The following is a list of those in the subject census, with ages
and birthplace,
when birthplace is blank, birthplace is NY - B after age=Black
(Also abstracted by Clifford M. & Lenora V. Buck - Available from Kinship Publishing)
Not alphabetical - use your find function or browse.
Visit the Poor House Lady's site for Dutchess Co.
Terwell, John 25, Ireland
Quinn, John 60, Ireland
Mather, John 35, Ireland
Oakley, Wm H. 6,
" , Elizabeth 34
" , Gilbert 48
" , Quinn 48, Germany
Burger, Elin 14, Ireland
Brown, John 14, Ireland
Hamilton, Horrice 18, Germany
Carman, Joseph 67
Magen, Michael 10, Ireland
Shay, Mary 35, Ireland
Higgins, John 1, Ireland
Riley, Barnard 36, Ireland
Baxter, Barthlomew 38
Williams, Owens 26, Ireland
Pine, Ruben 60
Phyney, William 28, Ireland
Deney, John 25, Germany
Hentosen, Mary 25, Germany
" , Jacob 20, Germany
" , Andrew 65, Germany
" , Mary 55, Germany
" , John 60, Germany
" , Philip 25, Germany
" , Edgar 10
Shay, Ellen 4, Ireland
Dixon, Margaret 2, Ireland
" , Elizabeth 24. Ireland
" , Wm H. 35, Ireland
Odell, Mary 20
McMuskey, James 28
Pottent, Polena 35
Byon, Wm 29
Hart, James 23, Ireland
Goodsell, Jane 25, Ireland
Terrell, Betty 22
Nort, Catherine 66, Ireland
Rynder, Abigail 70
Murrey, Michl 19
Relley, Frances 19, Ireland
Anderson, John 23, Ireland
Nagal, Elizabeth 19
Woolsey, Mary 28, Ireland
Barnum, Owen 40
Brian, Mary A. 2, Ireland
" , Bridgett 4, Ireland
" , Catherine 22, Ireland
Carroll, Chas 36, Ireland
Haftalen, James 65, Ireland
Dermout, James 25
Murphy, John 65, Ireland
Brown, Maria 14, Ireland
Bloodgood, James 24
Done, Wm 14
Tarrell, John 60
Brown, Mathew 60
Nelegen, James 30
Burhans, James 3, Ireland
Eke, Henry 8/12
Eke, Maria 23
Mitchell, Martin 12, England
Malloy, Frank 25, Ireland
Losee, Wm H. 50
VanTassell, Geo 40
" , Pheby 30
" , Jonathan 8
Henry, Danl 40
Wiley, Adeline 25
Harold, Mary 24, Ireland
Harrigan, Owen 45, Ireland
Hertt, John 26, Germany
Babcock, Geo 6/12
" , Edward 2
Osborn, Wm 57, England
Cowiner, John 40, Ireland
Caimer, Cornelius 17, Ireland
Becor, Sarah, 25
Carver, Winney 60, Ireland
Farrell, John 25, Ireland
Washburn, Wm 1
Kelley, Ruth O. 4, Ireland
" , Elizabeth 34, Ireland
" , Gilbert 48, Ireland
Morris, Thos 45, Ireland
Minkler, Henry 62, Ireland
MaGuire, James 40, Ireland
Kagee, Paterick 30, Ireland
Cronk, Sarah 61
Magoff, John 30
Timmanus, John 66, Ireland
Carrell, John 27, Ireland
Dar, Mary A. 20, Ireland
Dally, Mitchell 40, Ireland
Hammer, Thomas 28, Ireland
Farlee, Mary 18, Ireland
Seneca, Joseph 47, Ireland
Worden, Valentine 50, Ireland
Campbell, Robt 63
Winchell, Frederick 30
Ward, John 20, Ireland
Burke, Mitchell, Ireland
Gabler, John A. 25, Ireland
Williams, John 28, Ireland
Graham, Mary A. 37, Ireland
Boil, Paterick 26
Fitraharly, Dennis 68, Ireland
Thompson, Ann 23, Ireland
" , Margaret 28, Ireland
Tenny, Paterick 40, Ireland
White, Thos 10 England
Ludlow, Benjamin 70
Simpson, Henry 2
Smith, Sarah G. 40
