958, my father was born on June 4, 1933, my mother on Augu t 12, 1940. My grandparents were Nello and Lydia Broas; and Bernard and Irene Abbs.

12/14/97 07:25:45
Name: Robert R. Connolly My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Surnames You Are Researching: Connolly/Nolan Hobbies & Interests: Amateur Stamp collector E-Mail Address:
Where are you from?: New York City

My father is Michael Joseph Connolly, born in New York City in April,1907. His Father was Martin Joseph Connolly, also born in New York on July 4th about 1870-75. Martin's father immigrated from England but was probably born in Ireland, date unknown. My randmother was Hannah Nolan born in Ireland in late 1870s. I have just gotten into the business of researching my family and have not begun to exhaust the possibilities for finding info. Please do not be concerned about any reply to this note unless by ome miracle, you happen to be in possession of pertinent information that is right in front of you. Thank you. Bob Connolly

12/12/97 09:36:21
Name: Klaus Hildenbrand
My URL: Visit Me
Where are you from?: Birkenweissbuch / Germany

Hello Ginny, I've found your Home Page ! It's great.

12/11/97 14:10:44
Name: Browneyes My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Missouri

Hi again! Thanks for visiting my site again. It's always changing so you never know what you'll find. *s* You have been busy too, I see. Keep up the great work.

12/10/97 15:08:05
Name: Terry Beck My URL: Visit Me
Surnames You Are Researching: Beck E-Mail Address: plantet all connection
Where are you from?: Hudson Mi

Nice job on web page hope we both find the family info we are looking for.

12/09/97 23:24:18
Name: Jim Buechele My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Surnames You Are Researching: none

It's a good name!

12/06/97 11:39:49
Name: Donna Sisco My URL: Visit Me
Hobbies & Interests: genealogy,computers,ceramics Where are you from?: IN

Thank you for returning to my page and the wonderful story. I have heard a song about that particular incident but I can't remember the name of it. My ancestors came from the old colony Virginia. My main ancestrial lineage is Moore. It is almost like tryi g to research "Smith".They even named the area they lived in, Moore Holler.My mother told me that my gg-Aunt was a Clerk in records and that one of my Moore forefathers was a Judge. I am a member of SW-WVA Rootsweb and it has helped trememdously.

12/01/97 23:04:12
Name: Marianne Halm My Email: Email Me
Surnames You Are Researching: halm, reinert Where are you from?: Acton, MA


11/26/97 03:24:57
Name: Melanie My URL: Visit Me
Surnames You Are Researching: Ireland; Stratton Hobbies & Interests: Genealogy, Gardening, Grandchildren
E-Mail Address: Where are you from?: Austin, Texas


11/21/97 23:36:49
Name: Sallie Nilsen My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Surnames You Are Researching: Connolly Butts Goding
E-Mail Address: Where are you from?: MI

Looking for any NY Connolly connections, James Bruce, Sarah Ann[Loveland], IRE.NY>WI>ILL>NE

11/19/97 05:10:50
Name: Bob George My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Surnames You Are Researching: Taulbee and a bunch

I will be back. I'm jealous. You have 35,000 hits in 30 days? And I have barely 9,000 in 2 years? I just must not live right! You chose a pleasing color combination. So many pages are hard to read because the colors destroy the font/background contrast.

11/17/97 22:40:44
Name: Dan Bennett My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Surnames You Are Researching: Judd, Triggs, Gray Hobbies & Interests: Genealogy and umm..genealogy! E-Mail Address:
Where are you from?: My Mother hehehe, ok ok WI

Love your page! wish I had that many visitors in a year! How do you do it? (besides having someone screw up your counter like they did mine it says almost 3 milion people came to my site since Nov 98!)

11/16/97 18:59:54
Name: Cyndy Lee Broas
My URL: Visit Me

Hello Mumsey, Just stopped by to check out the looks really cool. :) Pretty soon you'll be helping me create a page just as nice as this one :) Love you lots Mum!!! Your favorite daughter!!! Cyndy

11/15/97 17:28:19
Name: DeWanna My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Surnames You Are Researching: Barton, Nesbit, Porter, Robinson Hobbies & Interests: E-Mail Address:
Where are you from?: CA

You have a great page, I hope you will visit mine.

11/14/97 09:40:13
Name: Donna Sisco My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Surnames You Are Researching: SISCO,DARNELL,BOWLING,LANE,MOORE
Hobbies & Interests: genealogy,religion,crafts,computers E-Mail Address:

Thank you for visiting my page and signing my book. I really like your page and set-up! But for some reason the images didn't load. I know that placing the images was the hardest part for me to learn, and I'm still working at it. And your slogan for Famil Ties is beautiful. I wished I had thought of that one. As for the same name of Family Ties, I wonder if we are on the verge of starting a group here?

11/13/97 03:08:52
Name: Marshall
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Ginny... Very nice website dedicated to a great person who was a loving Husband, Father and a Master Packard Mechanic. Bravo!

11/13/97 01:09:21
Name: Yolanda D. Lanari
My URL: Visit Me

Hey, real cool, hopefully when shcool is done I can visit and study this further! Thanks for the look see!

