Page 12
Dutchess County
Marriage Records

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Copyrighted Abstract, Transcription & HTML Version by
Virginia A. "Ginny" Buechele – 2006 - All Rights Reserved
Copying expressly forbidden unless for your PERSONAL (not-for-profit/non-commercial) Family History/Genealogy.
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These Records are in no particular order "Browse" or use your "Find" function.
Record Numbers do not sequence with dates since these records
were recorded as received from various sources.
Browsing may work best.
Some records handwritten, difficult to read and
known spelling errors occured in the original records as abstracted.


The Dutchess County Marriage Records
on this page are from Volume 1 ONLY
 [Commencing with Record #1 – Marriage Date – Jan. 1st, 1908]
Dutchess County  Marriage Records 1908-1935
Index and Records on Microfilm
Research by "Ginny"

[Printed & Transcribed from Microfilm by Ginny Commencing – January 2004]

Transcriptionist Notes:
As Near As I can Tell . . . . . . . .
These records were first maintained in 1908 following the passage of a
law requiring county clerks to maintain indices or registers of
marriages and forward the actual certificates to the State Department of
Health.  This requirement was abolished in 1926 but some county clerks
continued to maintain these summary records into the 1930s.

Some of these were difficult for me to read and decipher.
Again use your imagination when reviewing these.  
Obtaining a genealogical copy of the Marriage Certificate 
from the New York State Department of Health – Vital Statistics Dept. 
may prove well worth your while for these as it is always possible that errors were made transcribing to these books from the original certificate before it was sent to the State and in my deciphering them from poor copy printed from Microfilm.  E-mail  Ginny  with proven corrections and I will note them here!
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 25:126
Date of License May 13, 1908
Date of Marriage May 13, 1908
Place of Marriage Millerton
Official A. Ostrander, Minister
Witnesses: Henry Pitcher Jr., Elizabeth Dean
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: Henry B. Frink, white, 23, 1st Marriage
Resides Millerton, Bookkeeper, b. Millerton
Father Milan Frink b. Conn
Mother Ida L. Duffy b. NY
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Anna G. Mackay, white, 23, 1st Marriage
Resides Millerton, Attendant, b. Lakeville, Conn
Father Clarence Makay b. Poughkeepsie
Mother Maryetta Wolcott b. NY
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 26:127
Date of License May 13, 1908
Date of Marriage May 13, 1908
Place of Marriage Millerton
Official C. A. Stephens, Justice of the Peace
Witnesses: George E. Hill, George E. Wood
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: Albert Colombi, white, 34, 1st Marriage
Resides Sharon CT, Coaling, b. Italy
Father Andrew Colombi b. Italy
Mother Angelica Tacherie b. Italy
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Merarrglia Margheritta, white, 34, 1st Marriage
Resides Sharon CT, Housewife, b. Italy
Father Gussepe b. Italy
Mother Catalortte Domanica b. Italy
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 26:128
Date of License Apr. 13, 1908
Date of Marriage Apr, 22, 1908
Place of Marriage Rhinecliff
Official Jacob C. Heapfey [?], minister
Witnesses: Thos. W. Budden, Caroline Louise Walter
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: Frank Lasher, white, 26, 1st Marriage
Resides Rhinecliff, Towerman, b. Rhinecliff
Father Peter Lasher b. Dutchess
Mother Sarah Proper b. Dutchess
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Lillian Gick, white, 21, 1st Marriage
Resides Rhinecliff, At Home, b. Canada
Father Wm R. Gick b. Canada
Mother Josephine Man b. Canada
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 26:129
Date of License May 2, 1908
Date of Marriage May 2, 1908
Place of Marriage Millbrook
Official William Cadman, Minister
Witnesses: Mrs. W. Cadman, Mrs. J. Fullshire
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: Frank Lane, white, 21 1st Marriage
Resides Millbrook, Laborer, b. Verbank
Father Wm. Lane b. Bloomdale, NY
Mother Sarah Horton b. US
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Estella Wheeler, white, 19, 1st Marriage
Resides Oak Summit, Occ-None, b. Oak Summit
Father Ruscomb Wheeler b. US
