Page 9
Dutchess County
Marriage Records

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Copyrighted Abstract, Transcription & HTML Version by
Virginia A. "Ginny" Buechele – 2004 - All Rights Reserved
Copying expressly forbidden unless for your PERSONAL (not-for-profit/non-commercial) Family History/Genealogy.
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These Records are in no particular order "Browse" or use your "Find" function.
Record Numbers do not sequence with dates since these records
were recorded as received from various sources.
Browsing may work best.
Some records handwritten, difficult to read and
known spelling errors occured in the original records as abstracted.


The Dutchess County Marriage Records
on this page are from Volume 1 ONLY
 [Commencing with Record #1 – Marriage Date – Jan. 1st, 1908]
Dutchess County  Marriage Records 1908-1935
Index and Records on Microfilm
Research by "Ginny"

[Printed & Transcribed from Microfilm by Ginny Commencing – January 2004]

Transcriptionist Notes:
As Near As I can Tell . . . . . . . .
These records were first maintained in 1908 following the passage of a
law requiring county clerks to maintain indices or registers of
marriages and forward the actual certificates to the State Department of
Health.  This requirement was abolished in 1926 but some county clerks
continued to maintain these summary records into the 1930s.

Some of these were difficult for me to read and decipher.
Again use your imagination when reviewing these.  
Obtaining a genealogical copy of the Marriage Certificate 
from the New York State Department of Health – Vital Statistics Dept. 
may prove well worth your while for these as it is always possible that errors were made transcribing to these books from the original certificate before it was sent to the State and in my deciphering them from poor copy printed from Microfilm.  E-mail  Ginny  with proven corrections and I will note them here!
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 14:66
Date of License February 1, 1908
Date of Marriage February 16, 1908
Place of Marriage Poughkeepsie
Official Chas. Galuschka, Priest
Witnesses: John Kumiec, Kataryzna Ostrega
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: Frank Swierczyek, --, 24, 1st Marriage
Resides Poughkeepsie. Laborer, b. Austria
Father Michael b. Austria
Mother Julia Lasorta b. Austria
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Katie Czarnik, --, 23, 1st Marriage
Resides Poughkeepsie, Domestic, b. Austria
Father John b. Austria
Mother Margaret Kuta b. Austria
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 14:67
Date of License February 11, 1908
Date of Marriage February 12, 1908
Place of Marriage Poughkeepsie
Official Robert A. Ross, Priest
Witnesses: William Arbogast, Mary Skelley
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: John Joseph Skelly, White, 30, 1st Marriage
Resides 32 Montgomery St, Policeman, b. Brooklyn, NY
Father John Skelly b. Ireland
Mother Mary Masterson b. Ireland
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Louise Frances Pehl, white, 25, 1st Marriage
Resides 160 Main St., Nurse, b. Poughkeepsie NY
Father Emil Pehl b. Germany
Mother Emile Krasberg b. Germany
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 14:68
Date of License February 25, 1908
Date of Marriage February 26, 1908
Place of Marriage Poughkeepsie
Official Francis B. Whitcome, Clergyman
Witnesses: Sarah A. Long, Joseph W. Gilbert
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: Adolph Kolla, --, 28, 1st Marriage
Resides 333 Mill Poughkeepsie, Tailor, b. Austria
Father Ludwig b. Austria
Mother Anna Schopper b. Austria
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Frances C. Gilbert, --, 21, 1st Marriage
Resides 12 Cannon Poughkeepsie, Occ. - None, b. N. Jersey
Father Joseph R. b. Conn
Mother Phileta Merkline b. N. Jersey
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 14:69
Date of License February 24, 1908
Date of Marriage February 26, 1908
Place of Marriage Poughkeepsie
Official Robert A. Ross, Priest
Witnesses: Miss Margaret E O'Neil, Frank Myers
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: William Loyd Miller, white, 23, 1st Marriage
Resides Poughkeepsie
Father John T. Miller b. Scotland
Mother Anna Miller b. Canada
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Ellen Mary Heideman, white, 24, 1st Marriage
Resides Poughkeepsie, Occ. - [Blank], b. Poughkeepsie
Father Frederick J. Heidemann b. Germany
Mother Ellen McCarthy b. United States
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 14:70
Date of License February 25, 1908
Date of Marriage February 27, 1908
Place of Marriage Poughkeepsie
Official Joseph F. Sheahan, Clergyman
Witnesses: Ernest Simmons, Margaret Moran
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: Elmer Simmons, white, 24, 1st Marriage
Resides Poughkeepsie, Finisher, b. Tivoli, NY
Father Lewis Simmons b. America
Mother Jeanette Bell b. America
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Elizabeth Mary Moran, white, 25, 1st Marriage
Resides Poughkeepsie, Occ. - [Blank], b. Poughkeepsie
Father John Moran b. Ireland
