[Special thanks to (Rev.) Robert W. Dahlke, S.J.
for his assistance with background information presented here,
including definitions ,
as well a providing me with the Link for New  York Jesuit History]

In 1970 the Culinary Institute of America Purchased the 80 Arcre
St. Andrew-on-Hudson Jesuit (Society of Jesus)
seminary site in Hyde Park, NY for $1 Million and two years later
after extensive renovation the CIA opened its new campus,
with the Main Building being renamed Roth Hall.

This page is dedicated to the Jesuit Cemetery located on this site.

 New York JESUIT History Site
Below is a brief quote from a former New York JESUIT History Web Site
[] regarding St. Andrew-On-Hudson.
Unfortunately [this site had much information on Jesuit History] this link from 2002 is no longer valid.

If anyone can provide me with a similar/new Link, I would be most grateful and would link to the site from this page!

"If the last years of the 19th Century were quiet ones for the New York Jesuits,

the new century came roaring in on the winds of change. Fr. Purbrick, a visitor
and provincial from 1897 to 1901, acquired property and laid plans to erect an
imposing new novitiate on a bluff overlooking the Hudson at Hyde Park, N. Y.
In 1903 all the novices left their historic quarters in Frederick, MD. and
moved into the new St. Andrew-on-Hudson which for the next sixty years would
be a major training ground for the Jesuits of the East Coast."

Culinary Institute of America

Culinary Institute - Roth Hall

 St. Andrew-on-Hudson
Former Jesuit Seminary
Hyde Park, New York
(now 2002 Culinary Institute of America)
Jesuit Cemetery

These listings are not to be considered complete. Although I have endeavored to make
them as accurate as possible, I take no responsibility for their accuracy.


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You are entering the resting place of many fine citizens of  this former Jesuit Institution!

  St. Andrew-on-Hudson
Former Jesuit Seminary
Hyde Park, New York
(now 2002 Culinary Institute of America)
Jesuit Cemetery
This Cemetery Appears to have roughly about 350 – 400 burials/stones.

This Cemetery is within a locked and gated area on the premises of the Culinary Institute of America,
the key may be obtained from the Safety Office upon giving the Officer the appropriate ID.

Cemetery appears to be no longer in use with the exception of the
Ryan Mausoleum contained within in it.  However, it appears to be well maintained.

Earliest Grave Noted on My Visit – September 1, 2002
Joannes Boy(?) S J Coad J Temp
Natus 24 Nov 1819
No Ingression Date
Obiit 19 July 1877

Latest Grave Noted September 1, 2002
Henricus J. Neill SJ Coad
Natus 5 Jun 1888
Ingression 24 Dec. 1931
Obiit 18 Jan 1967

The following is a list of inscriptions I copied September 1, 2002
These are all from stones in the Second Row as you enter from the Gate and are to the right of the center grassy area.

The Inscriptions in this Row were copied from each stone
Working from the Right Side of the Cemetery towards
The Center Grassy Area.

There will be three dates for each stone
Natus, Ingression, Obiit
These dates are
Birth, Date of Entry into the Society of Jesus, Death.

Definitions of Letters and words associated with these Transcriptions:
SJ  = Society of Jesus

Coad =  Coadjutor Brother
(a man who entered the Jesuits NOT to be
ordained but rather to be a worker in the community,
perhaps an electrician, a
farmer, a plumber, a cook, etc.)

Schol = seminarian in training to be a priest.
(It is probably a good
number of years before ordination)

It is possible that the many individuals
who died in the years between 1917 - 1919
died in the great flu epidemic.

As you will see it appears that the burials were consecutive as death occurred based on the dates of death (Obiit) on the stones.