Mother Louise Odell b. US Dover Plains
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 26:130
Date of License Apr. 20, 1908
Date of Marriage Apr. 22, 1908
Place of Marriage Poughkeepsie
Official Francis B. Whitcome, Clergyman
Witnesses: Mrs. Margaret E. Blinn, E. E. Whitcome
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: John McKinley, white, 35, 1st Marriage
Resides Millbrook, Gardener, b. Glenham
Father Alexander McKinley b. Ireland
Mother Matilda Love b. Ireland
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Elizabeth Catherine Rice, White, 26, 2nd Marriage, Widow
Resides Millbrook, Housekeeper, b. Millbrook
Father Thomas Kelley b. Ireland
Mother Katharine Crowe b. Ireland
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 27:131
Date of License Apr. 19, 1908
Date of Marriage Apr. 19, 1908
Place of Marriage Millbrook
Official Jno. F. Weir, Clergyman
Witnesses: Nathaniel Simmons, James B. Simmons
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: Felix Edward Simmons, white, 34, 1st Marriage
Resides New Canaan-Conn, Gardener, b. Millbrook, NY
Father Felix Simmons b. Ireland
Mother Ann Hynes b. Ireland
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Mary G. Coughlin, white, 29, 1st Marriage
Resides Millbrook, Nurse, b. Highland, Ireland
Father Patrick Coughlin b. Ireland
Mother Catherine Kelley b. Ireland
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 27:132
Date of License Apr. 30, 1908
Date of Marriage May 3, 1908
Place of Marriage Millbrook
Official Jno. F. Weir, Clergyman
Witnesses: Pasquale & Costanza Barcciale
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: Raffaele Santo Pietro, white, 37, 2nd Marriage, widower
Resides Millbrook, Gardener, b. Fondi
Father Dominico Santo Pietro b. Italy
Mother Maria Dominico Recchia b. Italy
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Luigia DeStefani, white, 20, 1st Marriage
Resides Millbrook, Occ-None, b. Fondi
Father Antonio DeStefani b. Italy
Mother Filomena Frisella b. Italy
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 27:133
Date of License May 9, 1908
Date of Marriage May 9, 1908
Place of Marriage Arlington
Official John F. Hoppe, Justice of the Peace
Witnesses: Wm Taylor, C. E. Vanauken
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: Charles Soules, white, 47, 2nd Marriage, widower
Resides Pleasant Valley, Laborer, b. Conn
Father John W. Soules b. N Y State
Mother Julia A. Vosburgh b. ?
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Mrs. Ida Perkins, white, 38, 2nd Marriage, widow
Resides Conn-Norfolk, Housework, b. Conn
Father - - -
Mother - - -
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 27:134
Date of License May 16, 1908
Date of Marriage May 17, 1908
Place of Marriage Clintondale
Official Geo. W. Ferris, Minister
Witnesses: Walter C. Bernard, Stella A. Bernard
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: William J. Simpson, white, 27, 1st Marriage
Resides Arlington, Teamster, b. Ulster Co.
Father Luther T. Simpson b. Ulster Co.
Mother Mary Palmater b. Ulster Co.
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Lena Taylor, white, 28, 1st Marriage
Resides Town of Po'keepsie, House Work, b. Pleasant Valley
Father William H. Taylor b. Pleasant Valley
Mother Mary Hayerman b. Dutchess Co.
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 27:135
Date of License June 16, 1908
Date of Marriage June, 21, 1908
Place of Marriage Poughkeepsie
Official J. F. Sheahan
Witnesses: Edward J. Tracy, Susan E. Tracy
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: Patrick Costello, white, 45, 2nd Marriage, - -
Resides Po'keepsie, Glass Blower, b. Po'keepise
Father James b. Ireland
Mother Anna McCarty b. Ireland
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Margaret Clark Strathern, white, 38, 2nd Marriage, - -
Resides Po'keepsie, Dressmaker, b. New York City
Father Thomas Clark b. Ireland
Mother Mary Kelly b. Ireland
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 28:136
See Ginny's Marriage Records Page 3
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: Callen Northrup
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Elving M. Wirsch
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 28:137
See Ginny's Marriage Records Page 3
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: William F. Welch
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Elizabeth F. Welsh