Mother Mary Lang b. Ireland
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 15:71
Date of License Februay 12, 1908
Date of Marriage February 16, 1908
Place of Marriage Poughkeepsie
Official Rev. Fr. N. Pavone, Clergyman
Witnesses: Guiseppe Fusaro, Teresina Amiciello
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: Salvatore Fusaro, white, 22, 1st Marriage
Resides 14 Albany St. Poughkeepsie, Laborer, b. Italy
Father Antonio Fusaro b. Italy
Mother Rosina Papasso b. Italy
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Guiseppina Gallo, white, 17, 1st Marriage [consent by Mother]
Resides 18 Davis St. Poughkeepsie, Housework, b. Italy
Father Leopolao Gallo b. Italy
Mother Angelina D'Agostino b. Italy
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 15:72
Date of License March 2, 1908
Date of Marriage March 2, 1908
Place of Marriage Poughkeepsie
Official Wm Potts George, Minister
Witnesses: H. D. George, Bell McIntosh
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: John Totten, white, 23, 1st Marriage
Resides Poughkeepsie, Stableman, b. N.Y.
Father Charles b. N. Y.
Mother Kate Hoffman b. Germany
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Grace Beegle, white, 19, 1st Marriage
Resides Poughkeepsie, Occ. - None, b. N. Y.
Father James b. Penn
Mother Ella Thompson b. NY
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 15:73
Date of License March 3, 1908
Date of Marriage March 4, 1908
Place of Marriage Poughkeepsie
Official Wm. Potts George, Minister
Witnesses: May A. Snow, William H. Snow
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: Thomas Aquinas Melrose, white, 28, 1st Marriage
Resides Poughkeepsie, Theatrical Man, b. Greenville, NJ
Father James b. America
Mother Grace A. Erskin b. America
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Fannie Camilla Taylor, white, 29, 1st Marriage
Resides Poughkeepsie, Musician, b. Hyde Park
Father Zachariah W. Taylor b. America
Mother Mary Elizabeth Williams b. Canada
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 15:74
Date of License March 9, 1908
Date of Marriage March 10, 1908
Place of Marriage Poughkeepsie
Official Edward S. Ralston, Minister
Witnesses: Frank W. Cox, Elizabeth D. White
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: John Robert Cox, --, 25, 1st Marriage
Resides Fremont NC, Student, b. N. C.
Father Richard b. NC
Mother Frances R. Barnes, b. NC
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Irene Noxon Norton, --, 24, 1st Marriage
Resides 68 Garden Poughkeepsie, Occ. "Not Any", b. N.Y.
Father Theodore b. U.S.
Mother Katharine Noxon b. N.Y.
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 15:75
Date of License Feb. 28, 1908
Date of Marriage March 8, 1908
Place of Marriage Poughkeepsie
Official Francis B. Whitcome
Witnesses: William P. Darrow, Viola VanNostrand
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: Charles H. VanNostrand, --, 19, 1st Marriage
Resides 35 Market St. Poughkeepsie, Electrician, b. N. Y.
Father James b. N. Y.
Mother Minnie Losee b. N. Y.
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Lottie E. Traphagen, --, 19, 1st Marriage
Resides 40 Harrison Poughkeepsie, Occ. - None, b. N.Y.
Father Herbert b. N.Y.
Mother Mary Goodgoin b. N. Y.
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 16:76
Date of License Feb. 25, 1908
Date of Marriage Feb. 27, 1908
Place of Marriage Poughkeepsie
Official Wm P. Swartz, Minister
Witnesses: Adelia F. Wigg, Jennie Lyon
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: George McGreery, --, 21, 1st Marriage
Resides Seneca Falls, Machinist, b. Canada
Father William b. Canada
Mother Tina Martin b. Canada
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Edna E. Wigg, --, 21, 1st Marriage
Resides 20 Crannel St. Poughkeepsie, Occ. - None, b. N. Y.
Father Hamilton b. N.Y.
Mother Mary E. Williams b. Penna
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 16:77
Date of License Feb. 13, 1908
Date of Marriage Feb. 13, 1908
Place of Marriage Poughkeepsie
Official Patrick Daly, Priest
Witnesses: Frank D. Lawson, Mrs. Frank D. Lawson
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: Frank E. Draiss, --, 19, 1st Marriage [Consent by Mother]
Resides Poughkeepsie, Button Turner, b. Albany
Father Valentine Drais b. United States
Mother Ellen Holohan b. United States
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Helen Viola Kennedy, --, 15, 1st Marriage
Resides Poughkeepsie, Factory Employee, b. Fayette, NY
Father James Kennedy b. Michigan
Mother Elizabeth Loudbank b. United States
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 16:78
Date of License Feb. 22, 1908
Date of Marriage March 1, 1908
Place of Marriage Poughkeepsie
Official Rev. G. Bruder
Witnesses: John Lescsak, Stella Napuriski
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: Stephen Henry Lescsak, white, 21, 1st marriage
Resides Poughkeepsie, Candy Maker, b. Poughkeepsie
Father Michael Lescsak b. Austria
Mother Mary Mischender b. Austria
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Pauline Sophia Poulski, white, 22, 1st Marriage
Resides Poughkeepsie, Housework, b. Russia
