this page is dedicated to my mother
for making, not only christmas, but every day of the year magical...
i love you, mom
Christmas has always been a very special time of year around our home and it was all because of Mom. Dad was Scrooge himself so all of our Christmas spirit was caught from the generous amounts of it that seemed to surround Mom that time of year like a whirlwind. Two months before December she was already Christmas shopping and singing carols. The day after Thanksgiving she made Dad put up the tree. She would get the three of us kids in a Christmas frenzy and it was always such a magical time!
This page, representing my Mom's favorite holiday, is a way to thank her for all she has done for me in my life. I know that things aren't the same between us anymore, but I want her to know that I still love her and the magic of our Christmas' past will stay with me always as one of my favorite memories. Thanks, Mom, for making everything so special and for always being my friend. I love you.
Site Created: Nov 1997
Site Updated: Mar 2004© Shanna