P. Georgius A. Pettit SJ
15 Sep 1858 - 30 Jul 1880 - 27 Feb 1917(?)

Joannes Paffes SJ Coad
6 Jun 1830 - 29 Oct 1863 - 19 Aug 1917

P. Thomas Harlin SJ
31 Oct 1853 - 4 Sep 1878 - 14 Oct 1917

Mauritius Roach SJ Coad
7 Jan 1843 - 8 Sep 1867 - 16 Nov 1917

Mattaeus Devine SJ Coad
21 Sept 1841 - 29 Oct 1870 - 12 Dec 1917

John O Neil
27 Feb 1848 - 7 Dec 1872 - 20 Dec 1917

P. Joannes Scully SJ
23 Sep 1846 - 7 Sep 1872 - 26 Dec 1917

Ludovicus Kaiser SJ Coad
16 Jul 1836 - 27 Apr 1858 - 17 Jun 1918

Cornelius A. Schmitts SJ Schol
2 Feb 1899 - 7 Sep 1908 - 24 Jul 1918

P. Joannes F. ODonovan SJ
2 Jul 1864 - 26 Oct 1885 - 5 Aug 1918

P. Patrituis F. McCarthy SJ
2 Jan 1878 - 2 Aug 1898 - 1 Oct 1918

Thomas Hogue SJ Coad
21 Jul 1838 - 18 Mar 1861(?) - 6 Oct 1918

Josephus B. Clynn(?)
4 Jun 1883 - 20 Jun 1903 - 17 Oct 1918

Culielmus P. Brown SJ Schol
27 Jan 1892 - 7 Sep 1911 - 16 Oct 1918

Franciscus M. McEnnes(?) SJ Schol
24 Oct 1898 - 13 Aug 1910 - 26 Oct 1918

P. Joannes R.(?) Lehy(?)
7 Nov 1850 - 2 Sep 1874 - 26 Nov 1918

P. Thomas A. Reid SJ
21 July 1842 - 11 Sep 1870 - 21 Jan 1919

Joannes Sheerin SJ Coad J
1 Jun 1843 - 7 Sep 1870 - 16 Mar 1919

Miscellaneous Other Stones Copied
Sept. 1, 2002

P. Carolus J. Gallagher SJ
14 Jun 1895 - 30 Jul 1914 - 22 Mai 1962

P. Franciscus X. Curley SJ
14 July 1905 - 7 Sep 1925 - 8 Aug 1960

P. Johannes J. Quinn SJ
27 Dec 1908 - 3 Mar 1927 - 21 Apr 1957

Perhaps the most famous Jesuit buried here is
Father Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
For more information on the life and work of Father Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
the paleontologist, theologian, and author. He had been on an
expedition in China in the 1920s, and helped discover some of the early
fossils there. Probably his most famous book is the "Phenomenon of Man."

Rev. Frederick O'Brien, S.J.
Province Archivist
New York Province of the Society of Jesus
39 East 83rd Street
New York, NY 10028

At the Rear of the Cemetery on the Left is a Large RYAN

Thomas Fortune Ryan was a benefactor of the Jesuits.
The Ryan Burials in this Mausoleum were
originally  buried in (under) the chapel of St. Andrew's, but when
the building was sold, with most of the property, and the chapel would no
longer be used as a chapel, the mausoleum was built in the cemetery, to which
the Jesuits retained title. The bodies were then transferred there. Any burials in the
mausoleum after abt. 1970-72 were direct burials, as the property was sold at about that time.

These are the inscriptions I was able to copy by peering through the glass on the locked doors.
There were others I was not able to copy and there appears to be several empty Crypts
Which could be used for future entombments

Thomas F. Ryan Jr.
August 4, 1836 – Feb. 13, 1882

Mary Loretta Ryan
May 13, 1884 – Feb. 9, 1888

Basil Ryan
No Dates

Clendenin J. Ryan
Sept. 13, 1862 – Aug. 20, 1939

Allen A. Ryan
May 5, 1880 – Nov. 26, 1940

Caroline S. ONeil Ryan
Wife of Clendenen J. Ryan
Dec. 12, 1885 – June 8, 1946

Infant of Mrs. & Mrs. John A. Ryan
One Date – May 16, 1916

Richard Nelson Ryan
May 21, 1911 – Sept. 17, 1949

Nina Murphy Ryan
Beloved Wife of John Barry Ryan
June 22, 1874 – July 26, 1947

Ida Barry Ryan
Dec 21, 1854 – Oct 17, 1917

John Barry Ryan
Sept. 7, 1874 – Feb. 9, 1942

Clendenin J. Ryan
Oct. 7, 1939 – Nov. 26, 1978

Jean H. Shields
Wife of Clendenin J. Ryan
April 7, 1915 – May 21, 1991

Margaret Ryan
(Not Enough Light to Read Dates)

Dorothy H. Ryan
(Not Enough Light to Read Birth Date)
May ?, 1993

Our Lady of the Way Chapel
(Immediately off Route Nine - South Entrance CIA)

Corner Stone


There is a burial vault associated with this Chapel.
From what Ginny understands  Patrick Joseph Kenedy (P.J. Kenedy and Sons were New York publishers/printers of Catholic Bibles and literature) was the finanacial sponsor of the Our Lady of The Way Chapel when the Jesuits owned the now CIA site and in exchange his family was given the exclusive use of the crypt/ mauseleum which is underneath and behind the chapel where he and members of his family are entombed.

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Ginny's Pleasant Valley Tombstone Inscriptions are linked on my
Dutchess County American Local History Network Pleasant Valley Pages
Ginny's ALHN Pages-Pleasant Valley, Dutchess County, NY

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