Father Antonio Poulski b. Russia
Mother Mary Vischuski b. Russia
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 16:79
Date of License Feb. 12, 1908
Date of Marriage Feb. 23, 1908
Place of Marriage Poughkeepsie
Official Rev. G. Bruder
Witnesses: Louis Emery, Mary Kori
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: Laszlo Juharz, --, 35, 1st Marriage
Resides Poughkeepsie, Laborer, b. Hungary
Father Joseph b. Hungary
Mother Mary Frank b. Hungary
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Ilona Sika, --, 20, 1st Marriage
Resides Poughkeepsie, Domestic, b. Hungary
Father John b. Hungary
Mother Maria Zsatlos b. Hungary
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 16:80
Date of License March 24, 1908
Date of Marriage March 25, 1908
Place of Marriage Poughkeepsie
Official Wm. W. Barker, Clergyman
Witnesses: Archibald Paulus, Sarah A. Paulus
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: Henry Charles Joseph Chudoba, white, 23, 1st Marriage
Resides Pawling, Clerk, b. New York City
Father Frank Chudoba b. Germany
Mother Cecilia Rennert b. Germany
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Eva Paulus, white, 23, 1st Marriage
Resides Pawling, Occ. - None, b. Pawling
Father Archibald Paulus b. U. S.
Mother Sarah A. Miller b. U. S.
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 17:81
Date of License March 14, 1908
Date of Marriage March 25, 1908
Place of Marriage Pleasant Valley
Official Rev. Wm. H. Rathbun, Clergyman
Witnesses: Mrs. Bessie L. Lasher, Egbert S. Bishop
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: Frederick F. Bishop, white, 26, 1st Marriage
Resides Pleasant Valley, Laborer b. Rhinecliff
Father Isaac H. Bishop b. NY
Mother Anna Bell b. NY
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Phoebe J. Welker, white, 18, 1st Marriage
Resides 25 Harris St. Poughkeepsie, Housekeeper, b. Poughkeepsie
Father Edgar W. Welker b. NY
Mother Libbie Myers b. Hyde Park
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 17:82
Date of License March 27, 1908
Date of Marriage March 28, 1908
Place of Marriage Plesaant Valley
Official Frank W. Townsend, Clergyman
Witnesses: Iantha Vail, L. Ida Duncan
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: Edwin Forman, white, 19, 1st marriage
Resides Pleasant Valley
Father E. D. Forman b. Pleasant Valley
Mother Sarah Doty, b. Pleasant Valley
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Martha Lavinia Duncan, white, 18, 1st Marriage
Resides Pleasant Valley, "Lady", b. Pleasant Valley
Father Charles H. Duncan b. Pleasant Valley
Mother L. Ida Prey b. Town of LaGrange
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 17:83
Date of License March 25, 1908
Date of Marriage March 25, 1908
Place of Marriage Dover Plains
Official Rev. George Ringrose
Witnesses: Geo. Plankenhorn, Sarah Duncan
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: Wm. H. Plankenhorn, white, 23, 1st Marriage
Resides Wingdale, Milk Employee, b. Pottsville, NY
Father Mathew Plankenhorn b. Germany
Mother Johanna Vallentine b. Germany
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: May White Duncan, white, 19, 1st Marriage
Resides Kent CT, Dressmaking, b. Dover Plains
Father Daniel Duncan b. United States
Mother Rhoda Dennis b. United States
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 17:84
Date of License March 2, 1908
Date of Marriage March 2, 1908
Place of Marriage Fishkill Landing
Official George A. Green, Clergyman
Witnesses: Ben Olson, Maria Stevens
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: Malcolm Larson, white, 26, 1st marriage
Resides Matteawan, Macanick[sic], b. Sweden
Father Lois Persson b. Sweden
Mother Inger Mattsson b. Sweden
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Olga Victoria Fredericks, white, 21, 1st Marriage
Resides Matteawan, Waitress, b. Norway
Father John Fredericks b. Sweden
Mother Anna Rasmedson b. Sweden
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 17:85
Date of License March 21, 1908
Date of Marriage March 25, 1908
Place of Marriage Fishkill Landing
Official Chas. E. Spaight, Justice of the Peace
Witnesses: Rose Levy, Mrs. A. Venus
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: Benjamin Nicholas Levy, white, 21, 1st Marriage
Resides New York City, Manufacturer, b. New York City
Father Charles S. Levy b. America
Mother Rosie Haynan b. Germany
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Florence Belle Venus, white, 20, 1st Marriage
Resides Fishkill Landing, "Kindergarten", b. Station [sic] Island
Father Augustus Venus b. America
Mother Elizabeth Butler b. America

Page 10 - Dutchess County Marriage Records

I have more of these yet to be transcribed!
Will upload them as time Permits?
Another Day - Another Page!
Most Records on this page are not for members of my Family.
However, I offer them here to assist other researchers.
Still, I would like to hear from anyone who has success
in finding family among these records.
 E-Mail Me

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Woven in Each Heart,
to Keep a Family Close in Thought,
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