Ollan - 12/18/00 04:49:15
My URL:http://napop.bwh.harvard.edu/rf.htm
Merry Christmas everybody!!!!
Great site!
Matthew Oņa - 12/02/00 03:53:19
My Email:Matthew_Ona@lycos.com
Hi! I'm Matthew Oņa. I'm from Calamba, I'm just wondering if were related since my father was born in Batangas and he is an Oņa (not an Ona) . hope you can respond to my inquiry
Joby Belmonte - 05/24/00 22:10:28
My Email:boss@pworld.net.ph
great website!!! wish i could do something like this on my free time (which i don't have at all...hahaha). congrats!!! and more power!!!
11/10/99 02:14:46
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Website de Nice. Agradecimentos para deixar-me assinar seu guestbook
Lou Trajano - 10/11/99 18:10:42
My Email:lou.trajano@breckschool.org
What a great page. I'm not sure if you remember me from last year. It's been about 2 years since your father gave Laura and me a memorable tour of San Jose. It's been nearly a year since Laura and I left the Philippines to return to Minnesota. Anyhow,
I came across your page via the Ruperto Branch page. Very cool. All is well in Minnesota. Lots of fond memories are always at the forefront of my thinking these days. Hope all is well. I look forward to seeing the page progress. Greetings to your fa
your cousin, Lou
cocok m. riosa - 09/13/99 09:51:50
My Email:cocok@chickmail.com
grabe!! ang galing naman. pero pa-cute ka talaga trixine. wala akong masabi...you're like me...siyempre you're my friend....birds of the same feather flock together.
Peetol Aguila Ong Ante - 03/25/99 23:40:41
My URL:/Heartland/meadows/7448
My Email:peetol@mozcom.com
Ala ey, kumusta na kayo diyan?
Peetol Aguila Ong Ante - 03/25/99 23:40:12
My Email:peetol@mozcom.com
Ala ey, kumusta na kayo diyan?
10/02/98 11:12:47
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.