" , Emely 38
" , Ann 38
Sturdivent, Miles 33
" , Sarah 66
Rammer, Catherine 66, Ireland
" , James 76, Ireland
Sears, Thos 4
Burden, Paterick 6, Ireland
" , Ann 8, Ireland
" , Mary 30 Ireland
" , Elisa 70 Ireland
Brown, Mathew 20
Drink, Michael 50, Ireland
Mead, Sarah 70
Anise, Danl 30
Hayes, Cornelius 10, Ireland
Coon, Phillip 35
Osborn, Wm 1
Osborn, Mary 22, Ireland
Delmater, Philina 56
Graner, Paterick 40, Ireland
Jove, Sarah 48B
Low, Amenia 13B
Valentine, Pheby 60
Lawrence, Paterick 25, Ireland
Holmes, Joshua 70
Colman, James 30
Gray, Mitchel 19, Ireland
Pinkney, Geo 9, Ireland
Ward, Geo 11
Bowen, John 70
German, Danl 20, Ireland
VanOsdoll, Betsey 70, Ireland
" , James 75
Humes, Wm 3B
" , Ellen 4B
" , John 8B
Holmes, Rachael 24B
Wooltsey, Tephania 79
Bryan, John 63, Ireland
Blodgett, Elisha 16
Curtain, Darias 14, Irelan
Green, John P. 7B
Wiltsee, VanTine 70
Allen, Mary 35
Burke, Wm 40
Murphy, Ellen 5
Jacocks, Mary 30
Soles, Joseph 8
Slater, Paterick 1/12
Maglocler, Mary 2
" , Chas 24, Ireland
VanTassell, Wm 55
Meed, David 90
Macarty, Edward 35, Ireland
Gillins, Geo 10, Ireland
Bamn, Thos 32, Ireland
Leverge, Edward 35, Ireland
Hiseset, Jacob 14, Germany
Davis, Mitchell 70, Ireland
Cooley, Paterick 40, Ireland
Kane, Margaret 2, Ireland
Croley Ellen 4/12, Ireland
Rosell, James 7
Brennan, Paterick 30, Ireland
Wooden, Danl 1
" , Clark 25
Phillips, Edward 8/12
Robinson, Wm 2, England
Smith, Anthony 6, Ireland
VanTassell, John 8
Cuningham, Mitchell 18, Ireland
Howell, Benjamin 35
Pagen, John 30, Ireland
Robinson, John 13, Ireland
Robinson, Maria 40
Tompson, Hellen 30
Tompson, Maria 40
Willard, Adeline 40
Phimmey, Catherine 25, Ireland
Dale, John 21, Ireland
Jones, Elisa 30, Ireland
Cuningham, John 30, Ireland
Hosver, Simon 30
Perley, Catherine 60
Osborn, Mary 57
Babcock, Richd 3, England
" , Henry 6
" , Sarah 25
Casting, Wm 25
Shields, Peter 30 Ireland
Van Ritter, Peter 45, Ireland
Guilder, Paterick 25
Kingsley, Peter 2, Ireland
Fox, Mitchell 25, Ireland
Fitzpatrick, Martin 25, Ireland
Fine, Francis 21, Ireland
Wiley, Francis 24, Ireland
Ackert, Saloman 60
Cullen, John 28, Ireland
Murrey, Richd 19, Ireland
Brown, Maria 19, Ireland
Burtus, John 45
Pepper, Paterick 35, Ireland
Burnes, David 40
Henry, Danl 40, Canada
Conner, Danl O. 70, Ireland
Mahen, Morrice 20
Wendover, Mary 45
Gregory, Chas 40, Ireland
Kacan, Chas 2, Ireland
Salvage, Margarett 20, Ireland
Armstrong, Elizabeth 40
Meachan, Sam M. 52
Mass, Pheby 45
Wendover, Mary T. 17
Kelley, Francis 29, Ireland
Powers, Wm 35B
Murrey, Robt 25, Ireland
Baker, John 50
Vertivelt, James 35
Sherman, John 8B
Clapp, John 50
Orchard, James 36
McCurry, James 43
Burtus, John 50, Ireland
Martin, Wm 51, Ireland
Bushnell, Geo 30
Hall, Joseph B. 40 (Keeper County Poor House)
Hall, Elizabeth 30
Hall, Chas 18 (Keeper)
Hall, John F. 14
Sheak, Maria L. 20
" , Sarah J. 6
" , Geo3
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