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 28:138
See Ginny's Marriage Records Page 3
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: Martin Quinn
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Norah Clifford
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 28:139
See Ginny's Marriage Records Page 1
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: William N. Cooper
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Sarah Ida Wilson
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 28:140
See Ginny's Marriage Records Page 3
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: Nelson Pierson
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Hanna Johnson
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 29:141
Date of License April 28, 1908
Date of Marriage May 2, 1908
Place of Marriage Christ Church
Official Alex. Griswold Cummings,
Witnesses: Celena Wilkinson Reynolds, Helen VanKleeck
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: George Vincent (Vinson), White, 45, 2nd marriage widowed
Resides Poughkeepsie, Laborer, b. Wellstown, NY
Father John Vincent (Vinson) b. Ireland
Mother Anna Molren (Moloran), b. NY
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Gertrude Parker, white 38, 2nd marriage widowed
Resides Poughkeepsie, Tailoress, b. Lester, England
Father Charles Saggs, b. Essen, England
Mother Mary Ann Underwood, b. Lester, England
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 29:142
Date of License April 29, 1908
Date of Marriage April 30, 1908
Place of Marriage Poughkeepsie
Official Max Mueller, Minister
Witnesses: Edith Campbell, John W. Melrose
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: George Hamilton Melrose, white, 26, 1st Marriage
Resides Poughkeepsie, Carpenter, b. Poughkeepsie
Father John H. Melrose b. Canada
Mother Laaura Meyerhueber, b. Germany
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Carrie Louise Pieck, White, 19, 1st Marriage
Resides Poughkeepsie, Occupation - None, b. Poughkeepsie
Father Frederick Pieck, b. NY
Mother Carrie Brenner, b. NY
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 29:143
Date of License April 27, 1908
Date of Marriage May 30, 1908
Place of Marriage Poughkeepsie
Official Joseph F. Sheahan, Clergyman
Witnesses: Andrew Clifford, Mary Miller
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: Emory Francis Green, White, 25, 1st Marriage
Resides Poughkeepsie, Truck Driver, b. Esopus
Father Emory Green, b. NY
Mother Sarah Lundy, b. Esopus
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Ruth Elizabeth Richmond, White, 21 1st Marriage
Resides Poughkeepsie, Housework, b. Poughkeepsie
Father John Richmond b. Scotland
Mother Catharine Lenehan b. Ireland
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 29:144
Date of License May 30, 1908
Date of Marriage May 30, 1908
Place of Marriage Poughkeepsie
Official Rev. G. Baudes
Witnesses: John J. Biencofner, Mary F. Biencofner
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: Charles W. Ebert, white, 42, 1st Marriage
Resides Brooklyn, Brushmaker, b. Germany
Father Frederick b. Bermany
Mother Flora E. Beyer, b. Germany
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Barbara E. Biencofner, White, 39, 1st Marriage
Resides Poughkeepsie, Occ-Not Any, b. NY
Father Peter b. Germany
Mother Mary Rheiland b. Germany
Volume No. 1
Page:Record No 29:145
Date of License March 30, 1908
Date of Marriage May 14, 1908
Place of Marriage Poughkeepsie
Official Archey O. Ball, Clergyman
Witnesses: Mr. Aug. H. Kaiser, Miss Emma Booth
GROOM Name/Age/Race/: Albert Henry Kaiser, White, 32, 1st Marriage
Resides Poughkeepsie, Painter & Cigar Maker, b. Poughkeepsie
Father John G. Kaiser, b. Frankfurt, Germany
Mother Caroline Shorn, b. Baden, Germany
BRIDE Name/Age/Race: Ida May Booth, White, 35, 2nd Marriage, widowed 2 years
Resides Poughkeepsie, b. Worcster, Mass
Father George L. F. Clark b. Laudlow, Mass
Mother Ellen Nichols b. Sturbridge, Mass

Next Page - Page 13 - Dutchess County Marriage Records - Coming Soon!

I have more of these yet to be transcribed!
Will upload them as time Permits?
Another Day - Another Page!
Most Records on this page are not for members of my Family.
However, I offer them here to assist other researchers.
Still, I would like to hear from anyone who has success
in finding family among these records.
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