11/11/97 05:31:31
Name: Larry Blasini
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice job - Fran was asleep - I will show her next time on on - you web page takes a long time to load on 486/66 - 28.8 machines, but it is fully functional prior to completion. Good luck with your search!!! Larry

11/10/97 17:08:28
Name: paula angelle My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Surnames You Are Researching: BROWN, ANGELLE, WASHINGTON, STELLY, PAYNE, FONTENOT
Hobbies & Interests: Genealogy Searching and watching L.A. Lakers and N.O. Saints E-Mail Address:

I'm searching for the parents of David BROWN of Louisiana, who married Millie Papillion. They had kids by the names of Richard, Clarence, David Jr., Plummer, Abraham (in Social Security records as Abram BROWN), and a daughter named Celie. There may be other kids but those are the only ones I've found. Abraham was my great- grand father (b 7/1884, d 11/1974), who married Mattie Milburn (b 1890). They lived in a community called "Lil Teche" or "Bayou Teche", between Washington and Opelousas, La in St. Landry Parish. They had 7 kids. Edward (my grandfather on my mother's side), Albert, Willie, Leroy, Abe Jr., Hilton and Virginia (known to us as Anice). Abraham died at Edward's house in 11/1974. His wife pasted away before he did. I'm also searching for parents of my great-great grand father Martin Angelle, who married someone name Flora (Last name unknown). Their son, Vincent Ducrie ANGELLE was my great grandfather on my father's side. He married Armine Provost. They had 4 kids name. 1)Allen (my grandfather b 10/1915 d 8/1972, who married Gertrude Stelly), 2)Iola (b 12/23 d 3/97, who married Alfred Thibodeaux), 3)Lawrence (who married Ollie [NLN]), and 4)Octavia (who married Junius Pickney). I'm told that Martin and his kids were of caucasian decent and Vincent's wife Armine Provost was of Indian decent. Martin and his kids and Armine Provost's family lived in the Bayou Chicot area in St. Martin Parish. Any information will be appreciated. Paula.........

11/10/97 01:07:40
Name: Judie Abson My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Surnames You Are Researching: abson, smart, walker, mccracken - all in Australia
Hobbies & Interests: genealogy and all crafts

Your page is great, I had fun checking it all out and many thanks for visiting mine. Judie

11/06/97 09:58:53
My Email: Email Me Surnames You Are Researching: THEISEN


11/06/97 04:10:13
Name: Ramona Summers My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Surnames You Are Researching: Summers, Pistole, Cheney, Richards, Berges
Hobbies & Interests: Genealogy & Ceramics E-Mail Address:

Your page is very nice. Will try to visit your other one soon. You implied you had not had your page up very long, but it definitely does not look like it was done by a "newbie".

11/03/97 17:52:56
Name: Lori Camper My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Surnames You Are Researching: Camper, Crofut
Hobbies & Interests: carnival glass, crochet, cross stitch

Love your site.

11/03/97 17:29:08
Name: George Carpenter My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Surnames You Are Researching: Carpenter
Hobbies & Interests: 2-Cylinder John Deere Tractors and Genealogy E-Mail Address:

How come you ask for Email address twice?

11/03/97 12:26:56
Name: Asdren My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Hobbies & Interests: Music, Computers, Photography

HI Mumsey, Thanks A Lot, for dedicateing me a space in your Web page it means so much to me and I am honoured. Well I shall see you soon ... really soon take care and keep on with the good work. Love 'ya

11/02/97 06:09:29
Name: Charlene Filipiak My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Surnames You Are Researching: Crinion, Hafenstein, McDonald, Hiltz
Hobbies & Interests: Genealogy and Computers E-Mail Address:

Thanks for visiting my homepage in Geocities/Heartland/Acres. I viewed your Guestbook and your children seem very nice. I hope mine grow up to be as nice. Good luck with your Genealogy research. May you find at least one new lead each day.

11/02/97 03:23:53
Name: karen & donald
My URL: Visit Me

pretty angel

11/01/97 17:49:57
Name: Allison and John Rossi My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Surnames You Are Researching: U NO
Hobbies & Interests: U NO E-Mail Address:

Nice home page.

10/31/97 23:28:18
Name: Kimberly Nash My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Surnames You Are Researching: Nash, Gwaltney, Connolly, Taylor and many more
Hobbies & Interests: Genealogy and horse back riding E-Mail Address:

Hi there, I want to thank you for visiting my webpage. I really like yours the background color is easy on the eyes. :) My Connolly line is from Pittsfield, Mass. and all I know is Sarah Sophia Connolly was born in about 1858 I think, she was the dau. of Mr. Connolly from Ireland and Susan Benedict born in Pittsfield Mass. Sarah married Pater Lynch from Ireland and they r ised their family in NY. Thanks, Kimberly

10/28/97 14:16:46
Name: lEarlene Bale My URL: Visit Me
Surnames You Are Researching: Edwards,Clark,Conklin,Conley,Sade/Said,Heath,Bale,Clason, E-Mail Address:


10/25/97 16:57:01
Name: Browneyes My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Hobbies & Interests: Painting, Crafts, Ceramics, Reading, Sewing, Crocheting, Computers, Internet